• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial databases

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A Combined Hough Transform based Edge Detection and Region Growing Method for Region Extraction (영역 추출을 위한 Hough 변환 기반 에지 검출과 영역 확장을 통합한 방법)

  • N.T.B., Nguyen;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Chung, Chin-Wan;Lee, Seok-Lyong;Kim, Deok-Hwan
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.263-279
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    • 2009
  • Shape features in a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system are divided into two classes: contour-based and region-based. Contour-based shape features are simple but they are not as efficient as region-based shape features. Most systems using the region-based shape feature have to extract the region firs t. The prior works on region-based systems still have shortcomings. They are complex to implement, particularly with respect to region extraction, and do not sufficiently use the spatial relationship between regions in the distance model In this paper, a region extraction method that is the combination of an edge-based method and a region growing method is proposed to accurately extract regions inside an object. Edges inside an object are accurately detected based on the Canny edge detector and the Hough transform. And the modified Integrated Region Matching (IRM) scheme which includes the adjacency relationship of regions is also proposed. It is used to compute the distance between images for the similarity search using shape features. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our region extraction method as well as the modified IRM. In comparison with other works, it is shown that the new region extraction method outperforms others.

Implementation of Uncertainty Processor for Tracking Vehicle Trajectory (차량 궤적 추적을 위한 불확실성 처리기 구현)

  • Kim, Jin-Suk;Kim, Dong-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.5
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    • pp.1167-1176
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    • 2004
  • Along the advent of Internet technology, the computing environment has been considerably changed in many application domains. Especially, a lot of researches for e-Logistics have been done for the last 3 years. The e-Logistics means the virtual business activity and service architecture among the logistics companies based on the Internet technology. To construct effectively the e-Logistics framework, researches on the development of the Moving Object Technology(MOT) including GPS and GIS with spatiotemporal databases technique so far has been done The Moving Object Technology stands for the efficient management for the spatiotemporal objects such as vehicles, airplanes, and vessels which change continuously their spatial location along with time flows. However, most systems manage just only the location information detected lately by many reasons so that the uncertainty processing for the past and future location of the moving objects is still very hard. In this paper, we propose the moving object uncertainty model and system design for e-Logistics applications. The MOMS architecture in e-Logistics is suggested and the detailed explain of sub-systems including the uncertainty processor of moving objects is described. We also explain the comprehensive examples of MOMS and uncertainty processing in Delivery Parcel Application that is one of major application of e-Logistics domain.

Design and Implementation of GML Transformation System based on Standard Transportation Framework Model of TTA (TTA 표준 교통 프레임워크 데이터 모델 기반 GML 변환 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Ki-Won;Kim, Hak-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2006
  • Standardization or standard-related study are regarded as main issues in GIS applications. Though several GIS standards and specifications have been released, there are a few actual application cases adapting those. In this study, we designed and implemented a geo-spatial information processing system with editing, storing, and disseminating functions, in which standard GIS transportation data model by TTA linked with OGC-GML, XML-based geographic features encoding standard. The system developed in this study enables us to transfer and edit transportation entities based on TTA standards to GML, importing ESRI shapefile. In web-based system, GML-based databases are transformed to SVG file, for the purpose of web publishing. TTA GIS transportation data model is used in this study, and tested; however, standard data models from other application fields also can be easily applied because this system basically provides data importing and editing functions. This system as practical tools can be utilized for applicability test of GIS standard data model and practical operation of standard specification.

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Odysseus/m: a High-Performance ORDBMS Tightly-Coupled with IR Features (오디세우스/IR: 정보 검색 기능과 밀결합된 고성능 객체 관계형 DBMS)

  • Whang Kyu-Young;Lee Min-Jae;Lee Jae-Gil;Kim Min-Soo;Han Wook-Shin
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.209-215
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    • 2005
  • Conventional ORDBMS vendors provide extension mechanisms for adding user-defined types and functions to their own DBMSs. Here, the extension mechanisms are implemented using a high-level interface. We call this technique loose-coupling. The advantage of loose-coupling is that it is easy to implement. However, it is not preferable for implementing new data types and operations in large databases when high Performance is required. In this paper, we propose to use the notion of tight-coupling to satisfy this requirement. In tight-coupling, new data types and operations are integrated into the core of the DBMS engine. Thus, they are supported in a consistent manner with high performance. This tight-coupling architecture is being used to incorporate information retrieval(IR) features and spatial database features into the Odysseus/IR ORDBMS that has been under development at KAIST/AITrc. In this paper, we introduce Odysseus/IR and explain its tightly-coupled IR features (U.S. patented). We then demonstrate a web search engine that is capable of managing 20 million web pages in a non-parallel configuration using Odysseus/IR.

