• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil water content

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Studies on absorption of ammonium, nitrate-and urea-N by Jinheung and Tongil rice using labelled nitrogen (중질소(重窒素)를 이용(利用)한 진흥(振興)과 통일(統一)벼의 암모니움, 질산(窒酸) 및 요소태(尿素態) 질소(窒素)의 흡수특성(吸收特性) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hoon;Seok, Sun Jong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 1978
  • Uptake and distribution of labelled urea, $NH{_4}^+$, and $NO{_3}^-$ by Tongil and Jinheung rice grown with each nitrogen source until ear formation stage under water culture system were as follows. 1. When the previous nitrogen source was same as one tested the uptake rate ($mg^{15}N/g$ d.w. root 2hrs, at $28^{\circ}C$ light) was great in the order of $NH_4$ >urea> $NO_3$ and higher (especially $NH_4$) in Tongil than in Jinheung. Rate limiting step (slowest) seems to be exist at R (root)${\rightarrow}$LS(leaf sheath) for urea, LS${\rightarrow}$LB(leaf blade) for $NH_4$ and M(medium)${\rightarrow}$R for $NO_3$. The fast step of translocation appeare to be at M${\rightarrow}$R for urea R${\rightarrow}$LS for $NH_4$ and LS${\rightarrow}$LB for $NO_3$. 2. The uptake rate of $NH_4$ by the urea-fed plant increased almost linearly from $18^{\circ}C$ via $28^{\circ}C$ to $38^{\circ}C$ in Tongil ($Q_{10}$=1.21 and 1.32 respectively) while no change in Jinheung ($Q_{10}$=0.99 and 1.00 respectively). It decreased by 12% in Jinheung under dark but uo change in Tongil. 3. The uptake rate of nitrogen source by different source-fed plant was great in the order of $NH_4{\rightarrow}^{15}NO_3$ $NO_3{\rightarrow}^{15}NH_4$, $urea{\rightarrow}^{15}NO_3$ and higher (especially $NH_4{\rightarrow}^{15}NO_3$) in Tongil. In the case of $urea{\rightarrow}^{15}NH_4$ it was same in $NH_4{\rightarrow}^{15}NO_3$ for Tongil and slightly lower than that in $NO_3{\rightarrow}^{15}NH_4$ for Jinheung. It was lower (especially Tongil) in $NH_4{\rightarrow}^{15}NO_3$ than in $NH_4{\rightarrow}^{15}NH_4 $ 4. The uptake rate (in $NH_4{\rightarrow}^{15}NO_3$) was higher during 15 minutes than during 2 hours and always higher in Tongil. 5. $^{15}N$ excess % and content in each part, and uptake rate of root seems to have their own significance relatling with metabolism and translocation respectively. The change of nitrogen nutritional environment and source preference of varieties were discussed in relation to field condition and efficient use of nitrogen fertilizer.

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Evaluation of the Shear Strength and Stiffness of Frozen Soil with a Low Water Content (함수비가 낮은 동결토의 전단강도 및 강성 평가)

  • Kim, Sang Yeob;Lee, Jong-Sub;Kim, Young Seok;Byun, Yong-Hoon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2015
  • The characteristics of frozen soils are one of most important factors for foundation design in cold region. The objective of this study is to evaluate the shear strength and stiffness of frozen soils according to the confining conditions during the freezing and shearing phase. A direct shear box is constructed for the frozen specimens and bender elements are mounted on the wall of the shear box to measure shear wave velocities. Specimens are prepared by mixing sand and silt with a silt fraction of 30% in weight and the degree of saturation of 10%, giving a relative density of 60% for all tests. The temperature of the specimens in the freezer is allowed to fall below -5℃, and then direct shear tests are performed. A series of vertical stresses are applied during the freezing and shearing phase. Shear stress, vertical displacement, and shear wave along the horizontal displacement are measured. Experimental results show that in all the tests, shear strength increases with increasing vertical stress applied during the freezing and shearing phases. The magnitude of the increase in shear strength with increasing vertical stress during shearing under fixed vertical stress in the frozen state is smaller than the magnitude of the increase in vertical stress during freezing and shearing. In addition, the change in shear wave velocities varies with the position of the bender elements. In the case of shear waves passing through the shear plane, the shear wave velocities decrease with increasing horizontal displacement. This study provides an evaluation of the properties of shear strength and stiffness of frozen soils under varied confining condition.

