• 제목/요약/키워드: Technology Trends Information

검색결과 1,505건 처리시간 0.032초

나노기술 정보 분석 콘텐츠 개발에 관한 연구 (A Study on Information Analysis of Nanotechnology and Contents Development)

  • 소대섭;이일형;최붕기
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 국가 전략기술로 부각되고 있는 나노기술정보의 효율적인 활용을 위하여, 나노기술의 정보분석 및 기술, 산업시장 등을 분석하고 가공된 콘텐츠를 효율적으로 활용할 수 있는 체계적 방법론을 제시하였다. 사전 수요조사 및 자문위원들의 의견을 통해 핵심적인 중요 과제를 도출한 후, 내외부 전문가가 공동으로 정보분석과 기술동향 분석을 수행하였다. 본 연구를 통해 이론적인 방법론을 제시함은 물론 실제로 방법을 적용하여 콘텐츠로 가공하여 DB로 구축하였다. 또한 산ㆍ학ㆍ연ㆍ정의 관계 전문가에게 인터넷 정보망과 책자 및 전자매체(CD-ROM) 등 여러 가지 방법을 통하여 제공함으로써, 궁극적으로 국가 나노기술의 핵심 역량제고에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

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Trend Analysis of Unmanned Technology Using Patent Information

  • Park, Jaeyong;Kang, Dongsu
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2017
  • Artificial intelligence and robot technology have been received attention as core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution. This paradigm change of science technology raises the importance of unmanned technology field. This paper categorizes unmanned technology as unmanned ground system, unmanned maritime system, and unmanned aircraft system, And it analyzes 557 cases of open patents and classifies each sort of specific technology elements. After then patent information, which were classified by technology, by patent assignees, and by IPC codes, covers unmanned technology maturity, development direction of research and core technology trends. This research provides directions of unmanned technology research and diverse field technology development through cooperation with various perspectives of quantitative analysis of patents.

Industry Activation Scheme through mVoIP Technology Trends and Market Analysis

  • Park, Se-Hwan;Park, Jong-Kyu;Kim, Cheong-Ghil
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.59-63
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    • 2012
  • The mVoIP service is the technology which focuses on the wireless data service as the IP network having the transmission rate of 100 Mbps classes on the high-speed middle of movement through the WiFi, WiBro and 3G mobile radio communication network, and etc. and is developed. Since 2010, the mVoIP (mobile VoIP) service shows the rapid growth due to 4G-LTE service seriously disclosed from July with the Smart phone and 2,011 it begins to be rapidly popularized. In this research, additionally the mVoIP service industry activation plan is presented with the trends of technology development including the chip-set/module/terminal, etc. based upon local and foreign market trend searchlight through the market demand analysis. The mVoIP service downloads App to the mobile apparatus and or can provide the service as the software through the WiFi network. Therefore, the change which is large in the products development aspect is to be have no. Expected to is being provided as the added service in the case of 4G-LTE as a matter of course, the service deployment where it is based on the market principle and demand needs is needed.

Analysis on Trends of Artworks Blockchain Platform

  • Lee, Yo-Seob
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the blockchain platform is changing the art market. Changes are taking place in many areas, including artists, collectors, art investors, and auction. The platform that provides distribution history information on artworks on a blockchain basis can be used when information on the work history is suspected or needs verification, and can be used to manage the distribution history information of stolen and lost artworks and confiscated artworks by the police. Several companies currently operate these platforms, but they operate various blockchain platforms according to their contents. In this paper, we will compare and analyze features of artworks blockchain platform.

Cluster and information entropy analysis of acoustic emission during rock failure process

  • Zhang, Zhenghu;Hu, Lihua;Liu, Tiexin;Zheng, Hongchun;Tang, Chun'an
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2021
  • This study provided a new research perspective for processing and analyzing AE data to evaluate rock failure. Cluster method and information entropy theory were introduced to investigate temporal and spatial correlation of acoustic emission (AE) events during the rock failure process. Laboratory experiments of granite subjected to compression were carried out, accompanied by real-time acoustic emission monitoring. The cumulative length and dip angle curves of single links were fitted by different distribution models and distribution functions of link length and directionality were determined. Spatial scale and directionality of AE event distribution, which are characterized by two parameters, i.e., spatial correlation length and spatial correlation directionality, were studied with the normalized applied stress. The entropies of link length and link directionality were also discussed. The results show that the distribution of accumulative link length and directionality obeys Weibull distribution. Spatial correlation length shows an upward trend preceding rock failure, while there are no remarkable upward or downward trends in spatial correlation directionality. There are obvious downward trends in entropies of link length and directionality. This research could enrich mathematical methods for processing AE data and facilitate the early-warning of rock failure-related geological disasters.

양자 정보 기술을 위한 양자 광원 연구 동향 (Research Trend of Quantum Light Source for Quantum Information Technology)

  • 고영호;김갑중;최병석;한원석;윤천주;주정진
    • 전자통신동향분석
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2019
  • A quantum light source is an essential element for quantum information technology, including quantum communication, quantum sensor, and quantum computer. Quantum light sources including photon number state, entangled state, and squeezed state can be divided into two types according to the generation mechanism, namely single emitter and non-linear based systems. The single emitter platform contains atom/ion trap, solid-state defect/color center, two-dimensional material, and semiconductor quantum dot, which can emit deterministic photons. The non-linear based platform contains spontaneous parametric down-conversion and spontaneous four-wave mixing, which can emit probabilistic photon pairs. For each platform, we give an overview of the recent research trends of the generation, manipulation, and integration of single photon and entangled photon sources. The characteristics of quantum light sources are investigated for each platform. In addition, we briefly introduce quantum sensing, quantum communication, and quantum computing applications based on quantum light sources. We discuss the challenges and prospects of quantum light sources for quantum information technology.