• Title/Summary/Keyword: Star Observation

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  • Koyama, Yusei
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.287-291
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    • 2017
  • We present the results of our mid-infrared (MIR) observations of distant clusters of galaxies with AKARI. The wide-field of view of IRC/AKARI ($10^{\prime}{\times}10^{\prime}$) is ideally suited for studying dust-obscured star-formation (SF) activity of galaxies along the cosmic web in the distant universe. We performed a deep and wide-field $15{\mu}m$ (rest-frame ${\approx}8{\mu}m$) imaging observation of the RXJ1716+6708 cluster (z = 0.81) with IRC. We find that $15{\mu}m$-detected cluster member galaxies (with total infrared luminosities of $L_{IR}{\geq}10^{11}L_{\odot}$) are most preferentially located in the cluster outskirt regions, whilst such IR-luminous galaxies avoid the cluster centre. Our $H{\alpha}$ follow-up study of this field confirmed that a significant fraction of $15{\mu}m$-detected cluster galaxies are heavily obscured by dust (with $AH{\alpha}$>3 mag in extreme cases). The environment of such dusty star-burst galaxies coincides with the place where we see a sharp "break" of the colour-density relation, suggesting an important link between dust-obscured SF activity and environmental quenching. We also report the discovery of a new cluster candidate around a radio galaxy at z = 1.52 (4C 65.22), where we obtained one of the deepest IRC imaging datasets with all the nine filters at $2-24{\mu}m$. This field will provide us with the final, excellent laboratory for studying the dust-enshrouded SF activity in galaxies along the cosmic web at the critical epoch of cluster galaxy evolution with AKARI.

Kinematics and Geometrical Structure of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6881 (행성상 성운 NGC 6881의 운동학적 특성과 기하학적 구조)

  • Lee, Sang-Min;Hyung, Siek
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.847-856
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    • 2007
  • The Planetary nebula NGC 6881 displays quadrupole morphology and it also has a jet feature in its image. We investigated the line profiles of the optical region spectral emission lines, using the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph (HES) at the Lick observatory. The HES data obtained in this study was the radiation coming from the inner region within the diameter of 4 second of arc. Expansion velocity was obtained, based on the strong emission line profiles of e.g. H, Hel, Hell, [OIII], [NII], [ArIII], [SII], and [SIII}, using the IRAF and StarLink/Dipso reduction packages. The HI recombination lines showed one single peak profile, while the He and forbidden strong lines displayed double peaks. The results of this study show that the outflow velocity of gas increases radially outwards due to the central stellar radiation pressure. It was concluded that three central rings appeared in the HST image are the result of a combined structure of bipolar cones (seen in e.g. HI lines) and a ring (seen in He, [SIII] lines) in projection.


  • Jin, Ho;Park, Young-Sik;Park, Jang-Hyun;Yuk, In-Soo;Seon, Kwang-Il;Nam, Wook-Won;Han, Won-Yong;Lee, Woo-Baik;Lee, Sung-Woon;Shin, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2001
  • A prototype CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) imaging system has been built and the possibility of applying to the application to astronomical observations has been investigated. The CCD (charge coupled device) image sensor has been the mainstay of image capture and astronomical imaging for the last 30 years, but CMOS devices have shown rapidly increasing success and have been adapted to many commercial imaging systems . Although the photometric performances and system noise of CMOS sensors are lower than that of CCD image sensors, CMOS Imaging system can be used to obtain general image capture for astronomical applications.

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Star-formation Properties of High-redshift (z~1) Galaxy Clusters Connected to the Large-scale Structure

  • Lee, Seong-Kook;Im, Myungshin;Hyun, Minhee;Park, Bomi;Kim, Jae-woo;Kim, Dohyung;Kim, Yongjung
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.40.2-40.2
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    • 2017
  • At local, majority of galaxies in the dense environment, such as galaxy cluster, are red and quiescent with little star-formation (SF) activity. However, a different picture emerges as we go to high redshift: (1) there exist non-negligible fraction of galaxies still forming stars actively even in dense environment, and (2) there is a significant cluster-by-cluster variation in the SF properties, such as quiescent galaxy fraction. In this presentation, we show the results of our study about the variation of quiescent galaxy fraction among high-redshift (z~1) galaxy clusters, based on the multi-object spectroscopic (MOS) observation with IMACS on the Magellan telescope. Our main result is that galaxy clusters which are connected with significant large-scale structure (LSS), well beyond the cluster scale, are more active in their SF activity, i.e., the quiescent galaxy fraction for these clusters is lower compared to the clusters which are detached from LSS.

