• 제목/요약/키워드: Stress Rupture

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A Study on the Characteristics of High Temperature and Mechanisms for Creep Deformation of AZ31 Mg Alloy (AZ31마그네슘 합금의 고온특성 및 크리이프 변형기구에 관한연구)

  • Kang, D.M.;An, J.O.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2005
  • Magnesium alloys have been widely used for many structural components of automobiles and aircraft because of high specific strength and good cast ability in spite of hexagonal closed-packed crystal structure of pure magnesium. In this study, uniaxial tension tests at high temperature and creep tests are done in order to investigate the characteristics of high temperature and mechanisms for creep deformation of AZ31 Mg alloy. Yield stress and ultimate tensile stress decreased with increasing temperature, but elongation increased from results of uniaxial tension test at high temperature. The apparent activation energy Qc, the applied stress exponent n and rupture life have been determined during creep of AZ31 Mg alloy over the temperature range of 473K to 573K and stress range of 23.42 MPa to 93.59 MPa, respectively, in order to investigate the creep behavior. Constant load creep tests were carried out in the equipment including automatic temperature controller, whose data are sent to computer. At around the temperature of $473K{\sim}493K$ and under the stress level of $62.43{\sim}93.59%MPa$, and again at around the temperature of $553K{\sim}573K$ and under the stress level of $23.42{\sim}39.00MPa$, the creep behavior obeyed a simple power-law relating steady state creep rate to applied stress and the activation energy for the creep deformation was nearly equal, respectively, and a little low to that of the self diffusion of Mg alloy including aluminum. Also rupture surfaces at high temperature have had bigger dimples than those at lower temperature by SEM.

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Finite Element Analysis of Stress and Strain Distribution on Thin Disk Specimen for SCC Initiation Test in High Temperature and Pressure Environment (고온 고압 응력부식균열 개시 시험용 디스크 시편의 응력과 변형에 대한 유한요소 해석)

  • Tae-Young Kim;Sung-Woo Kim;Dong-Jin Kim;Sang-Tae Kim
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2023
  • The rupture disk corrosion test (RDCT) method was recently developed to evaluate stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and was found to have great potential for the real-time detection of SCC initiation in a high temperature and pressure environment, simulating the primary water coolant of pressurized water reactors. However, it is difficult to directly measure the stress applied to a disk specimen, which is an essential factor in SCC initiation. In this work, finite element analysis (FEA) was performed using ABAQUSTM to calculate the stress and deformation of a disk specimen. To determine the best mesh design for a thin disk specimen, hexahedron, hex-dominated, and tetrahedron models were used in FEA. All models revealed similar dome-shaped deformation behavior of the disk specimen. However, there was a considerable difference in stress distribution in the disk specimens. In the hex-dominated model, the applied stress was calculated to be the maximum at the dome center, whereas the stress was calculated to be the maximum at the dome edge in the hexahedron and tetrahedron models. From a comparison of the FEA results with deformation behavior and SCC location on the disk specimen after RDCT, the most proper FE model was found to be the tetrahedron model.

A Study on the Creep Deformation Characteristic of AZ31 Mg Alloy at High Temperature (AZ3l 마그네슘 합금의 고온 크리이프 변형특성에 관한 연구)

  • An Jungo;Kang Daemi;Koo Yang;Sim Sungbo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 2005
  • The apparent activation energy Qc, the applied stress exponent n, and rupture life have been determined from creep test results of AZ31 Mg alloy over the temperature range of 200$^{\circ}C$ to 300$^{\circ}C$ and the stress range of 23.42 MPa to 93.59 MPa, respectively, in order to investigate the creep behavior. Constant load creep tests were carried out in the equipment including automatic temperature controller with data acquisition computer. At the temperature of $200^{\circ}C{\sim}220^{\circ}C$ and under the stress level of 62.43~93.59 MPa, and at around the temperature of $280^{\circ}C{\sim}300^{\circ}C$ and under the stress level of 23.42~39.00 MPa, the creep behavior obeyed a simple power-law relating steady state creep rate to applied stress and the activation energy fur the creep deformation was nearly equal to that of the self diffusion of Mg alloy including aluminum From the above results, at the temperature of $200^{\circ}C{\sim}220^{\circ}C$ the creep deformation for AZ31 Mg alloy seemed to be controlled by dislocation climb but controlled by dislocation glide at $280^{\circ}C{\sim}300^{\circ}C$ .And relationship beween rupture time and stress at around the temperature of $200^{\circ}C{\sim}220^{\circ}C$ and under the stress level of 62.43~93.59 MPa, and again at around the temperature of $280^{\circ}C{\sim}300^{\circ}C$ and under the stress level of 23.42~39.00 MPa, respectively, appeard as fullow; log$\sigma$=-0.18(T+460)(logtr+21)+5.92, log$\sigma$ = -0.25(T+460)(logtr+21)+8.02 Also relationship beween rupture time and steady state creep rate appears as follow; ln$\dot$ =-0.881ntr-2.45

