• 제목/요약/키워드: Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR)

검색결과 91건 처리시간 0.021초

낙하충격에 의한 소듐냉각고속로 제어봉집합체의 건전성 평가 (Integrity Evaluation of Control Rod Assembly for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor due to Drop Impact)

  • 이현승;윤경호;김형규;천진식;이찬복
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2017
  • 소듐냉각고속로의 제어집합체는 내부덕트 및 제어봉을 갖는 제어봉집합체를 포함하고 있다. 제어봉집합체는 비상시 긴급 정지를 위하여 중력에 의하여 제어집합체 덕트내에서 낙하한다. 제어봉집합체의 낙하 시간과 충격 속도는 반응삽입시간 및 구조건전성에 관하여 중요한 변수이다. 본 연구의 목적은 낙하 충격에 의한 제어봉집합체의 동적거동 및 건전성평가를 조사하는 것이다. 제어봉집합체의 정상/비정상 낙하조건에서의 충격 해석은 상용 유한요소코드인 LS-DYNA를 사용하여 수행하였다. 낙하 충격 해석 결과, 제어봉집합체는 구조건전성을 유지하고 있으며, 비정상 조건에서도 댐퍼의 유동홀에 정상 삽입 되었다.

소듐 시험루프 내 소듐대 공기 열교환기의 고온 설계 (High-Temperature Design of Sodium-to-Air Heat Exchanger in Sodium Test Loop)

  • 이형연;어재혁;이용범
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.665-671
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    • 2013
  • 제 4 세대 소듐냉각 고속로에는 중간열교환기(IHX), 붕괴열제거 열교환기(DHX), 공기 열교환기(AHX), 핀형 소듐-공기 열교환기(FHX) 및 증기발생기(SG)를 포함한 다양한 열교환기들이 설치된다. 본 연구에서는 STELLA-1 시험루프에 설치된 소듐-공기 열교환기인 AHX 와 SELFA 시험루프에 설치될 핀형(finned) 소듐-공기 열교환기인 FHX 등 2 기의 열교환기 설계에 대해 3D 상세 유한요소해석을 수행하고, 동 결과에 기초하여 고온설계 기술기준을 따라 크리프-피로 손상평가를 수행하였다. 손상 평가결과 AHX와 FHX는 의도하는 크리프 피로 손상 하중 하에서 구조 건전성을 유지하는 것으로 확인되었다.

Topology optimization on vortex-type passive fluidic diode for advanced nuclear reactors

  • Lim, Do Kyun;Song, Min Seop;Chae, Hoon;Kim, Eung Soo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제51권5호
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    • pp.1279-1288
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    • 2019
  • The vortex-type fluidic diode (FD) is a key safety component for inherent safety in various advanced reactors such as the sodium fast reactor (SFR) and the molten salt reactor (MSR). In this study, topology optimization is conducted to optimize the design of the vortex-type fluidic diode. The optimization domain is simplified to 2-dimensional geometry for a tangential port and chamber. As a result, a design with a circular chamber and a restrictor at the tangential port is obtained. To verify the new design, experimental study and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis were conducted for inlet Reynolds numbers between 2000 and 6000. However, the results show that the performance of the new design is no better than the original reference design. To analyze the cause of this result, detailed analysis is performed on the velocity and pressure field using flow visualization experiments and 3-D CFD analysis. The results show that the discrepancy between the optimization results in 2-D and the experimental results in 3-D originated from exclusion of an important pressure loss contributor in the optimization process. This study also concludes that the junction design of the axial port and chamber offers potential for improvement of fluidic diode performance.

Application of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) to the power reactor innovative small module (PRISM)

  • Alrammah, Ibrahim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제54권9호
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    • pp.3324-3335
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    • 2022
  • Several countries show interest in the Generation-IV power reactor innovative small module (PRISM), including: Canada, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Generation IV International Forum (GIF) has recommended the utilizing of probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) in evaluating the safety of Generation-IV reactors. This paper reviews the PSA performed for PRISM using SAPHIRE 7.27 code. This work shows that the core damage frequency (CDF) of PRISM for a single module is estimated by 8.5E-8/year which is lower than the Generation-IV target that is 1E-6 core damage per year. The social risk of PRISM (likelihood of latent cancer fatality) with evacuation is estimated by 9.0E-12/year which is much lower than the basic safety objective (BSO) that is 1E-7/year. The social risk without evacuation is estimated by 1.2E- 11/year which is also much lower than the BSO. For the individual risk (likelihood of prompt fatality), it is concluded that it can be considered negligible with evacuation (1.0E-13/year). Assuming no evacuation, the individual risk is 2.7E-10/year which is again much lower than the BSO. In comparison with other PSAs performed for similar sodium fast reactors (SFRs), it shows that PRISM concept has the lowest CDF.

