• Title/Summary/Keyword: The High Land Use

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Detection of Urban Expansion and Surface Temperature Change using Landsat Satellite Imagery (Landsat 위성영상을 이용한 도시확장 및 지표온도 변화 탐지)

  • Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2005
  • It is very important to detect land cover/land use change from the past and to use it for future urban plan. This paper investigated the application of Landsat satellite imagery for detecting urban growth and assessing its impact on surface temperature in the region. Land cover/land use change detection was carried out by using 30m resolution Landsat satellite images and hierarchial approach was introduced to detect more detail change on the changing area through high resolution aerial photos. Also, surface temperature according to land cover/land use was calculated from Landsat TM thermal infrared data and compared with real temperature to analyze the relationship between urban expansion and surface temperature. As a result, the urban expansion has raised surface radiant temperature in the urbanized area. The method using remote sensing data based on GIS was found to be effective in monitoring and analysing urban growth and in evaluating urbanization impact on surface temperature.

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Random Walk Simulation of Atmospheric Dispersion on Surface Urbanization over Complex Terrain (복잡지형에서 도시화에 따른 대기오염 확산에 관한 시뮬레이션)

  • 이순환;이화운;김유근
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.67-83
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    • 2002
  • The coupled model (SMART) of dynamic meteorology model and particle dispersion model was developed. The numerical experiment on the relationship between change of land use and diffusion behavior in complex terrain was carried out using this model. It tried to investigate the change of particle diffusion behavior and local weather under the condition in which land-land breeze and sea breeze and mountain breeze intermingled. The numerical experiment results are as follows; 1) The more complicated local circulation field of the interaction of sea breeze, mountain breeze and Land -land breeze is formed. Then, the region circulation in which the urbanization is specific by location of the region is strengthened and is weakened. 2) Though in the region with dominant sea breeze, Land-land breeze does not appear directly, the progress of the sea wind to the inland is affected. 3) In the prediction of the air diffusion, emission high quality and accurate information of the emission site are important. That is to say, the dispersion predicting result which emission high quality and small error of the site perfectly vary for Land - land breeze in the effect may be brought about.

A Study on Characteristics of Urban Landscape using Digital Elevation Model and Land Use Data -The Case of Chunchon City- (수치표고모델과 토지이용 데이터를 이용한 광역 도시경관의 특성에 관한 연구 -강원도 춘천시를 사례로-)

  • 한갑수
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1025-1032
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the urban landscape by CG(Computer Graphic) pictures and visibility analysis. In this study, the CG picture was created by using zoning data and DEM(Digital Elevation Model) on Chunchon city. The landscape type was classified into three by cluster analysis using the area rate of the element which constitutes CG picture. Visible analysis used DEM as fundamental data, and was performed by using GIS(Geographic Information System). And the frequency seen on viewshed was classified into five grades. The result of this study are as follows: 1. The area rate of the element which constitutes CG picture was high development restriction zone(43%) in type 1, green land area(39%) in type 2, and city area(24%) in type 3. 2. In the analysis results of GIS visibility analysis, it turns out that Euiam lake is important area on the landscape in all types. 3. The land use of high frequency seen on viewshed was water area, residential area in type 1, development restriction area, park area in type 2, and development restriction zone, water area in type 3.

Spatial Distribution of Epilithic Diatom Communities in the Estuary of Korean Peninsula (한반도 하구역 부착돌말류의 공간적 분포)

  • Kim, Ha-Kyung;Cho, In-Hwan;Kim, Young-Hyo;Lee, Min-Hyuk;Kim, Yong-Jae;Won, Du-Hee;Hwang, Su-Ok;Byun, Jung-Hwan;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Kim, Baik-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2018
  • With land-use (cover) and water quality, the distributional characteristics of epilithic diatom communities were studied with 193 samples from estuaries of Korean peninsula between 2015 and 2016. Of total 394 taxa classified, Nitzschia perminuta (19.6%) and N. inconspicua (14.0%) were the 1st and 2nd dominant species. Using a cluster analysis, the epilithic diatom communities of Korean estuaries were divided into four groups (G1-G4). Ecological characteristics of each group were followed: G1 was located in estuaries of the East Sea, and characterized by high forest land-use and high DO and low nutrients; G2 was the eastern part of the South Sea, and characterized by low turbidity and nutrients; G3 was the western part of the South Sea, and characterized by high agriculture, low electric conductivity and low salinity; G4 was the Yellow Sea, and characterized by high nutrients. The environmental factors having significant correlation with diatom distributions were as follows: TN to G1, turbidity to G2, agriculture to G3, and TP to G4. Moreover, the important factors affecting the occurrence of indicator species were forest land-use for Fragilaria construens var. venter in G1, turbidity for Rhoicosphenia abbreviata in G2, urban land- use and total phosphorus (TP) for Bacillaria paradoxa and Hantzschia amphioxys of G3, and TP and turbidity for N. ovalis and Stephanodiscus invistatus of G4. These results collectively indicate that the distribution of epilithic diatom communities in Korean peninsula was largely effected by water quality and land cover/use.