Measurement of Mechanical Properties of a Thermally Evaporated Gold Film Using Blister Test (블리스터 시험법을 이용한 열증착 금박막의 기계적 성질 측정)

  • Moon, Ho-Jeong;Ham, Soon-Sik;Earmme, Yun-Young;Cho, Young-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.882-890
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    • 1996
  • Mechanical properties, including Young's modulus, residual stress and rupture strength, of a thermally evaporated gold film have been measured form a blister test. In a theoretical study, the priniple of minimum potential energy and that of virtual work have been applied to the pressurized circular membrane problem, and load-deflection relations have been derived for typical membrane deflection mode of spheroidal shape. In an experimental study, circular gold membranes of 4800 A-thickness and 3.5mm diameter were fabricated by the silicon electropolishing technique. Mecahnical properties of the thin gold films were deduced from the load-deflection curves obtained by the blister test, Young's moduli, obtianed from blister test, have been in the range of 45-70 GPa, while those of bulk gold have been in the range of 78-80 GPa. Residual stresses in the evaporated gold films have been measured as 28-110MPa in tension, The rupture strength of the gold film has turned out to be almost equal to that of dental gold alloy (310-380MPa). It has been demonstrated that the present specimen fabrication method and blister test apparatus have been effective for simultaneous measurement of Young's modulus, residual stress and repture strength of thin solid films. Especially, the electropolishing technique employed here has provided a simple and practical way to fabricate thin membranes in a circular or an arbitrary shape, which could not be obtained by the conventional anisotropic silicon mecromachining technique.

The Study for Fracture in the First Stage Blade of Aircraft Engine (항공기엔진용 1단계 터빈블레이드에 대한 파손 연구)

  • Yoon, Youngwoung;Park, Hyoungkyu;Kim, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.46 no.10
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    • pp.806-813
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    • 2018
  • The fracture of a turbine blade of aerospace engine is presented. Although there are a lot of causes and failure modes in blades, the main failure modes are two ways that fracture and fatigue. Degradation of blade material affects most failure modes. Total propagation of failure in this study specifies failure of fracture type. Some section appears fatigue mode. Especially since this study describes analysis of failure for blade in high temperature, it can be a case in point. Analysed blade is Ni super alloy. Investigations of blade are visual inspection, material, microstructure, high temperature stress rupture creep test, analysis and fracture surface, etc. The root cause for fracture was stress rupture due to abnormal thermal environment. Thermal property of Ni super alloy is excellent but if each chemical composition of alloys are different due to change mechanical properties, selection of material is very important.

Mechanical Properties of Hwangtoh-Based Alkali-Activated Concrete

  • Yang, Keun-Hyeok;Hwang, Hey-Zoo;Lee, Seol
    • Architectural research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2009
  • This study presents the testing of 15 hwangtoh-based cementless concrete mixes to explore the significance and limitations of the development of eco-friendly concrete without carbon dioxide emissions while maintaining various beneficial effects. Hwangtoh, which is a kind of kaolin, was incorporated with inorganic materials, such as calcium hydroxide, to produce a cement-less binder. The main variables investigated were the water-to-binder ratio and fine aggregate-to-total aggregate ratio to ascertain the reliable mixing design of hwangtoh-based cementless concrete. The variation of slump with elapsed time was recorded in fresh concrete specimens. Mechanical properties of hardened concrete were also measured: including compressive strength gain, splitting tensile strength, moduli of rupture and elasticity, stress-strain relationship, and bond resistance. In addition, mechanical properties of hwangtoh-based cement-less concrete were compared with those of ordinary portland cement (OPC) concrete and predictions obtained from the design equations specified in ACI 318-05 and CEB-FIP for OPC concrete, wherever possible. Test results show that the mechanical properties of hwangtoh-based concrete were significantly influenced by the water-to-binder ratio and to less extend by fine aggregate-to-total aggregate ratio. The moduli of rupture and elasticity of hwangtoh-based concrete were generally lower than those of OPC concrete. In addition, the stress-strain and bond stress-slip relationships measured from hwangtoh-based concrete showed little agreement with the design model specified in CEB-FIP. However, the measured moduli of rupture and elasticity, and bond strength were higher than those given in ACI 318-05 and CEB-FIP. Overall, the test results suggest that the hwangtoh-based concrete shows highly effective performance and great potential as an environmental-friendly building material.

