• 제목/요약/키워드: Soil aeration

검색결과 114건 처리시간 0.022초

유류오염의 미생물학적 제어 (Bioremedation of petrolium pollution)

  • 이상준;차미선;이근희
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지하수토양환경학회 2001년도 제3회 부산.경남지부 심포지엄
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    • pp.14-28
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    • 2001
  • As basic study for purpose bioremedation in oil-contaminated environment, Primarily, we isolated biosurfactant producer- strains utilized of oil-agar plate, and measured surface tension and emulsifying activity. We investigated in oil-contaminated soil and sea water. In this laboratory, Pseudomonas sp. EL-012S strain isolated from oil-contaminated soil was able to product novel biosurfactant under the optimal culture condition. Its condition was n-hexadecane 2.0%, NH$_4$NO$_3$0.4%, Na$_2$HPO$_4$0.6%, KH$_2$PO$_4$0.4%, MgSO$_4$.7$H_2O$ 0.02%, CaCl$_2$.2$H_2O$ 0.001%, FeSO.7$H_2O$ 0.001%, initial pH 7.0 and aeration at 3$0^{\circ}C$, respectively. This biosurfactant was produced in both late-exponential and early-stationary phase. The biosurfactant from Pseudomonas sp. EL-012S was composed of carbohydrate, lipid and protein. The purified-biosurfactant was examined two (biosurfactant type I, II) with the silica gel G60 column chromatography and the purified biosurfactant confirmed thin layer chromatography, high performed liquid chromatography and gas chromatography. The biosurfactant type I involved in carbohydrate-lipid-protein characteristics lowered surface tension of water to 27dyne/cm and interfacial tension 4.5dyne/cm aginst to n-hexadecane and the biosurfactant type B involved in carbohydrate lipid characteristics lowered surface tension of water to 30dyne/cm and interfacial tension 8dyne/cm against to n-hexadecane. Specially type I had the properties such as strong emulsifying activity, emulsion stability, pH-stability, thermo-stability, high cleaning activity and forming ability.

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반응표면분석법을 활용한 토양경작법에서 TPH 저감에 영향을 미치는 인자의 최적조건 도출 (Identification of Optimal Operation Factors for Landfarming using Response Surface Methodology)

  • 권잎새;이한욱;김진환;박재우
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2016
  • Landfarming that supplies aerobic biodegradation condition to indigenous microbes in soils is a biological remediation technology. In this research, volatilization and biodegradation rate by indigenous microbes in the soil contaminated with total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) were measured. Soils were contaminated with diesel artificially and divided into two parts. One was sterilized by autoclave to remove indigenous microorganism and the other was used as it was. Various moisture contents and number of tillings were applied to the soil to find out proper condition to minimize volatilization and enhance bioremediation. Volatilization of TPH was inhibited and biodegradation was enhanced by increase on moisture content. Tilling was usually used to supply air for microbes, but tillings did not affect the growth of microbes in our study. Enough moisture content and proper aeration are important to control volatilization in landfarming. Also, TPH degradation was a function of the microbe counts (x1), numbers of tilling (x2), and moisture content (x3) from the application of the response surface methodology. Statistical results showed the order of significance of the independent variables to be microbe counts > numbers of tilling > moisture content.

마이크로버블 오존 산화제와 공압파쇄 장치를 연계 적용한 지중 화학적 산화법의 정화효율 평가 (Evaluation of Remediation Efficiency of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation Technology Applying Micro Bubble Ozone Oxidizer Coupled with Pneumatic Fracturing Equipment)

