• Title/Summary/Keyword: Surface topography

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The Analysis of Terrain and Topography using Fractal (프랙탈 기법에 의한 지형의 특성분석)

  • Kwon, Kee-Wook;Jee, Hyung-Kyu;Lee, Jong-Dal
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.530-542
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    • 2005
  • In this study, GIS method has been used to get fractal characteristics. Using the projected area and surface area, 2 dimensional fractal characteristic of terrain was found out. Correlation of fractal dimension and mean slope were also checked over. Results are as below. 1) To get a fractal dimension, the method which is using the surface area is also directly proportional to complexity of the terrain as other fractal dimension. 2) Fractal dimensions using the surface area, that is proposed in this thesis are carried out as below : Uiseong : $2.02{\sim}2.15$ Yeongcheon : $2.10{\sim}2.24$. These values are in a range of fractal $2.10{\sim}2.20$ dimensions which has known. 3) Correlation of mean slope and fractal dimension is diminished about 30% in a region which is more than $25^{\circ}$ of mean slope. So, in this region using the fractal dimension method is better than using the mean slope. From this study, on formula using the projected area and surface area is still good to get a fractal dimension that has been found. But to confirm this method the region of research should be wider and be set up the correlation of mean slope, surface area and fractal dimension. It can be applicable to restoration of terrain and traffic flow analysis in the future research.

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Marine Heat Waves Detection in Northeast Asia Using COMS/MI and GK-2A/AMI Sea Surface Temperature Data (2012-2021) (천리안위성 해수면온도 자료 기반 동북아시아 해수고온탐지(2012-2021))

  • Jongho Woo;Daeseong Jung;Suyoung Sim;Nayeon Kim;Sungwoo Park;Eun-Ha Sohn;Mee-Ja Kim;Kyung-Soo Han
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1477-1482
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    • 2023
  • This study examines marine heat wave (MHW) in the Northeast Asia region from 2012 to 2021, utilizing geostationary satellite Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS)/Meteorological Imager sensor (MI) and GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A)/Advanced Meteorological Imager sensor (AMI) Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data. Our analysis has identified an increasing trend in the frequency and intensity of MHW events, especially post-2018, with the year 2020 marked by significantly prolonged and intense events. The statistical validation using Optimal Interpolation (OI) SST data and satellite SST data through T-test assessment confirmed a significant rise in sea surface temperatures, suggesting that these changes are a direct consequence of climate change, rather than random variations. The findings revealed in this study serve the necessity for ongoing monitoring and more granular analysis to inform long-term responses to climate change. As the region is characterized by complex topography and diverse climatic conditions, the insights provided by this research are critical for understanding the localized impacts of global climate dynamics.

Effect of Concentration of Polyacrylic Acid and Sulfate ion on the Cystal growth - A Topographic Study (법랑질표면에서 폴리아크릴산용액 농도와 황산이온 농도가 결정형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Joo-Hyung;Lee, Ki-Soo
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.28 no.5 s.70
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    • pp.877-891
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    • 1998
  • This study was designed to observe the effects of various concentration of polyacrylic acid containing different concentration of sulfate ion on the crystal formation on the enamel surface. Experimental crystal growth solutions were made of $10\%,\;20\%,\;30\%\;and\;40\%$ polyacrylic acid(molecular weight,5,000) solutions which containing 0.1M, 0.2M, 0.3M, 0.5M, and 1.0M sulfate ion respectively. The extracted human first bicuspid enamel surface was contacted for n seconds with these solutions, washed for 15 seconds, dried, and then the crystal topography on the enamel surface was observed under the scanning electron microscope. The crystal topography were evaluated on the SEM photographs by degree of crystal coverage, crystal length, and consistency of crystal morphology, and conclusions were as the follows. 1. Polyacrylic acid solution etched slightly the enamel surface, and the difference of etching effect by its concentration was not observed. 2. The effect of concentration of polyacrylic acid on the crystal formation was less, especially that of $20\%\~40\%$ polyacrylic acid was almost not different. 3. Concentration of the sulfate ion was a determinant factor in precipitating crystals on the enamel. The experimental crystal growth solutions containing 0.1 M sulfate ion did not make crystal formation but those containing over 0.2 M sulfate ion did. 4. The degree of crystal coverage showed a tendency to increase and then decrease according to the concentration of sulfate ion in the $20\%-40\%$ polyacrylic acid. The experimental solutions containing 0.5 M sulfate ion showed the peak of degree of crystal coverage. 5. The crystal length showed a tendency to decrease by increment of sulfate ion in the polyacrylic acid solution. 6. There was a tendency to increase the frequency of random arragement of short crystals when increasing the concentration of sulfate ion in the polyacrylic acid solution. The lower concentration of sulfate ion in the polyacrylic acid solutions tended to make spherulitic arrangement of crystals, the higher concentration of sulfate ion, the more random arrangement of crystals. The experimental solutions containing 0.5M sulfate ion showed more spherulitic arrangement than random arrangement of crystals. 7. The best one of these experimental crystal growth solutions was $30\%$ polyacrylic acid solution containing 0.5M sulfate ion.

