• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sub-character

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Adsorption Properties of U, Th, Ce and Eu by Myogi Bentonite Occurring in Japan (일본 묘기광산 벤토나이트의 물리화학적 성질 및 U, Th, Ce 및 Eu 흡착특성)

  • Song Min-Sub;Koh Sang-Mo;Kim Won-Sa
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3 s.45
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    • pp.183-194
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    • 2005
  • The mineralogical, physicochemical and thermal properties of the Myogi bentonite occurring in Japan were measured. A adsorption properties of U, Th, Ce and Eu ions on the Myogi bentonite were also investigated in different solution concentrations and pH conditions. The Myogi bentonite showed a strong alkaline character (pH 10.4), very high swelling, viscosity property and CEC, and a slow flocculation behavior due to the strong hydrophilic property. By the thermal analysis, the dehydroxylation of crystal water in bulk and clay fractions of the Myogi bentonite occur at $591^{\circ}C$ and $658^{\circ}C$, respectively, The adsorption experiments of ions such as U, Th, Ce and Eu were conducted for 0.2 g bentonites with 20mL solutions of various concentrations and different pH conditions with pH 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. As a result, the Myogi bentonite showed excellent adsorption capacities for Ce, Th and Eu ions, whereas U ion showed very low adsorption capacity. Generally, Ce, Th and Eu ions showed the similar adsorption properties for the different concentrated solutions and pH conditions. These adsorption properties seem to be affected by the formation of various forms of chemical species and precipitation as well as ionic exchange reaction and surface adsorptions on smectite. Some associated zeolite minerals perhaps have some effects on the adsorption of U, Th, Ce and Eu on Myogi bentonite.

Realization of Style Applying Subtext - Focusing on Ahn, Sung-kee's Role in Movie - (스타일 구현을 위한 서브텍스트 활용 -영화 <부러진 화살>의 안성기 역을 중심으로-)

  • Eo, il-Sun;Jeong, Min-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2015
  • This thesis will observe and study the acting pattern and subtext of Ahn, Sung-kee who is known to be "The Nation's Actor" in South Korea's movie industry and currently has been on the screen with multiple different characters in about 120 films. He started his career as a child actor in Kim, Ki-young's movie at the age of five. Ahn is exceptional at communicating through solely on screen in terms of delivering characters' characteristics to audience with variety of characters. We provided some of the acting patterns he has shown in different roles of characters that he played such as in comedic, mellow and extraordinary acting. Following will be analysis on subtext of Professor Kim, Kyung-ho the role Ahn played in Jung, Ji-young's movie in terms of what type of factors was prepared and how it has delivered in each important scene. Generally, acting's basic skills and talents are similar between theater and movie. However, in movies, understanding of shots and preparation is needed. To deliver this well, a depth study of those characteristics such as expression method of subtext and continuous practice is necessary. Based on researches, we will talk about how important screen actors need to understand and prepare those characteristics when they act their roles and express the subtext of each character.

Design of Optimized Fuzzy Controller by Means of HFC-based Genetic Algorithms for Rotary Inverted Pendulum System (회전형 역 진자 시스템에 대한 계층적 공정 경쟁 기반 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 최적 Fuzzy 제어기 설계)

  • Jung, Seung-Hyun;Choi, Jeoung-Nae;Oh, Sung-Kwun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.236-242
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose an optimized fuzzy controller based on Hierarchical Fair Competition-based Genetic Algorithms (HFCGA) for rotary inverted pendulum system. We adopt fuzzy controller to control the rotary inverted pendulum and the fuzzy rules of the fuzzy controller are designed based on the design methodology of Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller. Simple Genetic Algorithms (SGAs) is well known as optimization algorithms supporting search of a global character. There is a long list of successful usages of GAs reported in different application domains. It should be stressed, however, that GAs could still get trapped in a sub-optimal regions of the search space due to premature convergence. Accordingly the parallel genetic algorithm was developed to eliminate an effect of premature convergence. In particular, as one of diverse types of the PGA, HFCGA has emerged as an effective optimization mechanism for dealing with very large search space. We use HFCGA to optimize the parameter of the fuzzy controller. A comparative analysis between the simulation and the practical experiment demonstrates that the proposed HFCGA based fuzzy controller leads to superb performance in comparison with the conventional LQR controller as well as SGAs based fuzzy controller.

