• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial information analysis

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Digital Video Steganalysis Based on a Spatial Temporal Detector

  • Su, Yuting;Yu, Fan;Zhang, Chengqian
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.360-373
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents a novel digital video steganalysis scheme against the spatial domain video steganography technology based on a spatial temporal detector (ST_D) that considers both spatial and temporal redundancies of the video sequences simultaneously. Three descriptors are constructed on XY, XT and YT planes respectively to depict the spatial and temporal relationship between the current pixel and its adjacent pixels. Considering the impact of local motion intensity and texture complexity on the histogram distribution of three descriptors, each frame is segmented into non-overlapped blocks that are $8{\times}8$ in size for motion and texture analysis. Subsequently, texture and motion factors are introduced to provide reasonable weights for histograms of the three descriptors of each block. After further weighted modulation, the statistics of the histograms of the three descriptors are concatenated into a single value to build the global description of ST_D. The experimental results demonstrate the great advantage of our features relative to those of the rich model (RM), the subtractive pixel adjacency model (SPAM) and subtractive prediction error adjacency matrix (SPEAM), especially for compressed videos, which constitute most Internet videos.

Providing Service Model Based on Concept and Requirements of Spatial Big Data (공간 빅데이터의 개념 및 요구사항을 반영한 서비스 제공 방안)

  • Kim, Geun Han;Jun, Chul Min;Jung, Hui Cheul;Yoon, Jeong Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2016
  • By reviewing preceding studies of big data and spatial big data, spatial big data was defined as one part of big data, which spatialize location information and systematize time series data. Spatial big data, as one part of big data, should not be separated with big data and application methods within the system is to be examined. Therefore in this study, services that spatial big data is required to provide were suggested. Spatial big data must be available of various spatial analysis and is in need of services that considers present and future spatial information. Not only should spatial big data be able to detect time series changes in location, but also analyze various type of big data using attribute information of spatial data. To successfully provide the requirements of spatial big data and link various type of big data with spatial big data, methods of forming sample points and extracting attribute information were proposed in this study. The increasing application of spatial information related to big data is expected to attribute to the development of spatial data industry and technological advancement.

A Study on the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of the Distribution of Longevity Population and the Scale Effect of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem(MAUP) (장수 인구의 분포 패턴에 관한 탐색적 공간 데이터 분석과 수정 가능한 공간단위 문제(MAUP)의 Scale Effect에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Don-Jeong;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2013
  • Most of the existing domestic studies to identify the distribution of longevity population and influencing factors oriented confirmatory approach. Furthermore, most of the studies in this research topic simply have used their own definition of spatial unit of analysis or employed arbitrary spatial units of analysis according to data availability. These research approaches can not sufficiently reflect the spatial characteristic of longevity phenomenon and exposed to the Modifiable Aerial Unit Problem(MAUP). This research performed the Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis(ESDA) to identify the spatial autocorrelation of the distribution of longevity population and investigated whether the modifiable areal unit problem in the aspect of scale effect using spatial population data in Korea. We used Si_Gun_Gu and Eup_Myeon_Dong as two different spatial units of regional longevity indicators measured. Then, we applied Getis-Ord Gi* to investigate the existence of spatial hot spots and cold spots. The results from our analysis show that there exist statistically significant spatial autocorrelation and spatial hot spots and cold spots of regional longevity at both Si_Gun_Gu and Eup_Myeon_Dong levels. This result implies that the modifiable areal unit problem does exist in the studies of spatial patterns of longevity population distribution. The demand for longevity researches would be increased inevitably. In addition, there were apparent differences for the global spatial autocorrelation and local spatial cluster which calculated different spatial units such as Si_Gun_Gu and Eup_Myeon_Dong and this can be seen as scale effect of MAUP. The findings from our analysis show that any study in this topic can mislead results when the modifiable areal unit problem and spatial autocorrelation are not explicitly considered.

Application of Spatial Information Technology to Shopping Support System (공간정보기술을 활용한 상품구매 지원 시스템)

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Yun, Seong-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2010
  • Spatial information and smart phone technology have made innovative improvement of daily life. Spatial and geographic information are in practice for various applications. Especially, spatial information along with information and telecommunication technology could create new contents for providing services for convenient daily life. Spatial information technology, recently, is not only for acquiring location and attribute data but also providing tools to extract information and knowledge systematically for decision making. Various indoor applications have emerged in accordance with demands on daily GIS(Geographic information system). This paper aims for applying spatial information technology to support decision-making in shopping. The main contents include product database, optimal path search, shopping time expectation, automatic housekeeping book generation and analysis. Especially for foods, function to analyze information of the nutrition facts could help to improve dietary pattern and well-being. In addition, this system is expected to provide information for preventing overconsumption and impulse purchase could help economical and effective purchase pattern by analyzing propensity to consume.

