• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stability ratio

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The Physical and Thermal Properties Analysis of the VOC Free Composites Comprised of Epoxy Resin, and Dicyandiamide (VOC Free Epoxy Resin/Dicyandiamide 경화물의 배합비 변화에 따른 물리적 특성 및 열적특성 분석)

  • Kim, Daeyeon;Kim, Soonchoen;Park, Young IL;Kim, Young Chul;Lim, Choong-Sun
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.76-82
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    • 2015
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC) free adhesives have been interested by many scientists and engineers due to environmental regulations and the safety of industrial workers. In this work, a series of composites composed with bisphenol A epoxy resin used as solvent, dicyandiamide, and promoter were prepared to investigate the most appropriate molar ratio for steel-steel adhesion. The cured test specimen of each composite were measured with universal testing machine (UTM) to figure out mechanical properties such as tensile strength, Young’s modulus, and elongation. Furthermore, the lap shear strength of the specimen was tested with UTM while impact resistance was measured with Izod impact tester. The composite whose molar ratio of epoxy resin to curing agent is 1 : 0.9 (sample 3), showed better tensile strength, coefficient of elastic modulus, elongation, and impact strength than other composites did. The highest tanδ from dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was observed from sample 2 (epoxy resin: dicy = 1 : 0.7) while sample 3 showed slightly lower tanδ than that of 2. The morphology of the fracture surface of the cured composites from SEM showed that the number of subtle lines on the surface caused by impact increase as the contents of amine curing agent accrete. Furthermore, the viscosity change of sample 5 (epoxy resin: dicy = 1 : 1.3) was observed to confirm its storage stability.

Magnetoresistive of (NiFe/CoFe)/Cu/CoFe Spin-Valvec ((NiFe/CoFe)/Cu/CoFe Spin-Valve 박막의 자기저항 특성)

  • 오미영;이선영;이정미;김미양;이장로
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.265-273
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    • 1997
  • The MR ratios and the exchange biasing field and interlayer coupling field were investigated in $Ni_{91}Fe_{19}/Co_{90}Fe_{10}/Cu/Co_{90}Fe_{10}/NiO$ spin-valve sandwiches grown on antiferromagnetic NiO films as a function of the NiO thickness, the thickness of Cu and pinning layer $Co_{90}Fe_{10}$. The spin-valve sandwiches were deposited on the Corning glass 7059 by means of the 3-gun dc and 1-gun rf magnetron sputtering at a 5 mtorrpartial Ar pressure and room temperature. The deposition field was 50 Oe. The MR curve was measured by the four-terminal method with applied magnetic soft bilayer [NiFe/CoFe] (90$\AA$) decreased dramatically to less than 10 Oe when the NiFe/CoFe bilayer used an NiFe bilayer thicker that 20$\AA$. So NiFe layer improved the softmagnetic properties in the NiFe/CoFe bilayer. The GMR ratio and the magnetic field sensitivity of the spin-valve film $Ni_{91}Fe_{19}(40{\AA})/Co_{90}Fe_{10}(50{\AA}) /Cu(30{\AA})/Co_{90}Fe_{10}(35{\AA})/NiO(800{\AA})$ was 6.3% and about 0.5 (%/Oe), respectively. The MR ratio had 5.3% below an annealing temperature of 20$0^{\circ}C$ which slowly decreased to 3% above 30$0^{\circ}C$. The large blocking temperature of the spin-valve film was taken (as being) due to the good stability of the NiO films. Thus, the spin-valve films with a free NiFe/CoFe layer clearly had a high large GMR output and showed a effective magnetic field sensitivity for a suitable spin-valve head material.

