• 제목/요약/키워드: The International Convergence Management Association

검색결과 279건 처리시간 0.02초

KCI Candidate Review Assessment and internationalization strategy by JEMM(The Journal of Economics, Marketing, and Management) of The International Convergence Management Association

  • Kim, Taejoong
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.40-42
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to review and analyze JEMM(The Journal of Economics, Marketing, and Management) of ICMA(The International Convergence Management Association) and all of published articles of 2013 to 2016 and to revise and update the existing publication strategies in order to improve the internationalization and reputation of JEMM. JEMM of ICMA is a new academic journal of Korea Distribution Science Association(KODISA). It is still in its early stage as it is founded in 2013 as an academic journal to increase an recognition through KCI Candidate application under National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF). It endeavors its efforts to be recognized as a reputable international journal. This study was conducted to confirm the current status of JEMM in the current standards and to establish a strategic process to complement the deficiencies and achieve the goals. JEMM of ICMA has three distinguished features of online submission and review system, only English-based papering, reviewing by anonymous refrees. JEMM of ICMA continuously revised and updated its publication standards and practices and adopted technological support systems to enable its journals to remain independent and open access in order to ultimately become one of the most international journals.

특허 마이닝을 이용한 국방관련 국제특허분류 개선 방안 연구 (A Study on the Improvement of the Defense-related International Patent Classification using Patent Mining)

  • 김경수;조남욱
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: As most defense technologies are classified as confidential, the corresponding International Patent Classifications (IPCs) require special attention. Consequently, the list of defense-related IPCs has been managed by the government. This paper aims to evaluate the defense-related IPCs and propose a methodology to revalidate and improve the IPC classification scheme. Methods: The patents in military technology and their corresponding IPCs during 2009~2020 were utilized in this paper. Prior to the analysis, patents are divided into private and public sectors. Social network analysis was used to analyze the convergence structure and central defense technology, and association rule mining analysis was used to analyze the convergence pattern. Results: While the public sector was highly cohesive, the private sector was characterized by easy convergence between technologies. In addition, narrow convergence was observed in the public sector, and wide convergence was observed in the private sector. As a result of analyzing the core technologies of defense technology, defense-related IPC candidates were identified. Conclusion: This paper presents a comprehensive perspective on the structure of convergence of defense technology and the pattern of convergence. It is also significant because it proposed a method for revising defense-related IPCs. The results of this study are expected to be used as guidelines for preparing amendments to the government's defense-related IPC.

Case study on Management Strategies of Korean Satellite- DMB Companies: Treasure Island Strategy of Entertainment and Movie Contents:

  • Kim, Seung-Wook;Kim, Kee-Hong
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2008
  • The best value proposition for the customers of satellite-DMB (hereinafter referred to as the "S-DMB") business in an environment of fierce competition shall be securing the best killer contents and distribute them in reasonable price as a mobile contents platform provider. In an era of merging the broadcasting with the communication, although many new players tapping into the market with state-of-the-art media such as digital convergence, the key to success in the market is dependent on whether the respective digital contents providers retain competitive digital contents which suit the taste of customers. Considering such market conditions, the purpose of this study is to look over the management examples of Korean S-DMB providers which is carrying out business in digital multi-media market and opening up the market, and to analyze the management strategies of domestic S-DMB companies to be the champion in the market.

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The Effect of Discount and Promotion towards Customer Purchase Intention in Online Shop

    • 웰빙융합연구
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2020
  • Indonesia is currently intensifying its level of awareness of the importance of starting a business as an entrepreneur. How to respond to technological developments to help support the growth of a start-up entrepreneur. Usually before buying a product, customers always think of many factors that can influence their buying decisions in online shopping. The two factors that most influencing are, Discounts and Promotions, which can greatly determine people's purchase intention, before finally buying the product. The researcher begin research with the aim to understand whether these 2 factors are factors that really affect someone's buying interest before doing online shopping. For this study, information and data collected by the survey by using means of questionnaires. And it standard measurements using a 5-point Likert scale, and processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. In this study, it has been found that indeed these two factors, Discounts and Promotions, are both influential in encouraging someone's purchase intention in conducting online shopping transactions. We found that both factors are significant and influence each other. The results of this study expected to help broaden the horizons of buyers and sellers about the benefits of discounts and promotions in online shopping.