Development of Small-Specimen Creep Tester for Life Assessment of High Temperature Components of Power Plant (발전소 고온부의 수명 평가를 위한 소형 시편용 크리프 시험기의 개발)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jin;Jeong, Yong-Geun;Park, Jong-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.10 s.181
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    • pp.2597-2602
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    • 2000
  • The most effective means of evaluating remaining life is through the creep testing of samples removed from the component. But sampling of large specimen from in-service component is actually impossible. So, sampling device and small-specimen creep tester have been applied. Sampling device has been devised to extract mechanically small samples by hemispherical, diamond -coated cutter from the surface of turbine rotor bores and thick-walled pipes without subsequent weld repairs requiring post weld heat treatment. A method of manufacturing small creep specimen, 2min gage diameter and 10min gage length, using electron beam welding to attach grip section, has been proven. Small-specimen creep tester has been designed to control atmosphere to prevent stress increment by oxidation during experiment. To determine whether the small specimens successfully reproduce the behavior of large specimens, creep rupture tests for small and large specimens have been performed at identical conditions. Creep rupture times based on small specimens have closely agreed within 5% error compared with that of large specimen. The errors in rupture time have decreased at longer test period. This comparison validates the procedure for fabricating and testing on small specimen. This technique offers potential as an efficient method for remaining life assessment by direct sampling from in -service high temperature components.

Prediction of Creep Behavior for Cohesive Soils (점성토에 있어서의 크리프 거동 예측)

  • Kim Dae-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2004
  • An elastic-plastic-viscous constitutive model was proposed based on a simple formulation scheme. The anisotropic modified Cam-Clay model was extended for the general stress space for the plastic simulation. The generalized viscous theory was simplified and used for the viscous constitutive part. A damage law was incoporated into the proposed constitutive model. The mathematical formulation and development of the model were performed from the point of view that fewer parameters be better employed. The creep behaviors with or without creep rupture were predicted using the developed model for cohesive soils. The model predictions were favorably compared with the experimental results including the undrained creep rupture, which is an important observed phenomenon for cohesive soils. Despite the simplicity of the constitutive model, it performs well as long as the time to failure ratio of the creep rupture tests is within the same order of magnitude.

An Empirical Approach to Analyze Creep Rupture Behavior of P91 Steel

  • Aslam, Muhammad Junaid;Gur, Cemil Hakan
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2021
  • P91 steel has been a highly researched material because of its applicability for high-temperature applications. Considerable efforts have been made to produce experimental creep data and develop models for creep life prediction. As creep tests are expensive and difficult to conduct, it is vital to develop authenticated empirical methods from experimental results that can be utilized for better understanding of creep behavior and can be incorporated into computational models for reliable prediction of creep life. In this research, a series of creep rupture tests are performed on the P91 specimens within a stress range of 155 MPa to 200 MPa and temperature range of 640 ℃ (913 K) to 675 ℃ (948 K). The microstructure, hardness, and fracture surfaces of the specimens are investigated. To analyze the results of the creep rupture tests at a macro level, a parameter called creep work density is derived. Then, the relationships between various creep parameters such as strain, strain rate, time to rupture, creep damage tolerance factor, and creep work density are investigated, and various empirical equations are obtained.

Experimental study on propagation behavior of three-dimensional cracks influenced by intermediate principal stress

  • Sun, Xi Z.;Shen, B.;Zhang, Bao L.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 2018
  • Many laboratory experiments on crack propagation under uniaxial loading and biaxial loading have been conducted in the past using transparent materials such as resin, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), etc. However, propagation behaviors of three-dimensional (3D) cracks in rock or rock-like materials under tri-axial loading are often considerably different. In this study, a series of true tri-axial loading tests on the rock-like material with two semi-ellipse pre-existing cracks were performed in laboratory to investigate the acoustic emission (AE) characteristics and propagation characteristics of 3D crack groups influenced by intermediate principal stress. Compared with previous experiments under uniaxial loading and biaxial loading, the tests under true tri-axial loading showed that shear cracks, anti-wing cracks and secondary cracks were the main failure mechanisms, and the initiation and propagation of tensile cracks were limited. Shear cracks propagated in the direction parallel to pre-existing crack plane. With the increase of intermediate principal stress, the critical stress of crack initiation increased gradually, and secondary shear cracks may no longer coalesce in the rock bridge. Crack aperture decreased with the increase of intermediate principal stress, and the failure is dominated by shear fracturing. There are two stages of fracture development: stable propagation stage and unstable failure stage. The AE events occurred in a zone parallel to pre-existing crack plane, and the AE zone increased gradually with the increase of intermediate principal stress, eventually forming obvious shear rupture planes. This shows that shear cracks initiated and propagated in the pre-existing crack direction, forming a shear rupture plane inside the specimens. The paths of fracturing inside the specimens were observed using the Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning and reconstruction.