고온 S-CO2 사이클 열교환기용 스테인리스강 및 Fe-Cr-Ni 합금 확산 접합부의 고온 인장 특성평가 (Evaluation of High-Temperature Tensile Property of Diffusion Bond of Austenitic Alloys for S-CO2 Cycle Heat Exchangers)

  • 홍성훈;사인진;장창희
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제38권12호
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    • pp.1421-1426
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    • 2014
  • 소듐냉각고속로(Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, SFR)의 안전성 향상을 위해 고온 증기 Rankine 싸이클 대신 초임계 이산화탄소(Supercritical $CO_2$, $S-CO_2$) Brayton 싸이클을 전력변환 시스템에 사용하는 방안이 제시되고 있다. 이 경우, 중간 열교환기로는 확산 접합(Diffusion Bonding)에 의해 제작되는 미소채널형 열교환기인 PCHE(Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger)가 고려되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 PCHE 형 열교환기 후보재료인 다양한 오스테나이트계 합금의 확산접합 특성을 평가하였다. 후보재료별로 다양한 조건에서 확산접합부를 제작하고 상온에서 $650^{\circ}C$까지의 인장 특성을 평가하였다. 평가 결과 SS 316H와 SS 347H는 $550^{\circ}C$까지 모재와 유사한 특성을 보였지만 Fe-Ni-Cr 합금인 Incoloy 800HT는 모든 온도에서 인장특성이 감소하였다. 연신율 저하의 원인을 이해하기 위해 접합부 부근의 미세조직을 분석하였다.

고온 S-CO2 환경에 노출된 오스테나이트계 합금의 인장특성 평가 (Evaluation of Tensile Property of Austenitic Alloys Exposed to High-Temperature S-CO2 Environment)

  • 김현명;이호중;장창희
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제38권12호
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    • pp.1415-1420
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    • 2014
  • 소듐냉각고속로(Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, SFR)의 증기 Rankine 싸이클 발전시스템을 높은 열효율과 안전성을 가지는 초임계 이산화탄소(Supercritical carbon dioxide, $S-CO_2$) Brayton 싸이클로 대체하는 방안이 고려되고 있다. 다양한 오스테나이트계 합금이 고온 $S-CO_2$ 환경 열교환시스템 구조재료로 제시되고 있다. 구조재료는 장시간 고온 $S-CO_2$ 환경에 노출됨에 따라 미세구조에 변화가 일어나고, 나아가 기계적 특성의 저하가 발생할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 오스테니틱 스테인리스강들과 Alloy 800HT를 고온 $S-CO_2$ 환경에 노출시키고, 그에 따른 부식특성 및 인장특성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 $650^{\circ}C$, 250시간 노출 후 316H SS와 800HT에서 큰 연신율 감소를 보였다. $S-CO_2$ 환경이 인장특성 변화에 미치는 영향을 표면 산화막 및 탄화거동을 통해 분석한 결과, 316H 와 800H 의 거동이 큰 차이를 보였다.

Design of A scale-down experimental model for SFR reactor vault cooling system performance analyses

  • Kim, Koung Moon;Hwang, Ji-Hwan;Wongwises, Somchai;Jerng, Dong-Wook;Ahn, Ho Seon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제52권8호
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    • pp.1611-1625
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    • 2020
  • We propose a scaled-down experimental model of vertical air-natural convection channels by applying the modified Ishii-Kataoka scaling method with the assistance of numerical analyses to the Reactor Vault Cooling System (RVCS) of the Proto-type Gen-IV Sodium-cooled fast reactor (PGSFR) being developed in Korea. Two major non-dimensional numbers (modified Richardson and Friction number) from the momentum equation and Stanton number from the energy balance equation were identified to design the scaled-down experimental model to assimilate thermal-hydraulic behaviors of the natural convective air-cooling channel of RVCS. The ratios of the design parameters in the PGSFR RVCS between the prototype and the scaled-down model were determined by setting Richardson and Stanton number to be unity. The friction number which cannot be determined by the Ishii-Kataoka method was estimated by numerical analyses using the MARS-KS system code. The numerical analyses showed that the friction number with the form loss coefficient of 2.0 in the scale-down model would result in an acceptable prediction of the thermal-hydraulic behavior in RVCS. We also performed experimental benchmarking using the scaled-down model with the MARS-KS simulations to verify the appropriateness of the scale-down model, which demonstrated that the temperature rises and the average air flow velocity measured in the scale-down model.

