• Title/Summary/Keyword: Test-area method

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  • 이자형
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 1973
  • The goal of modern nursing is to provide comprehensive nursing care to patients. If comprehensive nursing care to children (within the hospital setting) is to be provided, consideration of the stage of growth and development of the child is especially important. From clinical observation, it appeared that nurses often disregarded individual requirements of children in giving nursing care. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to show that comprehensive nursing care which is based on an understanding of the growth and development of the child contributes to both the child and the mother's adaptability to the child's hospitalization. Method: Sixty children, three to three year of age, hospitalized at the Yonsei University Pediatric Ward ware studied. From April 1, 1973 to May 5, 1973, children admitted to the hospital were assigned to either an experimental or a compare groups. There were 30 children in each group. The sex and age of the children in each group was similar. In both groups were more male than female children. In the experimental group, each mother stayed with hot child continuously during his hospitalization. In the compare groups, the mother or some other member of the family stayed with the child. Each day on the child's admission the investigator visited the ward from 1-2 P.M. to 9-10 P.M., in order to provide comprehensive care for the experimental -group. The assistance given the nurses by the investigator was in the form of conferences regarding care and in giving direct care to the child and his mother. The compare group of children received nursing care as usually provided by the hospital. The instruments used to obtain the data for analysis were as follows: 1. The fear and anxiety reaction of the child was recorded by observation of the investigator for four areas: 1) separation from parent and relatives 2) reaction to Doctor and Nurse with white gowns 3) reaction to nursing care 4) reaction to injection and tests, etc. 2. Regression in area of eating, sleeping, and elimination were recorded by the investigator by questioning the mother and by observation. 3. Adaptability to the hospitalization was recorded by direct questioning of the children for areas of emotional and social adjustment. For children older than 3 years of age or children not seriously ill, using the simple I. Q. test this was possible for only 35 of the total 60 children. Result: 1. 55 percents of the total 60 children had been prepared by their parents for hospitalization. The children who had received prior preparation accepted hospitalization more readily than those who had received no preparation. (χ²=4.6 Ρ<0.05) 2. On admission 31.7 percent of the children expressed verbal fear of their discase or treatment. 25 percent felt that the disease was due to their mistake. 3. There was a significant difference in the reaction of the child to separation from the parent or relatives between the two groups. The experimental groups showed less anxiety due to separation than the compare group. (χ²=4.34 Ρ<0.05) In both groups there was less anxiety due to separation among school age (6-12 years) children than among preschool age (3-5 years) children. (χ²=9.22 Ρ<0.05) 4. More than half of the children in both groups reacted with fear and avoidance to doctor and/or nurses wearing white gowns. (χ²=0.06 Ρ<0.05) 5. The experimental group reacted more favorably to nursing in general than the compare group. (χ²=4.8 Ρ<0.05) 6. There was no difference in the fear and refused reaction to special tests and/or such as X-rays and injections, etc. between the groups. (χ²=3.77 Ρ<0.05) 7. More children in the compare group showed regressive tendencies in eating, sleeping, and elimination habits than in experimental groups. (χ²=2.3 Ρ<0.05 χ²=3.88 Ρ<0.05 χ²=4.9 Ρ<0.05) 8. There was a significant difference in the adaptability to hospitalization between the two groups. The experimental groups adapted more readily. (χ²=2.02 Ρ<0.05) 9. For children who had higher I.Q. s the adaptability to hospitalization was better regardless of the group. (χ²=5.03 Ρ<0.05) However, because of the small number of cases (60), this finding cannot be extrapolated without further verification. The date demonstrates that there was a greater adaptability to hospitalization by the child when comprehensive nursing care was given. By planning care and applying knowledge of growth and development to meet, nurses are in a position to prevent some of the psychological trauma associated with hospitalization.

