• 제목/요약/키워드: Sugar liquid waste

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.016초

혼합 산업폐수의 질소제거를 위한 외부 탄소원 투입과 물질수지: 실증실험 (Nitrogen Removal from a mixed Industrial Wastewater using Food-Waste Leachate and Sugar Liquid Waste as External Carbon Sources: Full-Scale Experiment)

  • 이몽학;안조환;이정훈;배우근;심호재
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.663-668
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    • 2012
  • The feasibility of enhancing biological nutrient removal from an industrial wastewater was tested with food waste leachate and sugar liquid waste as external carbon sources. Long term influences of adding external carbon sources were investigated to see how the biological nutrient removal process worked in terms of the removal efficiency. The addition of the external carbons led to a significant improvement in the removal efficiency of nutrients: from 49% to approximately 76% for nitrogen and from 64% to around 80% for phosphorus. Approximately, 20% of the removal nitrogen was synthesized into biomass, while the remaining 80% was denitrified. Though the addition of external carbon sources improved nutrient removal, it also increased the waste sludge production substantially. The optimal observed BOD/TN ratio, based on nitrogen removal and sludge production, was around 4.0 in this study.

Waste Reuse in Sugar Industries

  • Ansari, Abdul Khalique
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 2001년도 The 6th International Symposium of East Asian Resources Recycling Technology
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2001
  • Pakistan being the 6$^{th}$ largest sugar producer has over 75 sugar mills with annual production capacity of about 2.4 million tons during 1996-97. The contribution of Sindh with 27 sugar mills is recorded over 50% of the total sugar production. The majority of the mills in Pakistan use the Defecation-Remelt-Phosphitation (DRP; 24 mills), Defecation-Remelt-Carbonation (DRC; 21 mills) and Defecation-Remelt Carbonation and Sulphitation (DRCS; 11 mills) process. Seven of the 75 sugar mills in Pakistan also produce industrial alcohol from molasses, a by- product of sugar manufacturing process. These sugar industries also produce fly ash, which have been found to contain unburned carbon and reach as far as four-kilo meter area with the wind direction, threatening the community health of people living around, besides posing other aesthetic problems. The untreated wastewater, in many cases, finds its way to open surface drains causing serious threat to livestock, flora and fauna. One study showed that fly ash emitted from the chimneys contain particle size ranging from 38 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ to 1000 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. About 50 per cent of each fly ash samples were above 300 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ in size and were mostly unburned Carbon particles, which produced 85% weight loss on burning in air atmosphere at 1000${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. This fly ash (mostly carbon) was the main cause of many health and aesthetic problems in the sugar mill vicinity. The environmental challenge for the local sugar mills is associated with liquid waste gaseous emission and solid waste. This paper discusses various waste recycling technologies and practices in sugar industries of Pakistan. The application of EM technology and Biogas technology has proved very successful in reusing the sugar industry wastewater and mud, which otherwise were going waste.

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환경오염원(環境汚染源)의 제거(除去)와 그 이용성(利用性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 제(報I)1보(第). 미생물(微生物)에 의(依)한 산업폐수(産業廢水)의 정화(淨化) 및 사료자원개발(飼料資源開發)에 개(開)하여 - (Elimination and Utilization of Pollutants - Part I Microbiological Clarification of Industrial Waste and Its Utilization as Feed Resources -)

  • 이계호;이강흡;박성오
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 1980
  • 본 연구에서는 산업폐수중 유기성분이 많은 식품, 펄프 공장폐수에 대하여 유기들을 영양원으로 하는 미생물을 배양시켜 유기성분을 경감시켜 폐수 정화를 목격으로 하였다. 한편 폐수정화에서 회수되는 균체는 단백질자원으로서의 사료화를 또 다른 목적으로 하고 일련의 실험을 통하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 펄프, 맥주, 빵효모, 주정공장폐수의 총당은 $1.4{\sim}1.54%$, 총 질소는 $0.25{\sim}0.35%$, BOD는 $400{\sim}25,000$, COD는 $500{\sim}28,000$, pH는 $3.8{\sim}7.0$이었고 주정공장 폐수가 BOD, COD는 가장 높았다. 2. 각 폐수중 세균총수는 $4{\times}10^4{\sim}1{\times}10^9$, 효모총수는 $2{\times}10^2{\sim}7{\times}10^4$이었다. 3. 폐수별로가 생장속도 우수한 균주로는 펄프공장폐수에서는 세균을, 맥주, 빵효모, 주정공장폐수에서는 효모를 선정 하였다. 4. 주정공장폐수정화에 최적인균주로서는 Candida curvata SAFM 70, Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAFM 1008을 선정하였다. 5. 주정중류폐액 및 중류잔사에 미생물성 cellulase, xylanase, pectinase를 처리함으로서 처리전보다 잔사량을 36% 감소시키면서 가용성화를 높여서 환원당량을 1.3배 증가시켰으므로 효모배양에 좋은 조건임을 확인하였다. 6. 효소처리한 주정증류제액에 선정된 효모를 배양하면서 배양최적조건을 확인하였다. a. Candida curvata SAFM 70 및 Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAFM 1008 2균주 모두 최적 pH는 5.0이었다. b. 2균주 모두 질소원으로는 요소, 질소농도로는 0.2%가 최적조건이었고 인삼염으로서는 $KH_2PO_4$, 그의 농도는 0,1% 그러고 Mg원으로서는 $MgSO_4$, 그의 농도는 0.02% 이었다. c. 2균주 모두 최적온도는 $30^{\circ}C$이었고 통기, 교반효과는 증식도에 크게 영향끼침을 알었다. 7. 종효모의 생포수는 적어도 $1.8{\times}f10^5/ml$ 이상이어야 증식이 순조로움을 알었다. 8. 미생들 효소를 처리한 주정증류폐액에 선정효모를 배양하여 건조균체를 생산하는데는 Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAFM 1008 보다 Candida curvata SAFM 70이 우수하였다. 9. 미생물성효소를 처리한 주정증류폐액 1000ml 당 Saccharomyces cerevisiae SAFM 1008은 16g, Candida curvata SAFM 70은 17.6g의 건조균체를 해수할 수 있었다. 주정증류공장폐수의 BOD 제거율은 전자의 효모에서 46a, 후자의 효모에서 52%이었다. 10. 주정증류공장폐수에서 생산된 효모균체는 단백질 함량이 $46{\sim}$52%임으로 사료용효모로서 적당함을 확인하였다.

