• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stated Preference Method

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Factors Influencing the Preference for German farm Tourism: A Path Model Approach

  • Sidali, Katia Laura;Spiller, A.
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.33-59
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to analyse the preference for German farm tourism among the German population. For this reason, we conducted an empirical study in Germany during summer 2007 and we applieda structural equation model based on partial leasts quares(PLS) to analyse the data. In the following chapters we will introduce the literature review and our conceptual frame work. We will then outline the procedures we adopted and the results of the empirical analysis. In the final part so me conclusions will be presented and a discussion will follow in order to draw the future directions of our research. According to our hypotheses, the possibility that agri-tourism enters in the evoked set of an individual is higher: H1: The higher the information degree about it. H2: The lower the influence of the social stimuli. H3: The higher the physical exposure to it (experience). H4: The higher the wellness image of agri-tourism. H5: The higher the traditional image of agri-tourism. H6: The higher the exciting image of agri-tourism. H7: The higher the perceived value for money. Our further hypotheses affirm that the possibility that agri-tourism enters in the evoked set of an individual is higher: H8: The lower the perceived risk. H9: The higher the motive to enjoy a holiday in the nature. H10: The higher the motive to enjoy a sport holiday. H11: The lower the motive to have an organized holiday. H12: The lower the motive to have a holiday abroad. H13: The lower the motive of action and night life. H14: The higher the motive to spend a holiday with the family. H15: The lower the motive to spend a city holiday. Finally, our model has some socio-demographics data. As we mentioned before, German agri-tourism has traditionally been the travel destination of large-size families, with low-to-middle income. For that reason, our final hypothesises are the following: the possibility that agri-tourism enters in the evoked-set of an individual is higher: H16: The higher the number of family members. H17: The lower the family income. Since in this study we use a path model with a PLS approach, we are able to state some interrelations among the exogenous latent variables: H18: The motive of sport holiday has a positive influence towards nature motives. H19: The physical exposition to agri-tourism has a positive influence toward information. H20: The motive of family holiday has a negative influence toward the motive of action and night life. H21: Social stimuli have a positive influence towards individuals risk perceptions. H22: Social stimuli have negative influence towards experience. Data for this study were gathered via administrated questionnaires during the summer 2007 within the frame of an academic "marketing research" course. The corresponding t-values are assessed using the bootstrapping method with 500 re-samples. In our model 61% of the degree of appreciation of German agri-tourism (evoked set) is explained by five independent variables: value for money ($0.335^{{\ast}{\ast}{\ast}}$) (H7) experience ($0.267^{{\ast}{\ast}}$) (H3), exciting image ($0.204^{\ast}$) (H6) organisation ($-0.162^{\ast}$) (H11) and holiday abroad ($-0.156^{\ast}$) (H12). The variance explained ($R^2$) for the other endogenous variables are the following: nature 24.3%, information 14.1%, action holiday 13.8%, risk perception 5.8% and experience 2.4%. An overview can be inferred from table 5. The results also allow us to test each of the proposed hypotheses. With exception of organization and abroad, none of the others travel style factors (H9 to H15) seem to have any significant impact towards evoked set which leads to the rejection of the respective hypotheses. As expected, social stimuli have a significant influence on individuals' risk perception (H21 accepted), however neither the former nor the latter have a valuable impact on evoked set (rejection of H2 and H8). Besides, since the influence of social stimuli towards experience is not significant, also H22 has to be rejected. Experience influences information (H19 accepted) but the latter does not affect significantly the evoked set (H1 rejected). Both H4 as well as H5, referring respectively to the perceived images of German agri-tourism as a wellness destination and the traditional image of the German farm tourism have to be rejected. Finally, none of the demographic data included in the model explains significantly the variance of the factor evoked set. Therefore neither H16 nor H17 has been accepted. As far as the interrelation between sport and nature (H18) and family and action (H20) are concerned, the stated relationship among these variables has been statistically confirmed. Our path model based on partial least squares shows the factors influencing the preference for farm tourism in Germany. Among others value for money and experience are the most significant ones. Practical implications are discussed.

