• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Power

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The Merits of Social Credit Rating in China? An Exercise in Interpretive Pros Hen Ethical Pluralism

  • Clancy, Rockwell F.
    • Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.102-119
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    • 2021
  • Social credit rating in China (SCRC) has been criticized as "dystopian" and "Orwellian," an attempt by the Communist Party to hold onto power by exerting ever greater control over its citizens. To explain such measures, value differences are often invoked, that Chinese value stability and cooperation over privacy and freedom. However, these explanations are oversimplifications that result in ethical impasses. This article argues social credit rating should be understood in terms of the commonly human problem of large-scale cooperation. To do so, this paper relies on a cultural evolutionary framework and is an exercise in interpretive pros hen ethical pluralism, attempting to understand how apparently irresolvable cultural differences stem from common human concerns. Wholesale condemnation of SCRC fails to acknowledge the serious, intractable nature of problems resulting from a lack of trust in China. They take for granted the existence of institutions ensuring largescale, anonymous cooperation characteristic of - but somewhat unique to - Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) cultures. Because of its history and rapid development, China lacks the institutions necessary to ensure such cooperation, and because of anti-social punishment, social credit rating might be one of the few ways to ensure cooperation at this scale. The point is not to defend social credit rating in general, but to raise the possibility of its defense in China and show one way this would be done.

The Implications of Feminist Epistemology for Knowledge Production in Social Welfare (사회복지연구를 위한 페미니스트 인식론의 비평과 함의)

  • Sung, Jung-Suk;Lee, Na-Young
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.349-373
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the way of knowledge production in social welfare and to graft feminist epistemology to the discipline of social welfare. To put it more concretely, as analyzing the epistemological and methodological issues appeared in the articles in "orean Journal of Social Welfare", this study examines the meanings of feminist epistemology and its implications to research and practice in social welfare. From its onset, feminist research criticized the 'mainstream' ways of conceptualizing knowledge construction via research conducted upon a positivist epistemological position. Particularly, western feminists have problematized the androcentric bias embedded within the so-called 'social sciences' that we have taken for granted as 'scientific,' 'objective,' and 'neutral,' and attempted to redirect and reformulate the way of knowledge production with new concepts of 'strong objectivity,' 'partial/situated knowledge,' and 'strong reflection.' We believe that the implications of feminist epistemology to enable us to reflect the power relationship between subject and object, I and Other, and the researcher and the researched will contribute to recover the original vision of social welfare as critical theory and liberating practice in social work.

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Environmental Improvement Effect and Social Benefit of Environmental Impact Assessment: Focusing on Thermal Power Plant (환경영향평가를 통한 화력발전소의 환경개선 효과와 사회적 편익)

  • Kang, Eugene;Kim, Yumi;Moon, Nankyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.322-333
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to measure atmospheric environmental improvement effect and estimate its social benefit of thermal power plants through Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for quantitative analysis about operational performances of EIA. In this study, 'EIA outcome' is defined as whether or not the system is implemented, therefore, environmental standard to be followed by each project and consultation contents were compared. In total 60 cases of thermal power plant construction projects that have been consulted over the past 10 years since 2010, major air pollutants have been significantly reduced after the implementation of EIA. The $PM_{10}$ reduced annual 3,745 tons, $NO_2$ by 74,569 tons, and $SO_2$ by 37,647 tons, which were estimated at approximately 240 billion won~5 trillion 967 billion won per year for social benefit. This means the total cost of power plant operations will be cut to 7 trillion 192 billion won~178 trillion 994 billion won over a 30-year period. The reduced amount of air pollutants emitted by energy generation facilities across the country is worth 50%, and its economic value is larger than the annual Current Health Expenditure in Korea. This is meant by the fact that all projects are subject to uniform criteria under the existing relevant regulation, but that each project plans are optimized according to the characteristics of target areas and projects through the process of EIA.

