• Title/Summary/Keyword: Species Distribution

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The Study on the Distribution and Inhabiting Status of Nutria (Myocastor coypus) in Korea (뉴트리아 (Myocastor coypus)의 국내 분포 및 서식 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Do-Hun;Kil, Ji-Hyon;Kim, Dong-Eon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.316-326
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    • 2013
  • This study has researched the national expansion, dispersion of nutria and investigated its inhabitation status for the past 3 years. The report has shown that the number of nutria habitat, reported to be distributed in 9 cities or districts in 2010, has been increased to 13 in 2012. In the research of 629 nutria habitats, 95.9% of habitat traces were found in Busan-Kyungnam area. From the research of relative density by location type for the 6 survey areas in these 5 areas above, it was shown 3.98(±2.56±2.56)ind./100m in 2010, 2.90(±2.69±2.69)ind./100m in 2011 and 1.39(±0.66±0.66)ind./100m in 2012. From the research of relative density by habitat types, it was shown 3.48(±2.15±2.15)ind./100m in palustrine wetland area, 1.01±(0.25)ind.1.01±(0.25)ind./100m in river area and 3.69±(2.83)ind.3.69±(2.83)ind./100m in riverine wetland area. It was shown that the annual average density in the areas has slightly been decreased for the past 3 years between 2010 and 2012. It also reported that the habitat density in the river area is a bit lower than that in the wetland area. Currently it can be determined that the nutria has fully adapted themselves to the various local environments of wetland, river, stream, and so on in Korea and the Relative density could be remarkably increased especially in the favorable condition like a wetland. As the ones living in the area with over-density could be spread out to other areas, the efficient management plan to control should be prepared considering ecological conditions.

The Analysis of Vegetation Characteristics of Organic Rice Paddy for Value Assessment of the Rice Paddy Wetland (논습지 가치평가를 위한 유기재배 논의 식생특성 분석)

  • Park, Kwang-Lai;Kong, Min-Jae;Kim, Nam-Choon;Son, Jin-Kwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2012
  • The importance of rice paddy wetland has been raised since the 10th Ramsar Convention in 2010. However, there is shortage of study on the evaluation of rice paddy wetland and also of the study on the effect of organic agriculture on the vegetation characteristics. Accordingly, this study examined the vegetation characteristics of organic rice paddy for the basic resources of evaluating value of rice paddy wetland. 6 places of organic rice paddy and conventional rice paddy were chosen as research targets. It analyzed the function of 'Floral Diversity and Wildlife Habitat' among the revised RAM, an existing wetland evaluation system. As to the factor affecting the analysis result, simple land-use result was proved to determine the evaluation. As a result of vegetation investigation total 176 taxa, 53 families, 146 generics, 148 species, 26 varieties and 1 forma. When the difference of appearance of life form between organic area and conventional area was examined, organic paddy had higher appearance of life form in Therophyte and Megaphanerophyte. For the distribution of Naturalized plants, organic rice paddy had lower naturalized rate and urbanization index than conventional rice paddy. As to the Pearson correlation analysis between growing condition and vegetation characteristics, variety of rice paddy vegetation showed it was not heavily influenced by the land use. However, the organic rice paddy area had more variety in vegetation than conventional rice paddy. There was about 1% correlation with types of Cyperaceae, which means that the classification group of Cyperaceae can be utilized in evaluating rice paddy wetland later on. It is determined that the wetland evaluation has been widely influenced by soil environment, water environment and surrounding natural and artificial landscape as well as vegetation characteristics. Accordingly, further research seems to be required with minute investigation to an extensive area.