The Emerging security initiatives and forecasting future social and natural environment changes (신흥안보 창발과 미래 사회 및 자연환경 변화예측)

  • Jung, Min-Sub;NamKung, Seung-Pil;Park, Sang-Hyuk
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.327-331
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    • 2020
  • In that this study is a subject and character of risk, emerging security covers non-military areas in addition to traditional military security: environmental security, human security, resource security, and cyber security. The rise of these risks is not only changing the phenomenon of the new expansion of security areas, but also the expansion of the number and scope of security entities and the aspect of security world politics. These risks are transnational security issues at the global level in terms of their nature and extent of the damage, as well as multi-layered ones that affect local and personal security issues at the regional and national levels. In addition to national actors, non-state actors such as international organizations, multinational corporations, and global civil society, and furthermore, technology and social systems themselves are causing risks. Therefore, to solve the new security problem, it is necessary to establish a middle-level and complex governance mechanism that is sought at the regional and global levels beyond the fragmented dimension of the occurrence of new security issues that have been overlooked in the existing frame of perception, and to predict and find ways to respond to new security paradigms that have been identified in a broader sense.

A study of ‘Songs of Fisherman’ in Sijo (이현보 <어부가>에 담긴 두 현실에 대한 인식구조)

  • 양희찬
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.179-205
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is about to consider the structure of dualistic recognition between "Gang-Ho"(ideal sanctuary) and real world in the "Songs of Fisherman" written by Lee Hyeon Bo. In order to do this job, I analized the arrangement of the contents and extract the exact in and outward meaning of elements and expressions; usage of them between lines of this Song. Based on these works, I tried to explain the confronted recognitions of the two worlds. At the first, about the arrangement and contents of this poem, It is consisted of 5 independent sub-poems and each of them are describing the value of fisherman's life(at the poem 가), separation from mundane world(나), satisfaction of fisherman's life(다), nature of "Gnag-Ho"(라), domiciliation in the place(마). It looks like that the writer intended to have the arrangement probability and likelihood connecting poems. Secondly, It contrast the nature of the "Gang-Ho" and real world. The sanctuary is a place of 'absence of worldly desire' and 'cordiality' that could afford one's harmonious life. On the other hand, the real world is a troublesome place which always conflicts political confrontations. For those reasons, the writer wants to satisfy with his living in "Gang-Ho" separating himself from the real world. Thirdly, The nature of "Gang-Ho" is 'absence of worldly desire' and 'cordiality' that one could be deserved his diligency becoming a part of the harmonious idealistic living place. Fourthly, on the character of story teller. Originally he is a incomer of "Gang-Ho" from real world. so that reason, he is showing dualism not to deny the loyalty oath to his king, while he intends to satisfy with the life in "Gang- Ho" separating himself from real world. As a gentry, at that time, the loyalty oath is inevitable one and that is found from writer's other works either. Fifthly, Characters of the different world recognition. The main reason of his intention to "Gang-Ho" roots on out of worldly confrontations, his separation from real world is on a joyous peaceful life just like in "Gang-Ho". this study believes the writer imply that 'absence of worldly desire' and 'cordiality' of "Gang-Ho", be a key role to resolve the confrontation of real world. Lee Hyeon Bo himself regards the two elements as a advisable attitude of life. At last, Seeing the writer's other work and literature's educational effect, this study defines that even if the poem outwardly express one's lyricism but inside it warns governors ruling attitude.