Introducing Strip Cropping for Decreasing the Damage of the Continous Corn Cultivation (옥수수 연작지에서 Fall panicum의 발생과 연작 피해 방지를 위한 대상작의 도입효과)

  • Lim, Keun-Bal;Lee, Hyun-Jun;Ahn, Byung-Suk;Sung, Byung-Ryul;Shin, Jae-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2005
  • This experiment was conducted to introduce strip croppings fur decreasing the damage of the continuous com cultivation at the experimental field of Grassland and Forage Crops division, National Livestock Research Institute from 1999 to 2000. Introduced mps for strip cropping to the continuously com cultivated field were red clover (RC), alfalfa(AL), and mixture of grass md legume. Fall panicum(FP), which is one of warm season's weeds was focused on its emerged quantity in com field changed by the level of soil water content and degree of the continuous corn cultivation. The ranges of yearly gained forage fresh yields including weeds like mainly FP were 119.4 ${\~}$ 169.6 in the continuous cultivation with com and rye and 64.9 ${\~}$ 83.3 ton / ha in the corn mono-cropping. Meanwhile, the percentages of pure com in continuous com cultivation plot were only $31-38\%$. This was for the mainly emergence of FP in the continuously com cultivated field. The ranges of average fresh yield of emerging FP were 45.6${\~}$63.4 ton/ ha in the continuously com cultivated field which were over the ranges of yields of rye, 28.2 ${\~}$ 41.6 ton/ ha. The dry matter yields of red clover, alfalfa and mixture with grass and legume introduced for strip cropping were 10.2, 10.6 and 10.6 ton / ha, respectively and these were about the 1/4 average fresh com yield. After strip cropping of red clover, alfalfa and mixture with grass and legume, the yields of corn increased to 56, 82, 88 and 79 ton / ha, respectively and com yield was much better in the alfalfa strip cropping.

Effects of Cattle Slurry Application According to the Slopes on Forage Yield and Nutrient Runoff in Mixed Grassland (경사지에 따른 우분 액비의 시용이 목초의 생산성 및 양분의 유실에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Min-Woong;Choi, Ki-Choon;Yoon, Chang;Kim, Won-Ho;Yook, Wan-Bang
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the degree of slope according to cattle slurry (CS) application on productivity of herbage yield and nutrients runoff in mixed grassland. silage corn and environmental pollution in silage corn cultivation soil. Field study was conducted on the steel-made erosion apparatuses which consisted of various degree of slope, such as 0%, 8.75% and 17.50%, Dry matter yield and N yield of forages decreased as the degree of the slope increased, whereas N contents increased as the degree of slope increased. $NO_3-N$ and $PO_4-P$ concentrations from the surface run-off significantly elevated by increasing the slope during the experimental period (P<0.05). However, $NO_3-N$ and $PO_4-P$ concentrations $PO_4-P$ content from the surface run-off by application of CS maintained a low levels during the experimental period. In conclusion, com productivity and nutrient losses from run-off are significantly affected by heavy rainfall on the sloping land. The results of this study suggest that CS application in the sloping land can be an important source of pollution for surface water if intensity rainfall takes place within a short period.

Heavy Metals of Landfilled Biomass and Their Environmental Standard, Including CCA-treated Wood for Eco-housing Materials (방부처리 목재를 포함한 토양매립 바이오메스의 중금속 함량과 안전성 문제)

  • Lim, Kie-Pyo;Lee, Jong-Tak;Bum, Jung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2006
  • Recently, wood-framed houses has been built in the Korea for pension. Wood is good material for human healthy, while the construction lumbers are treated with preservative such as CCA (chromated copper arsenate), which contain some toxic elements for human body. However, if the waste woody biomass treated with various heavy metals, which has been collected from house construction or demolition, was fired in the field, and incinerated or landfilled after mass collection, such components will result in the toxic air pollutants in the burning or land fills, and spreaded into other areas. So the careful selection of wood and chemicals are required in advance for house construction, in particular, for environment-friendly housings. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the content of toxic heavy metals in woody materials such as domestic hinoki and imported hemlock treated with CCA for housing materials, and the post-treated wood components such as organic fertilizer, sludge, dry-distilled charcoal and carbonized charcoal, to be returned finally into soil. The results are as follows. 1) The chemical analysis of toxic trace elements in various solid biomass required accurate control and management of laboratory environment, and reagents and water used, because of the error of data due to various foreign substances added in various processing and transporting steps. So a systematic analyzers was necessary to monitor the toxic pollutants of construction materials. 2) In particular, the biomass treated with industrial biological or thermal conditions such as sludge or charcoals was not fully dissolvable after third addition of $HNO_3$ and HF. 3) The natural woody materials such as organic fertilizer, sludge. and charcoals without any treatment of preservatives or heavy metal components were nontoxic in landfill because of the standard of organic fertilizers, even after thermal or biological treatments. 4) The CC A-treated wood for making the construction wood durable should not be landfilled, because of its higher contents of toxic metals than the criterion of organic fertilizer for agriculture or of natural environment. So the demolished waste should be treated separately from municipal wastes.

