• Title/Summary/Keyword: TRIPs

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Impact of Spatial Accessibility Index, Based on Road Network and Actual Trips, on Housing Price (도로 네트워크와 통행량 기반의 공간 접근성 지수가 주택가격에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, Jung Pyo;Sung, Hyungun
    • Journal of Korea Planning Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.76-83
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to empirically identify the effect of spatial accessibility, based on travel, on housing prices in the Korean capital region. More specifically, it has two research purposes: First, investigating the effect of comprehensive spatial accessibility, based on road network and actual trips from origin to destination, on average apartment price (Korean Won per square meter) at the level of Eup, Myeon and Dong; Second, identifying better accessibility index between Hansen's and Kalogirou and Foley's ones. The former represents a road-based travel time decay function with destination trips, while the latter is a function with origin trips as well as destination ones. The study employs spatial economic models considering spatial auto-correlative relationship as an appropriate methodology with such control independent indicators as population density, road density, educational environment and distances from CBDs. Analysis results demonstrate that spatial accessibility, based on road network and actual trips from origin to destination, has a statistically significant impacts on housing price in the region. Our empirical evidence proves that the Hansen index is more appropriate than the other in estimating housing price impacts.

Analysis of Passenger Transfer Patterns Based on Transit Smart Card Data in Seoul (서울시 대중교통 통행자 환승패턴 분석)

  • Song, Ji-Young;Eom, Jin-Ki;Park, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Dae-Sung;Choi, Myoung-Hun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.563-570
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    • 2011
  • This study analyze the transfer patterns of passengers in Seoul based on transit smart card data that was observed in 2010. The smart card records maximum four times of transfer and reports that approximately 90% of trips were less than one transfer and the remains were more than 2 transfers. We focus on trips with more than 3 transfers to figure out the relationship between transit service and regional connectivities. The results show that the average travel time, distance, fare are 45 minutes, 18.3km, and 1,119(KW) respectively. We develope a map for investigating transfer patterns at a regional level(dong and gu). By doing this, three types of transfers are observed as: 1) trips of which origin and destination is either same or near, 2) trips with short distance, and 3) long distance trip with low transit connectivities.

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Trip-Chaining Behavior and Trip Distribution Model (연쇄통행행태분석과 통행분포모형)

  • 김형진
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1995.02a
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    • pp.58-82
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    • 1995
  • This study providesd an empirical analysis of trip-chaining behavior and its application to transportation planning. In the empirical analysis, changes in trip-chaining patterns since 1970 have been examined and details of current trip-chaining behavior as they describe shopping trip-chaining behavior has changed. Individual trip-chaining has become longer and complex. It appears that the average number of trips per chains has substantially increased over the past 20 years. An increased number of trips in chains means fewer home-based trips. Changes in trip-chaining behavior have several consequences. Important consequences are for transportation and land-use planning. Up to now trips have been treated as if they are independent clusters of home-to-destination-to-home; this approach has not usually taken into account the trip-chaining behavior of individuals. this calls for a different approach to at least the trip generation and trip distribution part of transportation planning. In this study, application of trip-chaining behavior to trip distribution model formulation is proposed and its calibration results are presented.

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  • Kim, Jaew-Han;Park, Jin-Kyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.7
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    • pp.615-624
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the contribution of task types and error types involved in the human-related unplanned reactor trip events that have occurred between 1986 and 2006 in Korean nuclear power plants are analysed in order to establish a strategy for reducing the human-related unplanned reactor trips. Classification systems for the task types, error modes, and cognitive functions are developed or adopted from the currently available taxonomies, and the relevant information is extracted from the event reports or judged on the basis of an event description. According to the analyses from this study, the contributions of the task types are as follows: corrective maintenance (25.7%), planned maintenance (22.8%), planned operation (19.8%), periodic preventive maintenance (14.9%), response to a transient (9.9%), and design/manufacturing/installation (6.9%). According to the analysis of the error modes, error modes such as control failure (22.2%), wrong object (18.5%), omission (14.8%), wrong action (11.1 %), and inadequate (8.3%) take up about 75% of the total unplanned trip events. The analysis of the cognitive functions involved in the events indicated that the planning function had the highest contribution (46.7%) to the human actions leading to unplanned reactor trips. This analysis concludes that in order to significantly reduce human-induced or human-related unplanned reactor trips, an aide system (in support of maintenance personnel) for evaluating possible (negative) impacts of planned actions or erroneous actions as well as an appropriate human error prediction technique, should be developed.