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A Study on Pullout-Resistance Increase in Soil Nailing due to Pressurized Grouting (가압 그라우팅 쏘일네일링의 인발저항력 증가 원인에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Kyeong-Han;Park, Sung-Won;Choi, Hang-Seok;Lee, Chung-Won;Lee, In-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2008
  • Pressurized grouting is a common technique in geotechnical engineering applications to increase the stiffness and strength of the ground mass and to fill boreholes or void space in a tunnel lining and so on. Recently, the pressurized grouting has been applied to a soil-nailing system which is widely used to improve slope stability. Because interaction between pressurized grouting paste and adjacent ground mass is complicated and difficult to analyze, the soil-nailing design has been empirically performed in most geotechnical applications. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ground behavior induced by pressurized grouting paste with the aid of laboratory model tests. The laboratory tests are carried out for four kinds of granitic residual soils. When injecting pressure is applied to grout, the pressure measured in the adjacent ground initially increases for a while, which behaves in the way of the membrane model. With the lapse of time, the pressure in the adjacent ground decreases down to a value of residual stress because a portion of water in the grouting paste seeps into the adjacent ground. The seepage can be indicated by the fact that the ratio of water/cement in the grouting paste has decreased from a initial value of 50% to around 30% during the test. The reduction of the W/C ratio should cause to harden the grouting paste and increase the stiffness of it, which restricts the rebound of out-moved ground into the original position, and thus increase the in-situ stress by approximately 20% of the injecting pressures. The measured radial deformation of the ground under pressure is in good agreement with the expansion of a cylindrical cavity estimated by the cavity expansion theory. In-situ test revealed that the pullout resistance of a soil nailing with pressurized grouting is about 36% larger than that with regular grouting, caused by grout radius increase, residual stress effect, and/or roughness increase.

Research on Radiation Shielding Film for Replacement of Lead(Pb) through Roll-to-Roll Sputtering Deposition (롤투롤 스퍼터링 증착을 통한 납(Pb) 대체용 방사선 차폐필름 개발)

  • Sung-Hun Kim;Jung-Sup Byun;Young-Bin Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.441-447
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    • 2023
  • Lead(Pb), which is currently mainly used for shielding purposes in the medical radiation, has excellent radiation shielding functions, but is continuously exposed to radiation directly or indirectly due to the harmfulness of lead itself to the human body and the inconvenience caused by its heavy weight. Research on shielding materials that are human-friendly, lightweight, and convenient to use that can block risks and replace lead is continuously being conducted. In this study, based on the commonly used polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film and the fabric material used in actual radiation protective clothing, a multi-layer thin film was realized through sputtering and vacuum deposition of bismuth, tungsten, and tin, which are metal materials that can shield radiation. Thus, a shielding film was produced and its applicability as a radiation shielding material was evaluated. The radiation shielding film was manufactured by establishing the optimized conditions for each shielding material while controlling the applied voltage, roll driving speed, and gas supply amount to manufacture the shielding film. The adhesion between the parent material and the shielding metal thin film was confirmed by Cross-cut 100/100, and the stability of the thin film was confirmed through a hot water test for 1 hour to measure the change of the thin film over time. The shielding performance of the finally realized shielding film was measured by the Korea association for radiation application (KARA), and the test conditions (inverse wide beam, tube voltage 50 kV, half layer 1.828 mmAl) were set to obtain an attenuation ratio of 16.4 (initial value 0.300 mGy/s, measured value 0.018 mGy/s) and damping ratio 4.31 (initial value 0.300 mGy/s, measured value 0.069 mGy/s) were obtained. by securing process efficiency for future commercialization, light and shielding films and fabrics were used to lay the foundation for the application of films to radiation protective clothing or construction materials with shielding functions.

Manufacturing Method and Characteristics of the Dongrok(copper chloride) pigments (동록(염화동) 안료의 제조방법 및 특성에 관한 연구)

  • KANG Yeongseok;PARK Juhyun;MUN Seongwoo;HWANG Gahyun;KIM Myoungnam;LEE Sunmyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.148-169
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    • 2023
  • Hayeob pigment is known as one of the traditional dark green pigments, but the color, raw material, and manufacturing method have not been clearly identified. However, comparing the analysis results of the particle shape and constituent minerals of Hayeob pigments revealed through pigment analysis studies of colored cultural properties such as Dancheong, Gwaebul, and paintings, Hayeob pigments appear to be the same as Dongrok pigments produced by salt corrosion. Therefore, in order to restore Hayeob pigment, the manufacturing method of Dongrok pigment was studied based on the records of old literature. The Dongrok pigment manufacturing method confirmed in the old literature records is a natural corrosion method in which copper powder and a caustic are mixed and then left in a humid condition to corrode. Based on this, artificial corrosion using a corrosion tester was adopted to corrode the copper powder more efficiently, and an appropriate mixing ratio was selected by analyzing the state of corrosion products according to the mixing ratio of the caustic agent. In addition, the manufacturing method of Dongrok pigment was established by adding a salt removal process to remove residual caustic agents and a purification process to increase chroma during pigment coloring. The prepared Dongrok pigments have a bluish green or green color, show an elliptical particle shape and a form in which small particles are aggregated, and a porous surface is observed. The main constituent elements are copper(Cu) and chlorine(Cl), and the main constituent mineral is identified as atacamite [Cu2Cl(OH)3]. As a result of an accelerated weathering test to evaluate the stability of the prepared Dongrok pigments, it was found that the greenness partially decreased and the yellowness significantly increased as deterioration progressed. Before deterioration, the Dongrok pigments had lower yellowness compared to the Hayeob pigments of the old Dancheong, but after deterioration, yellowness increased significantly, and it was found to have a similar chromaticity range as Dancheong's Hayeob pigments. As a result, the prepared Dongrok pigments were confirmed to be similar to Dancheong's Hayeob pigments in terms of color as well as particle shape and constituent minerals.

