• 제목/요약/키워드: Sociocultural Factors

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A Cross Sectional Study of Kretek Smoking in Indonesia as a Major Risk to Public Health

  • Palipudi, Krishna;Mbulo, Lazarous;Kosen, Soewarte;Tjandra, Aditama;Kadarmanto, Kadarmanto;Qureshi, Farukh;Andes, Linda;Sinha, Dhirendra N;Asma, Samira
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.16
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    • pp.6883-6888
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    • 2015
  • Background: Tobacco smoking is a major cause of preventable disease and death worldwide. Kreteks are clove-flavored cigarettes made from a combination of tobacco and ground-clove mixed with a sauce, smoked widely in Indonesia. Because health and social consequences of kretek smoking are potentially as great as those of traditional cigarettes, this study examines the prevalence of kretek smoking in Indonesia and associated risk factors. Materials and Methods: The study used nationally representative Indonesia Global Adult Tobacco Survey data. Multiple logistic regression analysis was employed to identify correlates of kretek smoking. Results: One-third of Indonesian adults smoked tobacco of which about 90.0% smoked kreteks. Prevalence of kretek smoking among men (60.9%) was more than 25 times the rate among women (2.3%). Overall, the highest prevalence of kretek use was in the age group 45-54 years (36.5%), followed by 34-44 (35.1%), 25-34 (34.2 %), and 55-64 years (32.8%). By wealth index, prevalence of kreteks smoking among those in the middle index was almost 50% above the rate for the wealthiest group (36.4% vs 24.8% respectively). Logistic regression results showed that being male, being older, having less education, and being less wealthy were significant predictors of kretek smoking, while urban vs rural residence was not. Conclusions: Kretek smoking is common in Indonesia and is entrenched in the sociocultural fabric of the country. However, potential consequences of kretek smoking, particularly as risks for noncommunicable diseases, underscore the importance of a comprehensive approach to tobacco control as outlined in the World Health Organization's MPOWER strategies.

The Use of Iron Supplements of Pregnant Women and Pregnancy Outcome (임신부의 철분 보충제 사용과 임신결과)

  • Cho, Ji-Hyun;Ahn, Hong-Seok;Bae, Hyun-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.327-339
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    • 2009
  • It is known that Korean pregnant women take iron supplements at a higher than the recommended level. This study was designed to provide data on current iron intake levels both from food sources and supplement to better guide iron supplement use during pregnancy. We also explored associations of iron supplement intake levels with various sociocultural factors and pregnancy outcomes. Dietary intakes of 510 pregnant women were assessed by a validated 102-item food frequency questionnaire, and information on types and amounts of nutritional supplement intakes were also attained. While dietary intake levels of most nutrients exceeded the KDRIs (Korea Dietary Reference Intakes: EAR: Estimated Average Requirements), folate fell short of the KDRIs. A total of 428 women (83.9%) reported to take iron supplement. The pregnant women were divided into the three groups (group I: Fe supplement intake ${\le}$ EAR, group II: EAR < Fe supplement intake ${\le}$ 3 times of EAR, group III: 3 times of EAR < Fe supplement intake). The mean dietary intake of iron was 24% of the total iron intake for pregnant women. Iron intake from food was not significantly different among I, II, and III. In case of iron intake from supplements, the most frequent dose (34.1%) was 90-100 mg/day, and the mean iron supplement intake was 362% of the EAR. The study findings showed that those with higher levels of iron supplements had better meal quality measured by NAR (Nutrient Adequacy Ratio) and INQ (Index of Nutrient Quality). In addition iron supplement intake levels were significantly related to age (20s: 66.5 ${\pm}$ 38.6 mg/day, 30s: 77.3 ${\pm}$ 47.8 mg/day, p < 0.0116) and experience of childbirth (1st pregnancy: 70.9 ${\pm}$ 41.2 mg/day, 2nd pregnancy: 64.5 ${\pm}$ 39.5 mg/day, ${\ge}$ 3rd pregnancy: 94.4 ${\pm}$ 63.8 mg/day, p < 0.005). However, no significant difference was found between iron supplement intake levels and various pregnancy outcomes including birth weight, birth height, gestational age, weight gain during pregnancy, and jaundice. It is worrisome that iron intake by supplement use greatly exceeded the EAR, suggesting the need of appropriate guidelines for iron supplement intake during pregnancy. Thus iron overdose from supplements in pregnancy should be considered as a serious condition.