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Study of East Asia Climate Change for the Last Glacial Maximum Using Numerical Model (수치모델을 이용한 Last Glacial Maximum의 동아시아 기후변화 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Joong;Park, Yoo-Min;Lee, Bang-Yong;Choi, Tae-Jin;Yoon, Young-Jun;Suk, Bong-Chool
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.26
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2006
  • The climate of the last glacial maximum (LGM) in northeast Asia is simulated with an atmospheric general circulation model of NCAR CCM3 at spectral truncation of T170, corresponding to a grid cell size of roughly 75 km. Modern climate is simulated by a prescribed sea surface temperature and sea ice provided from NCAR, and contemporary atmospheric CO2, topography, and orbital parameters, while LGM simulation was forced with the reconstructed CLIMAP sea surface temperatures, sea ice distribution, ice sheet topography, reduced $CO_2$, and orbital parameters. Under LGM conditions, surface temperature is markedly reduced in winter by more than $18^{\circ}C$ in the Korean west sea and continental margin of the Korean east sea, where the ocean exposed to land in the LGM, whereas in these areas surface temperature is warmer than present in summer by up to $2^{\circ}C$. This is due to the difference in heat capacity between ocean and land. Overall, in the LGM surface is cooled by $4{\sim}6^{\circ}C$ in northeast Asia land and by $7.1^{\circ}C$ in the entire area. An analysis of surface heat fluxes show that the surface cooling is due to the increase in outgoing longwave radiation associated with the reduced $CO_2$ concentration. The reduction in surface temperature leads to a weakening of the hydrological cycle. In winter, precipitation decreases largely in the southeastern part of Asia by about $1{\sim}4\;mm/day$, while in summer a larger reduction is found over China. Overall, annual-mean precipitation decreases by about 50% in the LGM. In northeast Asia, evaporation is also overall reduced in the LGM, but the reduction of precipitation is larger, eventually leading to a drier climate. The drier LGM climate simulated in this study is consistent with proxy evidence compiled in other areas. Overall, the high-resolution model captures the climate features reasonably well under global domain.

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Spatial Interpolation of Hourly Air Temperature over Sloping Surfaces Based on a Solar Irradiance Correction (일사 수광량 보정에 의한 산악지대 매시기온의 공간내삽)

  • 정유란;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2002
  • Spatial interpolation has become a common procedure in converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points for use in regional scale ecosystem modeling and the model based decision support systems for resource management. Neglection of terrain effects in most spatial interpolations for short term temperatures may cause erroneous results in mountainous regions, where the observation network hardly covers full features of the complicated terrain. A spatial interpolation model for daytime hourly temperature was formulated based on error analysis of unsampled site with respect to the site topography. The model has a solar irradiance correction scheme in addition to the common backbone of the lapse rate - corrected inverse distance weighting. The solar irradiance scheme calculates the direct, diffuse and reflected components of shortwave radiation over any surfaces based on the sun-slope geometry and compares the sum with that over a reference surface. The deviation from the reference radiation is used to calculate the temperature correction term by an empirical conversion formula between the solar energy and the air temperature on any sloped surfaces at an hourly time scale, which can be prepared seasonally for each land cover type. When this model was applied to a 14 km by 22 km mountainous region at a 10 m horizontal resolution, the estimated hourly temperature surfaces showed a better agreement with the observed distribution than those by a conventional method.

Changes of Refractive Errors Caused by Corneal Shape and Pupil Size (각막지형과 동공크기에 의한 굴절교정값의 변화)

  • Noh, Yeon Soo;Kim, Sang-Yeob;Moon, Byeong-Yeon;Cho, Hyun Gug
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.383-387
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: To investigate the effect of corneal unique shape to changes of refractive full corrections when pupil size changes. Methods: Subjective refraction for monocular full correction was performed to 30 subjects ($23.33{\pm}1.78$ of age, 60 eyes) in two room conditions, 760 lx and 2 lx, respectively. Pupillary diameter was measured in two conditions and the change pattern was analyzed using a peak data of corneal topography. Results: Pupillary diameter was 3.74~4.00 mm in 760 lx and 5.52~5.90 mm in 2 lx. By comparison with refractive data in 760 lx, those data in 2 lx was changed as follows: more (-) spherical power of 17 eyes (28.3%), more (+) spherical power of 10 eyes (17.7%), more (-) cylinderical power of 17 eyes (28.8%), less (-) cylinderical power of 9 eyes (15.3%), and astigmatic axis rotation of 36 eyes (62.1%). From peak data of corneal topography, the changing pattern of two principal meridians was classified into 4 types. Conclusions: Expansion of the corneal refractive surface accompanied with pupillary dilation may be a main factor that effects the changing a values of subjective refraction because of unique corneal shape. Therefore, subjective refraction should be performed under the nearest lighting condition to a main living environment.

