• Title/Summary/Keyword: Space Images

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A Study on V.M.D(Visual Merchandising Design) Environment of Mobile Telecommunication Company Store (이동통신 회사 매장의 V.M.D(Visual Merchandising Design) 환경에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1589-1594
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    • 2013
  • V.M.D(Visual Merchandising Design) covers every space, environment, and visually stimulating factor. This includes not only the architectural appearance but interior, graphic sign boards, window display, layout, store appliances, lighting, and even the looks and service attitude that sales employees have and show to customers. V.M.D aims to display merchandise in multiple ways; to heighten brand images; to steadily lure many customers to the store. One of the characteristics that V.M.D has is, that this abandons the previous design concept which solely puts stress on luxurious interior-focused display; that this displays merchandise in a rational and systemic way and induces customers to buy products. In this regard, the objective of this study is to study brand perception and effect of V.M.D displayed in the stores, on customers, and thereby to present the concepts of V.M.D, suitable for display in the stores, which can be used continuously in the future.

A Study on Children's Book Selection Behavior (어린이 독자의 도서선택에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.417-437
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study was to understand how children age 10-13 select books in libraries and to identify their attitudes toward reading itself and library as a space for reading. The study was conducted within the framework of a qualitative study, and the data was collected from 32 children who visited urban public libraries in Seoul during the summer of 2010 through individual interviews. The data collected were analyzed with QSR NVivo9. The results show that (1) children seem to consider libraries as reading places, (2) children seem to understand that reading is an activity conducive to their learning, (3) children themselves selected their books for reading, (4) children used browsing and keyword searching to find the books they like to read, (5) children mentioned the importance of "their interests" and "appropriateness" in selecting books, and (6) there were a variety of factors affecting children's book selection; titles, cover images and illustrations, accessibility of books, genres and subject areas, treatment, favorite authors and books, and publishers.

Feasibility on Generating Topographic Map Using KOMPSAT (다목적 실용위성(KOMPSAT)을 이용한 지형도 제작의 가능성 분석)

  • 조우석
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.281-289
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    • 1998
  • Korea is developing a Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite I (KOMPSAT-1) as one of Korea National Space Program, which will be launched in 1999. The EOC (Electro-Optical Camera) is the primary payload for KOMP-SAT-1. The main mission of EOC is to provide the images for the production of scale maps of Korean territory. This research is focused on methodology and possibility for the production of topographic maps using EOC sensor. Since the imagery from EOC is not yet available, SPOT Level 1A image data which are quite similar to those of EOC, and Intergraph Imagestation (Digital Photogrammetric Workstation) are implemented in the process of sample digital map generation. The sample digital maps generated from SPOT stereoimages were compared and analyzed with the existing 1:50,000 scale digital map produced by National Geography Institute. The feasibility and problem encountered in 1:50,000 scale digital mapping using SPOT stereoimages were presented. Based on results, the feasibility and further research areas for KOMPSAT-EOC in the line of 1:25,000 and 1;50,000 digital mapping were discussed.

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Development of 2D Tight-fitting Pattern from 3D Scan Data (3D 스캔 데이터를 활용한 밀착 패턴원형 개발)

  • Jeong, Yeon-Hee;Hong, Kyung-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.1 s.149
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2006
  • The human body, which is composed of concave and convex curvatures, makes it difficult to transfer into 2D patterns directly from 3D data. In previous studies. Jeong, et al.(2004) suggested the block method was fester and easier when dealing with the triangular patches of male's upper dress form. Although the block method is useful to make a pattern, the information(area, length, etc.) from a 2D pattern would be different depending on the direction of the block method. As a result horizontal and diagonal block methods were suggested as optimal methods for 2D tight-fitting patterns. These block methods were closer to the original area of the 3D scan data than the vertical block method. The total area of the 2D pattern obtained by the horizontal and diagonal block methods showed little differences. In case of the horizontal and diagonal block methods, the total error of the 2D pattern area ranged from $0.01\%\~0.25\%$. In comparing the length of the 2D pattern with that of the 3D scan data, the obtained 2D pattern was $0.1\~0.2cm$ shorter than the 3D scan data, which was within the acceptable range of errors in making clothes. 3D space distribution images between the body surface and the experimental clothing were also measured and $3\%$ enlargement of the original pattern was verified as the adequate adjustment.