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Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Subjective Symptoms and Stress in the Industrial Workers (산업장 근로자의 근골격계 자각증상과 스트레스의 평가)

  • Kim Ki-Chul;Park Sung-Jung;Jahng Doo-Sub;Kim Sam-Tae;Kim Yoo-Chul;Kwon So-Hee;Jung Hae-Kyoung;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to evaluated musculoskeletal subjective symptoms and the degree of stress of industrial workers to present fundamental materials of preventive oriental medicine for improving their health and quality of life. During the medical examination with oriental medicine method, presence of subjective symptoms of musculoskeletal pain, Psychosocial Well-being Index(PWI) and life style were checked by using questionnaire method in 474 industrial workers. The collected data were analyzed with crosstabs, ANOVA and T-test. The results were as follows; 1. In general differences according to musculoskeletal subjective symptoms, education level of high school graduation had significantly higher distribution than that of below middle school or above university graduation in the pain present group. 2. In the musculoskeletal subjective symptoms and the degree of stress, all of Factor1, Factor2. Factor3, Factor4. and PWI had higher score in pain present group than in pain free group and the difference was statistically significant. 3. According to degree of stress and general character of subjects, single and education level of high school graduation had high score in Factor2, Factor3 and PWI. Factor1 and Factor3 was high in income group of low 1.49 million won. Factor2, Factor4, and PWI was high significantly in income group of 1.50 - 2.99 million won. In job type, manufacturing worker group had significantly high score in Factor3. 4. In degree of stress and life style difference, there was significant difference in PWI score in the field of alcohol chinking, smoking, exercise, obesity except sleeping hours. In the present study. as a result, it is found out that musculoskeletal subjective symptoms present group had higher score in psychosocial stress across the fields than symptom-free group and it is recommended that continuous studies on the relationship of job-related musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial stress should be performed for improvement and prevention of mental and physical health of industrial worke

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The Effects of 'Healthy Family Relationship' Class of Home Economics Based on Design Thinking on the Improvement of Empathy Ability of the Middle School Student (디자인씽킹에 기반한 가정교과 '건강한 가족 관계' 수업이 중학생의 공감능력 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Bo Ram;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a program was developed and implemented for middle school students in the 'Healthy Family Relations' of the home economics based on design thinking process. The purpose was to investigate whether a significant difference is displayed in terms of empathy ability improvement among middle school students. For this purpose, a "Wise 'stay-at-home' life" program comprised of five class sessions was developed based on design thinking process. The program was implemented to male and female students in the second year of middle school, and students' empathy ability was examined by a pre- and post-test comparison. As a result, the developed program was found to have generated a significant improvement in cognitive empathy among middle school students. In addition, the students' satisfaction with the class was generally positive. In particular, many students mentioned that they were interested in activities such as 'empathizing through Instagram' and 'creating a sub-character'. However, there also was an opinion that the lesson activities were difficult to complete due to the lack of time and restrictions on cooperative activities due to COVID-19. In this research, we developed a program that can be used in both face-to-face and non-face-to-face situations in order to flexibly deal with situations where the learning environment changes due to COVID-19. And this research is significant particularly in that it confirmed that home economics have a positive influence on improving middle school students' empathy ability, particularly the cognitive factor of empathy.

A Study on the Compositions and Applications of Video Solution for Small-sized Theater Performance:Focused on the Musical (소극장 공연에 적합한 영상 솔루션 구성과 활용방안 연구 : 뮤지컬 <트레이스 유(2018)>를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Kyu-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.359-369
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    • 2019
  • This research suggests video solutions and efficient implementations for low-budget performances. This study adopts Millumin as a mapping server, which reflects the character of small theatres with a lower budget that doesn't use more than four projectors in a show. By comparing pros and cons of media servers, the study discovers how to employ an appropriate server as well as to participate in a pre-video production stage, which increases the artistry of directing and reduces unnecessary graphics. Meanwhile, with the participation of an interpretive programmer, this study suggests a way to manage the rehearsal time and to increase the artistry of directing. In addition, this study analyses the relationship between the video's visual motive source in the story's development, crisis, climax, twist and the provided narrative based on "Trace U the musical (2018)", by this analyzation, the relationship between storytelling and the video is fully shown. A visual motive is related to the action of actors, the movement of dancers, the music, the lyrics and the lines. Furthermore, the provided narrative confirms that the existence of an actual relationship with the turning point of the plots, characters' emotion, suggestions of sub-plot and the twists of own story. In conclusion, it implies a video of small theatres can not be separated from the probability of the narrative.sh an efficient ad execution strategy that reflected the characteristics of mobile devices.