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The Determinants of Health Promoting Behavior of Industrial Workers (산업장 근로자의 건강증진행위와 자아개념 및 건강의 중요성 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chung Nam
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 1998
  • This descriptive-correlational study was conducted to identify the major factors affecting health promoting behaviors. 344 workers who employed in four different manutacturing plants in Taegu and Kyungbuk area were selected by convenience sampling method. Data were collected from April let to April 18th, 1998 by ready structured questionaires. The purpose of this study was to offer the basic data for health promotion theory development and health promotion strategy planning. This study was based on Pender's Health Promotion Model and examined three variables health promoting behavior, self-concept and perceived importance of health. The Life Style and Health Habit Assessment scale(LHHA) developed by Pender(1982).The Self-concept scale developed by Choi(1972) and the Health Value scale developed by Wallston, Maides and Wallston(1980) were used for this study. Data was analyzed by percentage, mean. t-test. ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The major findings of this study are as follows ; 1. The average level of health promoting behavior practice was 63.2% and possible range was from 62 to 248 point. The mean score of respondent's positive self-concept was 75.8. 81.4% of respondents put a high priority on the importance of health. 2. There was a significant difference between the practice level in the category of general self care and less amount of working hours per day(P=0.000), less amount of working hours per week(P=0.000). There was a significant difference between the practice level in the category of nutrition and age(0.002), marital status(0.000), working hour per day(0.008), working hours per week(0.001), There was a significant difference between the practice level in the category of nutriton and sex(0.000), age(0.000), marital status(0.025), education level(0.000), working hours per day(0.002), working hours per week(0.006). There was a significant difference between the practice level in the category of sleep and rest and age(0.003), marital status(0.002), working hours per day(0.001), working hours per week(0.001). There was a significant difference between the practice level in the category of stress management and working hours per day(0.001), working hours per week(0.002). There was a significant difference between the practice level in the category of self-actualization and working hours per day(0.050). 3. General characteristics influencing the respodent's self-concept were level(P=0.009) and worksite(P=0.001). 4. The results of the hypothesis tests are as follows The first hypothesis, that "The respondent who have more positive self-concept will have higher scores in the practice of health promoting behavior." was supported(r=0.2973, P=0.0001). The second hypothesis that "The respondent who have higher perception level on importance of health will have higher scores in the practice health promoting behavior." was rejected(r=- 0665, P=0.2225). 5. The most important factor that affects health promoting behavior practice was working hours per week(6.0%). The combination of working hours per week, age, education level accounted for 10.0% of the variance in health promoting behavior. In conclusion, the results of this study on industrial workers supported Pender's health promotion model in partial and showed the relatedness between self concept and the practice of health promoting behavior. Further research is required to find factors influencing health promoting behaviors of industrial workers.

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Implementation of Markerless Augmented Reality with Deformable Object Simulation (변형물체 시뮬레이션을 활용한 비 마커기반 증강현실 시스템 구현)

  • Sung, Nak-Jun;Choi, Yoo-Joo;Hong, Min
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2016
  • Recently many researches have been focused on the use of the markerless augmented reality system using face, foot, and hand of user's body to alleviate many disadvantages of the marker based augmented reality system. In addition, most existing augmented reality systems have been utilized rigid objects since they just desire to insert and to basic interaction with virtual object in the augmented reality system. In this paper, unlike restricted marker based augmented reality system with rigid objects that is based in display, we designed and implemented the markerless augmented reality system using deformable objects to apply various fields for interactive situations with a user. Generally, deformable objects can be implemented with mass-spring modeling and the finite element modeling. Mass-spring model can provide a real time simulation and finite element model can achieve more accurate simulation result in physical and mathematical view. In this paper, the proposed markerless augmented reality system utilize the mass-spring model using tetraheadron structure to provide real-time simulation result. To provide plausible simulated interaction result with deformable objects, the proposed method detects and tracks users hand with Kinect SDK and calculates the external force which is applied to the object on hand based on the position change of hand. Based on these force, 4th order Runge-Kutta Integration is applied to compute the next position of the deformable object. In addition, to prevent the generation of excessive external force by hand movement that can provide the natural behavior of deformable object, we set up the threshold value and applied this value when the hand movement is over this threshold. Each experimental test has been repeated 5 times and we analyzed the experimental result based on the computational cost of simulation. We believe that the proposed markerless augmented reality system with deformable objects can overcome the weakness of traditional marker based augmented reality system with rigid object that are not suitable to apply to other various fields including healthcare and education area.