  • 오승택;오참뜻;김국진;석소희;김철경;임진환;유재봉;장윤영
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2012
  • A new type of chemical oxidation technology utilizing micro bubble ozone oxidizer and a pneumatic fracturing equipment was developed to enhance field applicability of a traditional chemical oxidation technology using hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizer for in-situ soil remediation. To find an efficient way to dissolve gaseous ozone into hydrogen peroxide, ozone was injected into water as micro bubble form then dissolved ozone concentration and its duration time were measured compared to those of simple aeration of gaseous ozone. As a result, dissolved ozone concentration in water increased by 31% (1.6 ppm ${\rightarrow}$ 2.1 ppm) and elapsed time for which maximum ozone concentration decreased by half lengthened from 9 min to 33 min. When the developed pneumatic fracturing technology was applied in sandy loam, cracks were developed and grown in soil for 5~30 seconds so that the radius of influence got longer by 71% from 392 cm to 671 cm. The remediation system using the micro bubble ozone oxidizer and the pneumatic fracturing equipment for field application was made and demonstrated its remediation efficiency at petroleum contaminated site. The system showed enhanced remediation capacity than the traditional chemical oxidation technology using hydrogen peroxide with reduced remediation time by about 33%.

멀칭 재료가 참깨재배토양의 생리성 및 종실수량에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Mulching Materials on Physical Properties of Soil and Grain Yield of Sesame)

  • 김욱한;홍병희
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.260-269
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    • 1986
  • 멀칭방법이 토양물리성 개선 및 참깨의 수량증가에 미치는 효과를 구명하기 위하여 풍년깨 품종을 공시하고, 투명비닐, 흑색비닐, 짚을 멀칭 재료로 하여 시험하였으며, 출아율, 토양물리성, 근량, 잡초량, 증발산량 및 수양을 조사하였던 바, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 전생육기간중 토양수분포텐셜의 변화양상은 처리간에 큰 차리가 없었으며, 무멀칭표준구에 비해 비닐멀칭구는 약 5.4%, 짚멀칭구는 약 2.8%의 수분보지효과가 있었다. 2. 최고지온은 표준구에 비해 투명비닐멀칭구에서 약 4$^{\circ}C$ 높았으며, 짚멀칭구에서는 약 7 $^{\circ}C$ 낮았다. 최저지온은 표준구에 비하여 투명비닐멀칭구에서 약 2 $^{\circ}C$높았고, 짚멀칭구에서 약 3$^{\circ}C$ 낮았다. 3. 생육초기에 투명비닐멀칭구의 토양수분포텐셜, 토양온도, 잡초율, 토양경도 및 토분통기능은 무멀칭표준구보다 양호했으며, 따라서 출아율도 높았다. 4. 생육후기에 토양경도는 무멀칭표준구에서 높았으며 짚멀칭구, 흑색비닐멀칭구, 투명비닐멀칭구의 순으로 낮았다. 공극률, 토양통기능 및 유수속도는 투명비닐멀칭구와 짚멀칭구에서 높은 경향이었다. 5. 총근양은 투명비닐멀칭구에서 많았으며, 흑색비닐멀칭구, 짚멀칭구, 무멀칭표준구의 순으로 감소하였다. 근양은 토심 10cm 이내에 높은 밀도로 분포하고 있으며, 토심이 깊어질수록 급격히 감소하였다. 6. 잡초양은 흑색비닐멀칭구에서 가장 적었으며 무멀칭표준구에서 가장 많았다. 7. 토양경도는 토양통기능( r=-.9439**), 투수속도( ${\gamma}$=-.8229*)와 부의 유의상관을 보이며, 토양통기능과 투수속도는 근양과 유의정상관을 보였고, 근량은 수량( r=-.7378*)과 유의적인 상관관계가 있었다. 8. 처리별 증발산양간에는 유의적인 차리가 없었으나, 투명비닐멀칭구가 다른 처리구에 비하여 높은 경향이었다.

