• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial target

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Sensing Technologies for Grain Crop Yield Monitoring Systems: A Review

  • Chung, Sun-Ok;Choi, Moon-Chan;Lee, Kyu-Ho;Kim, Yong-Joo;Hong, Soon-Jung;Li, Minzan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.408-417
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: Yield monitoring systems are an essential component of precision agriculture. They indicate the spatial variability of crop yield in fields, and have become an important factor in modern harvesters. The objective of this paper was to review research trends related to yield monitoring sensors for grain crops. Methods: The literature was reviewed for research on the major sensing components of grain yield monitoring systems. These major components included grain flow sensors, moisture content sensors, and cutting width sensors. Sensors were classified by sensing principle and type, and their performance was also reviewed. Results: The main targeted harvesting grain crops were rice, wheat, corn, barley, and grain sorghum. Grain flow sensors were classified into mass flow and volume flow methods. Mass flow sensors were mounted primarily at the clean grain elevator head or under the grain tank, and volume flow sensors were mounted at the head or in the middle of the elevator. Mass flow methods used weighing, force impact, and radiometric approaches, some of which resulted in measurement error levels lower than 5% ($R^2=0.99$). Volume flow methods included paddle wheel type and optical type, and in the best cases produced error levels lower than 3%. Grain moisture content sensing was in many cases achieved using capacitive modules. In some cases, errors were lower than 1%. Cutting width was measured by ultrasonic distance sensors mounted at both sides of the header dividers, and the errors were in some cases lower than 5%. Conclusions: The design and fabrication of an integrated yield monitoring system for a target crop would be affected by the selection of a sensing approach, as well as the layout and mounting of the sensors. For accurate estimation of yield, signal processing and correction measures should be also implemented.

Collimator Selection in $^{124}Te$ generated $^{123}I$ SPECT imaging ($^{124}Te$ Target로 생산된 $^{123}I$ SPECT 영상에서의 조준기 선택)

  • Kim, H.J.;Son, H.K.;Bong, J.K.;Nam, K.P.;Lee, H.K.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.05
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    • pp.45-48
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    • 1996
  • In the case of $^{123}I$ from the $^{124}Te$ (p,2n)reaction, the radionuclidic impurity is the high-energy gamma-emitting $^{124}I$, which interferes greatly with nuclear medicine images. The choice of a collimator can affect the quality of clinical SPECT images of [I-123]MIBG or [I-123]TPT. The tradeoffs that two different collimators make among spatial resolution, sensitivity, and scatter were studied by imaging a line source at 5cm, 10cm, 15cm distance using a number of plexiglass sheets between source and collimator, petri dist two-dimensional Hoffman brain phantom, and Jaszczak phantom after filling with $^{123}I$ (FWHM, FWTM, Sensitivity) for low energy ultra high resolution parallel hole(LEUHRP) collimator and medium energy general purpose (MEGP) collimator were measured as (9.27mm, 61.27mm $129CPM/[\mu}$ Ci) and (10.53m 23.17mm $105CPM/{\mu}$ Ci), respectively. The image quality of two-dimensional Hoffman brain Phantom with LEUHRP looked better than the one with MEGP. However, the image quality of Jasgczak phantom with LEUHRP looked much worse than the one with MEGP, The results suggest that the MEGP is preferable to LEUHRP for SPECT studies of [I-123]MIBG or [I-123]IPT.

