• Title/Summary/Keyword: Storage Accidents

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Development of an Unmanned Conveyor Belt Recovery Skimmer for Floating Marine Debris and High Viscosity Oil (무인 컨베이어 벨트식 부유쓰레기 및 고점도유 회수장비 개발 연구)

  • Han, Sang-goo;Lee, Won-ju;Jang, Se-hyun;Choi, Jae-hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.208-215
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    • 2017
  • When persistent oil, such as crude oil or Bunker C oil, is spilled at sea, viscosity increases through the weathering process. Equipment that can collect this oil when mixed with floating marine debris is very limited. In this study, devices that can be attached to the outside of existing oil skimmers have been applied to the inside of the main body, to develop an unmanned conveyor belt type floating marine debris and high viscosity oil recovery skimmer, which is composed of a conveyor belt, a sweeper with a forced inflow device, and a collection tank equipped with a buoyant body. The resulting skimmer was operated at a speed of 1.2 knots at a distance of 30 m in a sea area test. It was stable when moving laterally in any direction. An oil recovery performance test was conducted using a portable storage tank, and oil was recovered from a minimum of $7.8k{\ell}/h$ to a maximum of $23.3k{\ell}/h$. Moreover, recovery of $7.7k{\ell}/h$ was obtained in a wave water tank test with floating marine debris such as PET bottles and oil mixed. If the equipment developed in this study was used in the field for oil pollution accidents, it could be expected to contribute to improved response capability. We believe our equipment could be used in further studies to improvement the performance of existing portable oil skimmers.

Design and Verification of Housing and Memory Board for Downsizing for Crash Protected Memory Module (충돌보호메모리모듈의 소형화를 위한 하우징 및 메모리 보드 설계와 검증)

  • Kim, Jun-Hyoung;Kim, Jung-Pil;Kim, Jeong-Yeol;Kim, Tae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2020
  • Flight data recorder is a equipment that records data required for investigation of aircraft accidents and should be developed in compliance with the ED-112A standard. Unlike general data storage device, flight data recorder must be able to recover data after an aircraft accident, requiring a housing and a memory board to protect data in extreme environments. To attain this performance, we designed a housing that can withstand the test by analyzing the physical environment of the impact, shear/tensile, penetration resistance and static crush test of the crash survival test and minimized the size and weight compared to the existing one in consideration of the installation of the aircraft in this paper. Insulation material and thermal block material were applied to endure high and low temperature fire so that the internal temperature does not rise above 150℃ even in 260℃, 10 hour environment. In addition, the memory board is designed to minimize the size and we devise a hoping programming method to prevent continuous data loss of more than 16 seconds. Through this, Crash protected memory module that satisfies ED-112A was completed.

RealTime Personal Video Image Protection on CCTV System using Intelligent IP Camera (지능형 IP 카메라를 이용한 CCTV 시스템에서의 실시간 개인 영상정보 보호)

    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.120-125
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    • 2016
  • For the purpose of protecting personal property and lives from incidents, accidents, and threats such as terrorism, video surveillance equipment has been installed and operates in many places. Video surveillance technology has gradually developed into high-quality, high-definition equipment, and a lot of products have been launched. However, closed circuit television (CCTV) equipment for security purposes can invade a person's privacy. In this paper, we propose a way to protect personal video images using meta-data in an intelligent Internet protocol (IP) camera. We designed the system to mask personal video information from meta-data, define the method of image-information access according to user privileges, and show how to utilize the meta-data during storage and recorded data searches. The suggested system complies with guidelines for CCTV installation and operation from Korea's Ministry of the Interior. Installed on only a single server so far, due to the limitations and technical difficulties of hardware performance, it has been difficult to find a method that can be applied to personal image information using real-time protection techniques. Applying the method proposed in this paper can satisfy the guidelines, reduce server costs, and reduce system complexity.

A Review on 3D Structure Formation, Analysis and Performance Prediction Technique for All-solid-state Electrode and Battery (3차원 전고체 전극 구조체 형성, 분석 및 성능 예측 기술 동향)

  • Park, Joonam;Jin, Dahee;Kim, Dohwan;Bae, Kyung Taek;Lee, Kang Taek;Lee, Yong Min
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2019
  • Lithium-ion battery (LiB) with high energy density and efficiency has been utilized for the electric vehicle (EV) and energy storage system (ESS) as well as portable devices. However, as explosion accidents have frequently happened till lately, all-solid-state lithium secondary battery (ALSB) began to get in a spotlight because it can secure a very high safety and energy density by substituting flammable organic liquid electrolyte to nonflammable inorganic solid electrolyte. In spite of ALSB's certain merits, it has shown much poorer performance of cells than one of LiB due to some challenges, which have been small or never dealt with in the LiB system. Hence, although plenty of studies made progress to solve them, an approach about design of all-solid-state electrode (ASSE) has been limited on account of difficulty of ALSB's experiments. That is why the virtual 3D structure of an all-solid-state electrode has to be built and used for the prediction of cell performance. In this study, we elucidate how to form the 3D ASSE structure and what to be needed for the simulation of characteristics on ALSB. Furthermore, the ultimate orientation of 3D modeling and simulation for the study of ALSB are briefly suggested.