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구연산 발효에 관한 연구 (제 1 보) 균주선정 및 배지 개량 (Studies on the Citric Acid Fermentation (Part 1) Strain Screening and Medium Improvement)

  • 이상선;박무영
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.161-165
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    • 1978
  • 자연계에서 유기산을 생성하는 균주 11 군주를 분리하여 그 중에 구연산 생성균 1종을 선정하여, 동정한 결과 Aspergillus niger로 나타났다. 분리된 균주로 500ml 삼각 flask에 Sakaguchi 배지 100ml를 넣고 3$0^{\circ}C$에서 발효한 결과 구연산이 17g/ι가 생성되었다. 또한 Sakagnchi 배지를 개량한 결과 즉 배지적응, peptone첨가, 통기 효과, methanol첨가 및 포도당 첨가 결과 구연산이 35g/ι가 생성되었다

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Inulinase 생산균주의 분리.동정 및 효소 생산최적조건 (Screening and Identification of an Inulinase Producing Microorganism and Optimal Condition for the Enzyme Production)

  • 임성일;이대희;홍석산;유진영
    • 한국미생물·생명공학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.156-160
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    • 2000
  • 국내 부존자원인 inulin을 이용하여 fructose syrup 또는 oligosacharide를 생산한는 효소를 발굴하기 위하여 전국적으로 토양 등 시료를 채취하여 inulinase 생성 미생물을 분리하였으며 inulinase 활성이 높은 96-1 균주를 동정한 결과 그람 양성균인 Arthrobacter protophormiae/ramosus인 것으로 잠정 동정되었다 Inulinase 생산을 위한 최적 배지는 무기염류 기초배지에 각 1%(w/v)의 inulin tryptone. $NH_4Cl$이 함유된 배지였으며 퇴적 발효조건은 $35^{\circ}C$초기 pH 7.5 통기량 1vvm 교반속도 200rpm이었다.

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Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate의 생분해에 이용되는 활성오니의 표준화에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Standardization of Activated Sludge Use to Biodegraded Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate)

  • 선일식;정일현
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1992
  • This study is on the biodegradability of the activated sludge, which used to biodegrade Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate(LAS), synthetic detergents and sufactants. The activated sludge in waste water treatment plant is used to the test of biodegradation of anionic surfactants and nonionic surfactants, but it have the periodic change of the biological propety to the lapse of the time. For the puropse of controlling and adjusting of the activated sludge in biodegradation test, we collected microorganisms from the sewage plant and the soil, and then, made the activated sludge in semicontinuous aeration chamber. From determined biodegradation data, and the degree of biodegradability to the LAS, we confirmd the standardized synthetic activated sludge which have more stable biodegradability than the sewage activated sludge. In continuous biodegradation test, LAS(dodecene-1) was biodegraded more than 99%, In 7days by the standardized activated sludge.

한국산의 죽류에 관한 연구 (제8보) 신죽과 구죽에 있어서 비료의 종류에 따르는 효율성에 대하여 (RESEARCH ON THE BAMBOO IN KOREA (Ⅷ) On the Effectiveness of Fertilizers by kind upon the New and Old Bamboos)

  • Chong, Hyon-Pae
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • 제9권1_2호
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 1966
  • The writer presented in the report 7th of this series(Chong, 1959. '62 a.b. '64, '65) the result of fertlizer application on Sasamorpha purpurascens var. borealis with regards to soil conditions, climate, planting position etc. and this report is on the effectiveness of fertilizers by kinds of the new (1-year old) and old(3-to 4 years old) Phyllostachys retticulata. The ineffectiveness of fertilizers for old bamboos aged more than 8-years old has been reported previously. The study site was chosen in a bamboo groven situated at Hyunnae Ri, Okkye Myun, Myungju Gun, Kangwon Do. Each plot was so designed that only one individual remained at the center of a circular area with a dimeter of meters by eliminating the clums and severing the rhizomes, of other individuals around it. And, for the fertilizer test, 10 individuals(the new and old: 5 to 5) were observed per kind of fertilizer used; thus marking the total number of 160 plots in all. The second part of this study was conducted for the potted individuals which numbered 48, successfully established ones out of 55 the transplanted to pots. The 48 were divided into 8 treatments: whole fertilization (NPK+compost+human manure); NPK; N; K; Human manure; compost; and the control. Amoung of fertilizers applied was 200 grams for the natural plots and 100 grams for pot; it continued for 3 years and applied twice a year (spring and summer) following the theory of Dr. Koichi-ro Ueda(1954, '60 a.b.). Measurements were taken in August each year. The resutls were confirming the fact that the bamboos require a great deal of fertilizers. The results show the following points: 1) Fertilizers were more effective in the 3 to 4 year old bamboos. 2) The order of effectiveness of fertilizers by kind was the whole fertilization, NPK, and N treatments for Phyllostachys reticulata. 3) Organic matter in addition to commercial fertilizers showed better result than the soil application of the latter due to better soil aeration.