Analyses of Middle School Students' Thoughts Causing Common Mistakes on Animal Classification (중학생의 동물 분류에서 오류 원인이 되는 사고 내용 분석)

  • Gim, Wn Hwa;Hwang, Ui Wook;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the frequent mistakes and the causes of the alternative conceptions in the animal classification by using the questionnaire and interview with the middle school students (N=300). As results, some students have difficulties classifying suggested animals into vertebrates or invertebrates : snakes (31.7%), shrimps (28.3%), turtles (25.6%), frogs (24.7%), and starfish (10.7%) in order of precedence. These errors seemed to be caused by intuitive thinking over characteristics of physical motions and appearance of suggested animals, wrong inference from comparing to features of familiar animals and the lack of observation experience of the vertebrate backbone. Furthermore, the results showed that relatively many students made a mistake classifying subgroup members of vertebrates such as classifying salamanders into the class Reptilia (45.3%) and turtles into Amphibia (40.3%). It is likely that those errors are affected by ambiguousness of classification terminology (e.g. the term of Amphibia) and weak ability in relating the physiological and ecological feature to standard of classification feature. In addition, sociocultural factors could influence animal classification as 'bat in birds', 'whale in fish, and 'penguin in mammals'. The present study implied that teaching and learning animal classification may require an appropriate guide focused on activities to explore major characteristics used for the animal classification standard through providing more chances of animal observation rather than the cramming method of learning induced by technical memorizing.

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A Study on the Correlation of Hormonal Status with Depression - Anxiety Traits in Menopausal Women (폐경기 여성에서 호르몬 상태와 우울 및 불안 성향간의 상관관계 연구)

  • Seo, Jeong-Seok;Kee, Baik-Seok;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Jae-Kwang
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 1996
  • Objects : There has been the controversy that menopause may or may not influence the psychological distresses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between the hormonal status and traits of depression & anxiety in menopausal women. Method : Among the women attending menopausal clinic. menopausal women, defined as who having a amenorrhea for more than 12 months, were selected as a study group(n=83). The control group(n=73), who visited to screen the cervix cancer with regular menstruation, hod no history of hormone replacement therapy. Individual data were collected by self-reporting questionnaires. Depression state was evaluated by Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and anxiety state by Stale Trail Anxiety Inventory(STAI), and the female hormones such as E2, FSH, and LH were obtained by blood sampling at visting clinic. Statistically the data were processed by t-test and pearson correlation analysis(p<0.05). Results : 1) The mean age of menopausal was 45.3 years. 2) In menopausal women the scores of BDI & STAI were significantly higher than in control group(p<0.05). 3) There were significant differences between menopausal and control group by E2 & FSH. 4) There was no correlation between female hormonal status and the STAI & BDI scores in both groups. Conclusion : Although menopausal women had more traits of depression & anxiety than control group, it was difficult to insist that the lack of estrogen was the only etiological factor for the traits of depression & anxiety in menopausal period. In further studies, we must consider another factors, including biological, sociocultural, psychological factor, as the cause of psychological symptoms during menopausal period.

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Comparative Education and Educational Evaluation (비교교육학과 교육평가학)

  • Park, Chanho
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.135-151
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to help establish the status of comparative education as an academic discipline by investigating its relationship with educational evaluation. Comparative education as a subfield of education covers other areas of study in education, while educational evaluation is a study of methodology. First, international comparative study was investigated, and recent methodologies in educational evaluation were introduced. International comparative study started in 1960's, and is being expanded. The participating countries hope for better education by comparing their educational curricula and practices with others. For international comparative studies, a differential item functioning analysis as a multigroup analysis can provide information on what sociocultural factors other than the construct are affecting the measurement results. The study dataset has a hierarchical structure so that multilevel item response theory is suitable to obtain multidimensional national profiles. Although there have been methodological advances in educational evaluation, the methods are not available in comparative education. In order to reduce the gap, scholars in educational evaluation should try to make the methods easily available, while those in comparative education should try to use the exact and precise methods in their studies.

A proposal for the classification of Korean taste terms (한국어의 '맛 어휘' 분류 체계)

  • Kim, Hyeong Min
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.56
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    • pp.7-44
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this paper is to propose a classification of Korean taste terms, especially Korean taste adjectives, from the perspective of cognitive science. The classification of Korean taste terms is here grounded in the definition of 'taste sense', 'flavor' and 'taste' which is usually employed in disciplines of cognitive science. There have been a large number of domestic researches in field of taste terms. Accordingly, a lot of research findings on the classification of taste terms have steadily been released showing the differences among researchers. These different classifications are largely based on the fact that researchers have applied their subjective criteria rather than their objective in order to categorize taste terms. According to previous studies, it is well-known that, in everyday usage, the term 'taste' covers a much wider range of qualities than those perceived through the taste receptor cells alone. In addition, we take it for granted that as much as 80~90% of taste comes from olfactory modality. It is also important to note that the texture and temperature of food, the color of food, the sounds of food, and atmospheric cues have an essential effect on taste perception. Many scientists have already pointed out that taste evaluations are influenced by a number of individual and sociocultural factors. Eating and tasting are important parts of our everyday life, so that linguistic approaches to taste perception seem to be of great significance. We can assume that a classification of taste terms from the perspective of cognitive sciences may shed light on the perceptive mechanism through which we perceive taste. It should be noted that this paper is an advanced work prepared for the follow-up study which will try to make a geometric model of word field 'taste terms' existing or probably existing in the mental lexicon of human beings.

