• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terminology Standardization

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Changes in Research and Development of Major General Contractors in Japan in the last 10 years: The Building Construction Business Sector

  • Hiroaki SAITO
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1121-1128
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    • 2024
  • Prominent general contractors (GCs) in Japan have historically maintained dedicated research and development (R&D) institutes that conduct comprehensive studies on structural engineering, construction techniques, and environmental management technologies. These research endeavors have evolved over time, reflecting the prevailing conditions and trends in the construction industry during each era. We examined changes in R&D activities over the past decade by analyzing R&D descriptions and statistical data contained in securities reports issued by 14 leading GCs using natural language processing. Our analysis revealed that over the course of the decade, R&D activities transformed significantly due to market dynamics and macro-environmental factors. For instance, during the 2000s, a surge in demand for high-rise condominium buildings led to an increased presence of related terminology in the 2009 fiscal year (FY) securities reports. However, this trend had declined by FY 2019. Notably, in FY 2019, there was an observable increase in R&D efforts concerning wood and cross-laminated timber applications. This can be attributed to the enforcement of laws and standardization measures that facilitated the proliferation of wood-based construction techniques in the 2010s. Throughout the 2010s, the primary concern of the Japanese construction industry was optimizing production processes to meet escalating domestic construction demands. A comparative analysis between 2009 and 2019 indicates a shift in focus, with fewer references to product innovation and a more pronounced emphasis on process innovation.

A Study on the Data Cleaning and Standardization of National Ecosystem Survey in Korea (전국자연환경조사 데이터 정제와 표준화 방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Su;Song, Kyohong;Kim, Mokyoung;Kim, Kidong
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.380-389
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    • 2020
  • Research on diagnosing and predicting the response of ecosystems caused by environmental changes such as artificial disturbance and climate change is emerging as the most important issue of biodiversity and ecosystem researches. This study aims to clean, standardize, and provide the results of National Ecosystem Survey which should be considered fundamentally in diagnosing and predicting ecosystem changes in the form of dataset. To refine and clean the dataset we developed a simple verification program based on the fifth National Ecosystem Survey Guideline and applied that program to the data from the second (1997~2005), third (2006~2013) and fourth (2014~2018) National Ecosystem Survey. Data quality control processes were implemented including (1) standardization of terminology, (2) similar data table integration, (3) unnecessary attribute and error elimination, (4) unification of different input items, (5) data arrangement in codes, and (6) code mapping for input items. These approaches and methods are the first attempt propose an option for ecological data standardization in Korea. The standardized dataset of National Ecosystem Survey in Korea will be easily accessible, reusable for both researchers and public. In addition, we expect it will contribute to the establishment of diverse environmental policies concerning environmental assessments, habitat conservation, prediction of endangered species distribution and ecological risks due to climate change. The dataset through this study is open freely online via EcoBank (nie-ecobank.kr) which is the first ecological information portal system in Korea developed by National Institute of Ecology.

Analysis and the Standardization Plan of the Terms Used by Seafarers on Small Vessel (소형선박 종사자 사용용어 실태 분석 및 표준화 방안)

  • Kang, Suk-Young;Ryu, Won;Bae, Chang-Won;Kim, Jong-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.867-873
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    • 2019
  • As of August 2019, there were 3,823 vessels under 30 tons that could be included in the category of small vessels; these account for 42.5 % of the 9,001 registered vessels in Korea. The problem is that many small vessel seafarers face many problems such as an board communication disconnection, difficulties in communication in maritime license interviews, or education related to maritime training using a large number of nonstandard terms, which are derived from foreign languages; this is leading to a decline the job skills of small vessel seafarers. Therefore, in this study, we closely analyzed the terminology of small vessel seafarers and proposed a standardization plan. In the terminology analysis, the preliminary terms of the maritime license interview and the high-frequency terms of the small vessel educational textbook were identified and the corresponding nonstandard terms were examined. Based on a survey, an expert meeting was held and incorrect Japanese notation, English notation, and the standard language for key terms were presented to analyze which questionnaire was most familiar. The ratio of the use of standard words is relatively high in the case of nautical terms, however, the wrong Japanese notation is used more for engine terms; the analysis results by age and tonnage also generally use the Japanese notation and the use frequency of English notation was determined to be low. Based on this, short- and long-term plans for the use of standard words by small vessel seafarers were proposed, including the production of a standard language dictionary for terms used by these seafarers, a promotion of the importance of using standard terms, active education through educational institutions, and the systematic preparation and implementation of Korean-language education for foreign sailors.