The Association between Patient Characteristics of Chungnam-do and External Medical Service Use Using Health Insurance Cohort DB 2.0 (건강보험 코호트 자료를 활용한 충청남도 지역 환자의 특성에 따른 관외 의료이용과의 연관성)

  • Yeong Jun Lee;Se Hyeon Myeong;Hyun Woo Moon;Seo Hyun Woo;Sun Jung Kim
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 2024
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between external medical service use and the characteristics of Chungcheongnam-do patients. We aimed to provide evidence of external medical service use enhance the healthcare delivery system in Chungcheongnam-do. Methods: We used the Health Insurance Cohort DB 2.0 of 2016-2019, and 2,570,439 patients were included in the study. Multivariate logistic regression and multinomial logistic regression were used to identify the association between external medical service use and each patient characteristic. Generalized linear model was used to identify the association between medical costs and external medical service use area. Results: During the study period, 32.2% of inpatients and 12.5% of outpatients had external medical service use in Chungcheongnam-do. In comparison to patients living in Cheonan and Asan, the odds ratio (OR) for external medical services use was higher across all regions. Specifically, hospitalized patients from Gyeryong, Nonsan, and Geumsan (OR, 116.817) and Gongju, Buyeo, and Cheongyang (OR, 72.931) demonstrated extremely high likelihood of external medical service use in the Daejeon area. Furthermore, compared to medical expenses incurred within Chungcheongnam-do, patients with external medical service use in the capitol area (outpatient=17.01%, inpatients=22.11%) and Daejeon area (outpatient=16.63%, inpatients=15.41%) spent more on healthcare services. Conclusion: This study found the evidence of external medical service use among Chungcheongnam-do patients. Further study should be conducted taking into account variables including satisfaction of local medical services, different types of patient diseases, and others. The study's findings may serve as a foundation for policy proposals aimed at ensuring the financial stability of our health insurance system, ensuring the efficient delivery of medical care, and localization of medical care.

Changes of Physical Properties of Soils by Organic Material application (유기성 물질 시용에 따른 농경지 토양물리성 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Lee-Yul;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Han, Kyung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.304-314
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organic materials (compost, straw, green manure, pig manure, seed production oil cake, and industrial by products including municipal sewage sludge, industrial sewage sludge, leather processing sludge, and alcohol fermentation processing sludge) on physical properties of soils in seven paddy and four upland fields with differential soil textures, sandy loam, loam, or clay loam, etc. The investigated physical parameters were bulk density (BD), air permeability (AP), macroporosity, hardness, shear resistance, frictional resistance, water stability aggregate (WSA), and Middleton's dispersion ratio. Except for coarse sandy loam field with weak structure, a decrease in BD and shear resistance, and an increase in macroporosity and AP in plots with applying organic materials compared to plots without applying organic materials appeared. In upland fields, the positive effect of organic materials on WSA, BD, and air permeability was higher than in paddy fields. The combined plot of NPK and compost had lower BD, hardness, and shear resistance, and higher macroporosity and WSA than plot with compost. Green manure had higher positive effect on physical properties of soils compared to other organic materials and the extent of positive effect had no significant correlation with soil organic matter content. Of industrial byproducts applied in coarse sandy loam soil under upland condition, municipal sewage sludge and pig manure compost had higher effect on increase of WSA than leather processing sludge and alcohol fermentation processing sludge. Unlike WSA, there were no significant differences between industrial byproduct types in other physical properties. in silty clay loam soil under the upland condition, straw had more positive effect on soil physical parameters than hairy vetch and pig manure. Therefore, different organic materials had differently active effect on physical parameters depending on types of soil and land use. Especially, it could be thought that well-decomposed organic materials have the advantage of an increase in organic matter content, while coarse organic materials of an increase in WSA.