The Profile of Milling Plants in Korea (우리나라 양곡가공공장의 현황분석)

  • 정창주;금동혁;강화석
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 1978
  • This study was conducted to obtain a basic information necessary to assess present rice milling technology in Korea The profiles for milling plants was analyzed by survey work.For the private custom-work mills, which process about 80 percent of domestic rice consumption ,their actual milling test for the identical samples as used for filed mills was conducted. Two rice varieties Japonica and Tongil-type were associated with the experiments. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Analyses for private custom-work mills showed their general aspects as; about 91 percent of the mills belonged to an individual owner ship ; more than 93 percent of the mills was established earlier than 1950 ; about 80 percent of the mills was powered with electric motor; mills having less than two employees were about 75 percent; about 45 percent of the mills provided for warehouse in storing customers cereal grains. 2. The polishers installed in 1,255mills within the surveyed area (7 counties) have been supplied by 44 different domestic manufacturers ;in but about 60 percent of which was supplied by 6major manufacturers. The polishers could be classified into two categories in terms of principles of their polishing actions ;jet-pearler and friction types. About 51 percent of the mills was equipped with the former which has been recognized as giving greater milling recovery than the friction types. 3. Reason for owners of private mills to supplement new machines was due mainly to pgrading their mills to meet the requirements that established by the Government. However, about 60 percent of the mill owners intended to replace with new pearler by their own needs to meet with new high yielding varieties. 4. Processing systems of each previate rice mills surveyed could be classified into three categories, depending upon whether the systems posessed such components as precleaner and paddy separator or not. Only 36.7 percent of mills was installed with both precleanr ad paddy seperrator, 5.0 percent of mills did have neither percleaner nor paddy seperator, and rest of them equipped only one of the two. Hence,it is needed for about 63% of rice miils to be supplemented with these basic facilities to meet with the requirements for the standaized system. 5. Actual milling capacity measured at each field rice mills was shown a wide variation, having range from about 190 to 1,210 kg/hr. The percentages of mills classified according to daily milling capacity based on this hourly capacity were 24.3% for the capacity less than 3 M/T a day; 20.0% for 3-4 M/T; 15.6% for 4-5 M/T; 6.7% for 5-6 M/T; 22.3% for 6-7 M/T; and 11.0% for more than 7 M/T a day. 6. Actual amount of rice processed was about 310 M/T a year in average. About 42% of total milled rice was processed during October to Decembear, which formed a peak demand period for rice mills. The amount of rice milled during January to May was relatively small, but it had still a large amount compared to that during June to September. 7. Utilization rate of milling facility, i. e., percentage of the actual amount of milled rice to the capacity of rice mills, was about 18% on the year round average, about 41% in the peak demand season, and about 10% during June to September. Average number of operating days for mills surveyed was about 250 days a year, and about 21 days a month. 8. Moisture contents of paddy at the time of field mill tests were ranged 14.5% to 19.5% for both Japonica and Tong-i] varieties, majority of paddy grains having moisture level much higher than 1530. To aviod potential reduction of milling recovery while milling and deterioration of milled rice while storage due to these high grain mJisture contents, it may be very important for farmers holding rice to dry by an artificial drying method. 9. Milling recovery of JapJnica varieties in rice mills was 75.0% in average and it was widely ranged from 69.0% to 78.0 % according to mills. Potential increase in milJing recovery of Japonica variety with improvement of mill facilities was estimated to about 1.9%. On the other hand, milling recovery of Tong-il varieties in the field mill tests was 69.8% in average and it ranged from 62% to 77 %, which is much wider than that of Japonica varieties. It is noticed that the average milling recovery of Tong-il variety of 69.8% was much less than that of the Japonica-type. It was estimated th3.t up to about 5.0% of milling recovery for Tong-il variety could be improved by improving the present lo'.ver graded milling technology. 10. Head rice recoveries, as a factor of representing the quality of commercial goods, of Japonica and Tong-il varieties were 65.9% and 53.8% in average, and they were widely ranged from 52% to 73% and from 44% to 65% , respectively. It was assessed that head rice recovery of Japonica varieties can be improved up 3.3% and that of Tong-il varieties by 7.0% by improving mill components and systems.

