This experiment was conducted to identify the competitive ability of rice against Monochoria vaginalis Presl. and to determine effect of various herbicides on it. Photosynthetic efficiency of rice markedly increased as the density of M. vaginalis increased from 1 to 3 plants per hill. Competition index increased in propotional to an increase of M. vaginalis density while total dry matter of rice decreased in reverse. Significant yield reduction of rice, was observed at the density of M. vaginalis, 2 plants per hill and 37% at 3 plants per hill. Such a yield reduction can be mainly attributed to the decrease of panicle and spikelet number of rice which were greatly affected by competition with M. vaginalis. Regardless of herbicides tested, % inhibition increased remarkably as the concentration of herbicides increased from 1 to 20 ppm. No plant growth was observed in all the herbicides treated with 20 ppm except for butachlor, thiobencarb and bifenox, showing existence of the new promising herbicides to control M. vaginalis among the herbicides tested.
This study was carried out to investigate the ACCase inhibiting herbicide resistant Echinochloa oryzicola collected in a Honam rice field and to investigate the control of E. oryzicola in directly seeded paddy rice field. The study result showed that about 44% of the 67 biotypes collected in the rice field in Honam region were resistant to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. The efficacy of several chemical herbicides on these resistant E. oryzicola biotypes was evaluated according to their application timings. Among herbicides applied 4 days before seeding, pretilachlor, butachlor, oxadiazon, oxadiargyl, oxadiazon+pretilachlor, and fentrazamide+oxadiargyl, provided 95% or higher control of the resistant E. oryzicola biotypes. Among the herbicides applied 10 days after seeding, bromobutide+fentrazamide+imazosulfuron, benzobicyclon+fentrazamide+imazosulfuron, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl+thiobencarb, fentrazamide+imazosulfuron, bromobutide+imazosulfuron+mefenacet and bromobutide+imazosulfuron+pyraclonil provided ${\geq}95%$ control of the weeds. Bromobutide+imazosulfuron+mefenacet and bromobutide+pyrazosulfuron-ethyl+pyriminobac-methyl, applied 15 days after seeding, provided ${\geq}95$ and 90% control of the weeds. Foliar application of cyhalofop-butyl+propanil at 30 days after seeding provided ${\geq}90%$ control of the weeds. In addition, oxaziclomefone provided ${\geq}90%$ control for 40 days after soil application. These results show that E. oryzicola biotypes resistant to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides could be effectively controlled in directly seeded rice in submerged paddy fields using single or tank-mixed chemical herbicides currently available on the market.
Park, Tae-Seon;Lee, In-Yong;Seong, Ki-Yeong;Cho, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Mi-Hyang;Yang, Woon-Ho;Seo, Myung-Chul;Kang, Hang-Won
Weed & Turfgrass Science
This study was conducted to select alternative herbicides to control herbicide-resistant and - troublesome weeds in rice fields, Korea. The resistant Echinochloa oryzicola to ACCase inhibitor was tested by herbicides registered to control Echinochloa oryzicola. And the resistant and troublesome weeds to sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides, ALS inhibitors, were tested by widely using herbicides to control the resistant weeds in Korea. The oxadiazon, pyrazolate, pretilachlor and benzobicyclone+thiobencarb effectively controlled resistant Echinochloa oryzicola to ACCase and ALS inhibitors at 0.5 leaf stage of the, Herbicides containing mefenacet or fentrazamide controlled effectively by the 2 leaf stage. In controlling other SU resistant weeds including Sagittaria trifolia and Ludwigia prostrate, benzobicyclon and mesotrione performed well all tested weeds, and carfentrazone and pytazolate were effective to broadleaf weeds. Sagittaria trifolia and Ludwigia prostrate, which were suspected to be resistance to SU herbicides, were well controlled by carfentrazone and pytazolate.