On the Pronunciation and the Meaningful Rendering of the Oriental Medical Chinese Terminology into Korean (한의학용어(韓醫學用語)의 발음(發音)과 독음(讀音)에 대(對)하여 -두음법칙(頭音法則)과 경음화(硬音化)를 중심으로-)

  • Park, YungHwan;Kang, YeonSeok;Maeng, WoongJae
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, this writer looked into the initial law and fortification, which are two of the most important phonetic changes of Sino-Korean words. Pronunciation and inscription rules of Oriental Medical terminologies have also been studied. Moreover, several problems of meaningful rendering of Oriental Medical Chinese terminologies into Korean have been looked into. As a result, the following conclusions could be drawn. 1. The initial law only applies to Sino-Korean words that consist of more than one syllable. It does not apply to words borrowed from foreign languages. Especially, compound words like Jang-ssi-yu-gyeong(張氏類經) or Im-sin-yuk-hyeol(姙娠衄血) consist of already existing words such as Jang-ssi(張氏), Yu-gyeong(類經), Im-sin(姙娠), and Yuk-hyeol(衄血), and thus the initial law applies to these words. They are inscribed and pronounced 'Jang-ssi-yu-gyeong' and 'Im-sin-yuk-hyeol'. 2. Fortification of Sino-Korean words can be applied variously according to the structure and meaning of the words. Words such as '科', '格', '氣', '法', '病', '症', and '證' are often fortified and at the same time used frequently in Oriental Medicine. Also, many other words are derived from these words. However, there has not been a scholastic consent among the Oriental Medical society as to in which circumstances these words will be fortified. Therefore, a standardization process to stipulate the pronunciation of Oriental Medical terminologies is necessary. 3. Meaningful rendering of Oriental Medical Chinese terminologies into Korean also needs scholastic investigation. Especially, the word 兪 should be meaningfully rendered and pronounced 'su' just like the words 輸 and 腧, but is wrongly pronounced 'yu'. Other than this, the words 井滎兪經合, 秦艽, 膻中, 共振丹, 成無已, and 麗澤通氣湯 should respectively be pronounced 'jeong-hyeong-su-gyeong-hap', 'jin-gyo', 'dan-jung', 'gong-sin-dan', 'Seong-mu-yi', and 'Yi-taek-tong-gi-tang'. Moreover, there are four pronunciations to the word 梴 of 李梴. This should also be standardized. This writer proposes that in the future, correct meaningful rendering of Chinese terminologies into Korean and phonetic signs be inscribed in dictionaries regarding Oriental Medical terminologies.

Trends and Future Direction of the Clinical Decision Support System in Traditional Korean Medicine

