• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spanish colonial period

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Diverse yet Distinct: Philippine Men's Clothing in the Nineteenth Century, 1850s-1890s

  • Coo, Stephanie Marie R.
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2017
  • The changing of clothes in Balagtas' 1860 fictional comedy La filipina elegante y negrito amante (The Elegant Filipina and the Amorous Negrito) is used to explore the ethnic, cultural, and sartorial diversity in 19th century colonial Philippines. But, how does plurality in men's clothing reflect the socio-economic conditions of the late Spanish colonial period? This paper focuses on the diversity in Philippine men's clothing around 1850 to 1896, taking into account the limited range of colonial archetypes in iconographic and documentary sources. Underscoring the colonial culture that shaped mentalities and tendencies, this study offers insights on how clothing was used and how it was perceived in relation to the wearer. In discussing clothing diversity, distinctiveness was articulated using the work of J.A.B. Wiselius (1875), a Dutch colonial administrator in neighboring Indonesia, who in comparing Spanish and Dutch systems of colonial governance, underscored the Filipino penchant for imitation.

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The characteristics of Colombian liberalistic reformation and federalism in the 19th century (라틴아메리카의 자유주의와 보수주의: 19세기 콜롬비아의 자유주의 개혁의 특징과 연방제)

  • Cha, Kyung Mi
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.27
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    • pp.31-57
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    • 2012
  • The 19th century could not relatively receive attention from local researchers because it was treated as the past cut off from the present as the formative period of modern states of Latin America. According to the characteristics of area studies which focus on changes of politics and society, studies on past affairs could not have been the main focus of attention. But as new liberalism has appeared in Latin America, is throwing the spotlight on liberalism. In addition, the studies on the 19th century have been activated and gradually expanded. And interpretation about the 19th century's history has been variously arranged. Especially, discussion on liberalism and conservatism was established as the key words which can understand and reconsider Latin America in the 19th century. Colombian liberalism which could not overcome heritage of the colonial period in the 19th century and did appear advocating reformation was another form of authoritarianism. Reformation promoted by liberalism was utilized to keep privilege of the ruling class, not to remove the social and economic structure derived from the colonial period. New reformist forces which advocated mercantilism after the middle of the 19th century but they were formed based on the existing system. Colombian Liberal Party was developed as "Another name of conservatization" by reflecting understanding of the conservatives. Colombian liberalists preferred federalism to cut off from repressive characteristics of Spanish colonial rule and secure autonomy of local control through reformation based on economic understanding. Therefore, discussion on the form of government which focused on federalism and centralism acted as the causes of conflict between Colombian liberalism and conservatism. Based on this point, this study tries to analyze liberalism reforms which is the main issue in the Colombian history in the 19th century and consider history of Colombian political conflicts focusing on federalism. The origin of Violencia which is the political violence and Colombian history in the 19th century which has been a series of rebellion can be considered through this procedure.

The Geohistorical Interpretation of Hacienda in New Spain (스페인 식민지시대 멕시코의 아시엔다 연구)

  • Hong, Keum-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.291-311
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    • 2005
  • The great estate system of the Old World crossed the Atlantic Ocean in the 1500s along with the Spanish Royal Army, mission, merchants, crops and domestic arrivals, landing at the end of the journey in the Middle and South Americas. The latifundio of Spain's Middle Age combined with the environment of the New World to be regenerated in the name of hacienda which bad became tightly roared in the countryside landscape of New Spain by fin-de-colonial period of 1820s. The haciendas were distributed mainly over the central part of the present-dey Mexico, and the presence of water and towns determined the specific location of the large landed estates. Depending on the activities performed, the hacienda can be divided into several types such as grain hacienda, livestock hacienda, mining hacienda, henequen hacienda, and so forth. Consisting of landlords, estate managers and waged labor called peons, the hacienda as a semi-autarkic settlement played various roles as the home of church, the agrarian center and the hearth of cultural diffusion, as well as dwelling. Toward the end of the colonial period the hacienda experienced internal transformations driven by capitalism.

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A look at the sociopolitical characteristics of Late Postclassical Maya, focused on "Village Council" - analyzed on early colonial historic sources. (마야 후고전기 말기 정치사회권력의 특징: '마을위원회' -식민지초기 사료를 중심으로)

  • Song, Young Bok
    • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.223-240
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    • 2010
  • In this article I would like to propose the characteristics of "Village Council(Consejo del Pueblo)" as a sociopolitical device and institution, which maintains and encompasses all aspects of governance in a decentralized authority. A brief definition of Village Council is a "select group of people from the same village who are in charge of deciding the most important affairs of the village". The Village Council took charge of the most fundamental aspects of prehispanic Mayan society, most significantly, during the Late Postclassical era. The members of this council were respected people from the village, but not necessarily the people who held high positions within the hierarchical structure of Mayan society. It is likely that they were selected by the public in a direct way. This is the most essential bureaucratic institution in terms of the control of the political and socioeconomical affairs. The important decisions regarding legislation, the governance and jurisdiction of the village were entrusted to the council. Especially, the Village Council was responsible for monitoring and punishing the abuses of village governors. The majority of the members of the council were elders, consequently, the council was a political institution, more powerful than the governorships. The "Multepal" of Yucatán, could be an example of the Village Council during the late postclassic period.