• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spray Volume

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A Study on Quantitative Measurements of Equivalence Ratio in Constant Volume Chamber Using UV Laser Raman Scattering (UV Laser Raman Scattering을 이용한 정적 연소기내 분사된 연료의 정량적 당량비 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, S.H.;Heo, H.S.;Kim, G.S.;Park, K.S.
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 1998
  • Laser Raman scattering method has been applied to measure equivalence ratio of methane/air and propane/air mixture in constant volume combustion chamber. We used high power KrF excimer laser$(\lambda=248nm)$ and a high gain ICCD camera to capture low intensity Raman signal. Raman shifts and Ram cross-sections of $H_2,\;O_2,\;N_2,\;CO_2,\;CH_4\;and\;C_3H_8$ were measured precisely. Our results showed an excellent agreement with other groups. Mole fraction measurement of $O_2\;and\;N_2$ from air showed that $O_2\;:\;N_2$ = 0.206 : 0.794. We used constant volume combustion chamber and gas injector which is operated at $5\sim10barg$. Methane and propane are used as a fuel. 50 Raman signal are obtained and ensemble averaged for measurement of equivalence ratio. Our measured results showed that the equivalence ratio of fuel/air mixture is reasonable at ${\pm}5%$ error range.

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Study of spatial temperature distribution during combustion process in a high temperature and pressure constant volume chamber (고온 고압 정적 연소실에서 연소과정에 따른 온도 분포 측정)

  • Kim, Ki-hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.345-350
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    • 2017
  • Downsizing is widely applied to diesel engines in order to improve fuel efficiency and reduce exhaust emissions. Engine sizes are becoming smaller but pressure and temperature inside combustion chambers are increasing. Therefore, research for fuel spray under high pressure and temperature conditions is important. A constant volume chamber which simulates high temperature and pressure likely to be found in diesel engines was developed in this study. Pressure and temperature were increased abruptly because of ignition of the pre-mixture in the constant volume chamber. Then pressure and temperature were gradually decreased due to the heat loss through the chamber wall. Fuel spray occurred when temperature and pressure were reached at the target condition. In this experiment, the temperature condition should be exactly defined to understand the relation between fuel evaporation and ambient temperature. A fast response thermocouple was developed and used to measure the temporal and spatial temperature distribution during the combustion process inside the combustion chamber. In the results, the core temperature was slightly higher than the bulk temperature calculated by the gas equation. Ed-note: do you want to say 'ideal gas equation'? This was attributed to the heat transfer loss through the chamber wall. The vertical temperature deviation was higher than the horizontal temperature deviation by 5% which resulted from the buoyancy effect.


  • Kim, Seok-Chan;Go, Jae-Gwi;Jung, Yeon-Gil;Paik, Un-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2011
  • During spray coating, especially in an air plasma spray (APS), pores, cracks, and splat boundaries are developed and those factors exert influence on thermomechanical properties such as elastic modulus, thermal conductivity, and coefficient of thermal expansion. Moreover, the thermo mechanical properties are crucial elements to determine the thermoelastic characteristics, for instance, temperature distribution, displacements, and stresses. Two types of thermal barrier coating (TBC) model, the dense and porous microstructures, are taken into account for the analysis of microstructural characterizations. $TriplexPro^{TM}$-200 system was applied to prepare TBC samples, and the METECO 204 C-NS powder is adopted for the relatively porous microstructure and METECO 204 NS powder for the dense microstructure in the top coat of TBCs. Governing partial differential equations were derived based on the thermoelastic theory and approximate estimates for the thermoelastic characteristics were obtained using a finite volume method for the governing equations.

