• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Control

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Application and Effects of VR-Based Biology Class Reflecting Characteristics of Virtual Reality (가상현실 특성을 반영한 VR 프로그램 기반 수업 적용 및 효과)

  • Choi, Seop;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.203-216
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of a VR(virtual reality)-based biology class on both the cognitive and affective domains by developing and applying a VR-based biology program for 6th-grade elementary school students. For this research, we developed a VR teaching material about 'digestion' reflecting virtual reality characteristics and one hundred five students in an elementary school in an urban area participated in this study and took three VR-based lessons. To examine the cognitive effects of a VR-based biology class, the study subjects were divided into two groups. The experimental group was composed of 50 individuals who participated in VR-based biology lessons, while 55 students of a control group learned through general lessons. We collected data using drawing tasks for measuring students' modeling performance level from these groups and analyzed the cognitive effect of VR-based instruction. We also recorded 21 interviews of students after the intervention, which were transcribed to verify the students' perception of cognitive and affective effects. The key results are as follows: First, we demonstrated the possibility of applying a VR program reflecting VR characteristics (manipulation, multi-sensory, and interaction). Second, we found out that a VR-based biology class significantly enhances higher levels of thinking (spatial, abstract, and reflective thinking). Third, we examined students' perceptions on this program and came to the conclusion that VR characteristics positively affected cognitive and affective domains. This study may be able to contribute to offering guidelines on how to apply VR-programs to future science education effectively.

Expression of Membrane Fusion Related Genes in Mouse Ovary (마우스 난소에서 막융합 관련 유전자의 발현)

  • Jung, Bok-Hae;Sung, Hyun-Ho;Park, Chang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2016
  • Granulosa cells surround the oocyte within the ovarian follicle and play an essential role in creating conditions required for oocyte as well as follicular development. The current study was conducted to examine the gene expression profile of mouse ovaries during the primordial to primary follicle transition process. Total RNAs from mouse ovaries on day 5 and day 12 were synthesized cDNA using annealing control primers. The DEGs were cloned and their identities were analyzed by BLAST search. The Plekha5 and Anxa11 were highly expressed in primary follicle stage. By contrast, their expression was increased in granulosa cells at the primary follicle stage. We have successfully discovered a list of genes expressed in day 5 and day 12 ovaries and confirmed that some of them are differentially expressed in PMF and/or PRI. This is a spatial-temporal regulatory mechanism on the ovarian folliculogenesis through membrane fusion. The gene expression profile from the current study would provide insight for future study on the mechanism(s) involved in primordial-primary follicular transition. This will provide information for identification of the mechanism of ovarian dysfunction.

Spatiotemporal Trends of Malaria in Relation to Economic Development and Cross-Border Movement along the China-Myanmar Border in Yunnan Province

  • Zhao, Xiaotao;Thanapongtharm, Weerapong;Lawawirojwong, Siam;Wei, Chun;Tang, Yerong;Zhou, Yaowu;Sun, Xiaodong;Sattabongkot, Jestumon;Kaewkungwal, Jaranit
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2020
  • The heterogeneity and complexity of malaria involves political and natural environments, socioeconomic development, cross-border movement, and vector biology; factors that cannot be changed in a short time. This study aimed to assess the impact of economic growth and cross-border movement, toward elimination of malaria in Yunnan Province during its pre-elimination phase. Malaria data during 2011-2016 were extracted from 18 counties of Yunnan and from 7 villages, 11 displaced person camps of the Kachin Special Region II of Myanmar. Data of per-capita gross domestic product (GDP) were obtained from Yunnan Bureau of Statistics. Data were analyzed and mapped to determine spatiotemporal heterogeneity at county and village levels. There were a total 2,117 malaria cases with 85.2% imported cases; most imported cases came from Myanmar (78.5%). Along the demarcation line, malaria incidence rates in villages/camps in Myanmar were significantly higher than those of the neighboring villages in China. The spatial and temporal trends suggested that increasing per-capita GDP may have an indirect effect on the reduction of malaria cases when observed at macro level; however, malaria persists owing to complex, multi-faceted factors including poverty at individual level and cross-border movement of the workforce. In moving toward malaria elimination, despite economic growth, cooperative efforts with neighboring countries are critical to interrupt local transmission and prevent reintroduction of malaria via imported cases. Cross-border workers should be educated in preventive measures through effective behavior change communication, and investment is needed in active surveillance systems and novel diagnostic and treatment services during the elimination phase.