Novel Trellis-Coded Spatial Modulation over Generalized Rician Fading Channels

  • Zhang, Peng;Yuan, Dongfeng;Zhang, Haixia
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.900-910
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a novel trellis-coded spatial modulation (TCSM) design method is presented and analyzed. Inspired by the key idea of trellis-coded modulation (TCM), the detailed analysis is firstly provided on the unequal error protection performance of spatial modulation constellation. Subsequently, the Ungerboeck set partitioning rule is proposed and applied to develop a general method to design the novel TCSM schemes. Different from the conventional TCSM approaches, the novel one based on the Ungerboeck set partitioning rule has similar properties as the classic TCM, which has simple but effective code design criteria. Moreover, the novel designed schemes are robust and adaptive to the generalized Rician fading channels, which outperform the traditional TCSM ones. For examples, the novel 4-, 8-, and 16-state TCSM schemes are constructed by employing different transmit antennas and different modulation schemes in different channel conditions. Simulation results clearly demonstrate the advantages of the novel TCSM schemes over the conventional ones.

Study on Applying 3D Display Device for Effective Update of Spatial Information Based on Stereovision (입체시 기반 공간정보의 효율적 갱신을 위한 3차원 디스플레이 장비 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sun-Ok;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Deok-In;Wie, Gwang-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.601-611
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    • 2011
  • The paper deals with the selection of 3D display devices in accordance with the user's conveniences and accuracy of spatial information by applying 3D display devices to Spatial Information Update System (SIUS) which generate edit and update digital thematic maps. After applying different manufacturer's 3D display devices to SIUS, aerial images acquired from the stereo images were displayed through the devices and spatial information was extracted from the displayed 3D images. Assessment of 3D display devices were based on quantitative and qualitative analysis on accuracy of spatial information and user's conveniences. Planar's PL2020 and Redrover's Tru3Di 3D monitor has expressed outstanding display environment in 3D related tasks for the generation of spatial information compared to other 3D display devices. System improvement is expected regarding accuracy of spatial information, work efficiency and user's conveniences.

Assessing the Land Potential Utilization Status of Watershed Area

  • Malini, Ponnusarny;Park, Ki-Youn;Lee, Hye-Suk;Yoo, Hwan-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.151-152
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    • 2008
  • The planning and management of the watershed environment require huge amount of information regarding almost all aspects of natural and manmade features of the area. Until lately this study could be achieved through days of exhaustive surveys map generation and tedious calculations. Remote sensing and GIS provides huge temporal database for an area and GIS provides the powerful tool for spatial and non-spatial analysis of remotely sensed data. The paper highlights the assessment of land potentiality using weighed overlay analysis with drainage density, soil, slope and lineament, LULC map was used to identify the utilization area of the watershed. The arithmetic overlay analysis was performed with potential and utilization layer to assess the availability of land for the future development.

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Comparison between Kriging and GWR for the Spatial Data (공간자료에 대한 지리적 가중회귀 모형과 크리깅의 비교)

  • Kim Sun-Woo;Jeong Ae-Ran;Lee Sung-Duck
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2005
  • Kriging methods as traditional spatial data analysis methods and geographical weighted regression models as statistical analysis methods are compared. In this paper, we apply data from the Ministry of Environment to spatial analysis for practical study. We compare these methods to performance with monthly carbon monoxide observations taken at 116 measuring area of air pollution in 1999.

The Design and Implementation of BPEL for Spatial Analysis WPS model - With Emphasis on the Selection of Housing Units for Water Supply - (공간분석 WPS 모델을 위한 BPEL 설계 및 구현 - 상수도 보급 대상 가구 선정 사례 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ha Kyung;Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2013
  • Analysis and sharing of spatial information can be made possible through the reuse of spatial analysis processes, and the sharing of spatial models on the web. However, the deployment of spatial analysis models is possible, only when the difficult tasks of model design and the exchange of spatial data are overcome. In this study, a WPS spatial analysis model is defined, based on the OGC standards, and applied to the 'Selection of Housing Units for Water Supply' application. BPEL was used to define the sequence of processes and to enable the exchange of spatial data. To this end, WSDL was defined for WPS and WFS accesses, the sequence of spatial processes was defined in BPEL, and XSLT was defined for the exchange of XML data. The WPS model was designed and deployed using the Apache ODE which provides RESTful binding. It is expected that effective decision making will be easier using the web based spatial analysis models which are realized by WPS Orchestration with BPEL, as presented in this study.

Development of Strategics for Establishment of Spatial Information by Assessment of GIS-Based Flood Risk (GIS기반 홍수위험도 평가를 통한 공간정보 구축 방안 개발)

  • Sim, Gyoo Seong;Lee, Choon Ho;Lee, Tae Geun;Jee, Gye Hwan
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we evaluated flood risk by applying calculation fomula considering practical risk calculated by inundation analysis information through 2D inundation analysis, suggested a plan that provides a standardized information system. Generally, we evaluated flood risk to people and classified four degrees by using inundation depth, velocity, Debris Factor and Flood Hazard Rating relationship because current flood risk assessment method based inundation depth and area was considered to not fully reflect the actual risk to people on flood. We simulated overflow and levee break scenarios according to 500 year and 200 year floods, respectively, by using Flumen which is a 2D flood inundation model for Geumho river basin in Daegu. The result of this study could contribute to inform practical risk information to people in expected flood area. This study can be useful for the fields of disaster estimatingsuch as information analysis, evaluation, planning by offering Risk information based on standardized information system.