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Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Change Patterns of Greenhouse Areas Using Aerial and Satellite Imagery - A Case of Sangnam-myeon and Samrangjin-eup at Miryang - (위성영상 및 항공사진을 활용한 시설재배면적의 시공간적 변화 유형 분석 - 밀양 상남면과 삼랑진읍을 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Min-Won;Cho, Hyun Kyung;Kim, Soo-Jin;Baek, Mi Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the spatio-temporal change pattern of greenhouse areas for Sangnam-myeon and Samrangjin-eup of Miryang-si in Gyeongnam, which is one of major greenhouse area. First, in order to overcome the lack of statistical data of the distribution of greenhouses, aerial and satellite images were interpreted from 1987 to 2018, and the spatial distribution of the greenhouse parcels which has continuously increased was mapped based on the digital cadastral map. Next, through the emerging hot spot tool in ArcGIS Desktop, the spatio-temporal change in transition from open-field to greenhouse cultivation was classified into 9 clusters. About 67.7% of the target area was categorized as a hot spot, and the pattern of New hot spot, which were recently converted to greenhouse parcels, covered about 34.1%. While, about 11.3% of parcels were expected to keep the existing open-field cultivation practice for a while. Overall, the greenhouse parcels have been densely developed along a river and were lately expanding even to the far neighbor. It implied that, in the future, the competition of water intake among farms would be more serious and the environmental responsibility in consideration of water quality as well as quantity would be getting strengthened due to increasing pollution loads and river intake.

A Study on the Geometrical Space Composition, Dynamic Visual Perception and Questions of Existence found in the Works of James Turrell - Focusing on 'Wedgework', 'Space Division', 'Skyspace' Projects - (제임스 터렐의 작품에 나타난 기하학적 공간구성, 시지각적 역동성 그리고 존재론적 의미에 관한 연구 - '웨지워크', '스페이스 디비전', '스카이스페이스' 프로젝트를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2012
  • Since 1966 when James Turrell completed his studies on Art, he has been working on the consistent theme of Art. For the 46 years of time, site contexts, scales, methods of light have been changed and they made Turrell's unique 'project series'. Each series has different spatial, visual-perceptual forms and characteristics from other series. The differences were caused by the given situations, but also Turrell intentionally pursued it. However, there are essential theme of art that has not changed in most of Turrell's projects. Target of this paper is to study the unchanged theme as well as the differences. The study starts with three questions: first, what is the geometrical space composition?, second, what is the visual-perceptual phenomenon?, third, what is the hidden consistent theme? This research focuses on three case projects: Wedgework, Space Division Constructions, Skyspaces. These project series are in between the early small object-like installations and the late mega-scale outdoor projects. The study found that geometrical space composition has important role to give visual-perceptual dynamism to the viewer. The phenomenological perception is connected to the questions of relationship between human and space, ultimately human and the world. Although the Merleau-Ponty's philosophy has been related to the work of Turrell in various previous studies, Cartesian 3-dimensional geometry has also crucial role to experiment a viewer's perceptual boundaries. Image of infinity is another aspect of three cases, especially Space Division Constructions and Skyspaces. Through these structure, Turrell's work lead to an ultimate question of meaning for human existence in infinite space. It is hoped that this paper is helpful for Architecture and Interior design field in which light and space are essential.

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A Study on the Design Types and Characteristics of Apartment Entrances - Focus on Whasung Dongtan Apartments - (아파트 동출입구 디자인 유형 및 특성에 관한 연구 - 화성동탄신도시 시범지구 및 1, 2공구 아파트를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ki-Seok
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.184-193
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    • 2009
  • In recent years, the architectural interest in the apartment design has been getting focused on qualitative improvement and design differentiation. Especially the facade design differentiation is one of the most important elements in this matter. The purpose of this study is to provide the basic informations that can be referenced when architects are dealing with exterior design by analyzed design types and characteristics of apartment entrances. Target apartment of this study was whasung dongtan the 2nd phase new city districts which was planned to solve a housing shortage in the capital region. Having examined eleven pilot districts, four 1st construction areas, and eight 2nd construction areas, - total 23 complexes - 282 apartment entrances in 212 apartment buildings were carefully researched. Apartment entrance design can be divided into 15 different design elements: design types and combination types, direction, shape, height, approach types, exterior wall finishes of entrance, exterior wall finishes of lower parts of apartment, handrail types of slope, floor finishes of slope, distribution ratio of piloti, ceiling height of piloti, floor finishes of piloti, space use of piloti, window establishment between piloti and elevator hall, landscape elements of piloti. Design characteristics of building entrances were also analyzed in 4 groups (I, II, III, IV) divided by construction contractors ranking. In conclusion, first, design types and combination types can be classified into 15 different kinds, and the group I and II tend to show wider variety of entrance combinations. Secondly, the height and volume of extrude entrance type tend to increase in the group I and II. Third, the spatial configuration of pilotis appears to show more of 'pass + store + break' rather than 'access', as we get closer to the group I.

