• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial information analysis

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Spatial spectrum approach for pilot spoofing attack detection in MIMO systems

  • Ning, Lina;Li, Bin;Wang, Xiang;Liu, Xiaoming;Zhao, Chenglin
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.941-949
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a spatial spectrum method is proposed to cope with the pilot spoofing attack (PSA) problem by exploiting the of uplink-downlink channel reciprocity in time-division-duplex multiple-input multiple-output systems. First, the spoofing attack in the uplink stage is detected by a threshold derived from the predefined false alarm based on the estimated spatial spectrum. When the PSA occurs, the transmitter (That is Alice) can detect either one or two spatial spectrum peaks. Then, the legitimate user (That is Bob) and Eve are recognized in the downlink stage via the channel reciprocity property based on the difference between the spatial spectra if PSA occurs. This way, the presence of Eve and the direction of arrival of Eve and Bob can be identified at the transmitter end. Because noise is suppressed by a spatial spectrum, the detection performance is reliable even for low signal-noise ratios and a short training length. Consequently, Bob can use beamforming to transmit secure information during the data transmission stage. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme compared with conventional methods.

Distributed Processing Method of Hotspot Spatial Analysis Based on Hadoop and Spark (하둡 및 Spark 기반 공간 통계 핫스팟 분석의 분산처리 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Changsoo;Lee, Joosub;Hwang, KyuMoon;Sung, Hyojin
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2018
  • One of the spatial statistical analysis, hotspot analysis is one of easy method of see spatial patterns. It is based on the concept that "Adjacent ones are more relevant than those that are far away". However, in hotspot analysis is spatial adjacency must be considered, Therefore, distributed processing is not easy. In this paper, we proposed a distributed algorithm design for hotspot spatial analysis. Its performance was compared to standalone system and Hadoop, Spark based processing. As a result, it is compare to standalone system, Performance improvement rate of Hadoop at 625.89% and Spark at 870.14%. Furthermore, performance improvement rate is high at Spark processing than Hadoop at as more large data set.

Development of GIS-based Advertizing Postal System Using Temporal and Spatial Mining Techniques (시간 및 공간마이닝 기술을 이용한 GIS기반의 홍보우편 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Heon-Gyu;Na, Dong-Gil;Choi, Yong-Hoon;Jung, Hoon;Park, Jong-Heung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2011
  • Advertizing postal system combined with GIS and temporal/spatial mining techniques has been developed to activate advertizing service and conduct marketing campaign efficiently. In order to select customers accurately, this system provide purchase propensity information using sequential, cyclicpatterns and lifesytle information through RFM analysis and clustering technique. It is possible for corporate mailer to do customer oriented marketing campaign with the advertizing postal system as well as 'one-stop' service including target customer selection, mail production, and delivery request.

GIS and Geographically Weighted Regression in the Survey Research of Small Areas (지역 단위 조사연구와 공간정보의 활용 : 지리정보시스템과 지리적 가중 회귀분석을 중심으로)

  • Jo, Dong-Gi
    • Survey Research
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the utilities of spatial analysis in the context of survey research using Geographical Information System(GIS) and Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) which take account of spatial heterogeneity. Many social phenomena involve spatial dimension, and with the development of GIS, GPS receiver, and online location-based services, spatial information can be collected and utilized more easily, and thus application of spatial analysis in the survey research is getting easier. The traditional OLS regression models which assume independence of observations and homoscedasticity of errors cannot handle spatial dependence problem. GWR is a spatial analysis technique which utilizes spatial information as well as attribute information, and estimated using geographically weighted function under the assumption that spatially close cases are more related than distant cases. Residential survey data from a Primary Autonomous District are used to estimate a model of public service satisfaction. The findings show that GWR handles the problem of spatial auto-correlation and increases goodness-of-fit of model. Visualization of spatial variance of effects of the independent variables using GIS allows us to investigate effects and relationships of those variables more closely and extensively. Furthermore, GIS and GWR analyses provide us a more effective way of identifying locations where the effect of variable is exceptionally low or high, and thus finding policy implications for social development.

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An Empirical Study on the Spatial Effect of Distribution Patterns between Small Business and Social-environmental factors (소상공인 점포의 분포와 환경요인의 공간적 영향관계에 관한 실증연구)

  • YOO, Mu-Sang;CHOI, Don-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2019
  • This research measured and visualized the spatial dependency and the spatial heterogeneity of the small business in Cheonan-si, Asan-si with $100m{\times}100m$ grids based on global and local spatial autocorrelation. First, we confirmed positive spatial autocorrelation of small business in the research area using Moran's I Index, which is ESDA(Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis). And then, through Getis-Ord $GI{\ast}$, one kind of LISA(Local Indicators of Spatial Association), local patterns of spatial autocorrelation were visualized. These verified that Spatial Regression Model is valid for the location factor analysis on small business commercial buildings. Next, GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression) was used to analyze the spatial relations between the distribution of small business, hourly mobile traffic-based floating population, land use attributes index, residence, commercial building, road networks, and the node of traffic networks. Final six variables were applied and the accessibility to bus stops, afternoon time floating population, and evening time floating population were excluded due to multicollinearity. By this, we demonstrated that GWR is statistically improved compared to OLS. We visualized the spatial influence of the individual variables using the regression coefficients and local coefficients of determinant of the six variables. This research applied the measured population information in a practical way. Reflecting the dynamic information of the urban people using the commercial area. It is different from other studies that performed commercial analysis. Finally, this research has a differentiated advantage over the existing commercial area analysis in that it employed hourly changing commercial service population data and it applied spatial statistical models to micro spatial units. This research proposed new framework for the commercial analysis area analysis.