The Effect of Iron Content on the Atomic Structure of Alkali Silicate Glasses using Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy (비정질 알칼리 규산염 원자구조의 철 함량 효과에 관한 고체 NMR 분광학 연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Im;Lee, Sung-Keun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.301-312
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    • 2011
  • The study on the atomic structure of iron-bearing silicate glasses has significant geological implications for both diverse igneous processes on Earth surface and ultra-low velocity zones at the core-mantle boundary. Here, we report experimental results on the effect of iron content on the atomic structure in iron-bearing alkali silicate glasses (Na2OFe2O3SiO2Na2OFe2O3SiO2 glasses, up to 16.07 wt% Fe2O3Fe2O3) using 29Si29Si and 17O17O solid-state NMR spectroscopy. 29Si29Si spin-lattice (T1T1) relaxation time for the glasses decreases with increasing iron content due to an enhanced interaction between nuclear spin and unpaired electron in iron. 29Si29Si MAS NMR spectra for the glasses show a decrease in signal intensity and an increase in peak width with increasing iron content. However, the heterogeneous peak broa-dening in 29Si29Si MAS NMR spectra suggests the heterogeneous distribution of QnQn species around iron in iron-bearing silicate glasses. While nonbridging oxygen (NaOSiNaOSi) and bridging oxygen (Si-O-Si) peaks are partially resolved in 17O17O MAS NMR spectrum for iron-free silicate glass, it is difficult to distinguish the oxygen clusters in iron-bearing silicate glass. The Lorentzian peak shape for 29Si29Si and 17O17O MAS NMR spectra may reflect life-time broadening due to spin-electron interaction. These results demonstrate that solid-state NMR can be an effective probe of the detailed structure in iron-bearing silicate glasses.

Impact of Physical and Vegetation Patterns on Parks Environment: A Case Study of Gusan Neighborhood Park, South Korea (도심산림녹지의 식생 및 물리적 구조에 따른 숲 내부 미기상 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ho;Choi, Won-Jun;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Myung-Hun;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.425-435
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to investigate the impact of the physical structure, such as altitude, slope gradient, slope direction, and topographical structure, and the vegetation pattern, such as existing vegetation, diameter of breast height (DBH), and crown density, on climate. The analysis results showed the significant difference in relative humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation at varying altitudes, the significant difference in all climate factors except for the wind speed at varying slope gradient, and significant difference in temperature and relative humanity at varying slope direction. The topographic structures were divided into valleys, slopes, and ridges. They were found to differ in relative humidity. However, the differences between constant trends and types were found to be insignificant concerning temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation. Significant differences in temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were recorded with changing existing vegetation. The DBH showed a significant difference in temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation. The crown density showed a significant difference in temperature and solar radiation. The result of the relationship analysis for the analysis of the effect of vegetation pattern and physical structure on the meteorological environment showed that temperature was affected by slope gradient, slope direction, DBH, and crown density. The relative humidity was correlated with the altitude, slope gradient, slope direction, and topological structure in physical structure and the existing vegetation and crow density in vegetation pattern. The wind speed was correlated with the altitude, existing vegetation, and DHB, and the solar radiation was correlated with the slope gradient, DHG, and crown density. The crown density was the most overall significant factor in temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation, followed by the slope gradient. DBH was also found to be highly correlated with temperature and solar radiation and significantly correlated with wind speed, but there was no statistically significant correlation with relative humidity.

Composition comparison of PM10 and PM2.5 fine particulate matter for Asian dust and haze events of 2010-2011 at Gosan site in Jeju Island (황사와 연무 시 PM10 및 PM2.5 미세먼지 조성 비교: 2010-2011년 고산지역 측정)