Evaluation of SATEEC Daily R Module using Daily Rainfall (일강우를 고려한 SATEEC R 모듈 적용성 평가)

  • Woo, Wonhee;Moon, Jongpil;Kim, Nam Won;Choi, Jaewan;Kim, Ki-sung;Park, Youn Shik;Jang, Won Seok;Lim, Kyoung Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.841-849
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    • 2010
  • Soil erosion is an natural phenomenon. However accelerated soil erosion has caused many environmental problems. To reduce soil loss from a watershed, many management practices have been proposed worldwide. To develop proper and efficient soil erosion best management practices, soil erosion rates should be estimated spatially and temporarily. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and USLE-based soil erosion and sediment modelling systems have been developed and tested in many countries. The Sediment Assessment Tool for Effective Erosion Control (SATEEC) system has been developed and enhanced to provide ease-of-use interface to the USLE users. However many researchers and decision makers have requested to enhance the SATEEC system for simulation of soil erosion and sediment reflecting effects of single storm event. Thus, the SATEEC R factors were estimated based on 5 day antecedent rainfall data. The SATEEC 2.1 daily R factor was applied to the study watershed and it was found that the R2 and EI values (0.776 and 0.776 for calibration and 0.927 and 0.911 for validation) with the daily R were greater than those (0.721 and 0.720 for calibration and 0.906 and 0.881 for validation) with monthly R, which was available in the SATEEC 2.0 system. As shown in this study, the SATEEC with daily R can be used to estimate soil erosion and sediment yield at a watershed scale with higher accuracy. Thus the SATEEC with daily R can be efficiently used to develop site-specific soil erosion best management practices based on spatial and temporal analysis of soil erosion and sediment yield at a daily-time step, which was not possible with USLE-based soil erosion modeling system.

An Evaluation of Water Supply Reliability Using AWS Data in Korea (AWS 자료를 이용한 우리나라의 물 공급 안전도 평가)

  • Moon, Jang-Won;Choi, Si-Jung;Kang, Seong-Kyu;Lee, Jeong-Ju
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.45 no.8
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    • pp.743-753
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    • 2012
  • AWS data can be used effectively to understand the rainfall characteristics in Korea. In spite of this advantage, AWS data have been used restrictively in flood control analysis and the study on water use analysis such as water balance assessment is very insufficient. In this study, AWS data are used to analyze spatial rainfall characteristics quantitatively and water balance assessment is performed based on AWS data. Water balance assessment is carried out from year 2002 to year 2010 considering water supply networks in Korea. The analysis shows that year 2009 is the driest year during 9 years (2002~2010) and the regions with low level water supply reliability are concentrated in the west coast of Jeonnam and the upper region of the Nakdong River. As a result, the regions that have a lack of available water resources such as the coastal and insular areas are vulnerable to droughts. Therefore, regional water supply and management plans are urgently needed. Additionally, AWS data, which consider rainfall characteristics of the coastal and insular areas, can be useful in water balance assessment.

Nanomaterials Research Using Quantum Beam Technology

  • Kishimoto, Naoki;Kitazawa, Hideaki;Takeda, Yoshihiko
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.7-7
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    • 2011
  • Quantum beam technology has been expected to develop breakthroughs for nanotechnology during the third basic plan of science and technology (2006~2010). Recently, Green- or Life Innovations has taken over the national interests in the fourth basic science and technology plan (2011~2015). The NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science) has been conducting the corresponding mid-term research plans, as well as other national projects, such as nano-Green project (Global Research for Environment and Energy based on Nanomaterials science). In this lecture, the research trends in Japan and NIMS are firstly reviewed, and the typical achievements are highlighted over key nanotechnology fields. As one of the key nanotechnologies, the quantum beam research in NIMS focused on synchrotron radiation, neutron beams and ion/atom beams, having complementary attributes. The facilities used are SPring-8, nuclear reactor JRR-3, pulsed neutron source J-PARC and ion-laser-combined beams as well as excited atomic beams. Materials studied are typically fuel cell materials, superconducting/magnetic/multi-ferroic materials, quasicrystals, thermoelectric materials, precipitation-hardened steels, nanoparticle-dispersed materials. Here, we introduce a few topics of neutron scattering and ion beam nanofabrication. For neutron powder diffraction, the NIMS has developed multi-purpose pattern fitting software, post RIETAN2000. An ionic conductor, doped Pr2NiO4, which is a candidate for fuel-cell material, was analyzed by neutron powder diffraction with the software developed. The nuclear-density distribution derived revealed the two-dimensional network of the diffusion paths of oxygen ions at high temperatures. Using the high sensitivity of neutron beams for light elements, hydrogen states in a precipitation-strengthened steel were successfully evaluated. The small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) demonstrated the sensitive detection of hydrogen atoms trapped at the interfaces of nano-sized NbC. This result provides evidence for hydrogen embrittlement due to trapped hydrogen at precipitates. The ion beam technology can give novel functionality on a nano-scale and is targeting applications in plasmonics, ultra-fast optical communications, high-density recording and bio-patterning. The technologies developed are an ion-and-laser combined irradiation method for spatial control of nanoparticles, and a nano-masked ion irradiation method for patterning. Furthermore, we succeeded in implanting a wide-area nanopattern using nano-masks of anodic porous alumina. The patterning of ion implantation will be further applied for controlling protein adhesivity of biopolymers. It has thus been demonstrated that the quantum beam-based nanotechnology will lead the innovations both for nano-characterization and nano-fabrication.