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Mitigation Effect of Drought Stress by Plant Growth-promoting Bacterium Bacillus sp. SB19 on Kale Seedlings in Greenhouse (식물생장촉진 Bacillus sp. SB19 균주의 케일 처리에 대한 가뭄 스트레스 완화 효과)

  • Kim, Dayeon;Lee, Sang-Yeob;Kim, Jung-Jun;Han, Ji-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.833-847
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    • 2016
  • Drought stress is a major agricultural limitation to crop productivity worldwide, especially by which leafy vegetables, plant leaves eaten as vegetable, could be more lethal. The study was carried out to know the effect of drought tolerance plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) on water stress of kale seedlings. A total of 146 morphologically distinct bacterial colonies were isolated from bulk soil and rhizosphere soil of leafy vegetables and screened for plant growth promoting microbioassay in greenhouse. Out of them the isolate SB19 significantly promoted the growth of kale seedlings in increasement of about 42% of plant height (14.1 cm), 148% of leaf area ($19.0cm^2$) and 138% of shoot fresh weight (1662.5 mg) attained by the bacterially treated plants compared to distilled water treated control (9.9 cm, $7.7cm^2$, 698.8 mg). Shoot water content of SB19 treated kale seedlings (1393.8 mg) was also increased about 152% compared with control (552.5 mg). The SB19 isolated from bulk soil of kale plant in Iksan, Korea, was identified as species of Bacillus based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. We evaluated the effect of drought tolerance by the Bacillus sp. SB19 on kale seedlings at 7th and 14th days following the onset of the water stress and watering was only at 7th day in the middle of test. In the survey of 7th and 14th day, there were mitigation effect of drought stress in kale seedlings treated with $10^6$ and $10^7cell\;mL^{-1}$ of SB19 compared to distilled water treated control. Especially, there were more effective mitigation of drought damage in kale seedlings treated with $10^7cell\;mL^{-1}$ than $10^6cell\;mL^{-1}$. Further, although drought injury of bacterially treated kale seedlings were not improved at 14th day compared with 7th day, drought injury of $10^7cell\;mL^{-1}$ of SB19 treated kale seedlings were not happen rapidly but developed over a longer period of time than $10^6cell\;mL^{-1}$ of SB19 or control. The diffidence of results might be caused by the concentration of bacterial suspension. This study suggests that beneficial plant-microbe interaction could be a important role of enhancement of water availability and also provide a good method for improving quality of leafy vegetables under water stress conditions.

A Study on Cognition about 119 Rescue·First Aid Team - Gwangju Area College Student as the Central Figure - (119구조·구급대에 대한 인식도 조사 연구 - 광주지역 보건계열과 비보건계열 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kab-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic materials for searching the way of improvement to heighten the emergency medical welfare level by one step further. To achieve this purpose, the subjects of this study were selected 452 college students in Gwangju, using a random sampling method. The statistical analysis methods utilized for analyzing the collected data are frequency analysis, $x^2$ test. The conclusions obtained from these analyses are as following ; 1. In question about necessary optimum number of persons for rescue first aid activity, health and non-health major college students responded by 39.2%, 45.3% respectively that rescue team 15 people, first aid team 3 people is most suitable. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 2. In question about security of the public health doctor and the emergency medical technician, all health and non-health major college students are recognizing necessity urgently, but there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 3. In question about 119 rescue first aid team member applying for an examination qualification grant to the department of EMT's graduate, all health and non-health major college students were highest by 52.9%, 52.4% respectively in "necessity" item. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 4. Because rescue first aid equipment level appears higher than 41.7% in non-health major college student's case by 54.2% in health major college student's case, health major college students are recognizing that equipment level should be supplemented more but there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 5. In question about equipment supplement, all health and non-health major college students appeared highest by 64.8%, 69.3% in accident type different special equipment. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 6. In question about rescue ambulance car size, we could know being thinking that health and non-health major college student each 61.2%, 56.5% is small and narrow that large size of the rescue ambulance amount need. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 7. In question about patient's state is worsened, because rescue first aid equipment is inferior, health major college student responded sometimes 55.1%, many 29.5%. very many by 11.5%, while non-health major college student responded 65.8%, 23.1%, 4.0% respectively. There was significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 8. In question about emergency patient must utilize for 119 rescue ambulance car, all health and non-health major college students appeared highest by 38.8%, 41.3% in "not so" item. In question about rescue first aid team's first-aid treatment ability improves more, all health and non-health major college students appeared highest by 58.1% and 58.7% respectively in "improve" item. In question about "119 rescue ambulance car must go more rapidly than now", all health and non-health major college students are recognizing that should be quicker by 58.1%, 60.9% respectively. When called to 119 all health and non-health major college students responded highest by 55.5%, 53.3% respectively that we must receive first-aid treatment direction from a doctor. In question about "119 rescue ambulance car must be made the pay system", all health and non-health major college students responded 74%, 80% respectively in "not so" item. There was significant difference in major department(p<0.05). In conclusions, In oder to provide superior rescue first aid service to people, a public health doctor should be placed in the situation room inside the fire station so that the doctor could instruct the proper emergency treatment suitable for each situation to the rescue first aid team. Also, national education about a first-aid treatment that do to all people is necessarily necessary in emergency delivery system and this should be spread extensively through school education and broadcasting medium and education should be gone side by side, and see that will can save emergency patients' life which is more when these education consists continuously fixed period for public institution of policeman, fire officer etc. specially. And for reinforcement of patient transfer system, public organization must procure special ambulance car so that emergency patient receive first aid treatment while transfer.