Changes of Microbial Activity and Physicochemical Environment during Composting of Papermill Sludge in a Pilot Plant (제지슬럿지의 퇴비화 과정 중 미생물활성 및 이화학적 환경변화)

  • Chung, Young-Ryun;Chung, Man-Hoon;Han, Shin-Ho;Oh, Say-Kyun
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 1995
  • Changes of microbial activity and physicochemical environment during composting of papermill sludge(PMS) in the pilot plant equipped with an agitated bed reactor were monitored for establishing the efficient composting system. Microbial activity determined as the evolution of $CO_2$ increased for the first 10 days after introduction of PMS to the reactor and decreased thereafter. Population changes of microorganisms in the reactor-PMS were not typical as in windrow system. The ratio of thermophilic bacteria to mesophilic bacteria, however, increased slowly even 23 days after introduction. Temperature of PMS increased rapidly from the first day and reached $62^{\circ}C$ at 7 days after introduction and decreased slowly thereafter. The acidity of PMS was pH 6.8 initially, increased to pH 8.0 after 7 days and decreased to pH 7.4 after 23 days. Redox potential(Eh) of PMS was -320mV at the beginning of composting, but it was increased with time to reach -15mV after 23 days composting. However, Eh of PMS pre-sterilized before measurement was average 50mV, regardless of composting periods indicating the major role of microorganisms during composting process. Water content of PMS was 67% initially and decreased to about 50% after 23 days composting in the reactor. Less than 13 days-old compost inhibited growth of radish in the container mixture with bed soil. Based on statistical analysis of microbial and physicochemical parameters of PMS during composting, an equation was developed for determining compost maturity. A number of experiments using various organic wastes are required before application of the formular to the practical use.

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Environmental Survey on the Cultivation Ground in the West Coast of Korea (서해연안의 양식장 환경조사 3. 부안 백합 양식장 환경)

  • LEE Jeong-Yeol;KIM Young-Gill
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.111-128
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    • 1991
  • In puan area the environmental surveys were carried out at two farms of hard clam, Meretrix lusoria from April 1987 to November 1978 in order to know heather the farm environments could be rehabilitated for the cultivation of hard clam or not. The range of temperature of surface seawater was $10.7{\~}27.4^{\circ}C$, pH $7.6{\~}8.2$, salinity $22.3{\~}30.3$ ppt, COD $0.20{\~}4.71\;mg/{\ell}$, sulfide $0.04{\~}0.22\;{\mu}g-at./{\ell}$, suspended solid $34.8{\~}199.3\;mg/{\ell}$ chlorophyll a $3.71{\~}49.02\;mg/m^3$, TIN $2.01{\~}24.47\;{\mu}g-a5./{\ell}$, phosphate $0.60{\~}11.03\;{\mu}g-at./{\ell}$ and silicate $4.04{\~}476.36\;{\mu}g-at./{\ell}$. The range of temperature of substratum (bottom soil) was $14.2{\~}29.7^{\circ}C$, pH $8.3{\~}9.5$, water content of substratum was $0.28{\~}0.49\;mg/g$ dried mud, COD $2.80{\~}50.94\;mg/g$ dried mud, total organic matter $1.05{\~}1.97\%$ concentration of total Kjedhal nitrogen $31.9{\~}194.9\;{\mu}g./{\ell}$ dried mud, and sulfide $0.032{\~}0.133\;mg/g$ dried mud. Fine sand was dominant ranging over $92{\~}95\%$ and silt and clay was $2.8{\~}8.1\%$ of the composition of substratum. Some residual agricultural chemicals, ${\alpha},\;{\beta},\;{\gamma}$-BHC, heptachlor, heptachlor-epoxide, aldrin, DDE, DDT and dieldrin were detected in hard clams collected from Puan areas. Especialy, more chemical were detected during the period of rainfalls. From above results, it is considered that the hard clam frams were not yet recovered from deteriorated conditions for aquaculture.