Charactor Image Retrieval Using Color and Shape Information (컬러와 모양 정보를 이용한 캐릭터 이미지 검색)

  • 이동호;유광석;김회율
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we propose a new composite feature consists of both color and shape information that are suitable for the task of character image retrieval. This approach extracts shape-based information using Zernike moments from Y image in YCbCr color space. Zernike moments can extract shape-based features that are invariant to rotation, translation, and scaling. We also extract color-based information from the DCT coefficients of Cr and Cb image. This approach is good method reflecting human visual property and is suitable for web application such as large image database system and animation because higher retrieval rate has been achieved using only 36 features. In experiment, this method is applied to 3,834 character images. We confirmed that this approach brought about excellent effect by ANMRR(Average of Normalized, Modified Retrieval Rank), which is used in the evaluation measure of MPEG-7 color descriptor and BEP(Bull's Eye Performance), which is used in evaluation measure of shape descriptor in character image retrieval.

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A Virtual 3D Interface System for the Remote Control of Robot Agent (로봇 에이전트의 원격 제어를 위한 가상 3D 인터페이스 시스템)

  • 안현식
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2001
  • Recently there are lots of concerning on robot agent system working for itself with the trends of the research of bio-mimetic system and intelligent Therefore it is necessary to develop more humanized interface system from communicating with the robot agent. In this paper a virtual 3D interface system is proposed based on Internet for remote controlling and monitoring of robot agent. The proposed system is constructed as manager-agent model and a man can order a job at the 3D virtual interface environment of the manager located remotely Then the robot agent detects a 3D profile data from a range finder automatically and the robot moves the object to the new position in real space. The proposed system supports a advanced interface displaying virtual 3D graphics and real moving images and which makes it possible one to manage the robot agent more conveniently.

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Comparison of accuracy between panoramic radiography, cone-beam computed tomography, and ultrasonography in detection of foreign bodies in the maxillofacial region: an in vitro study

  • Abdinian, Mehrdad;Aminian, Maedeh;Seyyedkhamesi, Samad
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.18-24
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: Foreign bodies (FBs) account for 3.8% of all pathologies of the head and neck region, and approximately one third of them are missed on initial examination. Thus, FBs represent diagnostic challenges to maxillofacial surgeons, rendering it necessary to employ an appropriate imaging modality in suspected cases. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, five different materials, including wood, metal, glass, tooth and stone, were prepared in three sizes (0.5, 1, and 2 mm) and placed in three locations (soft tissue, air-filled space and bone surface) within a sheep's head (one day after death) and scanned by panoramic radiography, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and ultrasonography (US) devices. The images were reviewed, and accuracy of the detection modalities was recorded. The data were analyzed statistically using the Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U-test, Friedman, Wilcoxon signed-rank and kappa tests (P<0.05). Results: CBCT was more accurate in detection of FBs than panoramic radiography and US (P<0.001). Metal was the most visible FB in all of modalities. US was the most accurate technique for detecting wooden materials, and CBCT was the best modality for detecting all other materials, regardless of size or location (P<0.05). The detection accuracy of US was greater in soft tissue, while both CBCT and panoramic radiography had minimal accuracy in detection of FBs in soft tissue. Conclusion: CBCT was the most accurate detection modality for all the sizes, locations and compositions of FBs, except for the wooden materials. Therefore, we recommend CBCT as the gold standard of imaging for detecting FBs in the maxillofacial region.