A Contemplation on Language Fusion Phenomenon of Chinese Neologism Derived from Korean (한국어 차용 중국어 신조어의 언어융합 현상 고찰)

    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2022
  • No language can be separated from other languages and exist independently. When a language comes in contact with a foreign culture, they continuously affect each other and bring changes. Hallyu boom(Korean wave), which was derived from the emergence of K-drama and K-pop due to rapid developments in global scientific technologies and digitization after the 90's, affected the Chinese language. As a result, neologisms that are derived from the Korean language are being commonly used for making exchanges and becoming social buzzwords. Neologisms derived from Korean reflect the effects and results of language contact between the two languages. We examined the background and cause of Chinese neologisms derived from Korean based on the sociocultural factors and psychological necessity, and explained neologisms by using four categories of transliteration, liberal translation, borrowing Korean-Chinese characters and others. Despite having the issue of being anti-normative during the process of coining new words, neologism enriches Chinese expressions and is a mirror for social culture that reflects the opinions and understandings of young Chinese people who pursue novelty, change, innovation and creativity in linguistic aspects. We hope that it will serve as an opportunity for the young people in Korea and China to change their perceptions and become more friendly by understanding each other's language, culture and by communicating. We also expect to provide assistance in regard to teaching and learning the applications of Korean-Chinese language fusion at Chinese education fields.

A Study on the Perceived Value and Enjoyment of Dance According to Experience Types by Generation (무용의 세대별 체험유형에 따른 지각된 가치와 재미에 관한 연구)

  • Young Seo
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to divide the generations into Generation M and Generation Z and analyze the similarities and differences in the experiences, values, and fun through dance. To this end, the characteristics of the MZ generation were confirmed in detail, and the relationship between perceived value and fun factors was verified through various experience elements to suggest implications for the growth of dance. The subjects of the study were those who had experience with dance or had participated in dance classes. The survey was conducted from May 1 to May 30, 2024. Exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, multiple regression analysis, and difference analysis were conducted to verify the hypothesis. The research results are as follows. First, it was confirmed that for the MZ generation, educational and esthetic experiences of dance influenced the value. Second, it was confirmed that for the MZ generation, educational and esthetic experiences of dance had an impact on enjoyment. Third, in the experience factor, the differences of the MZ generation were shown in entertainment, educational, aesthetic, and esthetic experiences. Fourth, in the value factor, the differences of the MZ generation were shown in artistic values. Fifth, in the fun factor, the differences of the MZ generation were shown in a sense of accomplishment. finally, the commonalities of the MZ generation were shown in the value factor as physical, emotional, and sociocultural values. In the fun factor, they were shown as physical and mental fun and social cultivation. Through this study on generational differences in dance, it was confirmed that dance is an important means of providing social and cultural values beyond a simple art form, and the possibility of growth through differentiated competitiveness was presented.