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Quantitative Assessment using SNR and CNR in Cerebrovascular Diseases : Focusing on FRE-MRA, CTA Imaging Method (뇌혈관 질환에서 신호대 잡음비와 대조도대 잡음비를 이용한 정량적평가 : FRE-MRA, CTA 영상기법중심으로)

  • Goo, Eun-Hoe
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.493-500
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    • 2017
  • In this study, data analysis has been conducted by INFINITT program to analyze the effect of signal to noise ratio(SNR) and contrast to noise ratio(CNR) of flow related enhancement(FRE) and computed tomography Angiography(CTA) on cerebrovascular diseases for qualitative evaluations. Based on the cerebrovascular image results achieved from 63 patients (January to April, 2017, at C University Hospital), we have selected 19 patients that performed both FRE-MRA and CTA. From the 19 patients, 2 were excluded due to artifacts from movements in the cerebrovascular image results. For the analysis conditions, we have set the 5 part (anterior cerebral artery, right and left Middle cerebral artery, right and left Posterior cerebral artery) as the interest area to evaluate the SNR and CNR, and the results were validated through Independence t Test. As a result, by averaging the SNR, and CNR values, the corresponding FRE-MRA achieved were: anterior cerebral artery ($1500.73{\pm}12.23/970.43{\pm}14.55$), right middle cerebral artery ($1470.16{\pm}11.46/919.44{\pm}13.29$), left middle cerebral artery ($1457.48{\pm}17.11/903.96{\pm}14.53$), right posterior cerebral artery ($1385.83{\pm}16.52/852.11{\pm}14.58$), left posterior cerebral artery ($1318.52{\pm}13.49/756.21{\pm}10.88$). by averaging the SNR, and CNR values, the corresponding CTA achieved were: anterior cerebral artery ($159.95{\pm}12.23/123.36{\pm}11.78$), right middle cerebral artery ($236.66{\pm}17.52/202.37{\pm}15.20$), left middle cerebral artery ($224.85{\pm}13.45/193.14{\pm}11.88$), right posterior cerebral artery ($183.65{\pm}13.47/151.44{\pm}11.48$), left posterior cerebral artery ($177.7{\pm}16.72/144.71{\pm}11.43$) (p < 0.05). In conclusion, MRA had high SNR and CNR value regardless of the cerebral infarction or cerebral hemorrhage observed in the 5 part of the brain. Although FRE-MRA consumed longer time, it proved to have less side effect of contrast media when compared to the CTA.

