• Title/Summary/Keyword: Surface order

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Improvement of Net Structure and Operating System in Purse Seine Fishery for Gizzard-shad, Konosirus Punctatns(I) -Underwater Geometry and Behaviour of fish School to the Net - (전어 선망 어구 및 조업 시스템 개발(I) -어구의 수중 형상 및 전어 어군의 대망 행동-)

  • 장덕종;신형호;김동수;김진건
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 2002
  • In order to development the construction and dimension of fishing gear for gizzard shad coastal purse seine, first of all investigated to the sinking speed and underwater geometry of net, behaviour of fish school to the net during the fishing operation In the field. The results obtained are summarized as follows; 1. Average sinking speed of net was 13cm/sec in bunt, 9.0cm/sec and 9.5cm/sec in 170m and 280m of center, 4.9cm/sec in end wing side, therefore was fastest in start of shooting and decreased gradually during the shooting process. 2. The most of leadline was reached in bottom from the shooting immediately to hauling time and the mean depth of timber bar used equipment for the escaping prevention of fish school was within the 2.7m. 3. The fish school of gizzard shad was appearanced higher density and remained to the most time in bottom than the surface and repeated to vortical movement, and its tendency to distinct in rapid time of tide current. 4. Behaviour of fish school in the net was showed to the vortical movement by sinking and rising immediately with the shooting of net and then divide with the two shape to follow round the wall of net and no patterns straightly movement in the net, and tendency easily catched in fish school of the wall of net. 5. Escaping of fish school in the gap of wing side was to busy after that seting the timber bar, therefore its function for escaping prevention of fish school was very lowed. 6. Escaping behaviour of fish school was differenced with the depth of fishing ground, the above 20m escaped to busy through the below in ledline because the sinking speed of fish school is fast than the net.

A study on the comparison by the methods of estimating the relaxation load of SEM-pile (SEM파일의 이완하중 산정방법별 이완하중량 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gyu;Park, Eun-Hyung;Cho, Kook-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.543-560
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    • 2018
  • With the increased development in downtown underground space facilities that vertically cross under a railway at a shallow depth, the demand for non-open cut method is increasing. However, most construction sites still adopt the pipe roof method, where medium and large diameter steel pipes are pressed in to form a roof, enabling excavation of the inside space. Among the many factors that influence the loosening region and loads that occur while pressing in steel pipes, the size of the pipe has the largest impact, and this factor may correspond to the magnitude of load applied to the underground structure inside the steel pipe roof. The super equilibrium method (SEM) has been developed to minimize ground disturbance and loosening load, and uses small diameter pipes of approximately 114 mm instead of conventional medium and large diameter pipes. This small diameter steel pipe is called an SEM pile. After SEM piles are pressed in and the grouting reinforcement is constructed, a crossing structure is pressed in by using a hydraulic jack without ground subsidence or heaving. The SEM pile, which plays the role of timbering, is a fore-poling pile of approximately 5 m length that prevents ground collapse and supports surface load during excavation of toe part. The loosening region should be adequately calculated to estimate the spacing and construction length of the piles and stiffness of members. In this paper, we conducted a comparative analysis of calculations of loosening load that occurs during the press-in of SEM pile to obtain an optimal design of SEM. We analyzed the influence of factors in main theoretical and empirical formulas applied for calculating loosening regions, and carried out FEM analysis to see an appropriate loosening load to the SEM pile. In order to estimate the soil loosening caused by actual SEM-pile indentation and excavation, a steel pipe indentation reduction model test was conducted. Soil subsidence and soil loosening were investigated quantitatively according to soil/steel pipe (H/D).

