• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial distribution map

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Classification of Intraseasonal Oscillation in Precipitation using Self-Organizing Map for the East Asian Summer Monsoon (동아시아 여름몬순 지수의 자기조직화지도(SOM)에 의한 강수량의 계절 내 진동 분류)

  • Chu, Jung-Eun;Ha, Kyung-Ja
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.221-228
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    • 2011
  • The nonlinear characteristics of summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) in precipitation, which is manifested as fluctuations in convection and circulation, is one of the major difficulty on the prediction of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). The present study aims to identify the spatial distribution and time evolution of nonlinear phases of monsoon ISO. In order to classify the different phases of monsoon ISO, Self-Organizing Map(SOM) known as a nonlinear pattern recognition technique is used. SOM has a great attractiveness detecting self-similarity among data elements by grouping and clustering such self-similar components. The four important patterns are demonstrated as Meiyu-Baiu, Changma, post-Changma, and dry-spell modes. It is found that SOM well captured the formation of East Asian monsoon trough during early summer and its northward migration together with enhanced convection over subtropical western Pacific and regionally intensive precipitation including Meiyu, Changma and Baiu. The classification of fundamental large scale spatial pattern and evolutionary history of nonlinear phases of monsoon ISO provides the source of predictability for extended-range forecast of summer precipitation.

A Study on the Definition of National Base Map in Response to the Changing Times (시대 변화에 대응하는 국가기본도 정의에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gihong;Lee, Yong Wook;Lee, Sang Ho;Park, Hong Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.579-586
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    • 2019
  • The national base map of Korea has become more useful as the spatial information industry has developed rapidly. Beyond the simple application of the past paper map era, the role as important spatial information in the smart city and digital twin era is required with the IT (Information Technology) revolution. Therefore, the concepts of seamless, multi scale, object-oriented, customized production and real-time updating have emerged, and innovations in the distribution process through the internet are also taking place. Although the concept and definition in the law that is corresponds to the status of the national base map must be supported, the concept and definition of the paper map introduced from the surveying law in 1980 still exist. The definition of the national base map cannot meet current technological developments and social needs and does not reflect the perceptions of the majority of the people as well as the practical capacity of government organizations that manage it. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the concept of national base map in accordance with the current situation and to define it in the law. In this study, the concept of national base map was established and defined by comprehensive analysis of the development process of the national base map, the changes in the times and cases of the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan.

Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals in Playgrounds of Kindergartens in Vilnius

  • Valskys, Vaidotas;Ignatavicius, Gytautas;Sinkevicius, Stanislovas;Gasiunaite, Ugne
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2016
  • The soil contamination by heavy metals in playgrounds of kindergartens in Vilnius city is analysed in this article. The aim of this research is to investigate and evaluate soil contamination by heavy metals in playgrounds of kindergartens in different territories of Vilnius city. Concentrations of heavy metals were measured using Thermo Fisher Scientific Niton$^{(R)}$ XL2 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Maximum allowable and background concentrations that are given in Lithuanian hygiene standard and Lithuania geochemical atlas are used to compare and evaluate concentrations of heavy metals. Concentrations of heavy metals and their spatial distribution were analysed in order to exclude the most contaminated areas relating with different functional areas of the city. Geo-statistical analysis and maps of spatial distribution were developed using IDW interpolator in ArcMap software. Detail soil surveys helps to assess the extent of anthropogenic impact in different parts of the city which can be harmful to the soil ecosystem and human health. Such researches can help to change or select different function for city areas in territorial planning process.

Vegetation of the Khogno Khan Natural Reserve, Mongolia

  • Gombosuren, Tsolmon;Kim, Jong-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 2001
  • The vegetation of the Khogno Khan Natural Reserve of the central Mongolia was studied in terms of the Zurich-Montpellier School's method. Twenty plant communities were identified from the three different landscape types such as mountain areas(63%), plains(32%), and wetlands(5%). Actual vegetation map using five vegetation domains was accomplished in order to understand the spatial distribution of regional vegetation. Steppe vegetation of 88% vegetation cover to the whole area is representative, which is composed of a matrix of landscape. The birch-aspen forests and the elm bush forests are relics as a patch distribution. It is recognized that the whole territory of protected area be under the effects of severe grazing from the phytosociological viewpoint.

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Study on the Characteristics of Spatial Relationship between Heat Concentration and Heat-deepening Factors Using MODIS Based Heat Distribution Map (MODIS 기반의 열 분포도를 활용한 열 집중지역과 폭염 심화요인 간의 공간관계 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Boeun;Lee, Mihee;Lee, Dalgeun;Kim, Jinyoung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1153-1166
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the spatial correlation between the heat distribution map of the satellite imaging base and the factors that deepen the heat wave, and to explore the heat concentration area and the space where the risk of future heat wave may increase. The global Moran's I of population, land use, and buildings, which are the causes of heat concentration and heat wave deepening, is found to be high and concentrated in specific spaces. According to the analysis results of local Moran's I, heat concentration areas appeared mainly in large cities such as metropolitan and metropolitan areas, and forests were dominant in areas with relatively low temperatures. Areas with high population growth rates were distributed in the surrounding areas of Gyeonggi-do, Daejeon, and Busan, and the use of land and buildings were concentrated in the metropolitan area and large cities. Analysis by Bivarate Local Moran's I has shown that population growth is high in heat-intensive areas, and that artificial and urban building environments and land use take place. The results of this research can lead to the ranking of heat concentration areas and explore areas with environments where heat concentration is concentrated nationwide and deepens it, so ultimately it is considered to contribute to the establishment of preemptive measures to deal with extreme heat.