High-fidelity numerical investigation on structural integrity of SFR fuel cladding during design basis events

  • Seo-Yoon Choi;Hyung-Kyu Kim;Min-Seop Song;Jae-Ho Jeong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권2호
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    • pp.359-374
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    • 2024
  • A high-fidelity numerical analysis methodology was proposed for evaluating the fuel rod cladding integrity of a Prototype Gen IV Sodium Fast Reactor (PGSFR) during normal operation and Design basis events (DBEs). The MARS-LMR code, system transient safety analysis code, was applied to analyze the DBEs. The results of the MARS-LMR code were used as boundary condition for a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. The peak temperatures considering HCFs satisfied the cladding temperature limit. The temperature and pressure distributions were calculated by ANSYS CFX code, and applied to structural analysis. Structural analysis was performed using ANSYS Mechanical code. The seismic reactivity insertion SSE accident among DBEs had the highest peak cladding temperature and the maximum stress, as the value of 87 MPa. The fuel cladding had over 40 % safety margin, and the strain was below the strain limit. Deformation behavior was elucidated for providing relative coordinate data on each active fuel rod center. Bending deformation resulted in a flower shape, and bowing bundle did not interact with the duct of fuel assemblies. Fuel rod maximum expansion was generated with highest stress. Therefore, it was concluded that the fuel rod cladding of the PGSFR has sufficient structural safety margin during DBEs.


    • Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
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    • 제65권3호
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    • pp.1035-1039
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    • 2020
  • U-10wt.%Zr-5wt.%RE fuel slugs for a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) were conventionally prepared by a modified injection casting method, which had the drawback of a low fabrication yield rate of approximately 60% because of the formation of many metallic fuel scraps, such as melt residue and unsuitable fuel slug butts. Moreover, the metallic fuel scraps were classified as a radioactive waste and stored in temporary storage without recycling. It is necessary to develop a recycling process technology for scrap wastes in order to reduce the radioactive wastes of the fuel scraps and improve the fabrication yield of the fuel slugs. In this study, the additive recycling process of the metallic fuel scraps was introduced to re-fabricate the U-10wt.%Zr-5wt.%RE fuel slugs. The U-10wt.%Zr-5wt.%RE fuel scraps were cleaned on the surface impurity layers with a mechanical treatment that used an electric brush under an Ar atmosphere. The U-10wt.%Zr-5wt.%RE fuel slugs were soundly re-fabricated and examined to evaluate the feasibility of the additive process compared with the metallic fuel slugs that used pure metals.


    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제47권5호
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    • pp.523-533
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    • 2015
  • Three-dimensional flow phenomena in a wire-wrapped 37-pin fuel assembly mock-up of a Japanese loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactor, Monju, were investigated with a numerical analysis using a general-purpose commercial computational fluid dynamics code, CFX. Complicated and vortical flow phenomena in the wire-wrapped 37-pin fuel assembly were captured by a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes flow simulation using a shear stress transport turbulence model. The main purpose of the current study is to understand the three-dimensional complex flow phenomena in a wire-wrapped fuel assembly to support the license issue for the core design. Computational fluid dynamics results show good agreement with friction factor correlation models. The secondary flow in the corner and edge subchannels is much stronger than that in an interior subchannel. The axial velocity averaged in the corner and edge subchannels is higher than that averaged in the interior subchannels. Three-dimensional multiscale vortex structures start to be formed by an interaction between secondary flows around each wire-wrapped pin. Behavior of the large-scale vortex structures in the corner and edge subchannels is closely related to the relative position between the hexagonal duct wall and the helically wrapped wire spacer. The small-scale vortex is axially developed in the interior subchannels. Furthermore, a driving force on each wire spacer surface is closely related to the relative position between the hexagonal duct wall and the wire spacer.