A Case Study on the Human Error Analysis of Forklift Operations in a Small Enterprise (소규모 사업장의 지게차 작업에 관한 휴먼에러 분석 사례 연구)

  • Ha, Gyu Cheol;Park, Jungchul
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2021
  • A forklift is an industrial vehicle with a power-operated fork for lifting and moving heavy loads over short distances. A significant number of accidents are caused by forklifts every year. Most of them are known to be caused by the unsafe acts of workers. However, only a few studies have focused on the risks of forklift work from the perspective of human error. In addition, various methods have been developed to analyze the risk of human error, while it is hard to find studies that directly compare the effectiveness or strengths/weaknesses of those methods. This study aims to analyze risk factors related to unsafe behavior in forklift operations using two representative human error analysis techniques, i.e., .SHERPA and HE-HAZOP, and compare their advantages and disadvantages. The analysis was performed on three main forklift operations ('unloading from the truck', 'moving and loading into the storage', and 'loading on the truck'). As a result, 118 errors and 34 remedial measures were derived by SHERPA. Through HAZOP, 139 errors and 54 measures were derived. The two techniques were compared in terms of the number of results and the method of deriving errors and remedial measures, cause analysis, and risk assessment. This study might be used to reduce human error related disasters in workplaces using forklifts. In order to provide a guide for choosing an appropriate analysis method, more comparative studies on different techniques involving wide range of tasks are needed in the future.

Building plan research of Smart Ammunition Logistics System based on the 4th industrial technology (4차산업혁명기술 기반 스마트 탄약물류체계 구축 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Jong-Geun;Kim, Byung-Kyoo;Chang, Yoon Seok
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2022
  • This paper presented a method to build a predictable smart ammunition logistics system using the 4th industrial technology for ammunition logistics, which is the core functions in the field of defense and logistics. We have analyzed the current level of ammunition logistics with various perspectives such as domestic and overseas logistics policies, technology trends, ammunition logistics characteristics, the smart logistics certification measures by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. As a result it is considered that the current ammunition logistics needs needs improvement. To improve this, we presented a direction based on the implications derived after analyzing various ongoing programs such as wired/wireless-based automation, smart ammunition depots, and logistics innovation of the army, navy, and air force that can be applied to the ammunition logistics. In order to implement a data-based smart ammunition logistics management system that can achieve innovation and efficiency of total life cycle while meeting changes in the battlefield environment, we presented 4 objectives such as "automation and modernization of field work", "3D-based storage management & improvement of issuing at war," and "data management for prediction-oriented ammunition management". it is expected that there will be benefits such as improvement of operational continuity, guarantee of ammunition reliability, budget reduction, improvement of inefficiencies such as delay, waiting, and double work, and reduction of accidents.

A Study on Measurements of Autoignition and Activation Energy of Superabsorbent Polymers (고흡수성 중합체의 자연발화와 활성화에너지 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Jong-Man Heo;Jae-Wook Choi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.292-304
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to obtain experimental data for the establishment of preventive measures against fire, as large and small fire accidents occur at production and storage sites of superabsorbent polymers developed for the convenience of daily life. Method: The sample container was fixed at 0.2m in both length and width, and was shaped into a rectangular cuboid with heights of 3cm, 5cm, 7cm, and 14cm to access an infinite flat plane. The sample container was fixed in the center of a thermostatic bath that was heated to a predetermined temperature according to a preset temperature control program. If the central temperature of the sample rose more than 20℃ above the set temperature, it was determined to have 'ignited', and if it remained similar to the set temperature, it was determined to have 'unignited'. Result: The critical autoignition temperature was calculated to be 212.5℃ for a sample container with a height of 3cm, 202.5℃ for 5cm, 192.5℃ for 7cm, and 177.5℃ for 14cm. The ignition induction time to reach the highest temperature was approximately 42hours for 3cm, 91hours for 5cm, 151hours for 7cm, and 300hours for 14cm. Conclusion:① As the size of the sample container increased, the autoignition temperature decreased and the ignition induction time to reach the highest temperature increased. ② The apparent activation energy was calculated to be 39.30kcal/mol, with a correlation of 99.5%.