Analysis of Research Trends in the 30 Years of 'Journal of Arbitration Studies' ('중재연구' 30년간의 연구동향 분석 - 한국중재학회 창립30주년에 즈음한 학술연구 동향분석 -)

  • Sung, Joon-Ho
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.3-22
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    • 2021
  • Civil and commercial disputes can be resolved through alternative dispute settlement systems other than court proceedings. Among them, the arbitration procedure is a system that is clearly distinguished from the mediation procedure in which the dispute is terminated by agreement between the parties. The arbitration proceedings shall have the same effect as the result of the final judgment by the decision of a third-party arbitrator, and its essence is a judgment. The Korean Arbitration Association Studies was founded in December 1990 to recognize the importance of arbitration procedures and conduct specialized research on them, with professional research on 'arbitration procedures' continuing until today. Thus, the Korean Arbitration Association Studies is positioned as the only specialized research organization in the field of arbitration. In the case of the Korean Arbitration Association Studies, which is the only society in Korea related to arbitration and alternative dispute resolution, the members are mainly scholars majoring in trade and commerce and ones majoring in law. This situation reflects the distinctive character of the arbitration system because it is a matter of dispute procedures related to trade and commerce and many scholars who research trade and commerce need to prepare for possible disputes. In addition, the arbitration procedure is a dispute settlement procedure that substitutes for litigation because it has research value as a legal system. In particular, the 'Journal of Arbitration Studies' published by the Korean Arbitration Association plays a role in mediation, as well as mediation and presentation of research papers in the ADR field. This study analyzes the trends of mediation and ADR-related papers published in 'Journal of Arbitration Studies', an academic journal of the Korean Arbitration Association Studies, in four dimensions, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Korean Arbitration Association Studies. First, this study examined which sub-themes are mainly studied among the various viewpoints of mediation through thematic analysis. Second, it looked at what methodology was used to study intervention at the methodological level. Third, it assessed what countries and regions had been mainly studied at the regional level. Fourth, in terms of content, what kind of research had been mainly conducted and what kind of research was relatively insufficient was investigated, analyzing the research results of the last 30 years and presenting a milestone for the research direction of 'Journal of Arbitration Studies' in the future.

Celeactor as Cultural Contents : Focused on the Multi-Persona in a South Korean Reality Show Program (셀러엑터를 활용한 문화콘텐츠 : <놀면 뭐하니?>의 멀티 페르소나를 중심으로)

  • Han, Ae-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.45-62
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    • 2021
  • This article examines celeactor as cultural contents focused on the multi-persona in a South Korean reality show program . The celeactor is a form of celebrity and part of a celetoid. Celebrity can be categorized by three forms: ascribed form, achieved form and attributed form. In attributed form, the celetoid suddenly becomes popular through the media. The celeactor is a subcategory of the celetoid. The celeactor is defined by a virtual character that exist in temporary or institutionalized traits of popular culture. The Korean celebrity culture presents Korean intellectual factors, spiritual aspects, tastes, moral virtue, power relationships and traditional hierarchy. In order to examine the features of the Korean celeactor in cultural contents, this article focuses on the multi-persona of celebrity in South Korean popular culture through fantasy, challenge and nostalgia. This article examines the multi-persona of celebrity represented in South Korean popular culture as a negotiated response to cultural identity deconstructed and reconstructed in performance. The research methodology is to analyze a South Korean television reality show program on MBC Hangout with Yoo that represents various sub-characters performed by Jae-suk Yoo, a South Korean comedian and host. As for theoretical underpinning, this exploration joins work on Erving Goffman's (1959) notion of self-presentation and Chris Rojek's (2001) celebrity studies.