A Preliminary Analysis on the International Management System for the Ocean fertilization with Iron at High Seas (해양 철분 시비(施肥)사업의 국제 관리체제 예비 분석)

  • Hong, Gi-Hoon;Sohn, Hyo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.138-149
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    • 2008
  • Rapid accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the past century leads to acidify the surface ocean and contributes to the global warming as it forms acid in the ocean and it is a green house gas. In order to curb the green house gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide, various multilateral agreements and programs have been established including UN Convention of Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol for the last decades. Also a number of geo-engineering projects to manipulate the radiation balance of the earth have been proposed both from the science and industrial community worldwide. One of them is ocean fertilization to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through the photosynthesis of phytoplankton in the sea. Deliberate fertilization of the ocean with iron or nitrogen to large areas of the ocean has been proposed by commercial sector recently. Unfortunately the environmental consequences of the large scale ocean iron fertilization are not known and the current scientific information is still not sufcient to predict. In 2007, the joint meeting of parties of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972 and 1996 Protocol (London Convention/Protocol) has started considering the purposes and circumstances of proposed large-scale ocean iron fertilization operations and examined whether these activities are compatible with the aims of the Convention and Protocol and explore the need, and the potential mechanisms for regulation of such operations. The aim of this paper is to review the current development on the commercial ocean fertilization activities and management regimes in the potential ocean fertilization activities in the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone, and high seas, respectively, and further to have a view on the emerging international management regime to be London Convention/Protocol in conjunction with a support from the United Nations General Assembly through The United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea.

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Tephra Origin of Goryeri Archaeological Site, Milyang Area, Korea (밀양 고례리 화산 유리물질 기원 해석)

  • 김주용;양동윤;박영철
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 1999
  • Goryeri archaeological site is located in the upstream valley of the Danjang River. The basement rocks of the area are composed of the Cretaceous to Palaeogene biotite granite (KbGr), acidic dyke (Kad), Milyang Andesite (Kma) and Jyunggagsan Formation. Among them Milyang Andesite and Jyunggagsan Formation are prevailed in archaeological site and they are composed of reddish brown tuffaceous shale, sandstone and conglomerate, with intercalations of acidic tuffs and lapilli tuffs. The purpose of this research is not only to compare REE pattern of the soil-sedimentary deposits with those of surrounding rocks, but also to identify vitric tephra in the soil-sedimentary deposits derived from the andesite, acidic tuff and lapilii tuff, in order to illucidate the provenance of the vitric tephra. The rare earth element(REE) of the soils and sedimentary deposits results in the same REE pattern with those analyzed from the surrounding basement rocks. This indicates that the soils and sedimentary deposits are originated from the surrounding basement rocks, most probably from the andesite and lapilli tuff. In addition, vitric tephra were identified both in the Quaternary in-situ weathered soils and sedimentary deposits (PMU-13 and PMU-17), and in the weathered surrounding lapilli tuff. These vitric tephra are considered to be different from those of Japanese AT(Aira Tanzawa) -tephra. The latter is predominant with clean, platty, bubble-walled and Y-shaped vitrics, while the former is conspicuous with those shapes of large and diverse size and devitrified, as well as having secondarily bubbled-surfaces reflecting surface weathering. The size of vitric fragments in the Goryeri site is about 300${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ and large in size in compasion to 150${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ of Japanese AT-Tephra. The interim results of the research are contradictary to the explanations based on a series of AT-tephra researches carried by Japanese scholar. In short, the vitric materials of the Goryeri archaeological site are most probably originated from the weathering products of the surrounding basement rocks, and are different from the AT-tephra in their size, shape and devitrification properties. Thus it is highly recommended to have a further comprehensive research which is more emphasized the magmatic genesis of these vitric tephra in addition to the external shape and morphology.