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Design of Inertial Navigation System/Celestial Navigation System Navigation System for Horizontal Position Estimation and Performance Comparison Between Loosely and Tightly Coupled Approach (수평 위치정보 추정을 위한 관성/천측 항법시스템 설계 및 약결합/강결합 방식의 성능 비교)

  • Kiduck Kim
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.58-71
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    • 2023
  • This paper describes a navigation system design for horizontal position estimation using inertial measurement sensors and celestial navigation. In space, stars are widely spread objects in the celestial sphere and have been used mainly to obtain attitude information through star observation. However, it is also possible to obtain information about the horizontal position with the altitude of the star. It is called celestial navigation which is the same principle that former navigators used to locate themselves while sailing on the sea. In particular, in deep space where GPS is not available, it is important to obtain information on the location by making use of stars that are relatively easy to observe. Therefore, we introduce a navigation system that can estimate horizontal position and design two types of systems, loosely coupled and tightly coupled depending on how the measurements are utilized. It is intended to help in the future design of navigation system using celestial navigation by simulation studies that not only verify whether the system correctly estimates horizontal position but also comparing the performance of loosely and tightly coupled methods.

Spectroscopic Observation of AG Peg and Efficiency Changes of Bowen Fluorescence Mechanism (AG Peg의 분광 관측과 Bowen 형광 기작의 효율 변화)

  • Hyung, Siek;Lee, Seong-Jae;Lee, Kang Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.405-420
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    • 2017
  • We investigated the H I, He II and O III emission lines of the symbiotic star AG Peg, using the spectroscopic data secured at different phases in three periods at the Lick Observatory. We measured FWHM and the intensity of six O III Bowen lines and studied the efficiency of fluorescence mechanism. The mean FWHM of O III normal and Bowen lines observed during three time periods did not make much difference, while Bowen line intensities are about 4.0 times higher than the normal lines. Comparing the predicted and the observed ratios, we found that the observed intensities are higher than predicted intensities, except for O III ${\lambda}$ 3759.87. The O III ${\lambda}$ 3791.26 and 3754.67 intensity ratios observed only in 2001 are in good agreement with the predictions by Saraph and Seaton (1980). We obtained the Bowen efficiency parameter (R)=0.47 for 2002, but we could not find R for the other two periods of time. Because of this, based on the 2002 efficiency result, we calculated the intensity ratio of O III normal and Bowen lines relative to He II ${\lambda}$ 4685.68 and derive the efficiency variation with time period. The result showed that the efficiency is the highest in 1998 and the lowest in 2001. We conclude that the efficiencies with phase are caused by the electron temperature changes in the ionized gas. The efficiencies of AG Peg are likely to increase along with electron temperature. Our analysis results may be useful in understanding the physical conditions of the ionized shell in symbiotic star and the intensity ratio and efficiency variation.

Development and Application of an After-school Program for an Astronomy Observation Club in a Highschool: Standardized Coefficient Decision Program in Consideration of the Observation Site's Environment (고등학교 천체 관측 동아리를 위한 방과 후 학교 프로그램 개발 및 적용: 관측지 주변 환경을 고려한 표준화 계수 결정 프로그램)

  • Kim, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Hyo-Nyong;Lee, Hyun-Dong;Jeong, Jae-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.495-505
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    • 2008
  • The main purposes of this study are to: (1) to develop astronomy observation program based on a standardized coefficient decision program; and (2) to apply the developed program to after-school or club activities. As a first step, we analyzed activities related to astronomy in the authorized textbooks that are currently adopted in high schools. based on the analysis, we developed an astronomy observation program according to the standardized coefficient decision program, and the program was applied to students' astronomical observations as part of the club activities. Specifically, this program used a 102 mm refracting telescope and digital camera. we took into account the observation site's environment of the urban areas in which many school were located and then developed a the computer program for observation activities. The results of this study are as follows. First, the current astronomical education in schools was based off of the textbooks. Specifically, it was mostly about analyzing the materials and making simulated experiments. Second, most schools participated in this study were located in urban areas where students had more difficulty in observation than in rural areas. Third, an exemplary method was investigated in order to make an astronomical observation efficiently in urban areas with the existing devices. In addition, the standardized coefficient decision program was developed to standardize the magnitude of stars according to the observed value. Finally, based on the students' observations, we found that there was no difference between the magnitude of a star in urban sites and in rural sites. The current astronomical education in schools lacks an activity of practical experiments, and many schools have not good observational sites because they are located in urban areas. However, use of this program makes it possible to collect significant data after a series of standardized corrections. In conclusion, this program not only helps schools to create an active astronomy observation activity in fields, but also promotes students to be more interested in astronomical observation through a series of field-based activities.