A Research of the Logistics Legal System in China-Korea FTA

  • Zhang, Fan;Su, Shuai
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - This paper mainly studied the role of the logistics legal system in promoting international transport logistics, building marine economy international cooperation demonstration zone and deepening the economic and financial cooperation etc between China and Korea. Research design, data, and methodology - The study conducted a survey on China and Korea's 2012-2017 years data. After empirically analyzing the data, we believe that cultural industry in Korea and China will maintain its growth momentum. Results - This study explored the way to establish an integrated logistics system between China and Korea to match the e-commerce certification system, online payment system and logistic distribution, thereby gradually promoting economic development and logistics integration in Asia. Conclusions- China-Korea FTA can encourage private flow to take on enterprises. In terms of improving logistics efficiency, reducing logistics costs and establishing a unified logistics industry standardization system. This will accelerate logistics industry integration in Northeast Asia, build a unified logistics management center in Northeast Asia, and promote a new model of integrated logistics cooperation in Northeast Asia. Therefore, it has a practical and reference significance.

Theorizing Length of Relationship as Moderator of Key Account Management Performance- Repeat Order Link

  • Ahmmed, Kawsar;Mohd, Nor Azila
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2014
  • In today's highly competitive and fast changing business environment, key account management-a supplier company initiated relationship marketing approach targeted at the most important customers to solve their complex requirements with special treatment that eventually ensures both parties' financial and nonfinancial objectives- has regarded as a strategic weapon of many companies' sales efforts to manage their strategically important customers. On the basis of the existing studies, this research introduces a theoretical model highlighting the hypothetical relationship between key account management performance and repeat order. In addition, moderating effect of length of relationship on the relationship between key account management performance and repeat order is also introduced. We theorize the conditions under which key account management performance influences key customer repeat order behavior as well as the influence of moderating variable of length of relationship on key account management performance-repeat order relationship. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided along with suggestions to isolate a platform for future empirical research.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Wel-Tech-based Motion Analyzer

  • Young-Hee RO;Hye-Min KIL;Hyun-Soo LEE;Hyun-Jin LEE;Yeon-Ah KIM;Chung-Man GUK
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: TIn an aging society, maintaining the physical and mental health of middle-aged and older adults and enhancing their quality of life have become significant social challenges. This study aimed to explore the effectiveness, limitations, and areas for improvement of AI-based motion analyzers by providing a personalized exercise program to 21 individuals aged 50 and above who utilized the OO Comprehensive Social Welfare Center. Research design, data and methodology: Over six months, participants engaged in personalized exercise programs designed by the motion analyzer, and their results were analyzed. Results: The analysis revealed that AI-based motion analyzers hold promising potential as effective tools for improving the health of middle-aged and older adults. Conclusions: By collecting and quantitatively analyzing participants' exercise performance data in real time, motion analyzers were confirmed to possess practical potential for active application in health management and rehabilitation therapy processes.

특허 마이닝을 이용한 국방과학기술 연결망 연구 (A Study on Networks of Defense Science and Technology using Patent Mining)

  • 김경수;조남욱
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the technology convergence and its characteristics, focusing on the defense technologies in South Korea. Methods: Patents applied by the Agency for Defense Development (ADD) during 1979~2019 were utilized in this paper. Information Entropy analysis has been conducted on the patents to analyze the usability and potential for development. To analyze the trend of technology convergence in defense technologies, Social Network Analysis(SNA) and Association Rule Mining Analysis were applied to the co-occurrence networks of International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. Results: The results show that sensor, communication, and aviation technologies played a key role in recent development of defense science and technology. The co-occurrence network analysis also showed that the convergence has gradually enhanced over time, and the convergence between different technology sectors largely emerged, showing that the convergence has been diversified. Conclusion: By analyzing the patents of the defense technologies during the last 30 years, this study presents the comprehensive perspectives on trends and characteristics of technology convergence in defense industry. The results of this study are expected to be used as a guideline for decision making in the government's R&D policies in defence industry.

A Study on Conversion of Seongnam Dandae Traditional Market into Wedding Market

  • Choi, Young-Gyu;Baek, Oun-Bae;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.6-17
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    • 2014
  • In 2014, Seongnam municipal government announced Sanseongro Commercial Area Revitalization including Dandae traditional market with active support of Seongnam municipal government. This study investigated conversion of Dandae market into specialized market to overcome economic stagnation and to make success case of wedding market. The study suggested supplementation of current problems as well as incidental businesses. The study gave SWOT analysis and management reformation to make success case of specialized market and to suggest win-win strategies and development plans to produce wedding market.

Smart phone Buying Behaviour Among Youth in the Emerging Economies: A Study Conducted in India

  • Nair, Vinith Kumar;George, Babu P
    • 융합경영연구
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2016
  • The second decade of the current century has witnessed a sharp rise in the total number of mobile users across the globe. Mobile device ownership rather defines our daily lives and even identities. India has emerged to become one of the largest markets for smartphones. India is an emerging economy with a lot of uniqueness: particularly, it has one of the most tech literate young consumers in the world and that its cultural fabric is extremely collective. This study looks into some issues related to the proliferation of smartphones among the Indian youth.