• Title/Summary/Keyword: Status map

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Application of Highland Kimchi Cabbage Status Map for Growth Monitoring based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

  • Na, Sang-Il;Park, Chan-Won;Lee, Kyung-Do
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.469-479
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    • 2016
  • Kimchi cabbage is one of the most important vegetables in Korea and a target crop for market stabilization as well. In particular Kimchi cabbages in a highland area are very sensitive to the fluctuations in supply and demand. Yield variability due to growth conditions dictates the market fluctuations of Kimchi cabbage price. This study was carried out to understand the distribution of the highland Kimchi cabbage growth status in Anbandeok. Anbandeok area in Gangneung, Gangwon-do, Korea is one of the main producing districts of highland Kimchi cabbage. The highland Kimchi cabbage status map of each growth factor was obtained from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery and field survey data. Six status maps include UAVRGB image map, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) distribution/anomaly map, Crop distribution map, Planting/Harvest distribution map, Growth parameter map and Growth disorder map. As a result, the highland Kimchi cabbage status maps from May 31 to Sep. 6 in 2016 were presented to show spatial variability in the field. The benefits of the highland Kimchi cabbage status map can be summarized as follows: crop growth monitoring, reference for field observations and survey, the relative comparison of the growth condition in field scale, evaluation of growth in comparison of average year, change detection of annual crops or planting areas, abandoned fields monitoring, prediction of harvest season etc.

Evaluation of Utilization through Various Accuracy Analysis of Drone Photogrammetry (드론사진측량의 다양한 정확도 분석을 통한 활용성 평가)

  • Doo-Pyo Kim;Hye-Won Choi;Jae-Ha Kwak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2023
  • Although the utilization of drone photogrammetry that can generate spatial information using ultra-high-resolution images is increasing in the civil engineering and construction fields, analysis of areas that can be used is insufficient. Therefore, this study attempted to determine how far drone photogrammetry can be used in the civil engineering and construction fields by applying a detailed analysis method. The status map and cross-sectional map were actually vectorized using drone photogrammetry outcomes, compared and analyzed with the results acquired in the field, and the qualitative aspects of traffic safety facilities were analyzed to determine their usability. As a result, the accuracy of the plane position using drone photogrammetry was reliable, but the height accuracy was difficult to trust. Accordingly, although there is a possibility of preparing a status map, the use of it in areas requiring high accuracy such as cross-sectional plans was limited, and it is believed that it can be used in the construction management field where qualitative analysis is conducted.

Derivation of Building Fire Safety Assessment Factors for Generating 3D Safety Status Map (3D 안전상태지도 제작을 위한 건물 화재안전 평가항목 도출)

  • Youn, Junhee;Kim, Taehoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2020
  • Various technologies, systems, and legal systems are applied to prevent and quickly respond to fire disaster; nevertheless, the damages to life and property caused by fires are not reduced every year. For managing fire disaster, generating spatial information-based safety status map and procuring suitability of attribute information for each position information are essential. The safety status map is generated by deriving the fire safety status assessment factors, indexing, and locating the surveying results through various methods. In this paper, we deal with derivation of building fire safety assessment factors for 3D safety status map. At first, we survey the foreign and domestic fire assessment model cases and its factors, and analyze the applicability of Korean 3D fire safety status map. Next, assessment factors for fire safety assessment model are derived. Assessment factors are derived and categorized by their information collecting activity; factors that can be accessed through basic building information and factors that can be accessed through field survey. As a derivation result, 14 assessment factors were derived over five categories(Industry Risk, Structural Risk, Fire Fighting Facility, Fire Dangerousness, Fire Response Status).

Farm-map Application Strategy for Agri-Environmental Resources Management (농업환경자원관리를 위한 팜맵 활용전략에 관한 연구)

  • Wee, Seong-Seung;Lee, Won-Suk;Jung, Nam-Su
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a farm map utilization strategy for sustainable agricultural environmental resource management was derived. In addition, it is intended to present an efficient method of providing farm map-related services. As a result of the demand survey, the additional information required for the farm map includes 29% of information on crops grown on farmland, 21% of management-related information such as the owner or business entity, 17% of topographical information including slope, 15% of agricultural water information, 17% of land status information, and the addition of functions. 2% was investigated. As a result of intensive interview survey, it was found that it can be used for information on crops cultivated by agricultural businesses, actual cultivated area by township, arable land consolidation division boundary, and management of agricultural promotion zones. The farm map can be used as basic data to efficiently manage agricultural environmental resources. Since the status of support for individual farms or lots, such as soil improvement agent support and organic fertilizer support, may belong to personal information, it can be processed and provided in units required by administration or policies, such as administrative boundaries, subwatersheds, and watersheds. It can serve as a basis for executing the direct payment currently supported only by individual farms, even in a community unit that manages environmental direct payments.