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옥수수 전분박(澱粉粕)을 이용(利用)한 식사료(食飼料) 효모생산(酵母生産)에 관한 연구(硏究) (Studies on the Production of Foods and Feeds Yeast from the Hydrolyzate of Corn Starch Cake)

  • 성낙계;김명찬;기우경;김종규;윤한대
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 1976
  • 옥수수 전분박을 이용하여 식사료 효모를 생산하기 위하여 전분박의 산당화법을 검토하고 이 산당화액을 이용하여 liquid culture에서 식용효모, semisolid culture에서 사료효모를 생산하기 위한 배양조건을 검토한 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 옥수수 전분박의 신당화시 가수분해제로는 염산이 황산보다 효과적이었으며, 염산 농도 1%, 압력 $2.0kg/cm^2$에서 30분간 가수분해 시켰을 때 당화율이 57.2%로서 가장 좋았다. 2) 산분해시 원료와 전분박의 비가 1:10 이상에서는 분해가 증가되지 않았으며 semisolid substrate를 만들기 위해서는 1:3의 비율이 적당하였다. 3) 6종류의 효모를 전분박 당화액에 배양시켰을 때 Candida tropicalis가 가장 좋았으며, 최적 초기 pH는 6이었으며, 최적온도는 $30^{\circ}C$였다. 4) Liquid culture에서 Candida tropicalis의 무기 영양 요구도를 조사한 결과 $(NH_2)_2CO$ 0.3%, $KH_2PO_4$, 0.15%, $MgSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O$ 0.04%였으며, semisolid culture시에는 $NH_4CI$ 0.4%, $KH_2PO_4\;0.1%\;MgSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O\;0.04%$를 가했을 때가 좋았다. 5) 식용 효모생산을 위한 액체배양에서는 초기당 4%에서 88.75%를 소비하였으며, 원료에 대한 건조효모로써 19.13%의 수율을 보였다. 6) 사료효모를 생산하기 위해 semisolid한 상태에서 배양하였을 때 처리하지 않은 전분박에 비해cellulose는 14.7%에서 3.76%로 감소하였으며, 건조효모는 13.89%가 생성되었다.

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Measurement of Carbon-14 Activity in Spent Ion-exchange Resin of Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant

  • Kim Kyoung-Doek;Choi Young-Ku;Kang Ki-Du;Yang Ho-Yeon
    • 한국방사성폐기물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국방사성폐기물학회 2005년도 Proceedings of The 6th korea-china joint workshop on nuclear waste management
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2005
  • Measurement of spent resin activity was initiated in 2004 in order to develop the C-14 removal technology for safe disposal. As part of this program, spent resins were sampled and measured in the in-station resin storage tank 2 at Wolsong Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1. At the time of sampling, the resins had been in storage tank from 3 to 23 years. Total 72 resin samples were sampled, which were collected from both man-hole (68 samples) and test-hole (4 samples) in the in-station resin storage tank 2. They were separated into liquid, activated carbon, zeolite, and spent resin. The spent resins were oxidized with sample oxidizer and analyzed for C-14. Ten of collected mixed resin samples were separated by density into cation and anion resins using a sugar solution. The C-14 concentration in anion exchange resin was approximately 2 times higher than in the mixed resin. The average concentration of C-14 in the cation/anion mixed exchange resin was $460\;GBq/m^3$ from test-hole and $53.1\;GBq/m^3$ from man-hole. We have found that concentration of C-14 in the spent resin is about from 0.4 to $1,321\;GBq/m^3$. So it could be a problem, when dispose of at a repository, since there is a disposal limit of $222\;GBq/m^3$. This means we should develop the C-14 removal technology.

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