• 제목/요약/키워드: Sunchang-gun

검색결과 27건 처리시간 0.026초

전통 장류의 염도 및 당도가 농촌 노인의 맛 감지도와 식품섭취행태에 미치는 영향 (Salinity and Sweetness of Korean Jang Products related to Taste Threshold, Preferences of Food Group and Nutrient Intakes in the Rural Elderly)

  • 오세인;이미숙
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.780-787
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    • 2017
  • The consumption of high-salt foods is an independent risk factor for increased hypertension. Thus, evaluating the relationship of taste sensitivity and pleasantness of high-salt foods such as Korean jang products, would help contribute to an understanding of salty food eating behaviors of the Korean rural elderly. This study aimed to verify the association between taste sensitivity and salinity of Korean jang products, and the preferences of food groups and nutrient intake in the rural elderly. We studied 269 elderly persons (males 83, females 186) aged above 65 years, residing in the rural area, Sunchang gun Jeonbuk. For each subject, a recognition threshold of 4 basic tastes and pleasant concentrations of NaCl were estimated using the sip- and-spit method. Taste preferences, frequency of intake of food groups, nutrient intakes, and salinity and sweetness of Korean jang products (Doenjang, Ganjang, Gochujang) were assessed. No association was found between salt taste recognition threshold and optimally preferred concentration of salt and salinity of Korean jang products. However, the sweet taste recognition threshold was positively related to the sweetness of Korean jang products. Also, the salinity of Doenjang positively correlated with the frequencies of food groups and nutrient intakes. That is to say that the sweet taste sensitivity was related to the sweetness of Korean jang products, but was not sensitive to the salty taste. The salinity of Doenjang correlated with the consumption of food and nutrient intakes. Taken together, these findings suggest the need for appropriate intervention and education to reduce the salinity of Doenjang, which is an important modifiable factor contributing to reducing sodium intake in the rural elderly.

강천산(전북.순창)의 자원식물상 연구 (A Floristic Study of the Economic Plants in Mt. Gangcheon(Sunchang-gun Jeollabuk- do))

  • 김중현;윤창영
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.409-423
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    • 2007
  • 2005년 3월부터 11월까지 전북 강천산 군립공원에 자생하는 유관속식물을 대상으로 조사한 결과 조사지역내에 분포하는 식물은 97과 253속 328종 45변종 6품종 등 총 379분류군으로 관찰되었다. 조사 지역에서 분포하고 있는 379종류의 식물자원의 유용도를 분석한 결과 총 315종류의 자원식물로 분류되었으며, 식용자원(E)은 161종류(51.1%), 초지자원(P)은 121종류(38.4%), 약용자원(M)은 147종류(46.6%), 관상자원(O)은 82종류(26.0%), 목재자원(T)은 11종류(3.4%), 공업원료자원(I)은 14종류(4.4%)로 나타났다. 한국특산식물은 14과 16속 16분류군으로 조사지역내 분포하는 총 379분류군 중 약 4.2%이었으며, 특정식물 중 $III{\sim}V$등급 식물은 9과 9속 9분류군으로 소산식물 379분류군의 약 2.3%로 나타났으며, 진화식물은 11과 15속 14종 1변종의 15분류군으로 우리나라 전체 귀화식물 225 종류의 6.7%에 해당되었다.

소방공무원의 치유농장 체험 활동에 따른 심리·생리적 변화 분석 (Analysis of Psychological and Physiological Changes According to the Experience of the Care Farm of Fire-fighters)

  • 장혜숙;유은하;김정희;정순진;김재순;류두영
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2021
  • This study conducted a survey and analysis of saliva cortisol and psychological questionnaire in order to find out the psychological and physiological changes according to the experience of the care farm targeting fire-fighters. In the program to experience care farms, the total cortisol concentration as a stress hormone decreased after participation, and there was a statistically significant difference (z = 2.858, p <.01). As a result of the risk distribution analysis of the level of post-traumatic stress symptoms of firefighting officials who participated in the program to experience care farms, the high-risk group was found to be as high as 31.2%. In addition, the relative explanatory power of the independent variables that influence the loyalty of the care farm experience activity was found to have an effect in the order of program satisfaction, age, and reliability, and among them, program satisfaction was found to be the most influential variable. Therefore, it is believed that the care farm experience activities as the application of the healing program will have a positive effect on the activation of care farms in each region and the relief of stress symptoms of fire-fighters.

