• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subway Entrance

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Real-Time Surveillance of People on an Embedded DSP-Platform

  • Qiao, Qifeng;Peng, Yu;Zhang, Dali
    • Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a set of techniques used in a real-time visual surveillance system. The system is implemented on a low-cost embedded DSP platform that is designed to work with stationary video sources. It consists of detection, a tracking and a classification module. The detector uses a statistical method to establish the background model and extract the foreground pixels. These pixels are grouped into blobs which are classified into single person, people in a group and other objects by the dynamic periodicity analysis. The tracking module uses mean shift algorithm to locate the target position. The system aims to control the human density in the surveilled scene and detect what happens abnormally. The major advantage of this system is the real-time capability and it only requires a video stream without other additional sensors. We evaluate the system in the real application, for example monitoring the subway entrance and the building hall, and the results prove the system's superior performance.

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An Analysis of the Effects of Walking Guidance System in Subway Stations using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리즘을 이용한 지하철 역사 동선 분리 시스템의 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Lee, Joo-Yong;Kim, Tae-Wan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.617-624
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    • 2015
  • The conflict of opposing pedestrian traffic-flow in a subway station(made up of stair, passageway, and escalator) diminishes the convenience and mobility of its users. In addition, the station's efficiency would be negatively affected by the growth of delay and queue length in pedestrian facilities. As these phenomena have been resulted by the overlapping in pedestrian's traffic-line, the separation of it would alleviate these problems. For the criteria and methodology of separation, this paper has investigated the bi-directional queue length and delay on the entrance of each facility (stair, passageway and escalator). Since the pedestrian flow exists bidirectionally, we have used the weighted average by inflow rate for the delay value. For the optimization of the separation, the Genetic Algorithm has been utilized in order to minimize the delay.

The Analysis and Preference of Contemporary Street Fashion -Comparative Analysis of Kangnam and Kangbuk- (현대 스트리트 패션 분석 및 선호도 연구 -강남권과.강북권의 비교 분석-)

  • 이영재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2003
  • In this study, the modern street fashion of Kangnam and Kangbuk was qualitatively examined and comparatively analyzed through the field case study, and it is expected that the results of this study be importantly used in planning commodity of fashion brand. The photographs taken in the Kangnam and Kangbuk streets were classified as looks. which were comparatively analyzed each other. Also, a questionnaire was carried out in return for women in those streets, and data related with an age group, occupation, school, academic major, etc. for participant personality and with time purchasing clothing. average expenses for clothing per month. market and reasons for buying clothing, current fashion style, etc. for fashion preference trend were obtained. The streets around Kangnam subway station and KOEX mall for the Kangnam fashion style were selected for the sampling, and Sinchon and entrance of Ewha University for the Kangbuk, where college students and middle/high school students mostly gather. Results showed that an easy casual style was most popular in the Kangbuk area, and a romantic feminine style including a bobos style most popular in the Kangnam area. This case studied on the street fashion gaves the qualitative results about the fashion trend and fashion prediction information, and they could be compared with quantitative those known previously. Also, it could be a basis research on strengthening the competitive power in fashion commodity. However, this study was subjected to restriction in the sampling due to the short time and a few streets. This study will be extended into longer time and various streets including Apgujungdong in Kangnam and many colleges in Kangbuk.

Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks in the Subway Station of Workroom (지하철 역사내 무선 센서네트워크 환경구축을 위한 무선 스펙트럼 분석 및 전송시험에 관한 연구)