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상수 염소 소독에 의한 클로로페놀 생성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Production of Chlorophenols by Chlorinaion of Drinking Water)

  • 정용;권숙표;박하영
    • 약학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 1980
  • Chlorination to polluted water can produce chlorocompounds which may impair human health. It has been discussed that chlorophenols would be one of undesirable substances in drinking water. This study was undertaken to investigate the production mechanism of chlorophenols by chlorination in the disinfection of water and to determine pollution levels of phenols as precursor of chlorophenols and chloropbenols in some sewage, stream water and tap water in the vicinity of Seoul from January to September, 1979. By chlorination with hyperchlorite to phenols in distilled water, o-chlorophenol was predominantly produced at the concentration of less than 10ppm of free chlorine. o-Chlorophenol, 2,6-dichlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol were also produced by chlorination with the concenration from 20 to 100ppm of free chlorine. From the concentration of 100ppm of free chlorine to 200ppm, o-Chlorophenol was vanished and 2,6-dichlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol were determined. Phenols originated from night soil, municipal sewage and stream were determined at 49.15 ppm. 0.095 ppm and 0.003 ppm in average respectively. About 87 and 88 percent of phenols in sewage and night soil were biodegradated by aeration for 10 days and 74 and 51 percent of phenols in sewage and night soil by spontaneous settling for 10 days. From the tap water in Seoul during summer, 1979, chlorophenols were identified; they were average 0.042 ppb of o-chlorophenol, 0.033 ppb of 2, 6-dichlorophenol and 0.003 ppb of 2, 4-dichlorophenol respectively. With the above result and discussion, it is considered that chlorophenols should be controlled from the source as well as chlorination in water purification.

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Organic amendment-driven removal and speciation of metals using wormwood in two contrasting soils near an abandoned copper mine

  • Ro, Hee-Myong;Choi, Hyo-Jung;Yun, Seok-In;Park, Ji-Suk
    • Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology : HEB
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    • 제59권6호
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    • pp.775-786
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    • 2018
  • To test the hypothesis that humic acid (HA), anaerobically digested pig slurry filtrate (APS), and their combination would differently affect the chemical speciation and extractability of metals (cadmium, copper, and zinc) and their uptake by plants, we conducted a pot experiment using wormwood in two texturally contrasting soils (sandy loam and clay loam) collected from a field near an abandoned Cu mine. Four treatments were laid out: HA at $ 23.5g\;kg^{-1}$ (HA), APS at $330mL\;kg^{-1}$ (APS), HA at $ 23.5g\;kg^{-1}$ and APS at $330mL\;kg^{-1}$ (HA + APS), and a control. Each treatment affected the chemical speciation and mobility of the metals, and thereby resulting in variable patterns of plant biomass yield and metal uptake. The APS supported plant growth by increasing nutrient availability. HA supported or hindered plant growth by impacting the soil's water and nutrient retention capacity and aeration, in a soil texture-dependent manner, while consistently enhancing the immobilization of heavy metals. Temporal increases in whole-plant dry matter yield and metal accumulation suggested that the plants were capable of metal hyperaccumulation. The results were discussed in terms of the mobility of metals and plant growth and corroborated by the $^{15}N$ recovery of soil- and plant-N pools under H and HS treatments. Therefore, for effective phytoremediation of polluted soils, an appropriate combination of plant growth promoters (APS) and chelating agents (HA) should be predetermined at the site where chemical stabilization of pollutants is desired.