Structural Properties of Social Network and Diffusion of Product WOM: A Sociocultural Approach (사회적 네트워크 구조특성과 제품구전의 확산: 사회문화적 접근)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joon;Han, Hee-Eun
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.141-177
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    • 2011
  • I. Research Objectives: Most of the previous studies on diffusion have concentrated on efficacy of WOM communication with the use of variables at individual level (Iacobucci 1996; Midgley et al. 1992). However, there is a paucity of studies which investigated network's structural properties as antecedents of WOM from the perspective of consumers' sociocultural propensities. Against this research backbone, this study attempted to link the network's structural properties and consumer' WOM behavior on cross-national basis. The major research objective of this study was to examine the relationship between network properties and WOM by comparing Korean and Chinese consumers. Specific objectives of this research are threefold; firstly, it sought to examine whether network properties (i.e., tie strength, centrality, range) affect WOM (WOM intention and quality of WOM). Secondly, it aimed to explore the moderating effects of cutural orientation (uncertainty avoidance and individuality) on the relationship between network properties and WOM. Thirdly, it substantiates the role of innovativeness as antecedents to both network properties and WOM. II. Research Hypotheses: Based on the above research objectives, the study put forth the following research hypotheses to validate. ${\cdot}$ H 1-1 : The Strength of tie between two counterparts within network will positively influence WOM effectivenes ${\cdot}$ H 1-2 : The network centrality will positively influence the WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 1-3 : The network range will positively influence the WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 2-1 : The consumer's uncertainty avoidance tendency will moderate the relationship between network properties and WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 2-2 : The consumer's individualism tendency will moderate the relationship between network properties and WOM effectiveness ${\cdot}$ H 3-1 : The consumer's innovativeness will positively influence the social network properties ${\cdot}$ H 3-2 : The consumer's innovativeness will positively influence WOM effectiveness III. Methodology: Through a pilot study and back-translation, two versions of questionnaire were prepared, one in Korean and the other in Chinese. The chinese data were collected from the chinese students enrolled in language schools in Suwon city in Korea, while Korean data were collected from students taking classes in a major university in Seoul. A total of 277 questionnaire were used for analysis of Korean data and 212 for Chinese data. The reason why Chinese students living in Korea rather than in China were selected was based on two factors: one was to neutralize the differences (ie, retail channel availability) that may arise from living in separate countries and the second was to minimize the difference in communication venues such as internet accessibility and cell phone usability. SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used for analysis. IV. Results: Prior to hypothesis verification, mean differences between the two countries in terms of major constructs were performed with the following result; As for network properties (tie strength, centrality and range), Koreans showed higher scores in all three constructs. For cultural orientation traits, Koreans scored higher only on uncertainty avoidance trait than Chinese. As a result of verifying the first research objective, confirming the relationship between network properties and WOM effectiveness, on Korean side, tie strength(Beta=.116; t=1.785) and centrality (Beta=.499; t=6.776) significantly influenced on WOM intention, and similar finding was obtained for Chinese side, with tie strength (Beta=.246; t=3.544) and centrality (Beta=.247; t=3.538) being significant. However, with regard to WOM argument quality, Korean data yielded only centrality (Beta=.82; t=7.600) having a significant impact on WOM, whereas China showed both tie strength(Beat=.142; t=2.052) and centrality(Beta=.348; t=5.031) being influential. To answer for the second research objective addressing the moderating role of cultural orientation, moderated regression anaylsis was performed and the result showed that uncertainty avoidance moderated between network range and WOM intention for both Korea and China, But for Korea, the uncertainty avoidance moderated between tie strength and WOM quality, while for China it moderated between network range and WOM intention. And innovativeness moderated between tie strength and WOM intention for Korea but it moderated between network range and WOM intention for China. As a result of analysing for third research objective, we found that for Korea, innovativeness positively influenced centrality only (Beta=.546; t=10.808), while for China it influenced both tie strength (Beta=.203; t=2.998) and centrality(Beta=.518; t=8.782). But for both countries alike, the innovativeness influenced positively on WOM (WOM intention and WOM quality). V. Implications: The study yields the two practical implications. Firstly, the result suggests that companies targeting multinational customers need to identify segments which are susceptible to the positive WOM and WOM information based on individual traits such as uncertainty avoidance and individualism and based on that, develop marketing communication strategy. Secondly, the companies need to divide the market on Roger's five innovation stages and based on this information, enforce marketing strategy which utilizes social networking tools such as public media and WOM. For instance, innovator and early adopters, if provided with new product information, will be able to capitalize upon the network advantages and thus add informational value to network operations using SNS or corporate blog.

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Influence of Sociocultural Services on Brand Image and Loyalty of Cafe (카페의 브랜드 이미지와 충성도에 대한 사회문화성서비스 영향)

  • Kim, Yeon Jong;Seol, Byung Moon;Mun, Hee Jung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to find out how to improve the brand image and loyalty of cafe by recognizing that social culture of middle school cafe, which is an important service quality in cafe establishment, emerges as a main characteristic of new coffee business. First, reliability, confidentness, professionalism, accessibility, and socio - culturality of the service quality of coffee specialty shops improve brand image. Confidence and professionalism play an important role in enhancing brand loyalty, and brand image has a significant effect on brand loyalty. Respectively, Among the service quality, social culture has a strong influence on brand image but it is not a direct influence on brand loyalty. Second, in the relationship between brand loyalty of coffee service quality, brand image shows full mediation effect on reliability, partial mediation effect on confidence, professionalism, accessibility, socialcultural property, and mediation effect on response and empathy. Third, as a result of analyzing the moderating effects of coffee shop types on the relationship between service quality and brand image of coffee specialty shops, reliability, confidentiality, and accessibility are positive factors in the nationwide franchise. On the other hand, in the private $caf{\acute{e}}$, professionalism and socio-culturality are the main factors for improving the brand image. In the case of the local franchise, similar to the franchise in the country, the improvement of service quality for responsiveness and professionalism is a positive factor Respectively. As a result, nationwide franchise $caf{\acute{e}}s$ have priority in enhancing brand image and brand loyalty through accessibility and assurance of service quality. On the other hand, in case of local franchise $caf{\acute{e}}$, it can be seen that the service quality is enhanced and the brand image and brand loyalty can be further improved through service professionalism and accessibility. On the other hand, regional cafes are more important than national franchises or local franchise cafes, and a strategy to enhance customer loyalty is needed through service strategies emphasizing socio - cultural aspects.

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