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Studies on the Effect of Fiber Reinforcing upon Mechanical Properties of Concrete and Crack Mode of Reinforoed Concrete (섬유보강이 콘크리트의 역학적 특성과 철근콘크리트의 균열성상에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 박승범
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.4645-4687
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    • 1978
  • This study was attempted to investigate the mechanical properties of concrete and crack control effects of reinforced concrete with steel and glass fiber. The experimental program includes tests on the properties of fresh concrete containing fibers, compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength, Young's modulus, Shrinkage and deformation of steel or glass fiber reinforced concrete. Also this study was carried out to investigate the effect of steel or glass fiber to retard the development in reinforced concrete subject to uniaxial tension and thus facilitate the use of steels of higher strength. The major conclusions that can be drawn from the studies are as follows: 1. The effect of the fibers in various mixes on fresh concrete confirmed that fibers do have a significant effect on the properties of fresh concrete, bringing much more stable and exhibiting a signiflcant reduction in surface bleeding, and that the cohesion is greatly improved and the internal resistance increases with fiber concentration. But the addition of an excess contents and length of fibers brings about the reduction of workability. 2. With the addition of steel fibers(1.5% Vol.) to concrete, the compressive strength as compared with plain concrete showed a very slight increase, but excess addition, over 1.5% Vol. of steel and glass fiber reduced its strength. 3. Splitting tensile strength of fiber reinforced concrete showed a significant increase tendency, as compared with plain concrete. In case of containing steel fiber (2.5%, 30mm), it showed that the maximum increase rate of 1.48 times as much rate, and in case of containing glass fiber (2.5%, 30mm), the increase rate of strength was 1.25 times as much rate. 4. Flexural strength of fiber reinforced concrete showed a significant tendency, as compared with plain concrete. Containing steel fiber (2.5%, 30mm) showed the maximum increase rate of 1.64 times as much rate and containing glass fiber (2.5%, 30mm) showed the increase rate of strength of 1.32 times as much rate, and in general, the 30mm length brougth the best results. 5. The strength ratio ($\sigma$b/$\sigma$c and $\sigma$t/$\sigma$c) increased, when steel fiber's average spacing was up to 3.05mm, but decreased when beyond 3.05mm, and it was confirmed that tensile or flexural strengths of steel fiber reinforced concrete are apparently governed by fiber's average spacing. 6. The compressive strain of fiber reinforced concrete showed a significant increasing tendency as the fiber was added, but Young's modulus. with the addition of steel and glass fibers, showed a slight decrease tendency. And according to the increase of flexural strength, a considerable increase was seen in toughness. 7. With the addition of fiber's the shrinkage of concrete was significantly decreased, in both case of adding steel fibers 12.5%, 30mm, and showed a significant decrease ratio, in average 30.4% and 36.7%, as compared with plain concrete. 8. With the increase of fiber volume fraction and length, the gained stress in reinforcing bar in concrete specimens increased in all crack widths, but at different rates, with the decrease of fiber diameter, the stress showed a considerable increasing tendency. And the duoform steel fibers showed the greatest improvement, as compared with the other types tested. 9. The influence of fiber dimensions in order of significanse on the machanical properties of concrete and the crack control of reinforced concrete was explained as follows: content, length, aspect ratio and dimeter.

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A study on the reduction on magnetic susceptible artifacts through the usage of silicon (실리콘을 이용한 자화율 인공물의 감소에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Lee, Ho-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.5937-5942
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    • 2012
  • This study used silicon that is similar to the density of the tissue of the human body to compensate for the uneven areas that are in contact with air in order to reduce susceptible artifacts. The subjects of the study were 16 normal people and the areas of the human body in which there are a lot of uneven areas with complicated structure and a lot of susceptible artifacts were formed since the surface area that comes into contact with the air is large were the areas that were chosen to be examined. A 3.0T superconducting magnetic resonance device was used as the test equipment and SPIR images that are sensitive to magnetic differences were obtained as sagittal planes on a line that extended the metatarsal and the phalanges, including the middle of the longitudinal arc and the 5 distal phalanxes. The method of analysis was to reduce the susceptibility between the tissue and the air to discover the reduction of susceptible artifacts by comparing the SNR and CNR before and after applying silicon. A statistical analysis was utilized for the sample matching T examination. The results of the study revealed that the susceptible artifacts were reduced in the images of the uneven areas that were compensated and applied with silicon. The SNR increased in significant amount in correlation from $3.91{\pm}1.33$ before application to $21.69{\pm}4.52$ after application and the CNR decreased in significant amount in correlation from $28.97{\pm}8.20$ before application to $4.88{\pm}2.14$. In conclusion, this study did not affect the voxel but it was an innovative method of improvement that compensated for the fundamental issue of the difference in susceptibility between the air and the body. The application is simple and the study has great significance in that it proposed a method to reduce susceptible artifacts in a low cost and highly efficient manner.

