• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Heterogeneity

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Relationship between the spatial distribution of coastal sand dune plants and edaphic factors in a coastal sand dune system in Korea

  • Hwang, Jeong-sook;Choi, Deok-gyun;Choi, Sung-chul;Park, Han-san;Park, Yong-mok;Bae, Jeong-jin;Choo, Yeon-sik
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.17-29
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    • 2016
  • We conducted the study on the relationship between the distribution of coastal sand dune plants and edaphic factors from the shoreline to inland in sand dune ecosystem. The application of TWINSPAN classification based on 10 species, led to the recognition of three vegetative groups (A-C), which associated with their habitats (foredune, hummuck in semistable zone and stable zone). The associations were separated along soil gradient far from the seashore. The relationships between species composition and environmental gradients were explained by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Distance from the shoreline was an important indicator to determine soil properties (pH, total ion contents, sand particle sizes, organic matters and nitrogen contents) from the seaward area to inland area and distribution pattern of coastal sand dune plants. Group A is foredune zone, characterized by Calystegia soldanella; group included typical foredune species such as Elymus mollis, Carex kobomugi, Ixeris repens, C. soldanella and Glehnia littoralis. Group B on semi-stabilized zone was characterized by Vitex rotundifolia, a perennial woody shrub. This group was associated the proportion of fine sand size (100 to 250 μm). The results on the proportion of soil particle size showed a transition in sand composition, particularly with respect to the proportion of fine sand size that occurred from the foredune ridge at 32.5 m to the Vitex rotundifolia community at 57.5 m from the shoreline. Group C on stabilized zone was characterized by Zoysia macrostachya, Lathyrus japonicus and Cynodon dactylon and were associated soil organic matter and nitrogen contents. The spatial distribution of plants in the Goraebul coastal sand dune system may result from the interactions between the plant species and environmental heterogeneity.

Quantification of Total Mercury in Antarctic Surface Snow using ICP-SF-MS: Spatial Variation from the Coast to Dome Fuji

  • Han, Yeong-Cheol;Huh, Young-Sook;Hong, Sung-Min;Hur, Soon-Do;Motoyama, Hideaki;Fujita, Shuji;Nakazawa, Fumio;Fukui, Kotaro
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.4258-4264
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    • 2011
  • The total mercury concentration ($Hg_T$) of surface snow samples collected along a ~1500 km transect in east Queen Maud Land was determined using inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry to address the behavior of Hg on the Antarctic Plateau. Due to the volatile nature of mercury, measures were taken against Hg loss from standard solutions by choosing appropriate container material and stabilizing agents. Glass bottles with Teflon-lined caps were superior to Teflon and polyethylene containers in protecting against Hg loss, but addition of gold chloride ($AuCl_3$) or bromine chloride (BrCl) was necessary to ensure preservation of Hg. As Hg loss was also observed in snowmelt samples, our analysis may underestimate the actual amount of HgT in the snow. Even so, the measured HgT was still very low (< 0.4-10.8 pg $g^{-1}$, n = 44) without a signal of depositional enhancement accompanying photo-oxidation of atmospheric elemental mercury in austral midsummer. Moreover, the dynamic variation along the traverse implies spatial and temporal heterogeneity in its source processes.

Impacts of Surface Roughness Integration Using Remote Sensing Data: Concentration of Flood Flow Variation (원격탐사자료를 활용한 지표면 조도계수 통합의 영향: 홍수유출 변화를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Shin-Uk;Rieu, Seung-Yup;Lee, Kil-Ha;Hwang, Man-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.2 s.40
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2007
  • A physical-based aggregation method was suggested to estimate surface roughness, which adequately represents the spatial heterogeneity of vegetation factors, from land cover property obtained from the remote sensing data. For the sensitivity analysis of surface roughness, the peak flow, peak time, and total volume were simulated by the NWS-PC. Effects of surface roughness estimated by three different integration methods (predominant, arithmetic mean, and aggregation approach) on the conceptual rainfall-runoff model parameters was analyzed. In the preliminary sensitivity test to surface roughness, the peak time had 10% variation and total volume had 2% variation. The peak time increased with surface roughness. A physical-based aggregation method was better than the existing method in the Soyanggang Dam basin for the results of STDEV, RMSE, NSE, and PME, but difference between them were small. The parameters related on the total baseflow were changed significantly with change of the surface roughness.