In Yong Lee;Seung Hwan Kim;Yong Ho Lee;Adhikari Pradeep;Dong Gun Kim;Sun Hee Hong
Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
Paspalum distichum and P. distichum var. indutum are perennial weeds of the family Poaceae that prefer moist environments such as waterfronts and waterways. The origin of both species is North America. P. distichum is distributed all over the world. However, P. distichum var. indutum occurs only in the United States, Japan, and Korea. For this reason, in many countries, P. distichum and P. distichum var. indutum are classified as the same species. In other words, P. distichum var. indutum is a different ecological type of P. distichum. Both species can reproduce and spread mainly by rhizome fragments rather than seeds. This rhizome has a characteristic that it does not germinate if it is buried in the ground with depth of more than 3 cm. As a management method for P. distichum and P. distichum var. indutum in agricultural lands (paddy fields), it is effective to combine cultural control and chemical control methods. In other words, combining deep plowing and harrowing can suppress the budding of water sparrow that has invaded paddy fields or fallow paddy fields. After that, these two species that germinate can be controlled by spraying soil treatment herbicides such as butachlor and thiobencarb or foliar treatment herbicides such as cyhalofop-butyl and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl.
A Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell var. dubia accession from Jeonnam province, Korea was tested for resistance to sulfonylurea (SU) herbicides, imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl in whole-plant response bioassay. The accession was confirmed resistant to both herbicides. The $GR_{50}$ (herbicide concentration that reduced shoot dry weight by 50%) values of resistant accession were 264 and 19 times higher to imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuronethyl, respectively, than that of the standard susceptible accession. The surviving resistant L. dubia after pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + molinate application can be controlled by sequential applications of soil-applied herbicides, butachlor, dithiopyr, pyrazolate, and thiobencarb and foliar herbicides, bentazon. Sulfonylurea-based mixtures such as mixtures of azimsulfuron + anilofos, bensulfuron-methyl + oxadiazon, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + fentrazamide, and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + anilofos + carfentrazon can also be used to control the surviving resistant L. dubia. However, use of these mixtures should be restricted to a special need basis. Thus, we suggest that sequential applications of non-SU-based mixtures such as butachlor + pyrazolate and MCPB + molinate + simetryne be used to control the surviving resistant L. dubia after SU herbicide applications. Rice yield was reduced 24 % by resistant L. dubia that survived after the pyrazosulfuron-ethyl + molinate application compared with pyrazolate + butachlor in transplanted rice culture. In vitro ALS activity of the resistant biotype was 40 and 30 times more resistant to imazosulfuron and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, respectively, than the susceptible biotype. Result of in vitro ALS assay that the resistance mechanism of L. dubia to SU herbicides may be due, in part, to an alteration in the target enzyme, ALS.
Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
This research was conducted to determine a pre-germinated herbicides with iron-coated seeds in water and wet hill seeded rice. Days of rice seedling emergence was the faster germination at the application of benzobicyclon > oxadiazon > thiobencarb > butachlor and the sealed iron-coated seeds with pre-germinated seeds> pre-germinated seeds> iron-coated seeds with pre-soaking. The seedling establishment was relatively high in untreated control and benzobicyclon among seed treatments by 63.7% and 75.7%. There was 100% seeds killed of pre-germinated seeds in terms of herbicide phytotoxicity and sealed iron-coated seeds with pre-germinated seeds in butachlor but benzobicyclon was of safe with 2% rice seeds killed. Infant rice seedling height was of 9.2-12.9cm in benzobicyclon and 11.9-16.3cm in untreated control and thus there was relatively normal development and growth at the initial rice seedling.