Extragalactic Sciences from SPICA/FPC-S

  • Jeong, Woong-Seob;Matsumoto, Toshio;Im, Myungshin;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Tsumura, Kohji;Tanaka, Masayuki;Shimonishi, Takashi;Lee, Dae-Hee;Pyo, Jeonghyun;Park, Sung-Joon;Moon, Bongkon;Park, Kwijong;Park, Youngsik;Han, Wonyong;Nam, Ukwon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.36.2-36.2
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    • 2013
  • The SPICA (SPace Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics) project is a next-generation infrared space telescope optimized for mid- and far-infrared observation with a cryogenically cooled 3m-class telescope. The focal plane instruments onboard SPICA will enable us to resolve many astronomical key issues from the formation and evolution of galaxies to the planetary formation. The FPC-S (Focal Plane Camera - Sciecne) is a near-infrared instrument proposed by Korea as an international collaboration. Owing to the capability of both low-resolution imaging spectroscopy and wide-band imaging with a field of view of $5^{\prime}{\times}5^{\prime}$, it has large throughput as well as high sensitivity for diffuse light compared with JWST. In order to strengthen advantages of the FPC-S, we propose the studies of probing population III stars by the measurement of cosmic near-infrared background radiation and the star formation history at high redshift by the discoveries of active star-forming galaxies. In addition to the major scientific targets, to survey large area opens a new parameter space to investigate the deep Universe. The good survey capability in the parallel imaging mode allows us to study the rare, bright objects such as quasars, bright star-forming galaxies in the early Universe as a way to understand the formation of the first objects in the Universe, and ultra-cool brown dwarfs. Observations in the warm mission will give us a unique chance to detect high-z supernovae, ices in young stellar objects (YSOs) even with low mass, the $3.3{\mu}$ feature of shocked circumstance in supernova remnants. Here, we report the current status of SPICA/FPC project and its extragalactic sciences.

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Development Status of the SPICA/FPC

  • Pyo, Jeonghyun;Jeong, Woong-Seob;Lee, Dae-Hee;Matsumoto, Toshio;Moon, Bongkon;Tsumura, Kohji;Park, Kwijong;Park, Sung-Joon;Park, Youngsik;Kim, Il-Jung;Park, Won-Kee;Han, Wonyong;Im, Myungshin;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lee, Jeong-Eun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.82.1-82.1
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    • 2013
  • The SPICA (SPace Infrared Telescope for Cosmology & Astrophysics) project is a next-generation infrared space telescope optimized for mid- and far-infrared observation with a cryogenically cooled 3m-class telescope. Owing to unprecedented sensitivity and high spatial resolution, the focal plane instruments are expected to perform the confusion-limited observation. The SPICA will challenge to reveal many astronomical key issues from the star-formation history of the universe to the planetary formation. The Korean 5contribution to SPICA as an international collaboration is the development of the near-infrared instrument, FPC (Focal Plane Camera). The Korean consortium for FPC proposed a key system instrument for the purpose of a fine guiding (FPC-G) complementing the AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System). The back-up instrument of FPC-G, FPC-S will be responsible for the scientific observations as well. Through the international review process, we have revised the scientific programs and made the feasibility study for the fine guiding system. Here, we report the current status of SPICA/FPC project.

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  • 이충욱;박성수;김천휘;변용익
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2003
  • We constructed the photometric observation system with a small semi-automatic telescope for the systematic observations of eclipse timings of eclipsing binary stars. The system is consisted of a Paramount GT-1100s mount system, a Celestron 14 optical system, and a SBIG ST-8 camera. We developed the OBSTOOL S/W which controls the telescope and the CCD camera using the COM(Component Object Model) supported by the softwares, The Sky and MaximDL. The system performs photometric observations of a variable, comparison and check stars by moving the telescope to the chosen star separately in a similar way such as the method of photoelectric observation. We wrote pert scripts which enable a data handling pipeline for the obtained data to be classified by each of date, object and filter. And thus the images are easily preprocessed using the IRAF S/W package. Eclipse light curves of some eclipsing binary stars observed with this system are presented.