• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soluble heavy metals

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A Study on the Heavy Metal Contents of Soil and Rice in the Kum River Basin (금강유역 논토양과 현미의 중금속 함량에 관한 연군)

  • Kim, Young-Oh;Yoo, Hyung-Yul;Lee, Jae-Hyung;Ki, No-Suk;Hwang, In-Dam
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.21 no.2 s.24
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    • pp.320-328
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to investigate the heavy metal contents and their correlationship between paddy soil and brown rice near the Kum-River area. In this study, eighty soil samples and forty brown rice samples were taken from the paddy soil. The contents of heavy metals were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results were as follows: 1. The average contents of soluble heavy metals in surface soil were Cd 0.19, Cu 15.31, Zn 18.10 and Pb 9.08 ppm. The average contents of soluble heavy metals in subsurface soil were Cd 0.19, Cu 14.52, Zn 17.75 and Pb 8.11 ppm. There was no statistically significant difference between the two layers. 2. The contens of Cu, Zn and Pb of Taejeon(S6) and Cd of Sinbyung(S5) in surface soil were higher than those of other areas. The contents of Cd and Cu of Taejeon(S6) and Zn and Pb of Kumnam(S3) in brown rice were higher than those of other areas and four heavy metals in soil and brown rice of Simchon(S7) were lower than those of other areas. 3. The ratio of soluble contents(Cd:Cu:Zn:Pb) in surface soil was 1:79:93:47, that of soluble contents in subsurface soil was 1:76:94:43, and that of total contents in brown rice was 1:84:294:12. 4. The correlationship of the content between soluble heavy metals in surface(0-15 cm depth) soil total heavy metals in brown rice was found to be order of Cd>Cu>Zn>Pb. The correlationship of the content between soluble heavy metals in subsurface(20-30 cm depth) soil and total heavy metals in brownricewasfoundtobeorderofcu>Cd>Zn>Pb.

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Removal of Fine Suspended Solids and Soluble Heavy Metals in H Mine Drainage using Settling and Filtering : Field Application (침전 및 여과를 통한 H 광산배수 내 미세부유물질 및 용해성 중금속의 제거 : 현장실험을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Minah;Kim, WonKi;Oh, Seungjin;Kim, DukMin;Lee, SangHoon;Lee, Jai-Young
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.54-62
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    • 2013
  • Fine suspended solids and soluble heavy metals generated from mine drainage could destroy environment as the aesthetic landscapes, and depreciate water quality. Therefore, this research is focused on process development applied the actual field for controlling fine suspended solids and heavy metals, and so that bench-scale tests were performed for field application based on advanced researches. The field of mine drainage in this research was in H mine located Taebaek-si, Gangwon-do. The inclination plates were mounted 2 kinds of arrangement (octagon and radial types) in circle type settling basin. The inclination plates could be helped to settle of suspended solids; decreased 34% of suspended solids and 50% of turbidity in effluent. Radial type of inclination plates showed the results that is more efficient to settle of suspended solids (average to 3.45 mg/L) compared to octagon type. In the experiments to decrease retention time of mine drainage in settling basin from 6 hrs to 1.5 hrs, suspended solid concentration was exceeded to 30 mg/L as the standard for suspended solid at 10 days after the operation under tha retention time of 3hrs and 1.5hrs. In the tests for filtration, granular activated carbons were indicated the better effective to filtering and absorption of fine suspended solid and soluble heavy metals than anthracite.

Chemical Properties in the Soils of Reclaimed and Natural Tidelands of Southwest Coastal Area of Korea (I) - Distribution of Heavy Metal Fractions - (우리나라 서남해안 간척지 및 간석지 토양의 화학적 특성 (I) - 중금속 오염물질의 형태별 함량 분포 -)

  • Cho, Jae-Young;Koo, Ja-Woong;Son, Jae-Gwon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2006
  • The chemical fractions of heavy metals were investigated in the soils of reclaimed and natural tidelands of southwest coastal area of Korea. The distribution pattern of each heavy metal in different fractions was in the order: 1) Cu : organic bound > organic complex > residual > exchangeable = water soluble. 2) Cr : residual > organic bound > organic complex > water soluble > exchangeable. 3) Pb : organic bound > residual > organic complex > water soluble > exchangeable. 4) Cd residual > organic bound > organic complex > water soluble = exchangeable. 5) Zn : organic bound > residual > organic complex > water soluble > exchangeable. The content of residual Zn showed positive correlation with organic matter content but organic bound Zn showed negative correlation with CEC. The content of residual and exchangeable Cd showed highly positive correlation with organic matter content but residual, organic bound, and exchangeable Cd showed negative correlations with CEC. Water soluble Pb showed positive correlation with CEC but organic bound Pb showed negative correlation with CEC.