  • Sung, Hyung-Kyung;Jung, Boyung;Kim, Kyeong Han;Sung, Soo-Hyun;Sung, Angela-Dong-Min;Park, Jang-Kyung
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.260-268
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS), which analyzes and uses electronic health records (EHR) for medical care, pursues patient-centered medical care. It is necessary to establish the CDSS in Korean medical services for objectification and standardization. For this purpose, analyses were performed on the points to be followed for CDSS implementation with a focus on herbal medicine prescription. Methods: To establish the CDSS in the prescription of Traditional Korean Medicine, the current prescription practices of Traditional Korean Medicine doctors were analyzed. We also analyzed whether the prescription support function of the electronic chart was implemented. A questionnaire survey was conducted querying Traditional Korean Medicine doctors working at Traditional Korean Medicine clinics and hospitals, to investigate their desired CDSS functions, and their perceived effects on herbal medicine prescription. The implementation of the CDSS among the audit software developers used by the Korean medical doctors was examined. Results: On average, 41.2% of Traditional Korean Medicine doctors working in Traditional Korean Medicine clinics manipulated 1 to 4 herbs, and 31.2% adjusted 4 to 7 herbs. On average, 52.5% of Traditional Korean Medicine doctors working in Traditional Korean Medicine hospitals adjusted 1 to 4 herbs, and 35.5% adjusted 4 to 7 herbs. Questioning the desired prescription support function in the electronic medical record system, the Traditional Korean Medicine doctors working at Korean medicine clinics desired information on 'medicine name, meridian entry, flavor of medicinals, nature of medicinals, efficacy,' 'herb combination information' and 'search engine by efficacy of prescription.' The doctors also desired compounding contraindications (eighteen antagonisms, nineteen incompatibilities) and other contraindicatory prescriptions, 'medicine information' and 'prescription analysis information through basic constitution analyses.' The implementation of prescription support function varied by clinics and hospitals. Conclusion: In order to implement and utilize the CDSS in a medical service, clinical information must be generated and managed in a standardized form. For this purpose, standardization of terminology, coding of prescriptions using a combination of herbal medicines, and unification such as the preparation method and the weights and measures should be integrated.

A Study on the Development of Guidelines for Place Name Authority Standardization (지명 전거 표준화를 위한 지명 전거데이터 기술 지침 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Ji-won Baek;Sungsook Lee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.169-192
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted with the aim of providing a foundation for high-quality national place name authority data by developing Korean-specific guidelines for place name authority data in response to the need for systematic construction and standardization of authority databases. To this end, a survey of domestic and international trends and cases related to place name authority data was conducted, and the rules and guidelines of each country for establishing place name authority data were analyzed. Based on these surveys and rule analyses, the scope of concepts and terminology required to build a place name authority database were defined and the direction for the development of place name authority data guidelines was set. The analysis also determined the scope and framework of the guidelines, and how they should be referenced to existing rules. The structure of the guidelines proposed in this study is based on the original RDA and NCR. Based on the implications derived from the analysis process, the guidelines were organized and presented in terms of scope of construction, selection and recording of preferred place names, recording of variant place names, and attributes of place names to propose a technical guideline for place name authority data that fits the Korean situation. Future discussions were revealed accordingly.

Review of Research Topics on Consumptive Disease and Chronic Fatigue (허로에 대한 국내 연구동향 분석 및 연구방향 제안)

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Kim, Jae Uk;Kim, Keun Ho
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.587-593
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    • 2013
  • Exhaustion syndrome(虛勞) became broadly experienced symptoms in Korean population. In this work, we carried out a systematic literature review on exhaustion syndrome(ES) and chronic fatigue. We searched through the databases Koreanstudies Information Service System, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System, DataBase Periodical Information Academic for the articles published between 1994 and 2013, with the keywords 'exhaustion syndrome(虛勞)', 'consumption(虛損)', 'overexertion syndrome(勞倦)', 'fatigue', 'chronic fatigue' and 'degree of fatigue'. Among the first-run rough-searched 602 articles, we narrowed down the scope within the field of Oriental medicine (126 articles), and finally selected 28 articles appropriate to the intended research field; the selected articles were categorized by literature study(7 papers), clinical treatment (7), clinical diagnosis (5), treatment effects of herbal medicine (2), diagnosis in Sasang medicine and treatment effect of dry cupping therapy (2), and questionnaire-based diagnosis (5). We found that the overall research level on ES remained in the preliminary stages, and more efforts are needed in the field of terminology definition and standardization of diagnosis, and treatment efficacy validation beyond muscle fatigue. Finally, to develop reliable diagnostic devices on ES, we proposed a study design that included the development of objective ES diagnostic indicators and a clinical validation procedure.