  • An, Tea-Ki;Kim, Gab-Young;Yang, Se-Hyun;Choi, Gab-Bong;Sim, Bo-Seog
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.3220-3226
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    • 2011
  • In order to monitor internal risk factors such as fire, terror, etc. on the subway station, the surveillance systems using CCTV and various kinds of sensors have been implemented and recently, introduction of surveillance systems using an advanced IT technology, sensor network technology is tried on several areas. Since 2007, Korean government has made an effort to develop the intelligent surveillance and monitoring system, which can monitor fire, intrusion, passenger congestion, health-state of structure, etc., by using wireless sensor network technology and intelligent video analytic technique. For that purpose, this study carried out field wireless communication environment test on Chungmuro Station of Seoul Metro on the basis of ZigBee that is considered as a representative wireless sensor network before field application of the intelligent integrated surveillance system being developed, arranged and analyzed and ZigBee based wireless communication environment test results on the platform and waiting room of Chungmuro Station on this paper. Results of wireless spectrum analysis on the platform and waiting room showed that there is no radio frequency overlapped with that of ZigBee based sensor network and no frequency interference with adjacent frequencies separated 10MHz or more. As results of wireless data transmission test using ZigBee showed that data transmission is influenced by multi-path fading effect from the number and flow rate of passengers on the platform or the waiting room rather than effects from entrance and exit of the train to/from the platform, it should be considered when implementing the intelligent integrated surveillance system on the station.

Preference of Rail Station Lifts(Stairs & Escalation) & Estimating the User Benefit of Escalation (도시철도 에스컬레이터에 대한 이용선호 및 지불의사금액 추정)

  • Ko, Kwng-hwa;Choi, Jaisung;Kim, Sangyoup
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.76-85
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to analyze citizen's preference of rail station lifts(stairs & Escalation) and estimate the user benefit of Escalation, Also it includes how high is the height of the entrance ramp when citizens want to set up an escalator. 89 percent of subway users prefer escalators and said escalators are needed for stairs higher than the double-deck stairs. Especially It is higher for the age older than 30 and woman. Therefore, personnel characteristics and facility characteristics should be considered in relation to escalator installation. Based on the multiple logistic model, WTP(Willing to pay) was estimated at 34.37 won in a survey conducted to estimate practical user benefit(physical side) of escalator.

Method Extracting Observation Data by Spatial Factor for Analysis of Selective Attention of Vision (시각의 선택적 주의집중 분석을 위한 공간요소별 주시데이터 추출방법)

  • Kim, Jong-Ha;Kim, Ju-Yeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2015
  • This study has extracted observation data by spatial factor for the analysis of subjects' selective attention with the objects of public space at the entrance of subway stations. The methods extracting observation data can be summarized as the following. First, the frequency analysis by lattice was prevalent for those methods, but there is a limitation to the analysis of the observation data. On the contrary, the method extracting observation data by factor applied in this study can make it clear if any sight is concentrated on any particular factors in a space. Second, the results from the extracted data corresponding to the observation area can be objectified while the method setting up the observation area by applying the radius of fovea. Third, time-sequential trace of observation results of relevant factors was possible through hourly analysis of spatial factors. The consideration of the results of "corresponding spatial scope" which is the object of this study will reveal that the more the observation time, the less the degree of attention it receives. Fourth, the frequency of observation superiority was applied for the analysis of the sections with selective attention by time scope; this revealed that men and women had intensive observation in time scope I (52.4 %) and in time scope IV (24.0 %), respectively.

Method for Extracting Features of Conscious Eye Moving for Exploring Space Information (공간정보 탐색을 위한 의식적 시선 이동특성 추출 방법)