Characterization of Lightweight Earthenware Tiles using Foaming Agents

  • Lee, Won-Jun;Cho, Woo-Suk;Hwang, Kwang-Taek;Kim, Jin-Ho;Hwang, Hae-Jin;Lee, Yong-Ouk
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.473-478
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    • 2015
  • Green bodies of earthenware tile were prepared from a mixture of earthenware tile powder and SiC as forming agents by applying a conventional process. Granule powder for tile samples was prepared using the spray drying method with commercial earthenware raw material with a quantity of SiC of 0.3 wt%. The applied pressure was $250kg{\cdot}f/m^2$ and the firing temperature was $1050-1200^{\circ}C$. The effects of the SiC particle size and sintering temperature on the open porosity and total porosity were investigated and the correlative mechanism was also discussed. While total porosity was not significantly changed by decreasing the SiC particle size, the open porosity showed a gradual decrease, which represents an increase of the closed porosity. As the sintering temperature increased, coarsening was made among the pores due to excessive oxidation. The volume shrinkage and bending strength were demonstrated for the sintered tile samples. The sintered bulk density was also measured to determine the weight reduction value.

Thermal Numerical Simulation on Fire Suppression Characteristics through Mobile Mist Spray Nozzles (이동식 미분무수 노즐의 소화 특성에 대한 수치 시뮬레이션)

  • Bae, K.Y.;Chung, H.T.;Kim, H.B.;Jung, I.S.;Kim, C.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2009
  • In the present study, the numerical investigation has been carried out to see the effects of water mist sprays on the fire suppression mechanism. The special-purposed program named as FDS was used to simulate the interaction of fire plume and water mists. This program solves the fire-driven flows using LES turbulence model, the mixture fraction combustion model, the finite volume method of radiation transport for a non-scattering gray gas, and conjugate heat transfer between wall and gas flow. The computational domain was composed of a rectangular space dimensioned as $L{\times}W{\times}H=4.0{\times}4.0{\times}2.5\;m^3$ with a mist-injecting nozzle installed 1.0 m high from the fire pool. In this paper, two types of nozzles were chosen to compare the performance of the fire suppression. Numerical results showed that the nozzle, type A, with more orifices having smaller diameters had poorer performance than the other one, type B because the flow injected through side holes deteriorated the primary flow. The fire-extinguishing time of type A was 2.6 times bigger than that of type B.

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Synthesis of Porous Graphene Balls by the Activation and Aerosol Process for Supercapacitors Application (활성화 및 에어로졸 공정에 의한 다공성 그래핀 볼 제조 및 슈퍼커패시터 응용)

  • Lee, Chongmin;Chang, Hankwon;Jang, Hee Dong
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.183-190
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    • 2019
  • Here, we introduce porous graphene balls (PGB) showing superior electrochemical properties as supercapacitor electrode materials. PGB was fabricated via activation of graphene oxides (GO) by H2O2 and aerosol spray drying in series. Effect of activation on the morphology, specific surface area, pore volume, and electrochemical properties were investigated. As-prepared PGB showed spherical morphology containing pores, which lead to the effective prevention of restacking in graphene sheets. It also exhibited a large surface area, unique porous structures, and high electrical conductivity. The electrochemical properties of the PGB as electrode materials of supercapacitor are investigated by using aqueous KOH under symmetric two-electrode system. The highest specific capacitance of PGB was 279 F/g at 0.1 A/g. In addition, the high rate capability (93.8% retention) and long-term cycling stability (92.2%) of the PGB were found due to the facilitated ion mobility between the porous graphene layers.

Inedible Vegetable Oil as Substitute Fuel in Compression Ignition Engines-Jatropha Oil

  • No, Soo-Young
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2009
  • The use of inedible vegetable oils as substitute for diesel fuel in compression ignition engine is of significance because of the great need for edible oil as food, and the reduction of biodiesel production cost etc. Jatropha curcas oil which is a leading candidate for the commercialization of inedible vegetable oils is selected in this study for reviewing the application in CI engine as an alternative fuel. The important properties of jatropha oil (JO) and JO biodiesel are summarized from the various sources in the literature. It is found that five different types of alternative fuel from JO such as neat JO, JO blends with diesel or other fuel, neat JO biodiesel, JO biodiesel blends with diesel or other fuel and degummed JO were extensively examined in the diesel engine. Two different application types of alternative fuels from JO such as preheating and dual fuelling were also tested, It should be pointed out that most of these applications are limited to single cylinder conditions. The systematic study for the selection of effective application method is required. It is clear that the blends of JOME and diesel can replace diesel fuel up to 10% by volume for running the existing common rail direct injection systems without any durability problems. The systematic assessment of spray characteristics of different types of JO and its derivatives for use as diesel engine fuel is also required.