Highly Doped Nano-crystal Embedded Polymorphous Silicon Thin Film Deposited by Using Neutral Beam Assisted CVD at Room Temperature

  • Jang, Jin-Nyeong;Lee, Dong-Hyeok;So, Hyeon-Uk;Hong, Mun-Pyo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.08a
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    • pp.154-155
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    • 2012
  • The promise of nano-crystalites (nc) as a technological material, for applications including display backplane, and solar cells, may ultimately depend on tailoring their behavior through doping and crystallinity. Impurities can strongly modify electronic and optical properties of bulk and nc semiconductors. Highly doped dopant also effect structural properties (both grain size, crystal fraction) of nc-Si thin film. As discussed in several literatures, P atoms or radicals have the tendency to reside on the surface of nc. The P-radical segregation on the nano-grain surfaces that called self-purification may reduce the possibility of new nucleation because of the five-coordination of P. In addition, the P doping levels of ${\sim}2{\times}10^{21}\;at/cm^3$ is the solubility limitation of P in Si; the solubility of nc thin film should be smaller. Therefore, the non-activated P tends to segregate on the grain boundaries and the surface of nc. These mechanisms could prevent new nucleation on the existing grain surface. Therefore, most researches shown that highly doped nc-thin film by using conventional PECVD deposition system tended to have low crystallinity, where the formation energy of nucleation should be higher than the nc surface in the intrinsic materials. If the deposition technology that can make highly doped and simultaneously highly crystallized nc at low temperature, it can lead processes of next generation flexible devices. Recently, we are developing a novel CVD technology with a neutral particle beam (NPB) source, named as neutral beam assisted CVD (NBaCVD), which controls the energy of incident neutral particles in the range of 1~300eV in order to enhance the atomic activation and crystalline of thin films at low temperatures. During the formation of the nc-/pm-Si thin films by the NBaCVD with various process conditions, NPB energy directly controlled by the reflector bias and effectively increased crystal fraction (~80%) by uniformly distributed nc grains with 3~10 nm size. In the case of phosphorous doped Si thin films, the doping efficiency also increased as increasing the reflector bias (i.e. increasing NPB energy). At 330V of reflector bias, activation energy of the doped nc-Si thin film reduced as low as 0.001 eV. This means dopants are fully occupied as substitutional site, even though the Si thin film has nano-sized grain structure. And activated dopant concentration is recorded as high as up to 1020 #/$cm^3$ at very low process temperature (< $80^{\circ}C$) process without any post annealing. Theoretical solubility for the higher dopant concentration in Si thin film for order of 1020 #/$cm^3$ can be done only high temperature process or post annealing over $650^{\circ}C$. In general, as decreasing the grain size, the dopant binding energy increases as ratio of 1 of diameter of grain and the dopant hardly be activated. The highly doped nc-Si thin film by low-temperature NBaCVD process had smaller average grain size under 10 nm (measured by GIWAXS, GISAXS and TEM analysis), but achieved very higher activation of phosphorous dopant; NB energy sufficiently transports its energy to doping and crystallization even though without supplying additional thermal energy. TEM image shows that incubation layer does not formed between nc-Si film and SiO2 under later and highly crystallized nc-Si film is constructed with uniformly distributed nano-grains in polymorphous tissues. The nucleation should be start at the first layer on the SiO2 later, but it hardly growth to be cone-shaped micro-size grains. The nc-grain evenly embedded pm-Si thin film can be formatted by competition of the nucleation and the crystal growing, which depend on the NPB energies. In the evaluation of the light soaking degradation of photoconductivity, while conventional intrinsic and n-type doped a-Si thin films appeared typical degradation of photoconductivity, all of the nc-Si thin films processed by the NBaCVD show only a few % of degradation of it. From FTIR and RAMAN spectra, the energetic hydrogen NB atoms passivate nano-grain boundaries during the NBaCVD process because of the high diffusivity and chemical potential of hydrogen atoms.