  • Kim, Jong-Ha;Jung, Jae-Young
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2016
  • This study has estimated the traits of conscious eye moving with the objects of the halls of subway stations. For that estimation, the observation data from eye-tracking were matched with the experiment images, while an independent program was produced and utilized for the analysis of the eye moving in the selected sections, which could provide the ground for clarifying the traits of space-users' eye moving. The outcomes can be defines as the followings. First, The application of the independently produced program provides the method for coding the great amount of observation data, which cut down a lot of analysis time for finding out the traits of conscious eye moving. Accordingly, the inclusion of eye's intentionality in the method for extracting the characteristics of eye moving enabled the features of entrance and exit of particular objects with the course of observing time to be organized. Second, The examination of eye moving at each area surrounding the object factors showed that [out]${\rightarrow}$[in], which the line of sight is from the surround area to the objects, characteristically moved from the left-top (Area I) of the selected object to the object while [in]${\rightarrow}$[out], which is from the inside of the object to the outside, also moved to the left-top (Area I). Overall, there were much eye moving from the tops of right and left (Area I, II) to the object, but the eye moving to the outside was found to move to the left-top (Area I), the right-middle (Area IV) and the right-top (Area II). Third, In order to find if there was any intense eye-moving toward a particular factor, the dominant standards were presented for analysis, which showed that there was much eye-moving from the tops (Area I, II) to the sections of 1 and 2. While the eye-moving of [in] was [I $I{\rightarrow}A$](23.0%), [$I{\rightarrow}B$](16.1%) and [$II{\rightarrow}B$](13.8%), that of [out] was [$A{\rightarrow}I$](14.8%), [$B{\rightarrow}I$](13.6%), [$A{\rightarrow}II$](11.4%), [$B{\rightarrow}IV$](11.4%) and [$B{\rightarrow}II$](10.2%). Though the eye-moving toward objects took place in specific directions (areas), that (out) from the objects to the outside was found to be dispersed widely to different areas.

Optimal Path Finding Considering Smart Card Terminal ID Chain OD - Focused on Seoul Metropolitan Railway Network - (교통카드 단말기ID Chain OD를 반영한 최적경로탐색 - 수도권 철도 네트워크를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Mee Young
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2018
  • In smart card data, movement of railway passengers appears in order of smart card terminal ID. The initial terminal ID holds information on the entering station's tag-in railway line, the final terminal ID the exit station tag-out railway line, and the middle terminal ID the transfer station tag subway line. During the past, when the metropolitan city rail consisted of three public corporations (Seoul Metro, Incheon Transit Corporation, and Korail), OD data was expressed in two metrics of initial and final smart card terminal ID. Recently, with the entrance of private corporations like Shinbundang Railroad Corporation, and UI Corporation, inclusion of entering transfer line terminal ID and exiting transfer line terminal ID as part of Chain OD has become standard. Exact route construction using Chain OD has thus become integral as basic data for revenue allocation amongst metropolitan railway transport corporations. Accordingly, path detection in railway networks has evolved to an optimal path detection problem using Chain OD, hence calling for a renewed solution method. This research proposes an optimal path detection method between the initial terminal ID and final terminal ID of Chain OD terminal IDs within the railway network. Here, private line transfer TagIn/Out must be reflected in optimal path detection using Chain OD. To achieve this, three types of link-based optimum path detection methods are applied in order of 1. node-link, 2. link-link, 3. link-node. The method proposed based on additional path costs is shown to satisfy the optimal conditions.

Effectiveness Analysis of Installation of Turbo Roundabouts (터보형 회전교차로 설치 효과분석)

  • Lim, Chang-Sik;Choi, Yang-Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.925-932
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    • 2018
  • This study deals with Turbo-Roundabout of Special-Roundabouts. Recently, many rotary intersections are being constructed in Korea, but the effect of the rotary intersection depends on the total entrance traffic volume and the area of the paper. The purpose of this study is to analyze the operation and accident reduction effect of turning traffic signal intersection with small traffic volume into turbo - type turning intersection. The main results are as follows. First, when the traffic volume of the main road is high, the traffic volume of the subway is less than 10 ~ 15%, or when the left turn ratio is less than 30%, it is improved when switching to the turbo type turn intersection instead of the first turn type and second turn type turn intersection Was analyzed. Second, it is considered that turbo type rotary intersection is more effective than first - type rotary intersection, and it is more effective in increasing road capacity because the area of paper is smaller than that of second - order rotary intersection. Third, the number of traffic accidents decreased by 45.9% and the number of injured persons decreased by 76.5% after the conversion of the turnover type turnover to turbo type. 100%), the number of car accidents was 0.3, and the number of casualties was 0 (100%). Finally, the positive evaluation of the user satisfaction survey showed that the improvement in safety, accessibility, and convenience was improved by 60.4%, which was improved by 16.4% to 76.8% after the conversion to the turbo type turnover.