Video Based Tail-Lights Status Recognition Algorithm (영상기반 차량 후미등 상태 인식 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Gyu-Yeong;Lee, Geun-Hoo;Do, Jin-Kyu;Park, Keun-Soo;Park, Jang-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.1443-1449
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    • 2013
  • Automatic detection of vehicles in front is an integral component of many advanced driver-assistance system, such as collision mitigation, automatic cruise control, and automatic head-lamp dimming. Regardless day and night, tail-lights play an important role in vehicle detecting and status recognizing of driving in front. However, some drivers do not know the status of the tail-lights of vehicles. Thus, it is required for drivers to inform status of tail-lights automatically. In this paper, a recognition method of status of tail-lights based on video processing and recognition technology is proposed. Background estimation, optical flow and Euclidean distance is used to detect vehicles entering tollgate. Then saliency map is used to detect tail-lights and recognize their status in the Lab color coordinates. As results of experiments of using tollgate videos, it is shown that the proposed method can be used to inform status of tail-lights.


  • Masoudi, Masoud;Amiri, E.
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2013
  • The entire land of Southern Iran faces problems arising out of various types of land degradation of which vegetation degradation forms one of the major types. The present work introduces a model developed for assessing the current status of hazard of vegetation degradation using Geographic Information System (GIS). This kind of assessment differs from those assessments based on vulnerability or potential hazard assessments. The Sadra watershed which covers the upper reaches of Marharlu basin, Fars Province, has been chosen for a hazard assessment of this type of degradation. The different kinds of data for indicators of current status of vegetation degradation were gathered from collecting of field data and also records of the governmental offices of Iran. Taking into consideration three indicators of current status of vegetation degradation the model identifies areas with different hazard classes. By fixing the thresholds of severity classes of the three indicators including per cent of vegetation cover, biomass production and ratio of actual biomass to potential biomass production, a hazard map for each indicator was first prepared in GIS. The final hazard map of current status of vegetation degradation was prepared by intersecting three hazards in the GIS. Results show areas under severe hazard class have been found to be widespread (89 %) while areas under moderate and very severe hazard classes have been found less extensive in the Sadra watershed. The preparation of hazard maps based on the GIS analysis of these indicators will be helpful for prioritizing the areas to initiate remedial measures.

A Study on the Vegetation Mapping of the Urban Neighborhood Park (도시근린공원의 식생도 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Her, Seung-Nyung;Choi, Jung-Ho;Kwon, Ki-Won;Seo, Byung-Key;Lee, Kyoo-Seock
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2001
  • Vegetation maps present an inventory of existing plant communities, their location, extent and geographical distribution in the area concerned. For green space management and environment assessment accurate vegetation maps can be used effectively for analyzing the relationships between vegetation and the physical environment. However, the Current Vegetation Map, Forest Stand Map, and Green Naturality Map in Korea do not represent the status of vegetation community exactly. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to produce a detailed vegetation map at urban neighborhood parks in Korea by collecting the exact current vegetation data from field survey, and remote sensing(RS) and storing these data in geographical information systems(GIS). Ultimately it is intended to be used in planning and managing the urban green space. The study area is 66.1ha and it is classified into total 19 communities together with parks, orchards, bare land, grassland, tombs and gardens, etc. There is 53.7ha(81.2%) difference between the detailed vegetation map and the current vegetation map. There is also 46.9ha(70.8%) difference between the detailed vegetation map and forest stand map. After this study, it was concluded that it needs producing the detailed vegetation map used in managing urban green spaces because the existing vegetation map does not represent the status of vegetation in the study site.

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Application System for National Wind Map KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$ (국가바람지도 활용시스템 KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kang, Yong-Hyuk;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Jeong, Woo-Sik
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.532-533
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    • 2009
  • The national wind map of South Korea has been established as a core data to support national strategy building and promotion of wind energy dissemination. The national wind map has been made by numerical wind simulation with the spatial resolution of 1 km horizontal, 10m vertical and temporal resolution of 1 hour interval for 5 years period (2003-2007). Therefore, an application system linked with the national wind map named KIER-WindMap$^{TM}$ is being developed to be used by the government, local government, developers and researchers. We introduce the current status of the application system and the future development plans.

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A study on the Residents¡?Behavior for the Planning of the Shared Community Space (공동주택단지의 공동생활공간 구성을 위한 거주자 사용행태 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 조성희;강혜경
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of users'behavior for the planning of the shared community space(SCS). It was analyzed and estimated that the present status of the SCS of the contemporary multi-family housing sites in Korea and the residents'behavior in the SCS. Theoretic investigation and empirical research methods were used in this study. The empirical survey focused on seeking out user-oriented design criteria, based on the analysis of residents'usage behavior for the SCS. The analysis was made by both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of this study are as follows; First, as to the usage status survey for the SCS, there is a difference in the degree of usage according to their locations. Second, as to the analysis of the SCS through a mental map, the sketch map analysis is found to be a useful research method for the SCS planning by actualizing the residents'behavior characteristics. In detail, the main characteristics in the SCS planning are nearness, centrality, intimacy, combination of facilities and the connection with the main paths of the complex.