Comparing the Spatial Mobility of Residents and Tourists by using Geotagged Tweets (지오트윗을 이용한 거주자와 방문자의 공간 이동성 연구)

  • Cho, Jaehee;Seo, Il-Jung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2016
  • The human spatial mobility information is in high demand in various businesses; however, there are only few studies on human mobility because spatio-temporal data is insufficient and difficult to collect. Now with the spread of smartphones and the advent of social networking services, the spatio-temporal data began to occur on a large scale, and the data is available to the public. In this work, we compared the movement behavior of residents and tourists by using geo-tagged tweets which contain location information. We chose Seoul to be the target area for analysis. Various creative concepts and analytical methods are used: grid map concept, cells visited concept, reverse geocoding concept, average activity index, spatial mobility index, and determination of residents and visitors based on the number of days in residence. Conducting a series of analysis, we found significant differences of the movement behavior between local residents and tourists. We also discovered differences in visiting activity according to residential countries and used applications. We expect that findings of this research can provide useful information on tourist development and urban development.

System Theory Approach for Decision Making of GIS-based Optimum Allocation (GIS기반 최적공간선정을 위한 시스템론적 접근)

  • Oh, Sang-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2006
  • As information technologies are improving, geographical information system (GIS) technologies are also developing rapidly and demands for spatial analysis with GIS are increasing. Particularly, the spatial analyses with GIS researches have been noted rather than general GIS researches. However, most GIS researches focus on space dimension: a density-based clustering method (DBSCAN) or a DBSCAN algorithm using region expressed as Weight (DBSCAN-W) but the importance of rational decision making based on time dimension has been neglected. This study adopts system dynamics in order to put time dimension in GIS-based optimum allocation.

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A Conceptual Design of Spatial and Non-spatial Information for Water Hazard Information Management and Service (수재해 정보관리 및 서비스를 위한 공간, 비공간 정보 자료 개념 설계)

  • Lee, Jeong-Ju;Kim, Dong-Young;Jung, Young-Hun;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2016
  • This study conducted a basic design of system and interface which provide both of spatial and non-spatial data for water hazard information management. This helps to decide directions of the future integrated water hazard information platform and possible technical examinations of the web-based system for the realization of the prototype. For user friendly system, this study did a survey to investigate the data format, service environment, image processing level and visualization type that users prefer. Also, authorization range was set up by type of the user group. In the water hazard information platform, the data and analysis algorithm were classified by the fields. Furthermore, the platform was consisted with six block systems according to the function and the interface and designed to flexibly mount or modify the additional functions. For a basic design of the data exchange method and protocols, a prototype was constructed by using the spatial information web service technology. The portal service system to visualize and provide spatial data was designed by the WMS/WFS type of OGC standard interface and the FTP/HTTP interface type through open source GIS software for server environment.

Development of the UGC Support WebGIS System for Marine Spatial Data (웹 GIS 기반 해양 공간데이터의 사용자 콘텐츠 제작 지원시스템 개발)

  • Oh, Jung-Hee;Choi, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Sung-Dae;Lee, Charm
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2011
  • Until now, most of the Web GIS system has been developed with one-sided service type that provides pre-built spatial information to users. Recently, however, interactive web system is getting attention because users can create directly spatial information contents that meet their needs. In line with this trend, this study had a aim to develop a UGC(User Generated Contents) support system for marine science researchers who can generate spatial data by themselves on the web. The main advantage of this system is that it provides marine survey data and marine spatial information that needed to work for marine science research. Furthermore, it provides the functions of extracting of coastline as point data for their marine study area, and making of the spatial planning map for marine field survey work and marine science thematic maps for exploratory analysis after research survey. Such kinds of interactive UGC support system gives researchers a chance for utilizing marine spatial information more easily. Therefore, it is expected that the improving of the efficiency of research works, as well as increasing of the utilization of marine spatial data.

Landscape pattern analysis from IKONOS image data by wavelet and semivariogram method

  • Danfeng, Sun;Hong, Li
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1209-1211
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    • 2003
  • The wavelet and semivariogram analysis method are used to identify the city landscape and farmland landscape pattern on the 1m resolution IKONOS images. The results prove that wavelet method is a potential way for landscape pattern analysis. Compared to semivariogram analysis, Wavelet analysis can not only detect the overall spatial pattern, but also find multi-scale and direction structures. In this experiment, the wavelet analysis results indicate: (1) the city landscape image is mainly composed of three level structures whose spatial pattern characters appear at 2m, 16m, 128m and 256m accordingly; (2) the farmland landscape is mainly two scale spatial patterns appearing at the 2m, 128m and 256m. IKONOS Remote sensing, with the high spatial and spectral information, is a powerful tool that can use in many ecological systems research and sustainable management.

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