Single Carrier Spectroscopy of Bisolitons on Si(001) Surfaces

  • Lyo, In-Whan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.13-13
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    • 2010
  • Switching an elementary excitation by injecting a single carrier would offer the exciting opportunity for the ultra-high data storage technologies. However, there has been no methodology available to investigate the interaction of low energy discrete carriers with nano-structures. In order to map out the spatial dependency of such single carrier level interactions, we developed a pulse-and-probe algorithm, combining with low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy. The new tool, which we call single carrier spectroscopy, allows us to track the interaction with the target macrostructure with tunneling carriers on a single carrier basis. Using this tool, we demonstrate that it is possible not only to locally write and erase individual bi-solitons, reliably and reversibly, but also to track of creation yields of single and multiple bi-solitons. Bi-solitons are pairs of solitons that are elementary out-of-phase excitations on anti-ferromagnetically ordered pseudo-spin system of Si dimers on Si(001)-c(42) surfaces. We found that at low energy tunneling the single bisoliton creation mechanism is not correlated with the number of carriers tunneling, but with the production of a potential hole under the tip. An electric field at the surface determines the density of the local charge density under the tip, and band-bending. However a rapid, dynamic change of a field produces a potential hole that can be filled by energetic carriers, and the amount of energy released during filling process is responsible for the creation of bi-solitons. Our model based on the field-induced local hole gives excellent explanation for bi-soliton yield behaviors. Scanning tunneling spectroscopy data supports the existence of such a potential hole. The mechanism also explains the site-dependency of bi-soliton yields, which is highest at the trough, not on the dimer rows. Our study demonstrates that we can manipulate not just single atoms and molecules, but also single pseudo-spin excitations as well.

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"Chunhyangjeon" and Geography -With a focus on the common realm of Literary Education and Geographic Education (<춘향전>과 지리(地理) - 문학교육과 지리교육의 공동 영역의 탐색)

  • Kim, Jong-cheol
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.47-85
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    • 2017
  • In literary works, space plays a background role, but in geography, it becomes the target of study. Space could, therefore, be a matter of common interest in literary and geographic education. "Chunhyangjeon" contains a great amount of geographic information, such as landscape, itineraries, and spatial consciousness. This information is a part of narrative development and represents the geographical situation of the late Yi-dynasty. Thus, "Chunhyangjeon" could be the common material for literary and geographic education. Using "Chunhyangjeon" as the common material, through narrative incidents, learners in a literature class can appreciate the role of geographic information in narrative development, and the same learners can, in geography class, recognize the geographic information and gather the sense of place that the characters experience. For the construction of common realm of the two subjects, it is necessary to compare the aims of two subjects and systematically ensure that the aims correspond. This systematic correspondence of aims could be the foundation for curriculum integration.