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Deprivation and Mortality at the Town Level in Busan, Korea: An Ecological Study

  • Choi, Min-Hyeok;Cheong, Kyu-Seok;Cho, Byung-Mann;Hwang, In-Kyung;Kim, Chang-Hun;Kim, Myoung-Hee;Hwang, Seung-Sik;Lim, Jeong-Hun;Yoon, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.242-248
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: Busan is reported to have the highest mortality rate among 16 provinces in Korea, as well as considerable health inequality across its districts. This study sought to examine overall and cause-specific mortality and deprivation at the town level in Busan, thereby identifying towns and causes of deaths to be targeted for improving overall health and alleviating health inequality. Methods: Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) for all-cause and four specific leading causes of death were calculated at the town level in Busan for the years 2005 through 2008. To construct a deprivation index, principal components and factor analysis were adopted, using 10% sample data from the 2005 census. Geographic information system (GIS) mapping techniques were applied to compare spatial distributions between the deprivation index and SMRs. We fitted the Gaussian conditional autoregressive model (CAR) to estimate the relative risks of mortality by deprivation level, controlling for both the heterogeneity effect and spatial autocorrelation. Results: The SMRs of towns in Busan averaged 100.3, ranging from 70.7 to 139.8. In old inner cities and towns reclaimed for replaced households, the deprivation index and SMRs were relatively high. CAR modeling showed that gaps in SMRs for heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and physical injury were particularly high. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that more deprived towns are likely to have higher mortality, in particular from cardiovascular disease and physical injury. To improve overall health status and address health inequality, such deprived towns should be targeted.

Induced Polarization Surveys of Contaminants and Introduction to Case Studies (오염원에 대한 유도분극탐사 반응 및 사례 소개)

  • Kim, Bitnarae;Caesary, Desy;Yu, Huieun;Cho, AHyun;Song, Seo Young;Cho, Sung Oh;Joung, Inseok;Nam, Myung Jin
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.25 no.2_spc
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    • pp.86-100
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    • 2020
  • Analyzing and monitoring environmental contaminants based on geophysical exploration techniques have become important and it is now widely applied to delineate spatial distribution geophysical characteristics in wide area. Among the techniques, induced polarization (IP) method, which measures polarization effects on electrical potential distribution, has drawn much attention as an effective tool for environmental monitoring since IP is sensitive to changes in biochemical reactions. However, various reactions stemming from the presence of multiple contaminants have greatly enhanced heterogeneity of polluted sites to result in highly variable electrical characteristics of the site. Those contaminants influence chemical and physical state of soil and groundwater to alter electrical double layer, which in turn influences polarization of the media. Since biochemical reactions between microbes and contaminants result in various IP effects, IP laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate IP responses of the contaminated soil samples under various conditions. Field IP surveys can delineate the spatial distribution of contamination, while providing additional information about electrical properties of a target medium, together with DC resistivity. Reviewing IP effects of contaminants as well as IP surveys can serve as a good starting point for the application of IP survey in site assessment for environmental remediation.

Responses of an herbaceous community to wild boar (Sus scrofa coreanus Heude) disturbance in a Quercus mongolica forest at Mt. Jeombong, Korea

  • Lyang, Doo-Yong;Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2010
  • This research identified a disturbance regime caused by wild boar in a mature Quercus mongolica forest and analyzed the impact of this disturbance on the structure and distribution of herbaceous plants in Mt. Jeombong, Korea. We demonstrate that disturbance by wild boar was most frequent from winter to early spring, but also occurred year round. Areas which were frequently disturbed by wild boar included the mountain ridge, the mild slope on the north face, and sites with high concentration of Erythronium japonicum. The disturbance cycle by the wild boar in this region was estimated at approximately 2.8 years. The wild boar's reduced the community's species diversity and herbaceous coverage, and increased its evenness. This disturbance reduced the coverage of spring ephemeral; Veratrum nigrum var. ussuriense, Symplocarpus niponnicus, Anemone koraiensis and Corydalis turtschaninovii were particularly sensitive. In addition, summer green herbaceous plants such as Astilbe chinensis, Ainsliaea acerifolia, Meehania urticifolia, and Pimpinella brachycarpa were sensitive to the wild boar's. It was found that wild boar ate E. japonicum most selectively of all plants in this investigation area. In conclusion, together with micro-topography, wind, formation of gaps of a forest and rearrangement of litter layer, wild boar's disturbance is an important factor influencing the dynamic changes of an herbaceous community in a mature temperate hardwood forest.