Inferring the Transit Trip Destination Zone of Smart Card User Using Trip Chain Structure (통행사슬 구조를 이용한 교통카드 이용자의 대중교통 통행종점 추정)

  • SHIN, Kangwon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.437-448
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    • 2016
  • Some previous researches suggested a transit trip destination inference method by constructing trip chains with incomplete(missing destination) smart card dataset obtained on the entry fare control systems. To explore the feasibility of the transit trip destination inference method, the transit trip chains are constructed from the pre-paid smart card tagging data collected in Busan on October 2014 weekdays by tracing the card IDs, tagging times(boarding, alighting, transfer), and the trip linking distances between two consecutive transit trips in a daily sequences. Assuming that most trips in the transit trip chains are linked successively, the individual transit trip destination zones are inferred as the consecutive linking trip's origin zones. Applying the model to the complete trips with observed OD reveals that about 82% of the inferred trip destinations are the same as those of the observed trip destinations and the inference error defined as the difference in distance between the inferred and observed alighting stops is minimized when the trip linking distance is less than or equal to 0.5km. When applying the model to the incomplete trips with missing destinations, the overall destination missing rate decreases from 71.40% to 21.74% and approximately 77% of the destination missing trips are the single transit trips for which the destinations can not be inferable. In addition, the model remarkably reduces the destination missing rate of the multiple incomplete transit trips from 69.56% to 6.27%. Spearman's rank correlation and Chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests showed that the ranks for transit trips of each zone are not significantly affected by the inferred trips, but the transit trip distributions only using small complete trips are significantly different from those using complete and inferred trips. Therefore, it is concluded that the model should be applicable to derive a realistic transit trip patterns in cities with the incomplete smart card data.

Calculation of Travel Time Values in Seoul Metropolitan Area Considering Unique Travel Patterns (수도권 통행 특성을 고려한 통행시간가치 산정 연구)

  • KIM, Kyung Hyun;LEE, Jang-Ho;YUN, Ilsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.481-498
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    • 2017
  • Travel time reduction benefit is the most important benefit item in the feasibility study of transportation infrastructure investment projects and calculated by using the value of travel time. The current feasibility study guideline (5th edition) calculate the value of non-business ravel time in a metropolitan area, using the ratio of the value of non-business travel time to business travel time calculated based on the nationwide inter-regional traffic survey data of 1999. The characteristics of metropolitan trips are different from those of nationwide regional trips. Metropolitan trips have frequent transfers between multiple public transits and long-time commuter trips. Therefore, this research aims to calculate the value of travel time reflecting traffic characteristics in a metropolitan area by improving the limitation of current calculation methods. To reflect these characteristics, this research extracts commuter trips from non-business trips and calculates the value of travel time for commuter trips. The results of the likelihood ratio test for the commuter trip model and the non-business trip model are found to be statistically significant. An integrated public transportation model was also estimated in this study to reflect the trip conditions of the Seoul metropolitan area integrated fare system. The results of comparing coefficients between bus and subway in the integrated public transit model indicated that there were no statistically significant differences between the two modes.