Geographic Distribution Analysis of Lunar In-situ Resource and Topography to Construct Lunar Base (달 기지 건설을 위한 달 현지 자원 및 지형의 공간 분포 분석)

  • Hong, Sungchul;Kim, Young-Jae;Seo, Myungbae;Shin, Hyu-Soung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.669-676
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    • 2018
  • As the Moon's scientific, technological, and economic value has increased, major space agencies around the world are leading lunar exploration projects by establishing a road map to develop lunar resources and to construct a lunar base. In addition, as the lunar base construction requires huge amounts of resources from the Earth, lunar in-situ construction technology is being developed to produce construction materials from local lunar resources. On the other hand, the characteristics of lunar topography and resources vary spatially due to the crustal and volcanic activities inside the Moon as well as the solar wind and meteorites from outside the Moon. Therefore, in this paper, the geospatial analysis of lunar resource distribution was conducted to suggest regional consideration factors to apply the lunar in situ construction technologies. In addition, the lunar topographic condition to select construction sites was suggested to ensure the safe landing of a lunar lander and the easy maneuvering of a rover. The lunar topographic and resource information mainly from lunar orbiters were limited to the lunar surface with a low spatial resolution. Rover-based lunar exploration in the near future is expected to provide valuable information to develop lunar in situ construction technology and select candidate sites for lunar base construction.

Three-dimensional Imaging of Subsurface Structures by Resistivity Tomography (전기비저항 토모그래피에 의한 지하구조의 3차원 영상화)

  • Yi Myeong-Jong;Kim Jung-Ho;Chung Seung-Hwan;Suh Jung Hee
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.236-249
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    • 2002
  • We have extended the three-dimensional (3-D) resistivity imaging algorithm to cover the 3-D resistivity tomography problem, where resistivity data are acquired using electrodes installed in several boreholes as well as at the earth surface. The imaging algorithm consists of the 3-D finite element forward modeling and least-squares inversion scheme, where the ACB (Active Constraint Balancing) is adopted to enhance the resolving power of the inversion. Sensitivity analysis with numerical verifications shows that 3-D resistivity tomography is a very appealing method and can be used to get 3-D attitude of subsurface structures with very high-resolution. Moreover, we could accurately handle the topography effect, which could cause artifacts in the resistivity tomography. In the application of 3-D resistivity tomography to the real field data set acquired at the quarry mine, we could derive a very reasonable and accurate image of the subsurface.

Sea Water Intrusion in the Coastal Area of Cheju Volcanic Island, Korea (제주도(濟州島) 임해지역(臨海地域)에서의 해수침입(海水侵入))

  • Choi, Soon Hak;Kim, Young Ki;Lee, Dong Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 1991
  • Cheju is the biggest island in Korean peninsula, consisted entirely of volcanic rocks and pyroclastic sediments. The topography is characterized by wide basalt plain in the low altitude but at the center of island, basalt volcano rises 1,950m above sea-level. Surface drainage is very poor, therefore water supply has been dependent on ground water and natural springs. There are about 1,650 production wells and most of them yield $1,000{\sim}2,000mm^3/day$. According to increase of ground water use, saline water is intruded in the low altitude of coastal area. Specially in the eastern coastal area, the topography is extensively flat and the level of ground water is very close to sea-level, at which overuse of ground water has brought saline intrusion up to maximum 6km far from the coast. Hydrochemical monitoring on this salt water intrusion is now undertaken on long term base.

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The Spatial Distribution of Snowfall and its Development Mechanism over the Honam Area (호남 지방의 국지적 강설 분포와 그 차이의 원인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Seung-Ho;Lee Kyoung-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.457-469
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to understand the characteristics of spatial distribution of snowfall and to analyze its development mechanism in Honam province in Korea. The areas of snowfall in Honan area can be divided into the seven sub-area by snowfall pattern. In the west coastal area of heavy snowfall and the southwest coastal area of heavy snowfall, snowfall develops over reason of ocean by Siberian High while in the northern inland area of heavy snowfall and the southern inland area of heavy snowfall, it develops when a strong Siberian High affects to inland. Then, much snowfall is by a forced ascending due to topography in Namwon, Imsil and Gwangju of the northwestward of the Noryung and Sobaek mountain ranges while it is weak in Jeonju and Suncheon of the low plains and the southeastward. In the mountainous area of heavy snowfall and the south coastal area of light snowfall, cyclone is also one of causes of snowfall. In the southwest coastal area, snowfall is meager than the southwest coastal area of heavy snowfall because this area is far from the west coast. It is confirmed that the snowfall difference of the coast, inland and mountainous area appears by temperature difference of sea surface and 850hPa temperature, wind speed of Siberian High.