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Building a Model for Estimate the Soil Organic Carbon Using Decision Tree Algorithm (의사결정나무를 이용한 토양유기탄소 추정 모델 제작)

  • Yoo, Su-Hong;Heo, Joon;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Han, Su-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2010
  • Soil organic carbon (SOC), being a help to forest formation and control of carbon dioxide in the air, is found to be an important factor by which global warming is influenced. Excavating the samples by whole area is very inefficient method to discovering the distribution of SOC. So, the development of suitable model for expecting the relative amount of the SOC makes better use of expecting the SOC. In the present study, a model based on a decision tree algorithm is introduced to estimate the amount of SOC along with accessing influencing factors such as altitude, aspect, slope and type of trees. The model was applied to a real site and validated by 10-fold cross validation using two softwares, See 5 and Weka. From the results given by See 5, it can be concluded that the amount of SOC in surface layers is highly related to the type of trees, while it is, in middle depth layers, dominated by both type of trees and altitude. The estimation accuracy was rated as 70.8% in surface layers and 64.7% in middle depth layers. A similar result was, in surface layers, given by Weka, but aspect was, in middle depth layers, found to be a meaningful factor along with types of trees and altitude. The estimation accuracy was rated as 68.87% and 60.65% in surface and middle depth layers. The introduced model is, from the tests, conceived to be useful to estimation of SOC amount and its application to SOC map production for wide areas.

A Study on the Spatial Structure Change of Elderly Care Facility according to Introduction of Long-Term Care Insurance (장기요양보험제도의 도입에 따른 노인요양시설의 공간구조 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sohee;Kim, Suktae
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : Long-term Care Insurance sets up facility standard and installation standard of aged care facilities and decides the presence of minimum number of rooms and its size in care facilities by using systematic instruments. Therefore, most aged care facilities had renovation in expansion and reconstruction following the revised regulations and even facility space structure and space composition are continuously improving. The study is to determine the purpose and trend by comparing before and after space composition of facilities which followed the implementation of Long-term Care Insurance and also to suggest hierarchical space composition suitable for aged care facilities through derived problems and to provide basic materials to plan the most appropriate facility for the aged. Methods : J-graph based on Space Syntax Theory will be schematized through in-site facility survey and before and after facility floor plan. Space composition trend will be analyzed by comparing indexes through S3 program. Results : As a result of 5 cases analysis, the following results were found; the average of whole space depth is increasing due to the Extension, the number of volunteers is decreasing and rooms for geriatric care helpers are being created due to the geriatric care helper introduction duty. Also, there are solariums being created to improve the health of the aged and dispensaries are being placed on every floor with the increase of documentary work for geriatric care helpers. With the policy implementation, care facility space composition and structure are changing with facility standard and it was analyzed that facilities were mostly put under the control of limited number of people in care room and total ground area per person. It was also found that there is increase in care space integration through before and after comparison of whole integration value. This is considered as the important result not only in facility standard satisfaction, but also in care support of geriatric care helpers and the aged, its main users. Implication : In order for elderly care facilities to have quality improvement and to develop as suitable facilities for characteristics of the aged, independent environmental facility standard preparation of elderly care facilities is needed through mutual cooperation of construction fields with regulation and policy related researches.

Types of Green Landscapes in a Suburban City Perceptions of Local Residents (근교도시의 녹지경관 유형에 따른 지역주민의 경관인식)

  • Son, Yong-Hoon;Yoon, Moon-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study is to classify the characteristics of green landscapes in suburban cities and identify methods for managing them. The study site is Matsudo city in the outskirts of Tokyo, Japan. All the greenery in Matsudo was categorized into different landscape patterns using spatial analysis and field surveys. Afterwards, assessments of green landscapes were conducted using questionnaire surveys and factor analyses. There are a variety of green landscapes in Matsudo, formed by a number of different reasons such as urban planning, topographical characters and socio-cultural environments. Twenty different green landscape patterns were identified in Matsudo. The survey concluded that green landscape patterns of parks and rivers in Urbanization Control Areas are more attractive than patterns of farmland or forest in residential areas. Three major factors influenced perceptions: legibility, intimacy and the locality on the landscape assessment. Urban farmland and urban forest are two characteristics of suburban cities, and these green landscapes relate to intimacy or localities in a regional image. Finally, based on the results of this study, some implications were discussed for a green master plan and green landscape management.

Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) Mapping for Evaluation of Abnormal Growth of Spring Chinese Cabbage Using Drone-based Thermal Infrared Image (봄배추 생육이상 평가를 위한 드론 열적외 영상 기반 작물 수분 스트레스 지수(CWSI) 분포도 작성)

  • Na, Sang-il;Ahn, Ho-yong;Park, Chan-won;Hong, Suk-young;So, Kyu-ho;Lee, Kyung-do
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_1
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    • pp.667-677
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    • 2020
  • Crop water stress can be detected based on soil moisture content, crop physiological characteristics and remote-sensing technology. The detection of crop water stress is an important issue for the accurate assessment of yield decline. The crop water stress index (CWSI) has been introduced based on the difference between leaf and air temperature. In this paper, drone-based thermal infrared image was used to map of crop water stress in water control plot (WCP) and water deficit plot (WDP) over spring chinese cabbage fields. The spatial distribution map of CWSI was in strong agreement with the abnormal growth response factors (plant height, plant diameter, and measured value by chlorophyll meter). From these results, CWSI can be used as a good method for evaluation of crop abnormal growth monitoring.