• Title/Summary/Keyword: Splanchnic nerve

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Studies of Alterations in Spleno-Hepatic Reflex in Portal Hypertensive Cats (간문맥 고혈압 고양이에서 비-간 교감신경성 반사의 변동에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Hwan-Kyu;Rhim, Byung-Yong;Kim, Chi-Dae;Hong, Ki-Whan
    • The Korean Journal of Pharmacology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 1987
  • To elucidate the mechanism of splanchnic hyperemia associated with chronic portal hypertension, we have investigated the alteration in visceral reflexes in conjuction with circulatory hemodynamics in portal ligated portal hypertension in cats. When capsaicin, bradykinin and vasopressin were injected via splenic artery of sham cat, respectively, they caused not only reflex excitation of systemic arterial pressure, but also elevation of splenic venous pressure with unchanged heart rates. Simultaneously, they evoked the sympathetic efferent excitation of liver (spleno-hepatic reflex) as well as of spleen (spleno-splenic reflex). Similarly, capsaicin upon pledging on the liver surface evoked a significant increase in the pressor reflex with hepatic nerve excitation (hepato-hepatic reflex). After portal ligation, the splenic venous pressure was gradually elevated in association with decrease in systemic arterial pressure. However, the excitation of pressor reflex was enhanced on the and day, thereafter, being returned to the control, and the reflexly induced spleno-splenic, spleno-hepatic and hepato-hepatic sympathetic excitations were significantly diminished on the 8th day following portal vein ligation. In conclusion, it is suggested that sympathetic reflexes to spleen and liver are specifically intervened by the same central pathways and furthermore, the diminution of these viscero-visceral reflex excitations after portal ligation may be related to the intestinal hyperemia.

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A Clinical Evaluation of Repeated Splanchic Nerve Block (내장신경 반복차단예에 대한 임상적 연구)

  • Sung, Nak-Soon;Yoon, Duck-Mi;Oh, Hung-Kun
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 1990
  • Splanchnic nerve block (SNB) is performed to relieve intractable upper abdominal pain caused by carcinoma of the upper G-I tract. Not all patients achieve satisfactory pain relief; therefore, a second or third nerve block trial may need to be performed. In this study, an attempt was made to analyze the possible factors which might affect the result of repeated SNB in 42 the patients among 264 patients who received SNB at Severance Hospital during the period from January 1985 to December 1989. The results are as follows: 1) Among the 42 patients, including 30 males and 12 females, the fifties and forties were the major age groups. 2) Among the underlying diseases, stomach cancer was the most common (18 cases) and pancreatic cancer was next (14 cases). 3) The main locations of pain were the upper abdomen, epigastrium and entire abdomen in decreasing order. 4) Among the thirty-nine cases of first SNB combined with ascites, 13 cases received a repeat block, 81.0% of whom had had metastatic lesion. 5) There were 54.2% who had had single or combined treatment, operation, chemotherapy or radiotherapy before SNB. 6) Twently seven cases (64.3%) had received opioid medication for pain control. 7) In the 75% alcohol group, 11.7% of patients required a second block, and in the pure and 50% alcohol group, 9.6% of patients required a second block within two weeks of the first block. Three cases in both of these repeated block groups required a third block; representing 3.9%, of the 75% alcohol group and 1.6% of the pure and 50% alcohol group. 8) The volume of alcohol used was more than 16 ml bilaterally in both cases. 9) The points of the inserted needle were positioned in the upper and anterolateral part of the $L_1$ vertebra on both sides on the anteroposterior roentgenogram. The contrast media was spread upward along the anterior margin of the vertebral body and posteriorly in repeat block. The frequency of repeat block was higher in cases with ascites or metastasis. The instance of repeat block within 2 weeks of the first block was lower in the pure and 50% alcohol group than in the 75% alcohol group. Thus, alcohol concentration and patient status may be considered factors which influence the result of repeated SNB. We suggest early application of SNB in upper abdominal cancer patients.

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Morphological Variations of the Celiac Plexus in Korean Cadavers (한국인(韓國人) 복강신경총(腹腔神經叢)의 해부학적(解剖學的) 변이(變異))

  • Hur, Chul-Ryung;Yoon, Duck-Mi;Chung, Min-Suck;Chung, In-Hyuk;Oh, Hung-Kun
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 1989
  • Celiac plexus block is recommended in patients with intractable upper abdominal cancer pain. The success rate of a celiac plexus block is variable among the authors. One of the causes of this is the anatomical variations of the celiac plexus. There has not been a study concerning anatomical observations of the celiac plexus in Korean cadavers. So, anatomical dissections were performed and observations were made of the celiac plexus and related structures in Korean cadavers. The results were as follows: 1) The subjects were 21 male bodies and 5 female bodies. The mean age at death was $69.9{\pm}15.5$ years (range 37~93). The mean height was $155.5{\pm}8.3\;cm$ (range 143~172). 2) The number of celiac ganglia ranged from 1~4. The mean numbers were $2.3{\pm}1.9$ in the right plexus and $1.9{\pm}0.8$ in the left, and the mean sizes were $18.9{\pm}7.7{\times}8.0{\pm}3.8\;mm^2$ and $18.5{\pm}8.3{\times}9.5{\pm}3.9\;mm^2$ respectively. 3) Celiac ganglia were most frequently located at the level of the upper third and middle third of L1 in both sides (65.5% in right, 64.0% in left). The vertical range of celiac ganglia ranged from 1 space, which is one third the height of one vertebral body, to 4 spaces. Mean vertical ranges were $1.5{\pm}0.6$ spaces in the right plexus and $1.6{\pm}0.7$ spaces in the left. The celiac ganglia located at the level of the upper third of L1 in the right and the lower third of L1 in the left side, had the largest vertical ranges respectively ($1.8{\pm}0.5$ spaces in right, $2.3{\pm}0.6$ spaces in left) 4) Right side celiac ganglia were located near the midline of the vertebrae compared to the left ones (mean 5.0 mm) The horizontal dimension was greater in the right ganglia ($24.2{\pm}9.2\;mm$) than in the left ganglia ($l8.8{\pm}7.0\;mm$). 5) There was no vertebral level difference between both celiac ganglia in most cases (60%). However, of the 40% of cases at different levels, in half of these (20%) the right ganglia were located higher than the left ganglia; and in the other 20%, this was reversed. 6) The origin sites of the celiac artery were most frequently in the upper third and middle third of L1 (61.6%). The celiac ganglia were usually located at the same level as the site of origin of the celiac artery (61.6% in right, 52.0% in left). 7) The vertebral level of the splanchnic nerves piercing the abdominal surface of the diaphragm was most frequently in the upper third and middle third of L1 (66.6% in right, 66.7% in left). 8) The level of the origin of diaphragmatic crura from the anterior surface of the vertebral bodies varied from the L1-L2 interspace to the L3-L4 interspace. Right crura most frequently originated at the level of the lower third of L2 to the upper third of L3 (57.6%), while left crura originated from the level of the L2-L3 interspace to the middle third of L3 (69.3%). From the above results, we realized that there were some anatomical variations of the celiac plexus and its relations to adjacent structures in Korean bodies. However, when the needle point is behind the anterior margin of the upper third of L1, it is possible to perform a successful retrocrural splanchnic nerve block.

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