Epidemiological Studies on Giardia Infection Associated with environmental Pollution (Giardia에 의한 환경오염(環境汚染)과 감염(感染)에 관한 역학적(疫學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Keun-Tae;Kim, Seok-Chan;Song, Jong-Sool;Chung, Pyung-Rim
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 1984
  • Giardia lamblia is a pathogenic flagellate causing intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and malabsorption of nutrients. Giardia is mainly infected by the ingestion of contaminated foods per os. Craun (1979) has recently reported that mass infection of this flagellate through the contaminated water supply systems is one of public health hazards. Also, so-called traveller's diarrhea is sometimes caused by Giardia infection (CDC, U.S.A., 1971). However, a few epidemiological studies figuring out the mode of infection or control measures of Giardia infection has been done so far in Korea. The present study was aimed to know the prevalence of Giardia infection in several Korean populations, detectability of this flagellate in water systems and the viability of the cysts against sewages and disinfectants applying to drinking water. In the present study, 388 stool specimens from orphanage children in Chun-joo, Chung-joo, On-yang and Chun-an areas and 538 stool specimens from inhabitants in Woo-do, In-chon, and Chun-joo were examined by formalin-ether concentration technique to detect out Giardia cysts. On the other hand, water samples from 14 sites of Han River and its tributaries were collected in May through July, 1984. Fifty liter of water sample in each sampling site was then filtered through water filtering system deviced by U.S. Environmental Proutection Agency and the sediments rinsed out from the thread rolls, a part of water filtering system, were examined to detect out the Giardia cysts. In order to observe the viability of Giardia cysts in the sewage samples, the cysts were treated in it at $4^{\circ}C$ or $25^{\circ}C$ for 7 through 28 days. For this purpose, the cysts were also exposed to various concentrations of disinfectants such as chlorine, iodine and ozone gas for proper time intervals. After treatment, the viability test of the Giardia cysts were carried out by method of Rice and Schaefer (1981) with minor modification. The results obtained in this study were as follows : 1) The detection rates of G lamblia cysts in the stool specimens were 18.3% in orphans and 4.3% in general examinees. 2) The prevalences of Giardia Infection were higher in the young age groups than in-adults. The highest positive rate was 18.4% in the age group less than 10. 3) Of 14 water specimens sampled from Han River system and its tributaries around the Seoul area, the Giardia cysts were detected from 4 samples, and no cyst was found in the water supply systems. 4) The cysts treated in the sewage survived for 28 days at $4^{\circ}C$ and for 13 days at $25^{\circ}C$. 5) The cysts were completely destroyed within 60 minutes by exposure to 8 mg/l of residual chlorine at 4g and within 30 minutes by exposure to the same concentration of chlorine at $25^{\circ}C$. 6) The cysts were all dead when exposed to 1 mg/1 of iodine for 60 minutes at $4^{\circ}C$ or $25^{\circ}C$. 7) The cysts were destroyed after 10 minute exposure in 0.15 mg to 0.25mg of residual ozone gas per liter. Summarizing the above results, it is considered that Giardia infection is regarded as water-borne disease and the cysts are able to be controlled by the application with the disinfectants in the water supply systems.