  • Kim, Ki-Ju;Lee, Seung-Hoon;Hyeon, Dong-Rim;Ko, Hee-Jung;Kim, Won-Hyung;Kang, Chang-Hee
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • The PM10PM10 and PM2.5PM2.5 samples were collected at Gosan Site of Jeju Island, and analyzed, in order to investigate the size distribution and pollution characteristics of their components. NH4+NH4+, nss-SO42SO42, K+K+, and CH3COOCH3COO were mostly existed in fine particles. Meanwhile, NO3NO3 was distributed in both fine and coarse particles, and Na+Na+, ClCl, Mg2+Mg2+, nss-Ca2+Ca2+ were rich in coarse particle mode. The concentrations of nss-Ca2+Ca2+ and NO3 were increased 36.7 and 3.2 times in coarse particles, and 15.0 and 3.1 times in fine particles during the Asian Dust periods. Especially, the concentrations of crustal elemental species such as Al, Fe, Ca, K, Mg, Ti, Mn, Sr, Ba were highly increased for those periods. In the haze events, the concentrations of secondary air pollutants were increased 1.3~2.6 and 1.5~4.2 times in coarse and fine particles, respectively. Moreover, the remarkable increase of NO3 concentration was also observed in fine particle mode. The factor analysis showed that the composition of coarse particles was influenced mainly by marine sources, followed by soil and anthropogenic sources. On the other hand, the fine particles were influenced by anthropogenic sources, followed by marine and soil sources.

Autumn Migration of Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor) Tracked by Wild-Tracker in East Asia (야생동물위치추적기를 이용한 동아시아 저어새(Platalea minor)의 가을 이동경로)

  • Jung, Sang-Min;Kang, Jung-hoon;Kim, In-Kyu;Lee, Han-soo;Lee, Si-Wan;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.478-485
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    • 2018
  • With the total population of 3,356 worldwide as of 2016, the black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor) is designated as "endangered (EN)" species by IUCN. About 70% of population breeds on the uninhabited islands near the west coast of Korea and wintering area is Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, etc. However, there is few detail research in Korea and East Asia on black-faced spoonbill's long range migration and its habitat when migrating southward. We studied black-faced spoonbill's migration route, distribution, stopover, wintering sites, and timing of migration movements using a wild-tracker (WT-200, GPS-Mobile phone based telemetry, KoEco). We caught the black-faced spoonbills in the breeding sites (Gugi island, Bi island, Sangyeobawi, Chilsan island) in Korea in late June 2014. We attached the wild-tracker to 10 juvenile black-faced spoonbills. The tracking showed that the black-faced spoonbills started southward migration between late October and early November. The traveling distance to wintering site was maximum at 1,820 km, minimum at 746 km, the average at 1,201km. The maximum daily traveling distance was 1,479 km with an average of 782 km. The average days it took from breeding site to wintering site was 10 days (SD=10.7). The shortest duration was 2 days, and the longest duration was 34 days. Most individuals used 2-3 stopover sites between the breeding sites to the wintering sites and stayed almost 1-2 days (maximum 31 days). Stopover sites were wetlands such as rivers, streams, reservoir, and mud flat. The wintering sites were coastal areas (five individuals) in China, inland (one individual) in China, Taiwan (three individuals), and Japan (one individual). In conclusion, it is necessary to preserve the stopover sites and wintering site of the black-faced spoonbills through consultation and protection policy between countries and establish the systematic preservation measures and activity plans through continued moniting and additional studies.

Estimation on Optimum Fishing Effort of Walleye Pollock Fishery in the East Coast of Korea : Based on the Economic Analysis between Danish Seine Fishery and Trawl Fishery for Walleye Pollock (한국 동해 명태 어업의 적정어획노력량 추정 -동해구기선저인망어업과 동해구트롤어업의 경제성분석을 근거로-)