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Simulation of Containment Pressurization in a Large Break-Loss of Coolant Accident Using Single-Cell and Multicell Models and CONTAIN Code

  • Noori-Kalkhoran, Omid;Shirani, Amir Saied;Ahangari, Rohollah
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.1140-1153
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    • 2016
  • Since the inception of nuclear power as a commercial energy source, safety has been recognized as a prime consideration in the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of nuclear power plants. The release of radioactivity to the environment requires the failure of multiple safety systems and the breach of three physical barriers: fuel cladding, the reactor cooling system, and containment. In this study, nuclear reactor containment pressurization has been modeled in a large break-loss of coolant accident (LB-LOCA) by programming single-cell and multicell models in MATLAB. First, containment has been considered as a control volume (single-cell model). In addition, spray operation has been added to this model. In the second step, the single-cell model has been developed into a multicell model to consider the effects of the nodalization and spatial location of cells in the containment pressurization in comparison with the single-cell model. In the third step, the accident has been simulated using the CONTAIN 2.0 code. Finally, Bushehr nuclear power plant (BNPP) containment has been considered as a case study. The results of BNPP containment pressurization due to LB-LOCA have been compared between models, final safety analysis report, and CONTAIN code's results.

Real-time Transformation of FePt Nanoparticles to L10 Phase by the Gas Phase Synthesis (기상합성공정을 이용한 FePt 나노입자의 실시간 L10 상변화)

  • Lee, Ki-Woo;Lee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Soon-Gil;Lee, Jai-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2011
  • Real-time formation of $L1_0$ phase of FePt nanoparticles in the gas phase during ultrasonic-spray pyrolysis is first discussed in the present study. Without any post heat treatment, $L1_0$ phase of FePt nanoparticles appeared at the temperature above $900^{\circ}C$ in the gas phase synthesis. X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies revealed that FePt nanoparticles less than 10 nm in size contained small volume of $L1_0$ fct phase. However, in other samples obtained at the temperature below $900^{\circ}C$, iron oxide phase co-existed and no evidence of phase transformation was found. Thus, it is anticipated that the time of flight of particles required for crystallization and phase transformation was extended according to the increase of the collision rate. Finally, magnetic properties represented by coercivity and saturation magnetization and functional groups on the particle surface were discussed based on VSM and FT-IR results.

A Study on Evaporative Characteristics of Multi-component Mixed Fuels Using Mie Scattered Light and Shadowgraph Images (Mie 산란광법 및 Shadowgraph법을 이용한 다성분 혼합연료의 증발특성연구)

  • Yoon, Jun-Kyu;Myong, Kwang-Jae;Jiro Senda;Fujimoto Hajime;Cha, Kyung-Ok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.30 no.7 s.250
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    • pp.682-691
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to assess the effect of mixed fuel composition and mass fraction on spray inner structure in evaporating transient spray under the various ambient conditions. Spray structure and spatial distribution of liquid phase concentration are investigated using a thin laser sheet illumination technique on the multi-component mixed fuels. A pulsed Ar+ laser was used as a light source. The experiments were conducted in a constant volume vessel with optical access. Fuel was injected into the vessel with electronically controlled common rail injector. Used fuel contain $i-octane(C_8H_{18}),\;n-dodecane(C_{12}H_{26})$ and $n-hexadecane(C_{16}H_{34})$ that are selected as low-, middle- and high-boiling point fuel, respectively. Experimental conditions are 25Mpa, 42MPa, 72MPa and 112MPa in injection pressure, $5kg/m^3,\;15kg/m^3\;and\;20kg/m^3$ in ambient gas density, 400K, 500K, 600K and 700K in ambient gas temperature, 300K and 368K in fuel temperature, and different fuel mass fraction. Experimental results indicate that the more high-boiling point component, the longer the liquid phase it were closely related to fuel physical properties, but injection pressure had no effect on. And there was a high correlation between the liquid phase length and boiling temperature at 75% distillation point.