고령인구 비율이 높은 지역 성인 및 노인의 계절별 영양소 섭취실태 (Seasonal Variation of Nutritional Intake and Quality in Adults in Longevity Areas)

  • 최정숙;백희영
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.668-678
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    • 2004
  • 고령인구 비율이 높은 지역에 거주하는 성인 469명을 대상으로 24시간 회상법을 통해 1년 간 4계절의 식이섭취 조사를 하여 영양 섭취 상태를 양ㆍ질의 평가와 함께 계절적인 차이를 살펴본 결과 다음과 같았다. 조사 대상자의 연평균 1일 열량 섭취량(%RDA)은 1313.3$\pm$334.7 ㎉(72.0%)이며, 단백질은 47.3$\pm$17.0 g(82.2%)으로 남녀간에 권장량 대비 백분율에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 지방과 탄수화물, 식이 섬유소는 각각 20.2$\pm$12.8 g, 228.0$\pm$48.3 g, 12.8$\pm$4.5 g을 섭취하였으며, 남녀간에 유의적인 차이가 있었다. 비타민 및 무기질의 섭취량은 대부분 권장량 수준에 못 미쳤으며, 특히 칼슘, 비타민 B$_2$, 비타민 E, 비타민 D의 섭취는 권장량의 약 50%로 섭취율이 매우 낮았다. 성별에 따라서는 여성이 남성보다 비타민 및 무기질의 섭취량이 낮았으며, 계절별로는 대부분의 비타민과 무기질의 섭취율이 봄에 높았는데 예외적으로 비타민 C는 가을과 겨울에 섭취율이 높았다. 콜레스테롤의 섭취량은 남녀 각각 151.7$\pm$162.0 mg, 124.3$\pm$147.7 mg 이었으며 PUFA : MUFA : SFA의 비율은 1.0 : 1.3 : 1.2이었다. 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방 구성비율(CPF)은 72.7 : 14.4 : 12.9로, 성별에 따라서 탄수화물 에너지 구성비는 여자가 높았으며, 단백질 에너지 구성비는 남자가 높았다. 계절에 따라서는 남녀 모두 봄에 탄수화물 에너지 구성비율이 낮은 반면 단백질 에너지의 구성비율은 높았다. 대부분의 영양소 적정도는 0.8∼0.6의 범위였으나 칼슘, 비타민 A, 비타민 B$_2$, 비타민 E의 경우 0.5내외의 비율을 나타내었다. 성별에 따라서 단백질을 제외한 모든 영양소에서 여자보다 남자가 적정도에서 유의적으로 높았다. 평균 적정도는 0.66으로 다른 계절에 비해 남자는 봄에 높았고, 여자는 봄과 여름에 유의적으로 높았다. 영양의 질적 지수(INQ)는 칼슘, 비타민 A, 비타민 B$_2$, 비타민 E에서 1을 하회하였으며, 단백질을 제외한 모든 영양소에서 남자가 여자보다 질적 지수가 유의적으로 높았다. 계절에 따른 질적 지수는 남녀 모두 비타민 A와 나이아신은 봄에 높은 반면 비타민 C는 가을과 겨울에 유의적으로 높았다. 이와 같은 연구 결과로 볼 때 고령인구 비율이 높은 지역의 주민들은 전체적인 영양소 섭취 상태는 대부분의 영양소에서 권장량에 미달하여 양적으로 매우 부족한 실정이나, 질적인 영양섭취 평가 즉 영양소 적정도 및 평균 적정도, 영양의 질적 지수는 칼슘, 비타민 A, 비타민 B$_2$, 비타민 E를 제외하고 적절한 상태를 보였다. 또한 남녀를 비교할 때 여성이 남성보다 양적 질적 영양소 섭취 평가에서 낮은 상태를 보였다. 계절적으로는 다른 계절에 비해 봄에 영양소 섭취 상태가 좋았고 겨울에 불량한 것으로 나타나 본 연구 지역 주민들은 계절에 따라 영양소 섭취에 대해 영향을 받고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 전체적으로 열량 및 영양소 섭취량의 증가와 함께 질적으로 부족한 영양소의 섭취량을 증가시키고, 농촌의 특성을 고려하여 계절 식품을 잘 활용할 수 있도록 적절한 식품의 선택과 조리 방법에 대한 교육이 이루어져야 하며, 이러한 영양교육은 상대적으로 영양상태가 취약한 여성에게 우선적으로 실시되어야 하겠다. 그리고 앞으로 미량영양소의 정확한 평가를 위해 더 많은 식품성분 데이터베이스를 구축하고 보완하는 작업이 이루어져야 하겠다.