Park, Yang-Ho;Lee, Byung-Moo;Park, Seung-Soon;Lee, In-Yong;Kim, Young-Koo;Park, Young-Sun
Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
To develop mixed pesticides of herbicide and topdressing fertilizer for paddy rice, twelve mixtures were formulated with combination of urea coated with different level of acrylic acid wax(AAW) and four herbicides, which were thiobencarb, pretilachlor, mefenacet + bensulfuron-methyl and mefenacet + bensulfuron-methyl + dymron, and effects of the mixtures for weed control, phytotoxicity and rice tillering were investigated in the laboratory and the field experiments. Release rates of active ingredient of herbicides in the distilled water were over 90% during 24 hours same as that of the reference herbicides. The release rates of nitrogen showed different patterns according to coated level of granular urea with acrylic acid wax. Optimum release rate of nitrogen as $NH_4-N$ was obtained by 5.5% AAW coating on urea for thiobencarb or pretilachlor mixture, and by 4.0% AAW coating on urea for mefenacet + bensulfuron-methyl or mefenacet + bensulfuron-methyl + dymron mixture. The pesticide active ingredients of the mixtures were stable, which showed $3.7{\sim}8.0%$ of degradation rate after 90 days of storage under $50^{\circ}C$. Effects on weed control of mixtures were acceptable for both annual and perennial weeds, while ACRI-M9213 mixture showed considerable phytotoxicity at double dose of standard. When treated the mixed pesticides to paddy rice, rice growth status including culm length, ear length, panicle number and polished rice yield exhibited no significant differences compared with the conventional treatment.
To establish the method of integrated weed management in rice nurserybed, phytotoxic factors of herbicide and antidote efficacy were evaluated at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station in 1982 and 1984. Seven hundred eighty four research items were carried out as weed control research since 1961. While 65% of these were belonged to rice research, only 6% was attributed to nurserybed among rice research. More herbicidal phytotoxicity exhibited when seedbed was pressed just after seeding than sand covered or uncovered seedbed and also this phytotoxic symptom enhanced by using intact seed compared to pregerminated seed. Rinsing practice of seedbed reduced the phytotoxic effect of butachlor and this effect was more pronounced with the number of rinsing operation increase and at the pressed plot. However, herbicidal efficacy was not significantly decreased by rinsing operation. Growth of rice seedling hardly affected where the herbicide was absorbed through root only compared to absorption from both of root and shoot for pyrazolate, butachlor and thiobencarb. Herbicide antidote `CGA 123'407' completely protected from the phytotoxic effect of pretilachlor without arising any adversal effect in weed control. However, without antidote, pretilachlor showed the most severe phytotoxic symptom among used herbicides.
Weedy rice has typical characters such as easy shattering, dormancy, and longevity. These characters let it undergo the winter and occur year by year, It is very difficult to control weedy rice once the field have contaminated with its seeds. Therefore, the control method for weedy rice was focused on the no-tillage direct seeding in this experiment. The germination ability of seeds shattered on the soil surface in the next spring was 92.7% in weedy rice, and 4.3% in cultivated rice. The possible depth of weedy rice emergence were 1.5cm, 3.0cm and 6.8cm in no-tillage, wet seeding and dry seeding paddy field, respectively. The paddy field contaminated with weedy rice was maintained as no-tillage, and then irrigated in early spring (April 15). We could induce weedy rice on the soil to emerge with irrigation, and then kill by using non-selective herbicide, paraquat. Weedy rice was controled 92.2% of total emerged by this method. After seedling establishment of cultivated rice, molinate, thiobencarb, oxadiazon, dithiopyr, butachlor were soil-applied to suppress the emergence of weedy rice seeds buried in the soil. Oxadiazon was the most effective to repress the weedy rice among soil-applied herbicides tested. The highest control value was 96.4% as the result of combination of paraquat and oxadiazon.
The effect of transplanting method of rice seedlings on weed occurrence was investigated at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station in 1983. Rice was transplanted by hand and machine and eleven common herbicides were applied. The greatest weeds were harvested from the plot that rice was not transplanted and more weeds encountered at machine transplanted plot than hand transplanted plot. The degree of weed suppression by rice plant itself was 50% for machine transplatning and 55% for hand transplanting, respectively. Simpson index and community dominance of weed species were the highest in hand transplanting and followed by machine transplanting and no rice plot in order. Rice grain yield was exponentially correlated with the amounts of weed occurrence and more yield loss exhibited at machine transplanting than hand transplanting in the same amount of weeds. In the herbicidal activity, most of herbicides performed better at hand transplanting than machine transplanting while the degree of difference between transplanting methods varied depend on herbicide used.
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일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.