  • 이장욱
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 1991
  • A quantitative analysis was carried out to monitor the commercial yield level of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in the east coast of Korea, based on available data on catch and fishing effort, catch per unit of effort including fish prices from 1911 to 1988, using a traditional yield model. The results from the quantitative assessment were based to estimate maximum economic yield (MEY) and optimal fishing effort (E-opt) at MEY. On the other hand, interaction aspects between danish seine fishery and trawl fishery mainly targeting walleye pollock in the east coast of Korea were studied to predict optimal situation in fishing effort level from economic point of view which gives the most benefits to the two fisheries. Total production of walleye pollock in 1911 when its catch record was begun for the first time was about 12, 000 metric tons(M/T), and then the catch trend maintained nearly at the level of 50, 000 M/T per annum, showing a decreasing trend until 1930. The highest production from historical data base on walleye pollock fishery statistics was from the years in 1939 and 1940, about 270, 000 M/T and 26, 000 M/T, respectively. No production of the fish species was recorded during the years from 1943 to 1947, and from 1949 to 1951. From 1952 onwards annual production was only available from the southern part of 38N in the east coast. During two decades from 1952 to 1970, the production had sustained about less than 30, 000 M/T every year. Annual production showed an increasing trend from 1971, reaching a maximum level of approximately 162, 000 M/T in 1981. Afterwards, it has deceased sharply year after year and amounted to 180, 000 M/T in 1988. The catch composition of walleye pollock for different fishery segments during 1970~1988 showed that more than 70% of the total catch was from danish seine fishery until 1977 but from 1978 onwards, the catch proportion did not differ from one another, accounting for the nearly same proportion. Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) for both danish seine fishery and trawl fishery maintained a decline tendency after 1977 when the values of CPUE were at level of 800 kg/haul for the former fishery and 1, 300 kg/haul for the latter fishery, respectively. CPUEs of gillnet fishery during 1980~1983 increased to about 3.5 times as high value as in the years, 1970~1979 and during 1987~1988 it decreased again to the level of the years, 1970~1978. The bottom longline fishery's CPUE wa at a very low level (20 kg/basket) through the whole study years, with exception of the value (60 kg/basket) in 1980. Fishing grounds of walleye pollock in the east coast of Korea showed a very limited distribution range. Danish seine fishery concentrated fishing around the coastal areas of Sokcho and Jumunjin during January~February and October~December. Distributions of fishing grounds of trawl fishery were the areas along the coastal regions in the central part of the east coast. Gillnet and bottom longline fisheries fished walleye pollock mainly in the areas of around Sokcho and Jumunjin during January~February and December. Relationship between CPUEs' values from danish seine fishery and trawl fishery was used to standardize fishing effort to apply to surplus production model for estimating maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and optimum fish effort (F-opt) at MSY. The results suggested a MSY of 114, 000 M/T with an estimated F-opt of 173, 000 hauls per year. Based on the estimates of MSY and F-opt, MEY was estimated to be about 94, 000 M/T with a range of 81, 000 to 103, 000 M/T and E-opt 100, 000 hauls per year with a range of 80, 000 to 120, 000 hauls. The estimated values of MEY and E-opt corresponded to 82% of MSY and 58% of F-opt, respectively. An optimal situation in the fishing effort level, which can envisage either simultaneously maximum yield or maximum benefit for both danish seine fishery and trawl fishery, was determined from relationship between revenue and cost of running the fleet : the optimal fishing effort of danish seine fishery was about 52, 000 hauls per year, corresponding to 50 danish seiners and 27, 000 hauls per year which is equal nearly to 36 trawlers, respectively. It was anticipated that the net income from sustainable yield estimated from the respective optimal fishing effort of the two fisheries will be about 3, 800 million won for danish seine fishery and 1, 000 million won for trawl fishery.

  • PDF

Ecosysteme de I′Etang de Berre (Mediterranee nord-occidentale) : Caracteres Generales Physiques, Chimiques et Biologiques