Assessing the Impact of Sampling Intensity on Land Use and Land Cover Estimation Using High-Resolution Aerial Images and Deep Learning Algorithms (고해상도 항공 영상과 딥러닝 알고리즘을 이용한 표본강도에 따른 토지이용 및 토지피복 면적 추정)

  • Yong-Kyu Lee;Woo-Dam Sim;Jung-Soo Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.3
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    • pp.267-279
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    • 2023
  • This research assessed the feasibility of using high-resolution aerial images and deep learning algorithms for estimating the land-use and land-cover areas at the Approach 3 level, as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The results from different sampling densities of high-resolution (51 cm) aerial images were compared with the land-cover map, provided by the Ministry of Environment, and analyzed to estimate the accuracy of the land-use and land-cover areas. Transfer learning was applied to the VGG16 architecture for the deep learning model, and sampling densities of 4 × 4 km, 2 × 4 km, 2 × 2 km, 1 × 2 km, 1 × 1 km, 500 × 500 m, and 250 × 250 m were used for estimating and evaluating the areas. The overall accuracy and kappa coefficient of the deep learning model were 91.1% and 88.8%, respectively. The F-scores, except for the pasture category, were >90% for all categories, indicating superior accuracy of the model. Chi-square tests of the sampling densities showed no significant difference in the area ratios of the land-cover map provided by the Ministry of Environment among all sampling densities except for 4 × 4 km at a significance level of p = 0.1. As the sampling density increased, the standard error and relative efficiency decreased. The relative standard error decreased to ≤15% for all land-cover categories at 1 × 1 km sampling density. These results indicated that a sampling density more detailed than 1 x 1 km is appropriate for estimating land-cover area at the local level.

Prediction of Land-cover Changes and Analysis of Paddy Fields Changes Based on Climate Change Scenario (A1B) in Agricultural Reservoir Watersheds (기후변화 시나리오 (A1B)에 따른 농업용 저수지 유역의 미래 토지피복변화 예측 및 논 면적 변화 특성 분석)

  • Oh, Yun-Gyeong;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Park, Na-Young;Choi, Jin-Yong;Yun, Dong-Koun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2012
  • This study was aim to predict future land-cover changes and to analyze regional land-cover changes in irrigation areas and agricultural reservoir watersheds under climate change scenario. To simulate the future land-cover under climate change scenario - A1B of the SRES (Special Report on Emissions Scenarios), Dyna-CLUE (Conversion of Land Use Change and its Effects) was applied for modeling of competition among land-use types in relation to socioeconomic and biophysical driving factors. For the study areas, 8 agricultural reservoirs were selected from 8 different provinces covering all around nation. The simulation results from 2010 to 2100 suggested future land-cover changes under the scenario conditions. For Madun reservoir in Gyeonggi-do, total decrease amount of paddy area was a similar amount of 'Base demand scenario' of Water Vision 2020 published by MLTMA (Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs), while the decrease amounts of paddy areas in other sites were less than the amount of 'High demand scenario' of Water Vision 2020. Under A1B scenario, all the land-cover results showed only slight changes in irrigation areas of agricultural reservoirs and most of agricultural reservoir watersheds will be increased continuously for forest areas. This approach could be useful for evaluating and simulating agricultural water demand in relation to land-use changes.

Genesis of a Vertical City in Hong Kong

  • Lau, Stephen S.Y.;Zhang, Qianning
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2015
  • A vertical city with multifunctional land use turns out to be the most viable solution for an urban condition characterized by increasing density due to population expansion, topographical limitation of buildable land, economic development and the pursuit for collective sustainable living, such as in Hong Kong. This paper presents initial research results from a study on the chronological and typological evolution of tall buildings in the city, from the climate-responsive verandah typology to the mixed-use hyper-commercial podium and residential tower typologies that predominate today, to the ultimate formation of a vertical city. Case studies and surveys have focused on the development of this building typology throughout the decades since the 1920s, substantiating a discussion on the subjective and objective factors contributing to a genesis of the vertical city phenomenon in Hong Kong. The discussion will engage, under the notion of the vertical city, on how residents and visitors adapt to the growing density of the city, and how they accustom themselves to the changing urban morphology over time. Advantages such as high efficiency, spaces savings, time convenience, etc.; and disadvantages such as deficiency in livability, incompatibility of uses, environmental health deficiencies, etc.; serve as a reference for other cities in need of high-density planning due to population and economic growth.

