• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spray transfer mode

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Characteristic Analysis of a SCR System using a Metal Foam in Diesel Engines (디젤 엔진에서 금속 폼을 적용한 SCR 촉매의 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Yongrae;Choi, Kyonam
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.196-201
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    • 2013
  • SCR(Selective Catalytic Reduction) is a major after-treatment solution to reduce NOx emission in recent diesel engines. In this study, a metal foam is applied as an alternative SCR substrate and tested in a commercial diesel engine to compared with a conventional ceramic SCR system. Basic engine test from ND-13 mode shows that a metal foam catalyst has lower NOx conversion efficiency than a ceramic catalyst especially over $350^{\circ}C$. A metal foam catalyst has characteristics of high exhaust gas pressure before a SCR catalyst and high heat transfer rate due to its material and structure. NOx conversion efficiency of a metal foam catalyst shows an increasing tendency along with the increase of exhaust gas temperature by $500^{\circ}C$. The effect of urea injection quantity variation is also remarkable only at high exhaust gas temperature.

Effects of Various Drying Methods of Agar-gel on Dried-agar Quality (한천(寒天) 추출물(抽出物)의 건조방법(乾燥方法)에 따른 한천(寒天)의 품질(品質))

  • Rhee, Chul;Bae, Song-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.78-82
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    • 1984
  • Effects of various drying conditions of agar gel on the physico-chemical properties of dried agar were investigated. For drying of the agar gel$(1.0{\times}1.0{\times}34.0cm)$ by means of sun drying, simple solar drying, hot-air drying ($30^{\circ}C$, control, natural convection), hot-air drying ($30^{\circ}C$, pretreatment, natural convection) and freeze drying, it took 96, 75, 67, 50 and 21 hours, respectively. The gel strengths of dried agar gel prepared by sun drying, solar drying, freeze drying and spray drying were320, 370, 270 and $360g/cm^2$, respectively and that of hot air-dried agar gel was influenced by drying temperature, pretreatment an mode of heat transfer. The gel strength, the gelation temperature and other quality index of spray-dried agar were not inferior to those of sun-dried agar, but it was not expected to be economical because of it recovery rate. In case of hot air drying, the gel strength value of agar increased as the drying rate increased. No significant differences among various products were noted in the gelation temperature, the melting temperature, the ash and $SO_3$ content.

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