A Study on the Contents of Soluble Sulfur and Heavy Metals in the Leaves of the Roadside Tree in Seoul Area (서울시내 가로수목의 수용성유황 및 중금속 함량에 관한 연구)

  • 김면섭;이광국
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to measure the contents of soluble sulfur and heavy metals in the leaves of roadside tree at 34 sampling sites of Seoul area from the Sep. 1 to Sep. 30 during 1985 and 1986. The results were as follows; 1. Average contents of soluble sulfur at all sampling sites were; Plantanus orientalis 0.474%, Ginkgobioloba 0.562%, and Salix pseudolasiogyne 0.566%. 2. Correlation between sulfur dioxide concentration in the air and soluble sulfur in the leaves by area were; Green belt area R = 0.985, Residential area R = 0.856, Commercial area R = 0.668, Industrial area R = 0.886. Correlation by species were ; Platanus orientalis R = 0.817, Ginkgobiloba R = 0.771, Salix pseudo-lasiogyne R = 0.824. 3. Correlation between $SO_X$ concentration in the air and sulfur contents in the leaves showed positive significance. 4. Contents of soluble sulfur in the heavy traffic area were higher than that of light traffic area. 5. Heavy metal contents of 1986 were higher than that of 1985; Fe> Mn > Zn > Pb > Cu > Cd > Cr. 6. Lead contents in the leaves of 1986 were; Platanus orientalis 16, 701 ppm, Gingobiloba 21,729ppm, Salix Pseudo-lasiogyne 12.418 ppm.

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Sequential Fractionation of Heavy metals from Mine Tailings and Two Series of Agricultural Soils (광미장과 두개의 농업토양통 토양으로 부터의 중금속의 연속 분획)

  • Chung, Doug-Young;Lee, Do-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 1999
  • In order to investigate the contamination characteristics of the heavy metals in the mine tailings of abandoned gold mine and its surrounding agricultural soils, a sequential extraction procedure of increasing reactivity in the dissolution processes of the heavy metals(Cd, Cu, and Pb) which were associated with solid and/or solution phase in soils was attempted to partition into six particulate fractions : exchangeable, bound to carbonate, bound to Fe-Mn oxides, bound to organic matter, residual, and soluble. Among indigenous heavy metals in the mine tailings, Pb was the most abundant and Cu and Cd were followed by. Fractionation result of Pb obtained from the triplicate samples of the mine tailings were in the order of Fe-Mn oxide> Carbonate> Residual> Organic> Exchangeable> Soluble, while Wolgok series were Exchangeable > Fe-Mn oxide > Carbonate> Organic> Residual> Soluable. However the other heavy metals studied were not followed this trend. The fractionation results of mine tailing and agricultural soils demonstrated that different geochemical fractions were operationally defined by an extraction sequence that generally followed the order of decreasing solubility. Therefore potential mobility and bioavailability of heavy metals as toxic pollution sources can be evaluated when studying the pollution levels of heavy metals in soils.

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Examining the Interrelation of Total, Soluble, and Bioavailable Metals in the Sediments of Urban Artificial Lakes (도심인공호 퇴적물의 총중금속, 용존중금속, 생물이용성 중금속의 연관성 규명)

  • Baek, Yong-Wook;An, Youn-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2008
  • Total metals, soluble metals, and bioavailable metals were monitored at the sediments of urban lakes located in Seoul, Korea during spring season 2006. The metals measured were zinc, arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, and cadmium, which are known to be toxic to human health and ecosystems. The main sources of heavy metals in the lakes were urban runoff and atmospheric deposition associated with air pollution in urban areas. Extraction by using a weak electrolyte solution (0.1 M $Ca(NO_3)_2$) was used to predict bioavailability of the metals. Among the six heavy metals studied, copper was the most bioavailable, based the weak electrolyte extraction techniques. Since metal toxicity is related to metal bioavailability, the results were consistent with the high ecotoxicity of copper, compared to other heavy metals. Overall results suggest that there was no direct relationship between total and bioavailable metal concentration, although zinc, copper and cadmium show some relationships.

Extractable Heavy Metals in Phosphogypsum

  • Chung, Jong-Bae;Cho, Hyun-Jong;Jin, Sun-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2002
  • In addition to supplying the essential elements, Ca and S, phosphogypsum can have profound effect on both the physical and chemical properties of certain soils. However, no widespread use of by-product phosphogypsum will be made unless such uses pose no threat to the public health and soil contamination. In this study, the extractability of As, Cd, Cu, and Pb with water and DTPA solution from phosphogypsum samples of pH 3, 5, and 7 were investigated to estimate the availability of those metals. Contents of water extractable metals in ohosphogypsum were less than 5 mg/kg for all the heavy metals investigated. The extractability of metals in DTPA solution was not quite different but a little higher in comparison to the water extraction. And the extractability was decreased as the pH of phosphogypsum increased. In the phosphogypsum of pH 7, amounts of water extractable metals were nearly zero. There was no significant difference in the amount of extractable metals during the extraction period of 5 weeks. The length of extraction time did not affect heavy metal extractability. Therefore there may be small fractions of easily soluble or extractable forms of metals in the phosphogypsum and most of the metals would be present in very insoluble forms. These results suggest that the application of phosphogypsum at appropriate rates on agricultural lands appears of no concern in terms of hazardous element contamination in soil.