Estimating Optimal Potential Surface for Spatial Expansion of Built-up Area by Formulating WSM-AHP Method (WSM-AHP법의 정식화를 통한 주거지 확산 지역의 최적 잠재력 표면의 추정)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2008
  • This study developed the WSM (weighted scenario method)-AHP method that can optimize the weighting value for multi-criteria to make GIS grid-based potential surface. The potential surface has been used to simulate urban expansion using distributed cellular automata model and to generate land-use planning as basic data. This study formulated the WSM-AHP method in mathematically and applied to test region, Suwon city, which located on south area from Seoul. WSM-AHP method generates potential map for each pair of weighting value for all criteria, which one criterion is weighted with high weighting value and the others use low weighting value, considering that the summation for all criteria weighting values should be "1". The potential change rate to the step of weighted scenario for weighting value of criteria is standardized like AHP intensity matrix in this study. From the standard potential change rate, WSM-AHP intensity matrix is completed, and then the optimal weighting value is calculated from the maximum eigenvector of the WSM-AHP matrix, according to the new WSM-AHP method developed in this study. The applied results of new method showed that the optimal weighting value from WSM-AHP is more resonable than the general AHP specialists' evaluation for weighting value. The another new finding of this study is to suggest the deterministic approach to optimize the weighting value for the distributed CA model, which is used to find new city area and to generate rational land-use planning.

L-THIA/NPS to Assess the Impacts of Urbanization on Estimated Runoff and NPS Pollution (도시화에 따른 유출과 비점원 오염 영향을 평가하기 위한 L-THIA/NPS)

  • Kyoung-Jae Lim;Bernard A. Engel;Young-Sug Kim;Joong-Dae Choi;Ki-Sung Kim
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2003
  • The land use changes from non-urban areas to urban areas lead to the increased impervious areas, consequently increased direct runoff and higher peak runoff. Urban areas have also been recognized as significant sources of Nonpoint Source (NPS) pollution, while agricultural activities have been known as the primary sources of NPS pollution. Many features of the L-THIA/NPS GIS, L-THIA/NPS WWW system have been enhanced to provide easy-to-use system. The L-THIA model was applied to the Little Eagle Creek (LEC) watershed in Indiana to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The L-THIA/NPS GIS estimated yearly direct runoff values match the direct runoff separated from U.S. Geological Survey stream flow data reasonably. The $R^2$ and Nash-Sutcliffe values are 0.67 and 0.60, respectively. The L-THIA estimated runoff volume and total nitrogen loading for each land use classification in the LEC watershed were computed. The estimated runoff volume and total nitrogen loading in the LEC watershed increased by 180% and 270% for the 20 years. Urbanized areas -"Commercial", "High Density Residential", and "Low Density Residential"- of the LEC watershed made up around 68% of the 1991 total land areas, however contributed more than 92% of average annual runoff and 86% of total nitrogen loading. Therefore, it is essential to consider the impacts of land use change on hydrology and water quality in land use planning of urbanizing watershed.nning of urbanizing watershed.

The Comparison of Visual Interpretation & Digital Classification of SPOT Satellite Image

  • Lee, Kyoo-Seock;Lee, In-Soo;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.433-438
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    • 1999
  • The land use type of Korea is high-density. So, the image classification using coarse resolution satellite image may not provide land cover classification results as good as expected. The purpose of this paper is to compare the result of visual interpretation with that of digital image classification of 20 m resolution SPOT satellite image at Kwangju-eup, Kyunggi-do, Korea. Classes are forest, cultivated field, pasture, water and residential area, which are clearly discriminated in visual interpretation. Maximum likelihood classifier was used for digital image classification. Accuracy assessment was done by comparing each classification result with ground truth data obtained from field checking. The classification result from the visual interpretation presented an total accuracy 9.23 percent higher than that of the digital image classification. This proves the importance of visual interpretation for the area with high density land use like the study site in Korea.

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