한국고유종 줄종개 Cobitis tetralineata의 난발생 및 초기생활사 (Egg Development and Early Life History of the Korean Spine Loach, Cobitis tetralineata (Pisces:Cobitidae))

  • 고명훈;원용진
    • 한국어류학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2015
  • 우리나라 고유 담수어류 줄종개 Cobitis tetralineata의 난발생 및 초기생활사를 연구하기 위하여 2013년 6월 섬진강 상류인 전북 순창군 복흥면 정산리에서 족대를 이용하여 친어를 채집하여 실험하였다. 채집된 성숙한 친어는 복강에 Ovaprim을 주사하여 12시간 경과 후 복부압박법으로 채란하고 건식법으로 인공수정 시켰다. 산란된 성숙란은 약한 점착성을 띤회색의 분리침성난으로 난경은 $1.04{\pm}0.03mm$이고 산란수는 $2,646{\pm}916$개였다. 수온 $25^{\circ}C$에서 수정 후 56시간 만에 부화 하였으며, 크기는 전장 $4.6{\pm}0.11mm$이었다. 부화 5일 후에 전장 $6.8{\pm}0.28mm$로 난황이 모두 흡수되어 후기자어로 이행하였으며, 25일 후에는 전장 $9.8{\pm}0.50mm$로 지느러미 기조가 모두 정수로 되어 치어기로 이행하였다. 부화 후 100일 후에는 전장 $34.7{\pm}5.77mm$로 4줄의 Gambetta's zone이 완성되고 외형은 성어와 비교적 유사하였다.

나(羅)·당(唐) 군의 이동과 백제군 배비 - 서기 660년 - (Movement of the Silla-the Tang army and Baekje military deployment)

  • 윤일영
    • 안보군사학연구
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    • 통권13호
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    • pp.137-658
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    • 2016
  • 1. Movement of the leaders of the Silla army The leaders of the Silla army traveled from Gyeongju(경주) to Icheon (이천), Deokjeokdo(덕적도) Island, and Hwangsanwon(황산원) during the period of the Against Baekje(백제) War that began in 660. Movement route between Gyeongju and Icheon : Gyeongju(경주)-Daegu(대구)-Gumi(구미)-Gimcheon(김천)-Chupungryeong(추풍령)-Geumdol Fortress(금돌성)-Boeun(보은)-Jincheon(진천)-Juksan(죽산)-Bubal-eup(부발읍) Movement route between Bubal-eup and Deokjeokdo Island : Bubal-eup(부발읍)-Ipo(이포) Ferry-Haengju(행주) Ferry-Palmido (팔미도) Island-Seonjaedo(선재도) Island-Yeongheungdo(영흥도) Island-Pido(피도) Island-Soyado(소야도) Island-Deokjeokdo(덕적도) Island Movement route between Deokjeokdo Island and Hwangsan: Deokjeokdo(덕적도) Island-Danghangpo(당항포)-Jincheon(진천)-Boeun (보은)-Okcheon(옥천)-Geumsan(금산)-Tanhyeon(탄현)-Hwangsan (황산)-Ganggyeong(강경)-Buyeo(부여) 2. Movement of the combat units of the Silla army Jincheon area : 4,325 persons of the Geupdang unit(急幢) and 611 persons of the Kaegeumdang unit(罽衿幢) were deployed. These units moved from Jincheon to Cheongju, Yeongi, and Gongju, and contained Ungjin Fortress(熊津城) (6,650 Baekje troops). Boeun area : 4,763 persons of the Daedang(大唐) unit, 3,548 persons of the Hajujeong unit(下州停), 3,017 persons of the Namcheonjeong unit(南川停), and 4,500 persons of the Saseoldang unit(四設幢) were deployed. These units moved from Boeun(보은) to Okcheon(옥천), Geumsan(금산), Tanhyeon,(탄현) and Hwangsan(황산). Geumdol Fortress area : 3,753 persons of the Sangjujeong unit(上州停), 5,762 persons of the Seodang unit(誓幢), 3,753 persons of the Guidang unit(貴幢), and 5,562 persons of the Nangdang uni(郎幢)t were deployed. These units moved from Geumdol Fortress to Hwanggan(황간), Yeongdong(영동), Geumsan(금산), Tanhyeon(탄현), and Hwangsan(황산). Jirye area: 3,017 persons of the Eumrihwajeong unit(音里火停) and 3,017 persons of the Ehwahyejeong unit(伊火兮停) were deployed. These units moved from Jirye(지례) to Juchiryeong(走峙嶺), Mupung (무풍), Muju-eup(무주읍), and Bunam-myeon(부남면) in Muju-gun. Goryeong area: 3,017 persons of the Samryanghwajeong unit(三良火停) and 3,017 persons of the Sosamjeong unit(召參停) were deployed. These units moved from Goryeong(고령) to Geochang(거창), Hamyang(함양), Namwon(남원), Sunchang(순창), and Jeongeup(정읍). 3. Movement of the Tang army Dangjin area(당진 방면) : 1,000 persons were deployed. These units moved from Dangjin(당진) to Myeoncheon(면천), Yesan(예산), and Imjon Fortress(임존성). Garijeo area(가리저 방면) : 1,000 persons were deployed in the Garijeo(加里渚) area. These units moved from Garijeo(가리저) to Myeoncheon(면천), Yesan(예산), and Imjon Fortress(임존성). Geumganggu area(금강구 방면) : 000 persons were deployed. These units moved from Geumganggu(금강구) to Ganggyeong(강경) and Sabi Fortress(사비성). 4. Baekje military deployment Total troops of the Baekje army : There were 60 thousand Baekje troops according to the Old Book of Tang(舊唐書). Troop deployment by the Baekje army: 62,230 persons were deployed in 15 regions: 1,000 in Dangjin(당진), 1,000 in Garijeo(가리저), 6,120 in Imjon Fortress(임존성), 1,120 in Namjam Fortress(남잠성), 1,350 in Dooryangyun Fortress(두량윤성), 870 in Wangheungsajam Fortress(왕흥사잠성), 6,650 in Ungjin Fortress(웅진성), 1,120 in Jinhyeon Fortress(진현성), 1,000 in Dooshiwonak(두시원악), 1,000 in Irye Fortress(이례성), 5,000 in Gosaburi Fortress(고사부리성), 5,000 in Gujiha Fortress(구지하성), 3,000 plus 3,000 in Gibeolpo and Yangan(기벌포 양안), 5,000 in Deukan Fortress(득안성), and 20,000 in Sabi Fortress(사비성).