  • Kim, Ki-Tai
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2004
  • Climatological, hydrological and planktonical research studies, measurements of primary production and photosynthetic efficiency from December 1976 to December 1978 have been carried out in two brackish lakes: Lake Etang de Berre and Lake Etang de Vaine located in the French Mediterranean coast, in the region of Carry-le-Rouet located on the north-west Mediterranean near Marseilles, and in fresh water inflows from 4 Rivers (Touloubre, Durance, Arc, Durancole) to Lake Etang de Berre. Physico-chemical parameters were measured for this study: water temperature, salinity, density, pH, alcalinity, dissolved oxygen (% saturation), phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, silicate etc. Diverse biological parameters were also studied: photosynthetic pigments, phaeopigments, specific composition and biomass of phytoplankton, primary pelagic production etc. Climatical factors were studied: air-temperature, solar-radiation, evaporation, direction (including strength) of winds, precipitation and freshwater volume of the four rivers. The changes in Lake ‘Etang de Berre’ ecosystem depend on the quality of the water in the Durance River, and on the effects of seawater near the entrance of the Caronte Canal. The water quality of the lake varies horizontally and vertically as a result of atmospheric phenomena, maritime currents and tides. The distribution of water temperatures is generally heterogeneous. Southeasterly winds and the Northeasterly Mistral wind are important in the origins of circulated and mixed water masses. These winds are both frequent and strong. They have, as a result, a great effect on the water environment of Lake Etang de Berre. In theory, the annual precipitation in this region is well over eight times the water mass of the lake. The water of the Durance River flows into Lake Etang de Berre through the EDF Canal, amounting to 90% of the precipitation. However, reduction of rainfall in dry seasons has a serious effect on the hydrological characteristics of the lake. The temperature in the winter is partially caused by the low temperature of fresh water, particularly that of the Durance River. The hydrological season of fresh and brackish water is about one month ahead of the hydrological season of sea water in its vicinity. The salinity of Lake Etang de Berre runs approximately 3\textperthousand, except at lower levels and near the entrance to the Caronte Canal. However, when the volume of the Durance River water is reduced in the summer and fall, the salinity rises to 15\textperthousand. In the lake, the ratio of fresh water to sea water is six to one (6:1). The large quantities of seston conveyed by rivers, particularly the Durance diversion, strongly reduce the transparency in the brackish waters. Although the amount of sunshine is also notable, transparency is slight because of the large amount of seston, carried chiefly by Tripton in the fresh water of the Durance River. Therefore, photosynthesis generally occurs only in the surface layer. The transparency progressively increases from freshwater to open seawater, as mineral particles sink to the bottom (about 1.7kg m2a1 on the average in brackish lakes). The concentration of dissolved oxygen and the rate of oxygen saturation in seawater (Carry-le-Rouet) ranged from 5.0 to 6.0 mㆍ.11, and from 95 to 105%, respectively. The amount of dissolved oxygen in Etang de Berre oscillated between 2.9 and 268.3%. The monographs of phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate were published as a part of a study on the ecology of phytoplankton in these environments. Horizontal and vertical distributions of these nutriments were studied in detail. The recent diversion of the Durance River into Lake Etang de Berre has effected a fundamental change in this formerly marine environment, which has had a great impact in its plankton populations. A total of 182 taxa were identified, including 111 Bacillariophyceae, 44 Chlorophyceae, and 15 Cyanophyceae. The most abundant species are small freshwater algae, mainly Chlorophyceae. The average density is about 108 cells 11 in Lake Etang de Berre, and about double that amount in Lake Etang de Vaine. Differences in phytoplankton abundance and composition at the various stations or at various depths are slight. Cell biovolume V (equivalent to true biomass), plasma volume VP (‘useful’ biomass) and, simultaneously. the cell surface area S and S/V ratio through the measurement of cell dimensions were computed as the parameters of phytoplankton productivity and metabolism. Pigment concentrations are generally very high on account of phytoplankton blooms by Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Cryptophyceae. On the other hand, in freshwaters and marine waters, pigment concentrations are comparatively low and stable, showing slight annual variation. The variations of ATP concentration were closely related to those of chlorophyll a and phytoplankton blooms only in marine waters. The carbon uptake rates ranged between 38 and 1091 mgCm2d1, with an average surface value of 256 mg; water-column carbon-uptake rates ranged between 240 and 2310 mgCm2d1, with an average of 810, representing 290 mgCm2, per year 45 000 tons per year of photosynthetized carbon for the whole lake. Gross photosynthetic production measured by the method of Ryther was studied over a 2-year period. The values obtained from marine water(Carry-le-Rouet) ranged from 23 to 2 337 mgCm2d1, with a weighted average of 319, representing about 110 gCm2 per year. The values in brakish water (Etang de Berre) ranged from 14 to 1778 mgCm2d1, with a weighted average of 682, representing 250 mgCm2 per year and 38 400 tons per year of photosynthesized carbon for the whole lake.