Photogrammetry 기법을 활용한 MSC 설치면의 정밀 측정

  • Woo, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Hong-Bae;Moon, Sang-Mu;Im, Jong-Min
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2004
  • Photogrammetry, as its name implies, is a 3-dimensional coordinate measuring technique that uses photographs as the fundamental medium for metrology. In the last few years the accuracy of photogrammetry has increased dramatically thanks to the rapid advance of digital camera manufacturing technique. This paper discusses photogrammetric measurement of the interface surface of MSC(Multi-Spectral Camera), which is a main payload of KOMPSAT-2. Total 24 paper targets on the objective surfaces and two scale bars calibrated with high accuracy were used for measurement, and multiple images were taken from 11 different camera angles by using a spacecraft rotation dolly. As a result of analysis, 3D coordinates of each targeted point were obtained and the flatness value based on the selected reference plane was calculated and compared with the pre-determined requirement. The technique acquired by this study is expected to be used for the 3D precise measurement of ultra-light weight and inflatable space structures such as a satellite antenna and a solar array.

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Ensemble Downscaling of Soil Moisture Data Using BMA and ATPRK

  • Youn, Youjeong;Kim, Kwangjin;Chung, Chu-Yong;Park, No-Wook;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.587-607
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    • 2020
  • Soil moisture is essential information for meteorological and hydrological analyses. To date, many efforts have been made to achieve the two goals for soil moisture data, i.e., the improvement of accuracy and resolution, which is very challenging. We presented an ensemble downscaling method for quality improvement of gridded soil moisture data in terms of the accuracy and the spatial resolution by the integration of BMA (Bayesian model averaging) and ATPRK (area-to-point regression kriging). In the experiments, the BMA ensemble showed a 22% better accuracy than the data sets from ESA CCI (European Space Agency-Climate Change Initiative), ERA5 (ECMWF Reanalysis 5), and GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) in terms of RMSE (root mean square error). Also, the ATPRK downscaling could enhance the spatial resolution from 0.25° to 0.05° while preserving the improved accuracy and the spatial pattern of the BMA ensemble, without under- or over-estimation. The quality-improved data sets can contribute to a variety of local and regional applications related to soil moisture, such as agriculture, forest, hydrology, and meteorology. Because the ensemble downscaling method can be applied to the other land surface variables such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, and evapotranspiration, it can be a viable option to complement the accuracy and the spatial resolution of satellite images and numerical models.

Comparison between Possibilistic c-Means (PCM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Classification Algorithms in Land use/ Land cover Classification

  • Ganbold, Ganchimeg;Chasia, Stanley
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2017
  • There are several statistical classification algorithms available for land use/land cover classification. However, each has a certain bias or compromise. Some methods like the parallel piped approach in supervised classification, cannot classify continuous regions within a feature. On the other hand, while unsupervised classification method takes maximum advantage of spectral variability in an image, the maximally separable clusters in spectral space may not do much for our perception of important classes in a given study area. In this research, the output of an ANN algorithm was compared with the Possibilistic c-Means an improvement of the fuzzy c-Means on both moderate resolutions Landsat8 and a high resolution Formosat 2 images. The Formosat 2 image comes with an 8m spectral resolution on the multispectral data. This multispectral image data was resampled to 10m in order to maintain a uniform ratio of 1:3 against Landsat 8 image. Six classes were chosen for analysis including: Dense forest, eucalyptus, water, grassland, wheat and riverine sand. Using a standard false color composite (FCC), the six features reflected differently in the infrared region with wheat producing the brightest pixel values. Signature collection per class was therefore easily obtained for all classifications. The output of both ANN and FCM, were analyzed separately for accuracy and an error matrix generated to assess the quality and accuracy of the classification algorithms. When you compare the results of the two methods on a per-class-basis, ANN had a crisper output compared to PCM which yielded clusters with pixels especially on the moderate resolution Landsat 8 imagery.