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A Study on Third-trimester Gravidas' Konwledge of Infant Care Activity (임신 말기 임신부의 영아 돌보기 지식에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Su-Yeon
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the degree of gravidas' knowledge of infant care activity, and to identify the factors influencing the difference of gravidas' knowledge. The subjects of this study consisted of 159 gravida visited 2 general hospitals, 2 OB/GY clinics and 2 midwives' clinics in J city for anenatal care. The data were collected from December 1 to 30, J.989. The instrument used for this study was true false type question which was developed by investigator through literature review. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, t-test and ANOVA on significant difference with SPSS program. The results of this study were, summarized as follow: 1) The degree of gravidas' knowledge of infant care activity was 36.75, the degree of gravidas' know ledge of physical care activicy was 16.70, and the degree of gravidas' knowledge of psychosocial care activity was 20.00. 2) Among the physical care activity knowledge items, the diaper should be changed whenever it is soiled, $\lceil$shortly after feeding is over, bathing is bad$\rfloor$, $\lceil$gently patted or stroked on the back when bubbling$\rfloor$, $\lceil$10 minutes time in bathing is appropriate$\rfloor$, $\lceil$infant is crying whenever he is hungry per 3-4 hours$\rfloor$, and "room humidity controled 60 percent, more or less> were over a' percentage of 80 of right answer. Among the physical care, accivity knowledge items. $\lceil$a reason for burping was the air' he has swallowed will rise to the top of his stomach and be eructated$\rfloor$, $\lceil$burping is advisable after the feeding$\rfloor$, $\lceil$dressing of umbilical area is not necessary$\rfloor$, $\lceil$the thermometer should not be boiled for disinfection$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is important chat the infant grasp the whole nipple within his mouth$\rfloor$, $\lceil$using alcohol sponge is bad whenever diaper is soiled", and $\lceil$when temperature is taken by the rectal method, infant legs shoud be grasped firmly_! were less than a percentage of 60 of right answer. 3) Among the psychosocial care activity knowledge items, $\lceil$it is nice, mother smile at bady frequently$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is nice, mother praise a bady frequently$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is nice, mother express bady's behavior$\rfloor$, $\lceil$talk frequently to the bady, the bady :should not be disturbed while feeding$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is nice, mother see a baby face to face , $\lceil$it is nice, mother concentrate one's attention on her baby while playing$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is nice, mother pat one's baby while he is feeding$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is advisable, the baby is allowed to touch mother's breast while he is feeding$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is advisable to stop feeding, if the baby protrudes one's tongue or cries while feeding$\rfloor$, $\lceil$baby is able to hear, see and smell$\rfloor$, $\lceil$it is nice, mother Concentrate one's attention on her baby while feeding$\rfloor$, and $\lceil$it is not advisable for mother to scold baby while he is crying out> were over a percentage of 80 of right answer. Among the psychosocial care activity knowledge items, $\lceil$Using' baby talks is bad when mother talks to baby> and $\lceil$it is nice, mother soothes the baby as soon as possible when he is crying I were less than a percentage of 60 of right answer. 4) There was statistically significant relationship between the degree of gravidas' knowledge of infant care activity and the demographic variables of gravida such as the age(p<0.01) and education level(p<0.01). From these results, it may be concluded that gravidas' knowledge of infant care activity is moderate level, and gravidas' knowledge of psychosocial care activity is greater than that of physical care activity. Also prenatal nursing educations should focus on subjects who have lower percentage of right answer in infant care activity knowledge items.dge items.

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Evaluation of Ecological Niche for Major Tree Species in the Natural Deciduous Forest of Mt. Chumbong (점봉산(點鳳山) 일대(一帶) 천연활엽수림(天然闊葉樹林)의 주요(主要) 구성(構成) 수종(樹種)에 대한 생태지위(生態地位) 평가(評價))

  • Kim, Guang Ze;Kim, Ji Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.3
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    • pp.380-387
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    • 2001
  • The characteristics of ecological niche, breadth and overlap, for seventeen major tree species were evaluated in the natural deciduous forest in Mt. Chumbong area. Employed by the plot sampling method, the environmental gradient for vertical niche was based on the intensity of light within the forest, and that for horizontal niche was based on multi-dimensional resources in distribution pattern. The result showed that Fraxinus rhynchophylla had the highest value of vertical niche breadth and Maackia amurensis had the lowest, and Acer pseudo-sieboldianum had the highest value of horizontal niche breadth and Betula costata had the lowest. There was no significant correlation between both measures of niche breadth. However, the tolerance index for each species was positively correlated to the values of niche breadth. Spearman's rank correlation coefficients were applied to test the correlationship between the species ranks of tolerance index and those of two ecological niche breadths. The coefficient of $r_s=0.432$ ($P{\leq}0.1$) was not enough to support significant correlationship between the tolerance index and vertical niche breadth at the 95% probability. If Carpinus cordata, rarely reach canopy of the forest due to its own growth form, are excluded from the analysis, coefficient was calculated as $r_s=0.650$ ($P{\leq}0.01$), resulting in highly significant correlationship. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was $r_s=0.797$ ($P{\leq}0.01$) for tolerance indices and the values of horizontal niche breadth, indicating highly significant. Four distinctive species groups, produced by cluster analysis on the basis of ecological niche overlap for each pair of species, were in considerable accord with the positively associated species constellation pattern created by the inter-species association analysis.

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