Environmental and Ecological Consequences of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Coastal Areas of the Korea Peninsula (한반도 연안 해역에서 해저 지하수 유출의 환경 생태학적 중요성)

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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2005
  • Recognition has emerged that nutrient inputs from the submarine discharge of fresh, brackish, and marine groundwaters into the coastal ocean are comparable to the inputs via river discharge. The coastal areas of the Korea peninsula and adjacent seas exhibit particular importance in the role of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), in terms of the magnitude of SGD and associated continental material fluxes. For example, in the southern sea of Korea, SGD transports excess nutrients into the coastal regions and thus appears to influence ecosystem changes such as the outbreak of red tides. Around volcanic island, Jeju, which is composed of high permeability rocks, the amount of SGD is higher by orders of magnitude relative to the eastern coast of North America where extensive SGD studies have been conducted. In particular, nutrient discharge through SGD exerts a significant control on coastal ecosystem changes and results in benthic eutrophication in semi-enclosed Bang-du bay, Jeju. In the entire area of the Yellow Sea, tile submarine discharge of brackish groundwater and associated nutrients are found to rival the river discharges into the Yellow Sea, including those through Yangtze River, Han River, etc. In the eastern coast of the Korea peninsula, SGD is significantly higher during summer than winter due to high hydraulic gradients and due to wide distribution of high permeability sandy zones, faults, and fractures. On the other hand, in the estuarine water, downstream construction of the dam in the Nakdong River, SGD was highest when the river discharge was lowest (but water level of the dam was highest). This suggests that even though there is no visible freshwater discharge into this estuary, the discharge of chemical species is significant through SGD. On the basis of the results obtained from the coastal areas of the Korea peninsula, SGD is considered to be an important pathway of continental contaminants influencing tidal-flat ecosystems, red tides, and coral ecology. Thus, future costal management should pay great attention to the impact of SGD on coastal pollution and eutrophication.

Variations of Agronomic Characteristics of Collected Coix lachryma-jobi Species (국내 율무 수집종의 특성변이)

  • Yi, Eun-Seob;Kim, Hee-Dong;Kim, Sung-Kee;Yoon, Seong-Tak
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2004
  • This experiment was conducted to evaluate on agronomic traits of Korean local adlay (Coix lachryma L.) germplasm, 281 cultivars (lines). The largest collected cultivars was from Kyungsangbukdo (56 cultivars), and the next was in the order of Cheonlabukdo (48 cultivars), Kyungsangnamdo (44 cultivars), Kyunggido (39 cultivars) Chungcheongnamdo (23 cultivars), Kangwondo (23 cultivars), Cheonlanamdo (17 cultivars), and Chungcheongbukdo (16 cultivars) in distribution of collected region for 281 cultivars. In the growth stages, days to emergence from seeding were required 16.4±2.03 days, days to heading from emergence was required 73.6±5.87 days, days to ripening from heading was required 52.3±4.91 days and cultivation period was required 142.5±5.87 days. Culm length was 210.3±16.39 cm, no. of tiller per plant was 10.4±2.13, culm diameter was 11.7±1.09 mm, fruiting position was 4.6±0.82 node, no. of main culm node was 11.1±0.78, degree of lodging was 5.3±3.42 and severity of leaf blight was 56.1±0.78 in the growth characteristics of the germplasm. In the yield of component, no. of grains per m2 was 5,938±2,152, percentage of ripening was 67.7±33.12, 1,000 grains weight was 123.8±33.76 g and grain weight was 473.0±207.90 g. Grain weight was correlates significantly positively with no. of main culm node, percentage of ripening and no. of grains per m2 among agronomic traits. Correlation coefficient between grain weight and 1,000 grain weight was positive, while grain weight and severity of leaf blight was significantly negative. Correlation coefficient between grain weight and days to ripening from heading was significant negatively.