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Effect of Chlorella vulgaris CHK0008 Fertilization on Enhancement of Storage and Freshness in Organic Strawberry and Leaf Vegetables (Chlorella vulgaris CHK0008 시비가 유기농 딸기와 엽채소의 저장성과 신선도 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Shim, Chang-Ki;Kim, Yong-Ki;Park, Jong-Ho;Hong, Sung-Jun;Ji, Hyeong-Jin;Han, Eun-Jung;Yoon, Jung-Chul
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.872-878
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to enhance storage and freshness of strawberry fruits and foliage vegetables by spray treatment with Chlorella vulgaris as a bio-fertilizer. The tested strain, C. vulgaris CHK0008, was isolated from an organically cultivated rice paddy and identified as C. vulgaris by its morphology and 18S rDNA and 23S rDNA sequence homology. We successfully cultured C. vulgaris CHK0008 in BG11 modified medium (BG11MM) and adjusted $2.15{\times}10^6cell/mL$ C. vulgaris CHK0008 to one OD value by measuring the optical density at 680 nm using a UV-vis spectrophotometer. The soluble solid content of 'Seolhyang' and 'Yukbo' strawberry fruits treated by spray application with C. vulgaris CHK0008 was enhanced by 22.2% and 11.5% respectively, compared to untreated controls. Additionally, the decay rates of treated 'Seolhyang' and 'Yukbo' strawberry fruits decreased 63.8% and 74.4% respectively, compared to untreated control. Surface color changes and chlorosis of leaves in leaf vegetables such as lettuce, kale, red ornamental kale, white ornamental kale and beet were observed in samples treated with water spray for 10 days after cold storage. However, the decay rate of leafy vegetables treated with foliar application of 25% C. vulgaris CHK0008 liquid culture was significantly decreased compared to that of the untreated control during storage at $4^{\circ}C$.

Effect of Submergence and Air Exposure of the Shoot on Growth, Nutrient Uptake and Photosynthesis in Monochoria vaginalis Presl. (물달개비 경엽(莖葉)의 침수여부(沈水與否)에 따른 생장(生長), 양분흡수(養分吸收) 및 광합성(光合成) 비교(比較))

  • Soh, C.H.;Yang, K.S.;Kwon, Y.W.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 1996
  • Growth, nutrient uptake and photosynthesis as affected by submersion of shoot in pickerel weed (Monochoria vaginalis Presl.) were determined. The shoots of pickerel weeds in hydroponic culture were subjected to the submerged or emerged condition at 3- or 5-leaf stage for 8 or 10 days. Under submerged condition, growth in plant height was enhanced, but leaf number, leaf area, fresh and dry weight were reduced compared to those under the emerged condition. Similar responses in growth to submergence were obtained with the pickerel weeds rooted in the soil. Under submergence, chlorophyll content increased during the first 2 days, but thereafter remarkably decreased at 3-leaf stage and after the first 4 days at 5-leaf stage. Compared to the emerged condition, uptakes of $NH_4\;^+$-N, $NO_3\;^-$-N, $P_2O_5$ and $K^+$ were reduced, but uptakes of $Ca^{++}$ and $Mg^{++}$ increased under the submerged condition. Photosynthetic rate of shoot under water, measured by $CO_2$electrode, showed the maximum by 210 ${\mu}$moles $HCO_3\;^-$/g F.W. at the 8th day after submergence(DAS) at 3-leaf stage and 320 ${\mu}$moles $HCO_3\;^-$/g F. W. at 6 DAS at 5-leaf stage. These results indicate that pickerel weeds grow much better when the shoot is air-exposed and are less tolerable to submergence at 3 leaf-stage than at 5-leaf stage.

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Mineral Leaching from Air-Dried Forages (마른 목초(牧草) 잎으로 부터의 무기물(無機物) 용출(溶出))

  • Kim, S.D.;YOSHIDA, Shigekata
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 1999
  • In this study in order to know the behavior of mineral nutrients from forage plant to soil in a grassland ecosystem, the leaching of minerals (K, Mg, Ca, N and P) from air-dried (dead) plant body was investigated by putting orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) hay on meadow during a month with seasonal changes. The results obtained were as follows; 1) The K content of the forage, not stable during the experimental seasons, tended to decrease in the summer of 1986, while the Mg and Ca contents increased in the summer. The reason might be a different response (solubility or leaching liability) of the monovalent mineral (K) and divalent ones (Mg and Ca) in the forage to rainfall. 2) The percentage of P to the initial amount in the forage showed larger decrease in a rainy period (Feb.~Mar., 1986) and during the rainy summer (May to July). The P component of the forage might be easily leached with water. 3) The percentage of the four minerals (Ca, N, Mg, K) remained the least in the period of (Jun.~Jul., 1986), 4) Though the percentage of remained Mg and N of the forage varied very similarly, the percentage of remained N was higher than that of Mg during periods before summer (January to May), while after the period the ratio of the Mg seemed to be higher than that of the N (June to December), 5) During the periods until (May~Jun., 1986) the percentage of remained K and P of the forage varied in very similar pattern, and the order of remained mineral was as follows; $Ca>N{\geq}Mg>P=K$. But from the period of (Jun-Jul) the ratio of P remained in the forage increased nearly up to the ratio of N, and the order was as follows; $Ca>Mg{\geq}N{\geq}P>K$.

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