Life World and Experiences of Spaces of Urban Elderly in Korea (도시노인의 여가공간과 생활세계)

  • Han, Gyoung-Hae;Yoon, Sung-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 2009
  • Increased consensus among gerontologists exist on the need to pay greater attention to the reciprocal relationship between the social and spatial in order to understand the construction of aged identity and everyday lives of old people. With urbanization, spaces are increasingly age-graded and as a consequence, urban elders are socially isolated from the community. In this study, we examine the social interaction patterns in various places specifically designated for the elderly, such as the Senior Center, Senior Welfare Center, and Hall for the Aged in Seoul. Main purpose of this study is to understand everyday life experiences of space the elderly people residing in the city go through. Data were gathered through qualitative, case study method. Results show that such spaces were important sites for social interaction for urban elderly who lacked social spaces after retirement and active parenting role. Also, it was shown that each place presents different contexts for social interactions and certain components of social class differences existed. Heterogeneity within the participants of each place was also observed. Quite strong stereotypes about certain places were also observed among the urban elders. Based on these results, importance of developing a 'community perspective' in the study of old age is discussed.

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Dosimetric Impact of Ti Mesh on Proton Beam Therapy

  • Cho, Shinhaeng;Goh, Youngmoon;Kim, Chankyu;Kim, Haksoo;Jeong, Jong Hwi;Lim, Young Kyung;Lee, Se Byeong;Shin, Dongho
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.144-148
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    • 2017
  • When a high density metallic implant is placed in the path of the proton beam, spatial heterogeneity can be caused due to artifacts in three dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) scans. These artifacts result in range uncertainty in dose calculation in treatment planning system (TPS). And this uncertainty may cause significant underdosing to the target volume or overdosing to normal tissue beyond the target. In clinical cases, metal implants must be placed in the beam path in order to preserve organ at risk (OARs) and increase target coverage for tumors. So we should introduce Ti-mesh. In this paper, we measured the lateral dose profile for proton beam using an EBT3 film to confirm dosimetric impact of Ti-mesh when the Ti-mesh plate was placed in the proton beam pathway. The effect of Ti-mesh on the proton beam was investigated by comparing the lateral dose profile calculated from TPS with the film-measured value under the same conditions.

On the Spatial and Temporal Variability of L-band Polarimetric SAR Observations of Permafrost Environment in Central Yakutia

  • Park, Sang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2017
  • The permafrost active layer plays an important role in permafrost dynamics. Ecological patterns, processes, and water and ice contents in the active layer are spatially and temporally complex depending on landscape heterogeneity and local-scale variations in hydrological processes. Although there has been emerging interest in the application of optical remote sensing techniques to permafrost environments, optical sensors are significantly limited in accessing information on near surface geo-cryological conditions. The primary objective of this study was to investigate capability of L-band SAR data for monitoring spatio-temporal variability of permafrost ecosystems and underlying soil conditions. This study exploits information from different polarimetric SAR observables in relation to permafrost environmental conditions. Experimental results show that each polarimetric radar observable conveys different information on permafrost environments. In the case of the dual-pol mode, the radar observables consist of two backscattering powers and one correlation coefficient between polarimetric channels. Among them, the dual-pol scattering powers are highly sensitive to freeze/thaw transition and can discriminate grasslands or ponds in thermokarst area from other permafrost ecosystems. However, it is difficult to identify the ground conditions with dual-pol observables. Additional backscattering powers and correlation coefficients obtained from quad-pol mode help understanding seasonal variations ofradar scattering and assessing geo-cryological information on soil layers. In particular, co-pol coherences atHV-basis and circular-basis were found to be very usefultools for mapping and monitoring near surface soil properties.

Reproduction Strategies of Clonal Plants of Potentilla conferta in Uzbekistan and Mongol

  • Huh, Man-Kyu;Lee, Byeong-Ryong
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.1297-1305
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    • 2012
  • Clonal plants combine sexual and clonal reproduction, which contribute differently to plant fitness. Reproductive analyses have highlighted the importance of clonal growth in shaping the spatial genetic structure in Potentilla conferta Bunge, a herbaceous rhizomatic clonal distributed in hot sand dunes. We investigated the reproduction system of P. conferta at two populations in Mongol and three natural populations in Uzbekistan. The measurements of 19 quantitative or qualitative morphological characters were taken on each of total individuals directly from their natural habitats. Some morphological characteristics between Mongolia and Uzbekistan populations showed a slight heterogeneity of variance. Especially, the length of internodes (LFI and LSI) and characteristics of root (LLR and NOR) were shown a significant difference between two countries (P<0.05). P. conferta of Uzbekistan has most ramets at short distance intervals 30~100 cm. In light conditions, P. conferta of Uzbekistan was significantly less resilience than P. conferta of Mogol. In drought conditions, although there was not shown significant difference, P. conferta in Uzbekistan was less resilience than that in Mogol. The core analysis indicates that P. conferta in Uzbekistan is the more resistant than that of Mongol and seems to do by sexual reproduction strategy during several strong environmental disadvantages such as drought events.