• Title/Summary/Keyword: Strength softening

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Tensile Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite according to the Hooked & Smooth Steel Fiber Blending Ratio and Strain Rate (후크형 및 스무스형 강섬유의 혼합 비율과 변형속도에 따른 하이브리드 섬유보강 시멘트복합체의 인장특성)

  • Son, Min-Jae;Kim, Gyu-Yong;Lee, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Hong-Seop;Nam, Jeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the fiber blending ratio and strain rate effect on the tensile properties synergy effect of hybrid fiber reinforced cement composite was evaluated. Hooked steel fiber(HSF) and smooth steel fiber(SSF) were used for reinforcing fiber. The fiber blending ratio of HSF+SSF were 1.5+0.5, 1.0+1.0 and 0.5+1.5vol.%. As a results, in the cement composite(HSF2.0) reinforced with HSF, as the strain rate increases, the tensile stress sharply decreased after the peak stress because of the decrease in the number of straightened pull-out fibers by increase of micro cracks in the matrix around HSF. When 0.5 vol.% of SSF was mixed, the micro cracks was effectively controlled at the static rate, but it was not effective in controlling micro cracks and improving the pull-out resistance of HSF at the high rate. On the other hand, the specimen(HSF1.0SSF1.0) in which 1.0vol.% HSF and 1.0vol.% SSF were mixed, each fibers controls against micro and macro cracks, and SSF improves the pull-out resistance of HSF effectively. Thus, the fiber blending effect of the strain capacity and energy absorption capacity was significantly increased at the high rate, and it showed the highest dynamic increase factor of the tensile strength, strain capacity and peak toughness. On the other hand, the incorporation of 1.5 vol.% SSF increases the number of fibers in the matrix and improves the pull-out resistance of HSF, resulting in the highest fiber blending effect of tensile strength and softening toughness. But as a low volume fraction of HSF which controlling macro crack, it was not effective for synergy of strain capacity and peak toughness.

Effects of Vacuum Precooling on Shelf Life of Pleurotus eryngii during PE Packaging Storage (큰느타리 버섯의 PE 포장 저장 중 선도에 미치는 예냉처리 효과)

  • Beik, Kyung-Yean;Lee, Ye-Kyung;Kim, Jae-Won;Park, In-Sik;Kim, Soon-Dong
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2009
  • The effects of vacuum precooling(VP) on the shelf-life of polyethylene film(PE) packaged King oyster mushrooms(Pleurotus eryngii) during storage at $-1^{\circ}C$ were investigated. VP was conducted below $0^{\circ}C$ in a $-1^{\circ}C$ cold chamber of 40 minutes, and mushrooms were stored for 30 days in batches of 1kg. The weight loss of the VP-treated mushroom was slightly lower than that of control. The $O_2$ concentrations of VP-treated mushroos, within 4 days of storage, were 2.44-14.50 %/kg-package/hr, thus higher than control values(2.01-8.19%/kg-package/hr). $CO_2$ generation of VP-treated mushrooms, again within 4 days of storage, was 0.47%/kg-package/hr, thus lower than that of controls(0.58%/kg-package/hr). The $CO_2/O_2$ ratio peaked on day 4 of storage in the control group, tbut no such peak was observed in VP-treated mushrooms. In the VP-treated fungi, lightness was higher, and redness and yellowness lower, than in controls, at all storage times.. In VP-treated mushrooms, strength, hardness and chewiness were significantly higher than in controls, but there were no significant differemces in springiness or cohesiveness. Softening and breakdown of under-cap wrinkles were observed in control mushrooms stored for 30 days, but occurred to a lesser extent in VP-treated fungi. Stipe reticulum tissue vessels in the 30 day-stored VP-treated mushrooms were relatively well-defined and clear, but were softer and diffuse in the control fungi. The results thus confirmed that VP after harvest enhanced mushroom shelf-life and PE packaging prolonged storage time. The data will have industrial applications.

Thermal Conductivity and Pore Characteristics of Low-Temperature Sintered Lightweight Aggregates Mode from Waste Glass and Bottom Ash (바텀애쉬와 폐유리를 사용하여 제조한 저온소성 경량골재의 열전도율과 기공특성)

  • Lee, Han-Baek;Ji, Suk-Won;Seo, Chee-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.851-858
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    • 2010
  • In this study, waste glass and bottom ash were used as basic materials in order to secure a recycling technology of by-products which was mostly discarded and reclaimed. In addition, because softening point of waste glass is less than $700^{\circ}C$ and bottom ash includes combustible material, it was possible to manufacture low-temperature sintering lightweight aggregates for energy saving at $800{\sim}900^{\circ}C$ that it is as much as 20~30% lower than sintering temperature of existing lightweight aggregates. Thermal conductivity of newly-developed lightweight aggregates was 0.056~0.105W/m. K and its porosity was 40.36~84.89%. A coefficient of correlation between thermal conductivity and porosity was -0.97, it showed very high negative correlationship. With this, we were able to verify that porosity is key factor to affect thermal conductivity. Microstructure of lightweight aggregates by $CaCO_3$ content and replacement ratio of bottom ash in the variation of temperature were that $CaCO_3$ content increased along with pore size while replacement ratio of bottom ash increased as pore size decreased. Specially, most pores were open pore instead of closed pore of globular shape when replacement ratio of bottom ash was 30%, and pore size was small about 1/10~1/5 as compared with case in bottom ash 0~20%. In addition, open pore shapes were remarkably more irregular form of open pore in $900^{\circ}C$ than $700^{\circ}C$ or $800^{\circ}C$ when replacement ratio of bottom ash was 30%. We reasoned hereby that these results will influence on absorption increase, strength and thermal conductivity decrease of lightweight aggregates.

A Study of the Material Properties of Steel Used to Repair the Stupa of State Preceptor Jigwang from Beopcheonsa Temple, Wonju in 1957 (1957년 원주 법천사지 지광국사탑 수리에 사용된 철물(鐵物)의 재료학적 특성 연구)

  • You, Harim;Lee, Jaesung;Lee, Taejong;Park, Heejeoung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.100-117
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    • 2020
  • National Treasure no. 101, the stupa of State Preceptor Jigwang from the Beopcheonsa Temple Site in Wonju has been transferred from place to place and reassembled several times since it was built. In particular, overall dismantling and repair was carried out in 1957 to restore parts damaged by bombing during the Korean War. Documented information on the repair process and materials used at that time does not exist. However, various types of metal materials used for this stupa have been identified during conservation work. Besides clamps anchor bolts, 9mm-thick circular rebars were mainly used for joining the parts of this stupa, while circular rebars and wires of various thicknesses were used for joining the parts with mortar restoration materials. Although deformed bars are typically used for stone pagodas classified as architectural structures, smooth circular rebars were used in this case. In terms of restoration using mortar, material shapes were transformed, bound alternately, and twisted irregularly to improve bonding strength and coherence in order to insert restoration materials and to bolster structural weaknesses. In addition, metallographic analysis showed the material to be hypo-eutectoid steel with low carbon content. Many non-metallic inclusions in the shape of drops of different sizes were included, which do not affect the whole elemental composition due to the very small quantities involved. Qualitative and EPMA analysis of Mn and S, which were not identified by SEM-EDS area analysis, established an even distribution of MnS in crystal grains of the microstructure, regardless of the shape of the samples. It is presumed that secondary homogenization and softening might have been conducted after manufacturing to facilitate the working process. Furthermore, in consideration of properties indicating that the thinner the steel is, the less carbon content contained and the greater the elasticity and elongation, it is judged that restoration work was ordered.