Comparision of Signal-Averaged Electrocardiography (SAECG) Determined by Flank Lead System (FLS) and Pyramidal Lead System (PLS) in Healthy Young Adults (정상 성인의 직교유도체제와 피라미드유도체제에 의한 신호 가산 평균심전도의 비교)

  • Jang, Byeong-Ik;Kang, Seung-Ho;Kim, Hyeung-Il;Shin, Dong-Gu;Kim, Young-Jo;Shim, Bong-Sup;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.179-189
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    • 1993
  • It has recently become possible to record electrical activity originating from abnormally conducting myocardium from the body surface with high - gain amplification and averaging technique. These signals, which result from delayed ventricular activation(late potentials), have been recorded in patients with documented ventricular tachyarrythmia. Several electrode lead system for detecting ventricular late potential were introduced. Pyramidal electrode lead system(PLS) is useful. Also interpretation of SAECG in the young could be of value in detecting those at risk for episodic ventricular tachycardia, but suffer from a lack of data in normal young people. Selection of subjects : For this study, normal healthy young adult volunteers (age: mean 24 years) were recruited from the medical students at Yeungnam University Hospital, Internal Medicine. Twenty fourths male and seventeenths female subjects were selected. All subjects had normal resting ECGs as judged from both the standard 12 channel lead and echocardiography, and none had a history of cardiovascular disease. All subjects were considered to be in good general physical condition. Signal-averaged electrocardiography : In order to obtain low noise recordings with a small number of averaging cycles, all subject ware asked to relax completely in the supine position. Silver/silver chloride electrodes were attached after the skin was cleaned with alcohol, to constitute classic flank lead system(FLS) and pyramidal lead system(PLS). Signals were recorded and processed using a commercially available microprocessor-augmented ECG cart(Marquette Electronics, USA) suitable for portable bedside recording. There was no difference between normal values, determined by FLS and PLS at high pass filtering of 25 Hz and 80 Hz, but significant, difference was found in HFLAD and RMS-40 of 40 Hz(p<0.05). These results will provide a basis for interpretations of SAECG, determined by FLS and PLS in healthy young adults with normal QRS duration.

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Furrow Covering Effects with Rice Straw on Nutrient Discharge from Upland Soil Used for Red Pepper Cultivation (고추밭 고랑 볏짚피복에 의한 양분유출 특성)

  • Hong, Seung-Chang;Kim, Min-Kyeong;Jung, Goo-Buk;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2016
  • Excessive application of nutrient supplement on the upland soil may increase the amount of discharge to surrounding water systems. The chemical fertilizer (CF), cow manure compost (CMC), and pig manure compost (PMC) are used as a nutrient supplement for cultivation of red pepper. Rice straws are widely used as a soil covering material in order to reduce weed occurrence, to protect soil moisture, and to supply organic matter in upland soil. This study was conducted to evaluate the furrow covering effect with rice straw on nutrient discharge in upland soil used for red pepper cultivation. The experimental plots of nutrient supplement were consisted of CF, CMC, and PMC and the amount of nutrient application were as recommended amount after soil test for red pepper cultivation. Each nutrient supplement treatment plot has no furrow covering (CFC) as a control and furrow covering with rice straw (FCS), respectively. Furrow covering with rice straw (FCS) of CF treatment and CMC treatment reduced the amount of T-N(total nitrogen) discharge by $1.4kg\;ha^{-1}$, $2.1kg\;ha^{-1}$, respectively, compared to control. While the amount of T-P(total phosphorus) discharge of the furrow covering with rice straw of CF, CMC, and PMC increased by $2.1kg\;ha^{-1}$, $2.1kg\;ha^{-1}$, and $0.2kg\;ha^{-1}$, respectively, compared to control. The phosphorus and nitrogen content of straw were 0.4 % and 0.3 % respectively. In addition, in three week the phosphorus was eluted from the straw which soaked in distilled water. Thus, it was assumed that T-P discharging originated from rice straw which applied as a furrow covering material. The furrow covering with rice straw reduced weed occurrence compared to control. But production of fresh red pepper was not influenced significantly by furrow covering with rice straw. In conclusion, excessive furrow covering with rice straw could induce T-P discharge from upland soil used for red pepper cultivation. Further studies are needed to evaluate the appropriate amount of rice straw as a furrow covering material.