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Evaluation of the Nutrient Removal Performance of the Pilot-scale KNR (Kwon's Nutrient Removal) System with Dual Sludge for Small Sewage Treatment (소규모 하수처리를 위한 파일럿 규모 이중슬러지 KNR® (Kwon's nutrient removal) 시스템의 영얌염류 제거성능 평가)

  • An, Jin-Young;Kwon, Joong-Chun;Kim, Yun-Hak;Jeng, Yoo-Hoon;Kim, Doo-Eon;Ryu, Sun-Ho;Kim, Byung-Woo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2006
  • A simple dual sludge process, called as $KNR^{(R)}$ (Kwon's Nutrient Removal) system, was developed for small sewage treatment. It is a hybrid system that consists of an UMBR (Upflow multi-layer bioreactor) as anaerobic and anoxic reactor with suspended denitrifier and a post aerobic biofilm reactor, filled with pellet-like media, with attached nitrifier. To evaluate the stability and performance of this system for small sewage treatment, the pilot-scale $KNR^{(R)}$ plant with a treatment capacity of $50m^3/d$ was practically applied to the actual sewage treatment plant, which was under retrofit construction during pilot plant operation, with a capacity of $50m^3/d$ in a small rural community. The HRTs of a UMBR and a post aerobic biofilm reactor were about 4.7 h and 7.2 h, respectively. The temperature in the reactor varied from $18.1^{\circ}C$ to $28.1^{\circ}C$. The pilot plant showed stable performance even though the pilot plant had been the severe fluctuation of influent flow rate and BOD/N ratio. During a whole period of this study, average concentrations of $COD_{cr}$, $COD_{Mn}$, $BOD_5$, TN, and TP in the final effluent obtained from this system were 11.0 mg/L, 8.8 mg/L, 4.2 mg/L, 3.5 mg/L, 9.8 mg/L, and 0.87/0.17 mg/L (with/without poly aluminium chloride(PAC)), which corresponded to a removal efficiency of 95.3%, 87.6%, 96.3%, 96.5%, 68.2%, and 55.4/90.3%, respectively. Excess sludge production rates were $0.026kg-DS/m^3$-sewage and 0.220 kg-DS/kg-BOD lower 1.9 to 3.8 times than those in activated sludge based system such as $A_2O$ and Bardenpho.

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Assessment of Soil Contamination and Hydrogeochemistry for Drinking Water Sites in Korea (국내 먹는샘물 개발지역의 토양 오염 평가 및 수리지구화학적 특성)

  • 이두호;전효택
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 1997
  • Geochemical data of soil and water samples were presented in order to assess the environmental impart for drinking water sites. Microscopic observation of rock samples and physical and chemical analysis of soil and water samples were undertaken. The geology of study areas are classified into three groups such as granitic rocks, meta-sedimentary rocks and sedimentary rocks. Enrichment of heavy metals derived from those rocks is not found in this study areas. Soils were analyzed for Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd and Cr using AAS extracted by HNO$_3$+HClO$_4$ and 0.1 N HCl. Heavy metal concentrations in soils are within the range of those in uncontaminated soils. In comparison of metal contents extracted by 0.1 N HCl and HNO$_3$+HC1O$_4$, less than 10% of the heavy metals are present in the exchangeable fraction. In particular, an pollution index has been proposed to assess the degree of soil contamination. Pollution index in soils are between 0.03 and 0.47 therefore, soils are not polluted with heavy metals. Deep groundwaters within granitic rocks have been evolved into Na$\^$+/-HCO$_3$$\^$-/ type, whereas other deep groundwaters evolved into Ca$\^$2+/-HCO$_3$$\^$-/ type. The predominance of Na$\^$+/ over Ca$\^$2+/ in deep groundwaters within granitic rocks is a result of dissolution of plagioclase, but for sedimentary and meta-sedimentary rocks, dissolution of calcite is a dominant factor for their hydrogeochemistry. The pH, conductivity and contents of the most dissolved ions in the water increase with depth. Shallow groundwaters, however, are highly susceptible to pollution owing to agricultural activities, considering the fact that high contents of nitrate, chloride and potassium, and high K/Na ratio are observed in some shallow groundwaters. In a thermodynamic approach, most natural water samples are plotted within the stability fields of kaolinite and smectite. Therefore, microcline and other feldspars will alter to form clay minerals, such as kaolinite and smectite. From the modelling for water-rock interactions based on mass balance equation, models accord well with behavior of the ions and results of thermodynamic studies are derived.

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