A Node Relocation Strategy of Trajectory Indexes for Efficient Processing of Spatiotemporal Range Queries (효율적인 시공간 영역 질의 처리를 위한 궤적 색인의 노드 재배치 전략)

  • Lim Duksung;Cho Daesoo;Hong Bonghee
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.664-674
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    • 2004
  • The trajectory preservation property that stores only one trajectory in a leaf node is the most important feature of an index structure, such as the TB-tree for retrieving object's moving paths in the spatio-temporal space. It performs well in trajectory-related queries such as navigational queries and combined queries. But, the MBR of non-leaf nodes in the TB-tree have large amounts of dead space because trajectory preservation is achieved at the sacrifice of the spatial locality of trajectories. As dead space increases, the overlap between nodes also increases, and, thus, the classical range query cost increases. We present a new split policy and entry relocation policies, which have no deterioration of the performance for trajectory-related queries, for improving the performance of range queries. To maximally reduce the dead space of a non-leaf node's MBR, the Maximal Area Reduction (MAR) policy is used as a split policy for non-leaf nodes. The entry relocation policy induces entries in non-leaf nodes to exchange each other for the purpose of reducing dead spaces in these nodes. We propose two algorithms for the entry relocation policy, and evaluate the performance studies of new algorithms comparing to the TB-tree under a varying set of spatio-temporal queries.

A Protein Structure Comparison System based on PSAML (PSAML을 이용한 단백질 구조 비고 시스템)

  • Kim Jin-Hong;Ahn Geon-Tae;Byun Sang-Hee;Lee Su-Hyun;Lee Myung-Joon
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.133-148
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    • 2005
  • Since understanding of similarities and differences among protein structures is very important for the study of the relationship between structure and function, many protein structure comparison systems have been developed. Hut, unfortunately, these systems introduce their own protein data derived from the PDB(Protein Data Bank), which are needed in their algorithms for comparing protein structures. In addition, according to the rapid increase in the size of PDB, these systems require much more computation to search for common substructures in their databases. In this paper, we introduce a protein structure comparison system named WS4E(A Web-Based Searching Substructures of Secondary Structure Elements) based on a PSAML database which stores PSAML documents using the eXist open XML DBMS. PSAML(Protein Structure Abstraction Markup Language) is an XML representation of protein data, describing a protein structure as the secondary structures of the protein and their relationships. Using the PSAML database, the WS4E provides web services searching for common substructures among proteins represented in PSAML. In addition, to reduce the number of candidate protein structures to be compared in the PSAML database, we used topology strings which contain the spatial information of secondary structures in a protein.

Parallel Range Query processing on R-tree with Graphics Processing Units (GPU를 이용한 R-tree에서의 범위 질의의 병렬 처리)

  • Yu, Bo-Seon;Kim, Hyun-Duk;Choi, Won-Ik;Kwon, Dong-Seop
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.669-680
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    • 2011
  • R-trees are widely used in various areas such as geographical information systems, CAD systems and spatial databases in order to efficiently index multi-dimensional data. As data sets used in these areas grow in size and complexity, however, range query operations on R-tree are needed to be further faster to meet the area-specific constraints. To address this problem, there have been various research efforts to develop strategies for acceleration query processing on R-tree by using the buffer mechanism or parallelizing the query processing on R-tree through multiple disks and processors. As a part of the strategies, approaches which parallelize query processing on R-tree through Graphics Processor Units(GPUs) have been explored. The use of GPUs may guarantee improved performances resulting from faster calculations and reduced disk accesses but may cause additional overhead costs caused by high memory access latencies and low data exchange rate between GPUs and the CPU. In this paper, to address the overhead problems and to adapt GPUs efficiently, we propose a novel approach which uses a GPU as a buffer to parallelize query processing on R-tree. The use of buffer algorithm can give improved performance by reducing the number of disk access and maximizing coalesced memory access resulting in minimizing GPU memory access latencies. Through the extensive performance studies, we observed that the proposed approach achieved up to 5 times higher query performance than the original CPU-based R-trees.

Adaptive Row Major Order: a Performance Optimization Method of the Transform-space View Join (적응형 행 기준 순서: 변환공간 뷰 조인의 성능 최적화 방법)