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Family Planning as a Part of the Nursing-Staff In - Service Education Program (임상 간호원을 위한 실무교육 과정으로서의 가족계획)

  • 전춘영
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.112-132
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    • 1975
  • When Korean family planning services began as a part of the National Policy in 1962, the annual population growth was 3.0%. This growth rate has been decreased to 2.0% during last ten year period. And it seems imperative that all hospitals, as well as related organizations, should participate in family planning in order to contribute to achieving the National goal of 1.5% population growth by 1976, the end of the Third Five Year Economic Development Plan. Nurses should be considered the most important human resources in charge of the core of family planning services in any setting. For the family planning services in the general hospital setting, nurses as a core members contribute much as change agent, motivators, counsellors, educators etc. A nurse can work with patients and their relatives when she is equipped with relevant knowledge and skills. Fur the more family planning cannot be ignored even in hospital setting where more comprehensive nursing care is needed Thus, the general objective of this study is to provide baseline data for better programming of In-service education in family planning so that effective hospital family planning nursing services can be made a part of comprehensive nursing care contributing to the national population program and human welfare. In order to meet the general objective, this study has the following specific objectives : 1. To find out the general characteristics of the clinical nurses working in Y Hospital 2. To evaluate their attitudes and practices of family planning 3. To assess their knowledge, attitudes and practices of population and family planning as professional nurses. 4. To examine and compare data collecting methods for the planning of an In-service Educational Program 5. To explore the contents to be included in this In-service Education Program. The study population randomly selected one hundred nurses working in Y Hospital A cross-sectional survey with questionnaires developed for this study was chosen for the study method. To collect reliable data, the questionnaires were distributed to and answered by the study population in a controlled situation. X²test and t-test was employed in analyzing the data. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Y Hospital nurses had a lower ideal number of children (X=2.02) and showed no strong preference for male children, and 74% of them expressed the desire to use permanent methods of birth control 2. of this thirty Y Hospital nurses who were married 66.7% stated they were already practicing contraceptive methods. Most of them preferred male methods of contraception. 3. According to objective evaluation about knowledge of various aspects of population and family planning, respondents from collegiate programs significantly knew better the subjects on the average than did respondents from diploma programs of nursing. 4. There was a marked difference in the results of self-evaluation and objective evaluation in their family planning knowledge. It was found that the self-evaluation family planning knowledge seemed to be unreliable. Accordingly, the objective test methods appeared to be more reliable in the evaluation of knowledge levels. 5. The subject areas needed to be included in In-service education for the Hospital family planning services in Y Hospital are 1) rhythm methods, 2) tubal-legation, 3) family planning effects of contraceptives, 4) population growth, 5) demographic traction, 6) population structure and 7) infant mortality facts. In addition, 1) various oral contraceptives, 2) basal temperature method, 3) laparoscopic female sterilization, 4) interfering factors of family planning, 5) anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive organs were additional areas to be taught to respondents from 3-year diploma schools of nursing. Demographic transition was one subject area in which the four-year graduates need further study. 6. Population problems guidance and counselling in family planning instruction in the theory and practice of contraceptives should be included in future In-service Education Programs in order to provide more effective hospital Family Planning Services, stated 77.0% of the respondents.

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The Threshold of 0.5% Salt-water Taste and Risk of Stomach Cancer (0.5% 소금물에 대한 역치와 위암발생의 위험도)

  • Ohrr, Hee-Chul;Lee, Kang-Hee;Yi, Sang-Wook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2000
  • The relationship between sodium intake and stomach cancer risk has been studied much in Japan but a great portions still remain controversial. There has been few studies on relationship between sodium intake and stomach cancer in Korea. The goal of this nested case-control study is to investigate the association between sodium intake and stomach cancer risk in a rural county of Korea We estimated sodium intake indirectly by the threshold of salt-water taste of patients. This study was based on both of the data from 'Kangwha Cohort Study' which had been conducted from March 1985 and 'Kangwha Community Cancer Registry' which had been launched on July in 1982 by the College of Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine. Yonsei University. A total of 145 patients who developed stomach cancer in Kangwha County were initially recruited as the case group. We tried to get two community-controls per stomach cancer case by matching age and gender. Finally we got information from 90 cases and 146 controls about the threshold of the salt taste and preference of salty food and so on. Some 79% of the information about ease group came from proxy respondents and 56% among controls. Risk ratios of developing stomach cancer adjusted for smoking, body mass index and self-stated health level were estimated. No statistically significant association between the threshold of salt taste and stomach cancer risk found in this study. We recommend some further studies utilizing urinary salt excretion, diet record method for better estimating of salt intake with a paticular emphasis on interaction effect between salty and spicy food in hospital-based case-control study designs.