Criteria for processing response-spectrum-compatible seismic accelerations simulated via spectral representation

  • Zerva, A.;Morikawa, H.;Sawada, S.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.3 no.3_4
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    • pp.341-363
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    • 2012
  • The spectral representation method is a quick and versatile tool for the generation of spatially variable, response-spectrum-compatible simulations to be used in the nonlinear seismic response evaluation of extended structures, such as bridges. However, just as recorded data, these simulated accelerations require processing, but, unlike recorded data, the reasons for their processing are purely numerical. Hence, the criteria for the processing of acceleration simulations need to be tied to the effect of processing on the structural response. This paper presents a framework for processing acceleration simulations that is based on seismological approaches for processing recorded data, but establishes the corner frequency of the high-pass filter by minimizing the effect of processing on the response of the structural system, for the response evaluation of which the ground motions were generated. The proposed two-step criterion selects the filter corner frequency by considering both the dynamic and the pseudo-static response of the systems. First, it ensures that the linear/nonlinear dynamic structural response induced by the processed simulations captures the characteristics of the system's dynamic response caused by the unprocessed simulations, the frequency content of which is fully compatible with the target response spectrum. Second, it examines the adequacy of the selected estimate for the filter corner frequency by evaluating the pseudo-static response of the system subjected to spatially variable excitations. It is noted that the first step of this two-fold criterion suffices for the establishment of the corner frequency for the processing of acceleration time series generated at a single ground-surface location to be used in the seismic response evaluation of, e.g. a building structure. Furthermore, the concept also applies for the processing of acceleration time series generated by means of any approach that does not provide physical considerations for the selection of the corner frequency of the high-pass filter.

Distribution of DDTs and Hg in Eggs of Black-Tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris) in the Coastal Environment (연안환경 괭이갈매기(Larus crassirostris) 알의 DDTs 및 수은 농도분포 조사)

  • Choi, Jeong-Heui;Chung, David;Lee, Jongchun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.27 no.12
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    • pp.1279-1290
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    • 2018
  • Sea gulls are high trophic level consumers in the coastal environment, and thus, which have been widely used to monitor contamination biomagnified through a food web. However, such monitoring studies using sea gulls have been rare in the Korean literature. The National Environmental Specimen Bank chose eggs of a black-tailed gulls (Larus crassirostris) to serve as an environmental specimen for the long-term monitoring of the coastal ecosystem affected by terrestrial pollutants. Black-tailed gull eggs were collected from Baengnyeongdo, Hongdo and Uleungdo, and their DDTs and total mercury content were determined. The highest concentration of ${\Sigma}DDTs$ was $231.6{\pm}106.1{\mu}g/kg$ wet in Baengnyeongdo, followed by $230.0{\pm}123.8{\mu}g/kg$ wet in Ulleungdo, and $117.7{\pm}18.3{\mu}g/kg$ wet in Hongdo. In addition, total mercury was detected at $414.5{\pm}97.6{\mu}g/kg$ wet in Ulleungdo, $363.9{\pm}123.6{\mu}g/kg$ wet in Hongdo, and $237.5{\pm}42.3{\mu}g/kg$ wet in Baengnyeongdo. Relatively high concentrations of the target pollutants were recorded in specimens from Ulleungdo. Additional comprehensive and prolonged studies are required to elucidate spatial and temporal patterns of contamination in black-tailed gull eggs with regard to monitoring contaminant trends in eggs and prey.

Research on the Analysis of Maritime Traffic Pattern using Centroid Method (중심점 기법을 이용한 통항패턴 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Jin;Oh, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.453-458
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    • 2018
  • The analysis of maritime traffic refers to the processes that are used to analyze the environmental characteristics of the target area and, based on this analysis, predict the traffic pattern of the vessels. In recent years, maritime traffic analysis has become significant with increase maritime traffic volume and expansion of VTS coverage area. In addition, maritime traffic analysis is also applicable in the safety assessment of port facilities and the VTS (Vessel Traffic Service). In this paper, we propose a method to analyze the vessels' traffic pattern by using the heat map and the centroid method. This method is efficient for the analysis of the vessel trajectory data where spatial characteristics change with time. In the experiments, the traffic density and centroid by time have were analyzed. Trajectory data collected at Mokpo harbor was adopted. Finally, we reviewed the experimental results to verify the feasibility of the proposed method as a maritime traffic analysis method.