Scalp Dose Evaluation According Radiation Therapy Technique of Whole Brain Radiation Therapy (전뇌 방사선치료 시 치료방법에 따른 두피선량평가)

  • Jang, Joon-Yung;Park, Soo-Yun;Kim, Jong-Sik;Choi, Byeong-Gi;Song, Gi-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: Opposing portal irradiation with helmet field shape that has been given to a patient with brain metastasis can cause excess dose in patient's scalp, resulting in hair loss. For this reason, this study is to quantitatively analyze scalp dose for effective prevention of hair loss by comparing opposing portal irradiation with scalp-shielding shape and tomotherapy designed to protect patient's scalp with conventional radiation therapy. Materials and Methods: Scalp dose was measured by using three therapies (HELMET, MLC, TOMO) after five thermo-luminescence dosimeters were positioned along center line of frontal lobe by using RANDO Phantom. Scalp dose and change in dose distribution were compared and analyzed with DVH after radiation therapy plan was made by using Radiation Treatment Planning System (Pinnacle3, Philips Medical System, USA) and 6 MV X-ray (Clinac 6EX, VARIAN, USA). Results: When surface dose of scalp by using thermo-luminescence dosimeters was measured, it was revealed that scalp dose decreased by average 87.44% at each point in MLC technique and that scalp dose decreased by average 88.03% at each point in TOMO compared with HELMET field therapy. In addition, when percentage of volume (V95%, V100%, V105% of prescribed dose) was calculated by using Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) in order to evaluate the existence or nonexistence of hotspot in scalp as to three therapies (HELMET, MLC, TOMO), it was revealed that MLC technique and TOMO plan had good dose coverage and did not have hot spot. Conclusion: Reducing hair loss of a patient who receives whole brain radiotherapy treatment can make a contribution to improve life quality of the patient. It is expected that making good use of opposing portal irradiation with scalp-shielding shape and tomotherapy to protect scalp of a patient based on this study will reduce hair loss of a patient.

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Culture of the Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in a Semi-closed Recirculating Seawater System (반폐쇄식 순환여과 사육시스템에서의 넙치 (Paralichthys olivaceus) 양식)

  • CHANG Young Jin;KIM Seung Hyern;YANG Han Soeb
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.457-468
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    • 1995
  • In order to develop a more practical culture system from the present running seawater tank system, two experiments of environmental factors, growth, survival rate and rearing density of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) were carried out for two consecutive years. Two groups of fish in initially averaging 7.5cm of total length, and 3.4g of body weight (EXP. I) and 5.0cm and 1.8g (EXP. II) were reared in the semi-closed recirculating seawater system equipped with the rotating biological contactors with the commercial culture scale. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations is EXP. I ranged 0,247-0.512 ppm of $NH_4-N$ (0.010-0.043 ppm of$NO_2-N$, and 0.108-0.342 ppm of $NO_3-N$, and those in EXP. II were 0.091-0.715 ppm, 0.002-0.045 ppm, and 0.007-0.277 ppm, respectively. Daily feeding rates of the fish were $0.67-2.41\%$ in EXP. I and $0.69-2.22\%$ in EXP_ II, and teed efficiency were $34.8-59.8\%\;and\;40.5-88.4\%$ in EXP. I and II, respectively. The average total ten說h and body weight were 40.0-42.8cm and 695.0-852.69g after 340 days culture in EXP. I, and 36.7-39.7cm and 552.4-706.4 g after 365 days culture in EXP. II, respectively. Survival rates of the fish at the end of EXP. I and II were $92.0\%\;and\;96.0\%,$ respectively. The ratio to body surface area of non-ocular side in all fish to bottom area of rearing tank, so-called covering rate, was used as an indicator of rearing density. The highest cowering rate and weight density of fish per $m^2$ of rearing tank at the end of experimental period were 2.2 and 34.1kg in EXP. I, and 2.6 and 36.3kg in EXP. II, respectively. For the commercial culture of olive flounder, the semi-closed recirculating seawater system was found to be more effective than the running seawater tank system in aspect to the fish productivity and protection of marine environment.

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