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A Comparative Study on 「Yanghwasorok」 and 『Zhangwuzhi』 - Focused on the Taste of Plants in Scholar's Garden, Korea and China - (「양화소록(養花小錄)」과 『장물지(長物志)』 화목류에 나타난 문인원림 취미 비교)

  • Park, Hee-Soung;Yun, Jia-Yan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2016
  • The present study aimed to understand the taste of literati appearing in the Korean-Chinese garden by comparing "Yanghwasorok(養花小錄)" and "Zhangwuzhi(長物志)", which are one of the representative gardens in Korea and China. The main subject of comparison is plants; the research results are as follows. First, Gang Hui-an stated that the ultimate purpose of growing and appreciating the gardening plants is the completion of oneself, while Wen Zhen-heng(文震亨) used gardening plants as a means to practice a life of reclusiveness(隱逸). Second, Gang Hui-an claimed that growing plants is human's cultivation of virtue on the basis of Confucian view's gaining knowledge by the study of things(格物致知), whereas Wen Zhen-heng realized the taste of 'elegance(雅趣)' through form of plants or planting method. Third, although plant preference of literati of both countries is similar in many parts, there is a slight difference for putting gardening plants in pots and appreciating them. For example, even for selecting or placing pots, simplicity and lightness are characteristically reflected from Gang Hui-an while splendor and refinedness are characteristically shown from Wen Zhen-heng. Moreover, in light of the taste of appreciation of literati of the Song Dynasty(宋代), which is a sample of literati spirit, Gang Hui-an inherited the inner world of the spirit whereas Wen Zhen-heng expressed 'literati-ness' in visual images.

Estimating the Impact on Aviation Demand by High Speed Railroad Service in Korea (고속철도 개통으로 인한 항공수요 변화에 대한 추정)

  • Park, Yong-Hwa;Kim, Yeon-Myung;Oh, Sung-Yeol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2004
  • Recently, a large reduction in domestic aviation demand had roughly shown in the range between 34% and 75% in east central and western corridor of Korea. The reasons for the drop in air traffic demand were the provisioning of several new highway serveces and the national economic difficulties. Since April 2004, moreover, the Korea Train Express(KTX) was operated between Seoul and Daegu in the first phrase of 293Km in KTX operational distance and 258Km in air route distance. The operation of KTX significantly impacted air traffic volume, particularly on the overlapped air routes with KTX routes. This study analyzed the effects on air traffic demand in accordance with the opening of KTX by applying the Stated Preference (SP) survey method, the survey conducted prior to 8 months of the KTX initiative. Also, the comparison of the decreased demand forecast by SP analysis and actual revealed traffic volume during two months service after inauguration of KTX was conducted. The Seoul-Daegu route was analysed using the 3 variables considered access and egress time, fare rate, operational frequency. The result obtained from the analysis showed that air users would be preferred only 14%. Comparatively, however, the actual revealed air passengers after the opening KTX were remained 28%, The less "decreased demand" was caused by the instability of the KTX's operation in the initial stage. Therefore, small numbers of passenger were preferable to airservices rather than high speed railroad service.

A Research on the Books Selected in 'One Book, One City' Community Reading Promotion Campaign in Korea (국내 '한 책, 한 도시' 독서운동의 선정책에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.165-188
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this research is to document the current state of 'One Book, One City' community reading campaign (Hereafter called 'One Book' reading campaign), launched in 2003 in Korea, and the characteristics of the selected books. For this research, the homepages, news and reports of a total of 1,170 public libraries and their local government, and several major institutions and organizations related to reading and culture were analyzed with the research method of content analysis and literature review. Also, online catalogs of the National Library of Korea and the National Library for Children and Young Adults were examined to identify the characteristics of 729 titles and 1,179 volumes of books selected in 57 'One Book' programs, as of 2021. The analysis of 57 'One Book' programs and those selected books shows the selection of more than one books in different age groups in more and more 'One Book' programs, lack of consistency in themes of those selected books, and preference for young adult books, new publications and bestselling novels. This trend has weakened individual 'One Book' programs' concentration on one book or one subject, but helped invite a diverse group of people with various interests. More in-depth analysis and explanation of the process of book selection and its appropriateness with the stated goals of 'One Book' programs are needed.