A Study on Current State in Stitches and Seams Usage for Building Smart Sewing Systems: Focused on Sewing Specification of Cut and Sewn Knit (스마트 봉제 시스템 구축을 위한 스티치 및 솔기 사용 현황에 관한 고찰: 컷 앤 쏘운 니트 의류 봉제사양서를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Suyeon;Ha, Hee Jung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.357-374
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    • 2020
  • This study suggests the use of standardized sewing terms for the construction of smart sewing systems. This study analyzed the use of stitches (ISO 4915) and seams (ISO 4916) for cut and sewn knit garment which are the basic elements of sewing on an ISO basis. The results of the analysis of sewing specifications of cut and sewn knit garments are as follows. First, the use of stitches and seams were analyzed. As a result, both stitches and seams were used as non-standard terms. Second, among 3,263 stitches, ISO 4915 No. 406 followed by 401, 504, 605 were the most frequently used; however, ISO 4915 No. 514 was anticipated the most because the ISO 4915 No. 514 used for joining was not recorded in the sewing specification. Finally, the use of stitch for each seam was analyzed. The most common stitch used for ISO 4916 No. 6.02.07 was ISO 4915 No. 406. In addition, when it was sewing ISO 4916 No. 4.04.01, ISO 4915 No. 504 was used in step 1, and ISO 4915 No. 406, 602, and 605 were used in step 2. It is important to use the international standard sewing terms for the production site based on the results. In addition, the construction of smart sewing systems and the work of international standardization through industry-university cooperation are important for securing global competitiveness. Therefore, the use of international standard terminology and practical training should be conducted with a focus on stitching and seams with high frequency of use.

Evaluation of "Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance" by the Bethesda System (Bethesda system에 의한 "atypical squamous cells of undertermined significance"의 평가)

  • Kim, Yee-Jeong;Hong, Sung-Ran;Kim, Hy-Sook;Park, Jong-Sook;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lim, Kyung-Ho;Shim, Jae-Uk;Park, Chong-Taik;Chun, Chong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.81-86
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    • 1993
  • The recently proposed Bethesda system for cervical/vaginal cytology has made a standardization related to "atypia". In cellular changes due to inflammation or repair, the word "benign cellular change" has been suggested as a substitute for atypia. Terminology related to atypical cells may become standardized, but the cytologic criteria has not been well defined yet. We evaluated 160 cases of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance(ASCUS) by the Bethesda Sys4em(TBS). Among 30,428 cases screened, a cytologic diagnosis of ASCUS was made in 498 cases(1.6%) and 160 cases were histologically verified ASCUS was diagnosed based on nuclear enlargement and nonclassical signs of condyloma. The results are as follows: One hundred and twenty three cases(76.9%) revealed chronic cervicitis. Thirty seven cases(23.1%) demonstrated squamous intraepithelial lesion. Among intraepithelial lesions, condyloma and mild dysplasia were 28 cases(75.7%). Moderate and severe dysplasia were 5 cases(13.5%) and 4 cases(10.8%), respectively. it is concluded that patients with ASCUS should be colposcopically examined.

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A Study on Recordkeeping System in Australia (호주의 레코드키핑 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.76-90
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    • 2004
  • There had been substantial demand for record management system with which to efficiently control the information circulation processes, involving accumulation of recorded materials, classification of information resources, and users access to them. It converged to a collaboration of Australian federation, and Sydney Records Centre and finally induced Australian Standard Records Management, commonly known as AS 4390. AS 4390 served later as a model for International Standard of Record Management. This paper introduces the current undertaking of Recordkeeping system development in Australia, which stems from the line of AS 4390 by analysing exhibited research approaches. The analysis includes the definition, regime of Recordkeeping system, design and implementing of guidelines of Recordkeeping System and information on metadata projects. It also highlights the necessity for standardization, as is the prime factor in promoting inter-linking of Tabularium on New Southwales State, CRS(Commonwealth Record Series), database system of Canberra National Archives and Australian Government Locator Service. From year 2005, as dictates, any record management system, serving public agency will be required to adapt Professional Archives Management System, which, by far, will enhance the inter-compatibility. In its application, the government need Thesaurus to eliminate possible redundancy in use of terminology and to promote correct usage of words.