  • Lee, Mi-Seon;Park, Jong-Yoon;Jung, In-Kyun;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.274-277
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    • 2007
  • This study is to estimate the spatial distribution of soil loss using the land use data produced from QuickBird satellite imagery. For a small agricultural watershed (1.16 $km^2$) located in the upstream of Gyeongan-cheon watershed, a precise agricultural land use map were prepared using QuickBird satellite image of April 5 of 2003. RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) was adopted for soil loss estimation. The data (DEM, soil and land use) for the RUSLE were prepared for 5 m and 30 m spatial resolution. The results were compared with each other and the result of 30 m Landsat land use data.

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Geological Heritage Grade Distribution Mapping Using GIS (공간정보를 이용한 지질유산 등급분포도 작성 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Jae;Lee, Sunmin;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.867-878
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    • 2017
  • Recent interest in geological heritage has been increased in that it can be used as a basic data onto predicting the global environmental change of its containing information about past global environment. In addition, due to the characteristics of the geological heritage, it is easy to damage and difficult to recover without continuous preservation and management. However, there are more damages occurring because of the sporadic spatial distribution and ambiguous management authority of geological heritage. Therefore, an integrated management system is needed by determining the spatial distribution of geological heritage preferentially. In this study, the detailed criteria for assessment of value from the preliminary studies were applied and the geological heritage grade distribution map was generated by using geospatial data in Seoul metropolitan area. For this purpose, the list of geological heritage sites in the Seoul metropolitan area, which is the study area, were complied through a literature review. The geospatial database was designed and constructed by applying the detailed criteria for assessment of value from the preliminary studies. After the construction of the spatial database, a grade map of the geological heritage was created. As a result of the geological heritage grade map in the Seoul metropolitan area, there were more than 35% of the geological heritage in northern Gyeonggi provinces such as Yeoncheon city (18.8%), Pocheon city (10.6%) and Paju city (6.3%). It is followed by 18.1% in Incheon and 8.1% in Ansan, which is approximately 26.2% in western Gyeonggi Province. The geological age of the geological heritage was the highest at in the fourth stage of the Cenozoic era of 16.9%. Through the results of this study, the geological heritage data of the Seoul metropolitan area were extracted from existing literature data and converted into spatial information. It enables comparing the geological features with the spatial distribution of geological heritage. In addition, a management system has been established based on spatial information of constantly building geological heritage data. This provides the integrated management system of the geological heritage to manage authority so that it can be used as a basis for the development of the geological park. Based on the results of this study, it is considered to be possible to systematically construct and utilize the geological heritage across the country.

Evaluation of the Population Distribution Using GIS-Based Geostatistical Analysis in Mosul City

  • Ali, Sabah Hussein;Mustafa, Faten Azeez
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this work was to apply geographical information system (GIS) for geostatistical analyzing by selecting a semi-variogram model to quantify the spatial correlation of the population distribution with residential neighborhoods in the both sides of Mosul city. Two hundred and sixty-eight sample sites in 240 ㎢ are adopted. After determining the population distribution with respect to neighborhoods, data were inserted to ArcGIS10.3 software. Afterward, the datasets was subjected to the semi-variogram model using ordinary kriging interpolation. The results obtained from interpolation method showed that among the various models, Spherical model gives best fit of the data by cross-validation. The kriging prediction map obtained by this study, shows a particular spatial dependence of the population distribution with the neighborhoods. The results obtained from interpolation method also indicates an unbalanced population distribution, as there is no balance between the size of the population neighborhoods and their share of the size of the population, where the results showed that the right side is more densely populated because of the small area of residential homes which occupied by more than one family, as well as the right side is concentrated in economic and social activities.

Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Vertical Temperature Profile in the South Sea of Jeju, Korea (제주 남부해역 수온 수직구조의 공간분포 특성 파악)

  • Yoon, Dong-Young;Choi, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.162-174
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    • 2012
  • To visualize the characteristics of vertical seawater temperature data, in the ocean having 3D spatial characteristics, 2D thematic maps like horizontal seawater temperature distribution map at each depth layer and 3D volume model using 3D spatial interpolation are used. Although these methods are useful to understand oceanographic phenomena visually, there is a limit to analyze the spatial pattern of vertical temperature distribution or the relationship between vertical temperature characteristics and other oceanic factors (seawater chemistry, marine organism, climate change, etc). Therefore, this study aims to determine the spatial distribution characteristics of vertical temperature profiles in the South Sea of Jeju by quantifying the characteristics of vertical temperature profiles by using an algorithm that can extract the thermocline parameters, such as mixed layer depth, maximum temperature gradient and thermocline thickness. For this purpose spatial autocorrelation index (Moran's I) was calculated including mapping of spatial distribution for three parameters representing the vertical temperature profiles. Also, after grouping study area as four regions by using cluster analysis with three parameters, the characteristics of vertical temperature profiles were defined for each region.

Tracing March 2004 and December 2005 Heavy Snowfall of South Korea Using NOAA AVHRR Images

  • Shin, Hyung-Jin;Park, Geun-Ae;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2007
  • This study is to grasp and analyse the temporal and spatial distribution of record-breaking heavy snowfall rarely occurred in the middle and southwest region of South Korea during March of 2004 and December of 2005 respectively. Snow cover area was extracted using the channels 1, 3 and 4 of NOAA AVHRR images and the snow depth distribution was spatially interpolated using snowfall data of meteorological stations. Using administration boundary and Digital Elevation Model from 1:5,000 NGIS digital map, the snowfall impact was assessed spatially and compared with the reports at that time. The damaged area by heavy snowfall over 15 cm snow depth could be identified successfully within the spatial extent of snowfall area extracted by NOAA AVHRR image.