Decision-making process and satisfaction of pregnant women for delivery method (임산부의 분만방법 결정과정과 만족도)

  • Jun, Hae-Ri;Park, Jung-Han;Park, Soon-Woo;Huh, Chang-Kyu;Hwang, Soon-Gu
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.31 no.4 s.63
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    • pp.751-769
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to assess the attitude of pregnant women toward delivery method, understanding of the reason for determining her own delivery method, participation in decision-making process and satisfaction with delivery method after labor. Study subjects were 693 pregnant women who had visited obstetric clinic for prenatal care in the last month of pregnancy in one general hospital and one obstetrics-gynecology specialty hospital in Taegu city from February 1 to March 31 in 1998. A questionnaire was administered before and after labor and a telephone interview was done one month after labor. Proportion of women who had health education and/or counselling about delivery method during prenatal care was 24.0% and this proportion was higher for women who had previous c-section(35.5%) than others. Women thought vaginal delivery is better than c-section for both maternal and baby's health regardless of previous delivery method. About 90% of primipara and multiparous women who had previous vaginal delivery wanted vaginal delivery for the index birth, while 85.6% of multiparous women who had previous c-section wanted repeat c-section. Reasons for choosing c-section in pregnant women who preferred vaginal delivery before labor were recommendation of doctors(81.9%), recommendation of husband (0.8%), agreement between doctor and pregnant woman(4.7%), and mother's demand (12.6%). Reasons for choosing vaginal delivery were mother's demand(30.6%) and no indication for c-section(67.2%). Reasons for choosing c-section in pregnant women who preferred c-section before labor were recommendation of doctors(76.2%), mother's demand(20.0%), recommendation of husband(1.3%), and agreement between doctor and pregnant woman(2.5%). Of the pregnant women who had c-section, by doctor's recommendation, the proportion of women who had heard detailed explanation about reason for c-section by doctor was 55.1%. Mother's statement about the reason for c-section was consistent with the medical record in 75.9% . However, over 5% points disparities were shown between mother's statement and medical record in cases of the repeat c-section and mother's demand. In primipara and multiparous women who had previous vaginal delivery, the delivery method for index birth had statistically significant association with the preference of delivery method before labor(p<0.05). All of the women who had previous c-section had delivered the index baby by c-section. Among mothers who had delivered the index baby vaginally, 84.9% of them were satisfied with their delivery method immediately after labor and 85.1% at 1 month after labor. However, mothers who had c-section stated that they are satisfied with c-section in 44.6% immediately after labor and 42.0% at 1 month after labor. Preferred delivery method for the next birth had statistically significant association with delivery method for the index birth both immediately after labor and in 1 month after labor. The proportion of mothers who prefer vaginal delivery for the next birth increased with the degree of satisfaction with the vaginal delivery for the index birth but the proportion of mothers who prefer c-section for the next birth was high and they did not change significantly with the degree of satisfaction with the c-section for the index birth. These results suggest that the current high technology-based, physician-centered prenatal and partritional cares need to be reoriented to the basic preventive and promotive technology-based, and mother-fetus-centered care. It is also suggested that active involvement of pregnant woman in decision-making process for the delivery method will increase the rate of vaginal birth after c-section and decrease c-section rate and improve the degree of maternal satisfaction after delivery.

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Estimating the Attribute Values of 4 Major River Estuaries in Korea -Focusing on Testing for the IIA Assumption in MNL Model and the Alternative Models- (4대강 하구의 속성 가치 추정 -다항로짓모형에서 IIA가정의 검토와 대안 모형을 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Youngchul
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.521-545
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    • 2013
  • This study applied choice experiment(CE) method(which is included in the stated preference method) to estimate values of some important attributes(i.e. type of estuary, water quality of river in estuary, water quality of sea in estuary, biodiversity level of estuary) of 4 major river(Hangang, Guemgang, Yeongsangang, Nakdonggang) estuaries in Korea. Although the multinomial logit model(MNL) is generally applied to analyse the CE data, testing for IIA assumption with the Hausman and McFadden test in MNL model shows that the IIA assumption in our data is rejected. Therefore, the heteroscedastic extreme value model(HEV) and the multinomial probit model(MNP) which are not based on the IIA assumption are used to analyse our CE data. As results, the coefficients and the elicited economic values of MNL model are seriously distorted if the IIA assumption is not satisfied in MNL model. The estimation results of MNP model show that the economic values are elicited as 352.3 billion won(95% C.I. 261.1 - 477.8 billion won) for natural estuary, 411.5 billion won(95% C.I. 338.5 - 525.5 billion won) for one grade improvement of river water quality in estuary, 358.9 billion won(95% C.I. 292.5 - 457.0 billion won) for one grade improvement of sea water quality in estuary, and 151.9 billion won(95% C.I. 99.0 - 218.6 billion won) for one grade improvement of biodiversity level of estuary. Therefore, the value of estuary is reached to 2,197.0 billion won(95% C.I. 1,721.0 - 2,879.9 billion won) if any natural estuary in 4 major rivers has good water quality of river in estuary(i.e. 2nd grade), good water quality of sea in estuary(i.e. 1st grade), and good biodiversity level of estuary.