  • Lee Min-Jae;Han Wook-Shin;Whang Kyu-Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.345-361
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    • 2005
  • A transform-space index indexes objects represented as points in the transform space An advantage of a transform-space index is that optimization of join algorithms using these indexes becomes relatively simple. However, the disadvantage is that these algorithms cannot be applied to original-space indexes such as the R-tree. As a way of overcoming this disadvantages, the authors earlier proposed the transform-space view join algorithm that joins two original- space indexes in the transform space through the notion of the transform-space view. A transform-space view is a virtual transform-space index that allows us to perform join in the transform space using original-space indexes. In a transform-space view join algorithm, the order of accessing disk pages -for which various space filling curves could be used -makes a significant impact on the performance of joins. In this paper, we Propose a new space filling curve called the adaptive row major order (ARM order). The ARM order adaptively controls the order of accessing pages and significantly reduces the one-pass buffer size (the minimum buffer size required for guaranteeing one disk access per page) and the number of disk accesses for a given buffer size. Through analysis and experiments, we verify the excellence of the ARM order when used with the transform-space view join. The transform-space view join with the ARM order always outperforms existing ones in terms of both measures used: the one-pass buffer size and the number of disk accesses for a given buffer size. Compared to other conventional space filling curves used with the transform-space view join, it reduces the one-pass buffer size by up to 21.3 times and the number of disk accesses by up to $74.6\%$. In addition, compared to existing spatial join algorithms that use R-trees in the original space, it reduces the one-pass buffer size by up to 15.7 times and the number of disk accesses by up to $65.3\%$.

Exploring A Research Trend on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in the 40 Years of the Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business for the Development of Ecosystem Measurement Framework (「중소기업연구」 40년 동안의 창업생태계 연구 동향 고찰 및 측정모형 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Seo, Ribin;Choi, Kyung Cheol;Byun, Youngjo
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.69-102
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    • 2020
  • Shedding new light on the research trend on entrepreneurial ecosystems in the 40-year history of the Asia Pacific Journal of Small Business, this study aims at exploring a potential measurement framework of ecological inputs and outputs in an entrepreneurial ecosystem that promotes entrepreneurship at geographical and spatial levels. As a result of the analysis of research on the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the journal, we found that prior studies emphasized the managerial importance of various ecological factors on the premise of possible causalities between the factors and entrepreneurship. However, empirical research to verify the premised causality has been underexplored yet. This literature gap may lead to unbalanced development of conceptual and case studies that identify requirements for successful entrepreneurial ecosystems based on experiential facts, thereby hindering the generalization of the research results for practical implications. In that there is a growing interest in creating and operating productive entrepreneurial ecosystems as an innovation engine that drives national and regional economic growth, it is necessary to explore and develop the measurement framework for ecological factors that can be used in future empirical research. Hereupon, we apply a conceptual model of 'input-output-outcome-impact' to categorize individual environmental factors identified in prior studies. Based on the model. We operationalize ecological input factors as the financial, intellectual, institutional, and social capitals, and ecological output factors as the establishment-based, innovation-based, and performance-based entrepreneurship. Also, we propose several longitudinal databases that future empirical research can use in analyzing the potential causality between the ecological input and output factors. The proposed framework of entrepreneurial ecosystems, which focuses on measuring ecological input and output factors, has a high application value for future research that analyzes the causality.

An Analysis of Inscription Trends of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscapes (유네스코 세계유산 문화경관 등재 경향 분석)

  • Lee, Jaei;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.18-31
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the inscription trends and characteristics of 121 cultural landscapes inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List to gain a comprehensive understanding of their inherent values and attributes. By employing a dual methodology involving descriptive statistical analysis and in-depth case studies, this research investigates the geographical distribution, temporal inscription patterns, selection criteria, and typologies of these landscapes. The data for this study were collected from official documents and databases available on the UNESCO World Heritage Center website, ensuring the reliability and authenticity of the information. The analysis reveals that cultural landscapes are predominantly concentrated in Europe and Asia, with a steady increase in inscriptions since 1992. These landscapes are primarily recognized for their uniqueness in reflecting human-nature interactions, as well as the importance of traditional culture and land-use practices, resulting in their inscription mainly under criteria (iv), (iii), (v), and (ii). Furthermore, cultural landscapes can be broadly categorized into three types: designed landscapes, organically evolved landscapes, and associative landscapes. Among these, organically evolved landscapes, formed through long-term interactions between human activities such as agriculture and industry and the natural environment, constitute a significant proportion. These findings suggest that UNESCO World Heritage cultural landscapes possess a complex value system encompassing nature and culture, tangible and intangible elements, and material and non-material aspects. This necessitates a fundamental shift in the perception and preservation approaches to cultural heritage, requiring an integrated approach that emphasizes the overall context rather than individual elements and focuses on the dynamic process of landscape evolution itself. Moreover, cultural landscapes have the potential to contribute to sustainable development models by fostering regional identity, strengthening community resilience, and promoting sustainable economic growth. Therefore, the preservation and management of cultural landscapes require a perspective that holistically views the dynamic evolution process of the landscape and a governance system based on the active participation of local communities and stakeholders. This study contributes to enhancing the in-depth understanding of the characteristics and values of cultural landscapes and provides a foundation for the selection and management of future cultural landscape heritage sites.