Fee-based Field Trips to Jirisan National Park; Eco-guide Led Programs

  • Cho, Kye-joong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.96 no.5
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    • pp.543-550
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    • 2007
  • Arguments against charging fees for use of recreational forests and parks generally rest on the assumption that the public sector has the responsibility to provide as many recreational opportunities as it can to all visitors in Korea. The entrance fee in recreational forests allowed some governmental resource management agencies to keep a portion of user fees generated on-site, instead of returning all revenue to the general treasury. Funded primarily through entrance, activity, parking, and mountain villa-use fees, this legislation has been successful in reducing the maintenance backlog for participating agencies. However, it is unclear what effect user fees might have on visitors attending interpretive programs and the benefits that agencies might receive from implementing this policy. From this point of view, this study is a similar case at the Visitor Center and Species Restoration Center at Jirisan in terms of fee-based field trips to the places. In this research, two hundred twenty-three visitors at the Visitor Center and Species Restoration Center at Jirisan National Park answered questions about their trips from 2005 to 2006. Results indicted that the ecoguide not only increased visitor's appreciation of the resource, but also enhanced their perceptions of the Korean National Park Service (KNPS) fee policies.

A study on the Application of Gravity Model using 1990 Seoul O/D Data (1990년 서울특별시 O/D자료를 이용한 중력모형적용에 관한 연구)

  • 임성빈;이부원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 1996
  • Among trip distribution models, The BPR type Gravity Model is the one which is the most widely used. The key issue associated with this model is a functional form of friction factor which should be calibrated in the process, and interpretation for socioeconomic factor known as K-factor(Kij) which is used to adjust the difference between observed zone-to-zone trips and the estimated trips. In this study, the BPR type Gravity Model has been fitted to 1990 O/D data for Seoul. Two type of function form for friction factor has been employed : one is a form of Generalized function and the orther is UTP function. With above two function, the parameters for travel distance(Skin-tree) are prepared. The relationship between socioeconomic factor and trips is identified by calculating and analyzing the characteristics of Kij. Consequently, both of the friction factor functions are statistically signified. However, it show an overestimation tendency when estimated with UTP function. It is found that the Generalized function is suitable for the city of Seoul, and also, in case there are a lot of trips correlatively, the socioeconomic factor is close to 1, on the other hand if it's small, it shows a bias which is dispersed around 1.

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Analyzing Factors Affecting Public Transit Transfer Volume: Focused on Daegu City (대중교통 환승통행량 영향요인 분석: 대구시를 대상으로)

  • Hwang, Jung Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2014
  • This study attempted to identify the characteristics of transfer trips between subways and buses in Daegu city and to analyze various impact factors that influence the number of transfer trips using a multiple regression analysis. Based on the results, this study aims to propose some policy implications to improve the operation efficiency of a transit center. As a result, it is found that the number of transfer trips is inversely proportional to transfer time, while directly proportional to the number of connected bus routes, subway's spatial location, and bus route connection index. Specifically, it is found that the number of transfer trips are mostly affected by bus route connection index.

Legal nature on industrial disasters of students to participate in Co-op program (현장실습 참여학생에 대한 산재시 법적인 성격)

  • Lee, Mooseong
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2015
  • Many students can experience, such as for credit and social activities through field trips and participate in field trips. For on-site field training exercise participants currently in Gwangju University They take part in field trip 1, 2, 3 and 4 as the type.. Field Practice 1 type in summer and 2 in winter of 4-week period during vacation holidays with 3 credits, field trips 3 type of 8-week period during vacational holidays with 6 credits recognized for \400,000 in job training fee is also payable by the Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation Agency. 4 types of job training are fourth grade (Architecture Grade 5) can be employed in conjunction for more than 15 weeks and admitted to the second semester of 15 credits by participating in job training. For most schools, but to pay a fee-job training at the University of Hanyang University, Kyungpook National University has a student assistance in the field training participating companies. This establishment does not have a clear idea of the legal entities responsible in the event of industrial accidents. Academic research is also nonexistent state for them. In this paper, we distinguish the personality for it via the existing labor precedents with respect to the legal responsibility of an industrial accident. This aims at putting the means to establish the role of the University of job training support.