우리나라 토양중 토지용도 및 시험방법별 중금속 분포 특성

  • Kim Tae-Seung;Kim Dong-Ho;Yun Jeong-Gi;Park Jong-Gyeom;Jeong Il-Rok;Kim Jong-Ha;Kim Hyeok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.242-246
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    • 2006
  • Background level of heavy metals In soils (316 points by 15 classifications of land use) was investigated by two test methods, 0.1N HCl(1N HCl for As) extraction and aqua regia extraction methods. The average concentrations of aqua regia extractable heavy metals in soil(n=316) was 6.24(As), 0.25(Cd), 37.99(Cr), 24.10(Cu), 0.04(Hg), 25.68(Pb), 22.59(Ni), 106.11(Zn) mg/kg, respectively. Also the average concentrations of 0.1N HCl extractable heavy metals was 0.06(As), 0.08(Cd), 0.27(Cr), 3.78(Cu), 4.02(Pb), 12.5(Zn), 0.58(Ni) mg/kg, respectively. The ratio of soluble contents and total contents were 2.6%(As), 32.7%(Cd), 0.7%(Cr), 15.7%(Cu), 15.7%(Pb), 2.6%(Ni), 11.8%(Zn), and the correlation coefficient of soluble contents and total contents were 0.26(As), 0.27(Cd), 0.22(Cr), 0.57(Cu), 0.42(Pb), 0.23(Ni), 0.72(Zn).

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Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions by Constituents of Bark (수피조성분에 의한 중금속 흡착)

  • Paik, Ki-Hyon;Choi, In-Gyu;Shin, Keum
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 1996
  • The Bark lignin(alkali- and acid lignin), bark extractives(hot water-and $Na_2SO_3$ extractives) of Quercus acutissima and Pinus densiflora, and flavonoids were used to detect heavy metal adsorption. The adsorption ratio of heavy metals by lignin was assigned for 40 to 50%, but was not dependent on lignin kinds. However, in case of the addition of light metals such as $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ to lignin the adsorption ratio was increased by 20 to 40%, and $Pb^{++}$ was almost completely adsorbed. On hot water extractives, the adsorption ratio was very low because the substrate was water-soluble, so the substrate should be water-insoluble to adsorb the heavy metals. However, the adsorption ratios of $Cd^{++}$ and $Pb^{++}$ on $Na_2SO_3$ extractives were significantly increased, while those of $Zn^{++}$ and $Cu^{++}$, were similar to lignin. When four kinds of heavy metals were treated to $Na_2SO_3$ extractives together, more than 97% of $Pb^{++}$ and $Cu^{++}$ was adsorbed_ and $Zn^{++}$ was more adsorbed by 40%, and $Cd^{++}$ was not changed, comparing with the case that on kind of heavy metal was treated. There were differences between adsorption ratio of the kinds of flavonoids and heavy metals, and the adsorption ratio of heavy metals was assigned to 20 to 45% per 0.1g flavonoid.

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The Environmental Pollution and Geochemical Behavior of Heavy Metals in Roadside Soil and Settling Particles from Retention Pond on A-71 Motorway, France (프랑스 A-71 고속도로변 토양과 부유퇴적물의 중금속 거동 및 오염에 관한 연구)

  • 이평구
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 1997
  • Retention ponds have been dug along some of the motorways in France to minimize environmental pollution by preventing pollutants from spreading over the surrounding area. A series of studies have been conducted to determine the physicochemical characteristics of the particles settling down in such a pond to evaluate the effectiveness of the pond as a trap for heavy metals such as Pb, Zn and Cd. The highly contaminated roadside soil and the uncontaminated background soil were also studied for comparison. The settling particles exhibited heavy metal concentrations of 2 to 8 times as much as the background Sologne soil, depending on the metal species. However, the heavy metal concentrations in the roadside soil were 7 to 26 times higher than those in the· settling particles. Sequential extraction experiments illustrated that the highly contaminated roadside soil consisted mainly of the readily soluble fractions (FII, FIII and FIV) for all three heavy metals, but little W which is hardly soluble. The proportion of W considerably increased up to one third of the total in the settling particles for Pb and Zn. This result as well as the large concentration differences between the roadside soil and the settling particles indicates that most of the heavy metals were lost to the surroundings even before reaching the retention pond. Cd exhibited somewhat different behavior in that the most soluble FI, which is negligible for Pb and Zn, occupied as much as one fourth of the total in the roadside soil. In addition, FV for Cd did not increase in the settling particles.

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