Experimental Study on Autoignition of Superabsorbent Polymers (고흡수성 중합물질의 자연발화에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Jong-Man Heo;Jae-Wook Choi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.280-291
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: As fire accidents happen at the production and storage sites of superabsorbent polymers for convenience of daily life, an experimental study was conducted to secure basic data to establish practical preventive measures against them. Method: The sample container (20cm width × 20cm length) was made into a rectangular cuboid with the heights of 3cm, 5cm, 7cm, and 14cm, respectively, to allow access to the infinite flat plane. The front and back of the container were covered with a 300-mesh stainless steel mesh for one-dimensional heat transfer. The sample container was placed in the center of the thermostatic bath, which was heated to a predetermined temperature by setting the thermostat program in advance, and it was determined to be 'ignited' when the central temperature of the sample rose by more than 20℃ above the set temperature, and "unignited" when it was maintained at an approximate value of the set temperature. Result: The critical autoignition temperature was calculated to be 217.5℃ when the height of the sample container was 3 cm, 212.5℃ when it was 5 cm, 202.5℃ when it was 7cm, and 187.5℃ when it was 14cm. The ignition induction time to reach the maximum temperature was 34hours for 3cm, 76hours for 5cm, 143hours for 7cm, and 318hours for 14cm. Conclusion: ① As the size of the container increased, the autoignition temperature decreased and the induction time to reach the maximum temperature increased. ② An apparent activation energy was calculated to be 44.92kcal/mol, with a correlation of 96.93%.

Perception Survey Study on High-level Radioactive Waste: Targeting Local Residents in Gijang-gun, Busan (고준위방사성폐기물에 대한 인식 조사 연구: 부산 기장군 지역 주민을 대상으로)

  • Yeon-Hee Kang;Sung Hee Yang;Yong In Cho;Jung-Hoon Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.947-955
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to investigate the awareness of spent nuclear fuel among residents in nuclear power plant areas and use it as basic data for establishing a disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste. 204 questionnaires collected online were analyzed using SPSS Window Ver 28.0. To verify differences between groups, t-test and one-way ANOVA were performed. And correlation analysis was conducted to confirm the relationship between variables. As a result, first, risk perception regarding nuclear-related accidents showed statistically significant differences depending on gender and educational level. The position on the construction of a permanent disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel showed a statistically significant difference depending on gender, education, and age, and the perception of the importance of each evaluation standard for establishing a spent nuclear fuel management plan showed a statistically significant difference depending on education and age. In terms of trust in information-providing institutions, trust in the National Assembly was found to be the lowest. Second, the results of the correlation analysis between variables showed that local residents are aware that an alternative to the current disposal of spent nuclear fuel is needed, and that financial support for the construction of a permanent disposal facility is needed. Therefore, in order to build a high-level radioactive waste disposal site, it is believed that it is necessary to increase trust in the government, collect opinions from local residents, and provide economic support.

Analysis on Study Cases of Safety Assessment and Cases for Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool Accident (사용후핵연료 습식저장시설 사고 안전성 평가 연구 현황 및 사고 사례 분석)

  • Shin Dong Lee;Hyeok Jae Kim;Geon Woo Son;Kwang Pyo Kim
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2023
  • Spent nuclear fuel corresponds to high-level radioactive waste that has high decay heat and radioactivity. Accordingly, Spent nuclear fuel withdrawn from the reactor core is primarily stored and managed in a spent nuclear fuel pool in the nuclear power plant to reduce decay heat and radioactivity. In Korea, most nuclear power plant store all spent nuclear fuel in a spent nuclear fuel pool. For wet storage, there are no defense in depth different with reactor core. The study related to spent nuclear fuel pool accident should be carried out to ensure safety. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze previous study cases related to safety of spent nuclear fuel pool and accident cases to build foundational knowledge. The Objective of this study is to analyze study cases of safety assessment and cases for spent nuclear fuel pool accident. For analyzing study cases of safety assessment, possible phenomena when spent nuclear fuel pool accident occurring identified, Subsequently, study cases for safety assessment about each phenomena were investigated, and materials & methods and results for each study are analyzed. For analyzing cases for spent nuclear fuel pool accident, we analyzed accident cases caused by loss of cooling and loss of coolant in spent nuclear fuel pool. Subsequently, causes and change of water level and temperature by each accident case are analyzed. As a result of the analysis on study cases of spent nuclear fuel pool accident, the results of the study conducted by each research institute were vary depending on the computer code, materials & methods of experiment and major assumptions used in the study. As a result of analyzing cases for spent nuclear fuel pool accident, it was found that accident cases for loss of cooling is more than cases for loss of coolant accident. Even though the types of accident in spent nuclear fuel pool were similar, the specific causes were different by each accident case. All the accident cases analyzed did not lead to severe accidents, such as nuclear fuel being exposed to the air. The result of this study will be used as fundamental data for study on spent nuclear fuel pool accident that will be conducted in the future.