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제왕절개 분만율의 지역간 변이와 관련요인에 대한 연구 (Regional Variations in the Cesarean Section Rate and It's Determinants in Korea)

  • 김혜경;이정운;박강원;문옥륜
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.312-329
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate cesarean section rate in Korea and analyze the socioeconomic variables and health resources which affect regional variation in the rate. Samples were drawn from the record of vaginal and cesarean section deliveries based upon insurance claim bills which have been submitted to the National Federation of Medical Insurance for the first three months, January through March, 1991. The results are obtained as follows : It was found that. cesarean section rate was increasing rapidly up to 23.1% in 1991. Cesarean section per 10 thousand insured people was 4.8 and the number of cesarean section per 10 thousand insured eligible($15{\sim}49$ years old) female was 7.6. The fee for normal delivery was 109,489 won and that for cesarean section was 390,024 won. The average days of hospitalization in normal delivery was 2.3 days, and those in cesarean section was 7.6 days. On the average cesarean section has a longer of stay as much as by 4.3 days and cost 3.6 times more than normal deliveries. Cesarean section rates vary among medical facilities 19.8% at clinics 37.6% in small-scale hospitals, and 29.1% in general hospitals. The regional variation of cesarean section rates was also fairly prominent. The South Cheju Gun has the highest rate of cesarean section, 56.2%. Meanwhile no cesarean section cases has been reported in Sunchang Gun during the period of this study. The variation is noted among provinces. The rate for Cheju province has been 3.4 times higher than that for Chunnam. The number of cesarean section per 10 thousand insured people vary greatly among regions, too. This study has found that there exists significant regional variations among various geographic units in terms of average length of stay, average cost, number of obsretricians and number of beds. Multiple regression analysis was done to identify factors explaining the regional variance of various cesarean section rates : In the urban areas, no significant explaining variables were noted except the number of beds for the dependent variable of cesarean section cases per 10 thousand insured eligible females. The smaller the number of bed, the more cases of cesarean section was noted for an urban area. The is mostly because the rate of cesarean section is higher in medium-size hospitals than in large general hospitals. In the rural areas, the factor of education has been found significant for all three deplendent variables. The higher the educational level, the rate of cesarean section is most likely to rise. An income variable measured by the amount of monthly insurance contribution has been identified a powerful predictor in explaining the valiance of cesarean section rates. The same has been noted for the number of obstetricians. Similar findings are observed for the country as a whole. The income level has veen found as the most powerful explaining factor in the regional variance of cesarean section rates. In general the rate is higher in the urban areas, and lower in the area with more small hospitals. As this is the initial attempt to identify the factors relevant to the regional difference in the rates of cesarean section, more elaborated study is urgently required.

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