Market Power and Retail Price in Mobile Communications Industry: an International Comparative Study (시장지배력 수준과 요금인하 간의 관계분석: 이동통신서비스시장의 국제비교)

  • Choi, Saesol;Han, Sung-Soo
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.231-248
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    • 2014
  • The relationship between market structure and social welfare outcomes has received considerable critical attention in the field of competition policy research. In particular, it is necessary to study in greater depth the impact of market power on social welfare in the telecommunications industry, which is highly likely to form a monopolistic market structure. This is because, when market powers are concentrated on few upper carriers, there are negative effects on social welfare due to an excess of profits. Against this background, the present study investigates the relationship between the market structure of the mobile communications industry (the level of market power) and social welfare outcomes (the retail rate cut) through an international comparison. The results demonstrate that both the market structure and competition status of the Korean market have had significant gaps in global trends. It also points out that the monopolistic market structure (when the leading provider has more than 50% of the market share) has significantly negative effects on consumer welfare (the retail price cut). In addition, the findings of this study suggest that the direction of competition policy should focus on not only improving market concentration(HHI), but also on mitigating the monopoly of power of a dominant operator.

Government's Social Media: A Study of Twitter Use and Network among Seven Nations (정부부처의 소셜미디어 소통방식: 국가간 트위터 이용 및 연결망에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Cho, Seong Eun;Park, Han Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.160-170
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    • 2013
  • The present study analyzes a Twitter network of some 175 government organizations belonging to seven countries. They are South Korea, U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, Singapore, and Japan. The results showed that the U.S. occupied the most central position in terms of the incoming followings. Next, some clusters among countries were also noticeable according to their cultural proximities including national languages. The findings also indicate that some governmental organizations are likely to make international ties with others whose main duties are similar to each other. Finally, the structural connectivity pattern of some inter-governmental Twitter networks was visualized using a social network software. On the other hand, it suggests that there is a potential for a soft power through social media and as a result, it could be assumed that a new knowledge hegemony appears in the future.

Effects of Social Support for Elderly Residents' Primary Caregivers in Long-Term Care Facilities on Caregivers' Positive Feelings and Burden (요양시설 입소 노인 주보호자에 대한 사회적 지지가 부양긍정감과 부양부담에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ji Hyang;Han, Suk Jung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to determine factors affecting the positive feelings and care burden of elderly residents' primary caregivers in long-term care facilities. Methods: The survey was conducted between November and December 2018. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data, and 148 individuals voluntarily participated. The collected data were examined through descriptive statistical analysis using SPSS WIN ver.24.0, t-test, one-way Anova $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. Results: Factors that significantly affected caregivers' positive feelings included caregivers' education level(${\beta}=-.32$, p<.001), social support(${\beta}=.31$, p<.001), care burden(${\beta}=-.29$, p=.001), and total support fee(not more than 1.5million won)(${\beta}=-.18$, p=.012). The explanation power was as high as 40.0%(Adj $R^2=.40$). Factors that significantly affected caregivers' burden included social support(${\beta}=-.25$, p=.002), positive feelings(${\beta}=-.25$, p=.002), elderly individual's religion(${\beta}=-.17$, p=.007), and elderly individual's marriage status(${\beta}=.17$, p=.021). The explanation power was as high as 45.0%(Adj $R^2=.45$). Conclusion: Our results suggest that it is necessary to increase social support for elderly residents' primary caregivers in long-term care facilities. This can be helpful to decrease burden and enhance positive feelings in caregivers. We should also collect caregivers' information as well to provide appropriate assistance.

The Architecture of Load Flow under Graphic Interface (그래픽 인터페이스를 통한 조류계산 설계)

  • Hwang In Jun;Kim Kun Joong;Kim Kyu Wang;Shin Man Cheol;O Sung Kun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • summer
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    • pp.126-128
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    • 2004
  • In these days, our social infra which are computer and internet has been developed and our community has been digitalized with a large quantity information that can be sharable or productive. So we can say that older knowledge organization based on the man power is changing with automatical and intellectual aspect. Thus we have to apply this movement to get the high efficiency and the competitive power in the organization and to take the voluntaries attitude of operator with real time inputting or fast calculating speed. Beside most of developed countries are owned their power system analysis software. Like kind of this facts can affect for national reliance. So in this paper we propose that the suggestion for both field power system and IT how these can be cooperated. The note that this paper is came from the project which name is Graphics Power Flow analysis.

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A Study on Development of Online Wide Area SynchroPhasor and Voltage Stability Monitoring System using Satellite Network (위성망을 이용한 온라인 광역 동기위상 및 전압안정도 감시 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Dae-Yun;Kim, Tae-Jin;Yoon, Sang-Hyun;Jung, Gwang-Gyun;Oh, Gyu-Whan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.273-274
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the most wide-area blackout in North America, Canada and Europe had shown us indirectly the importance of Wide-Area Power System Protection and had influence on the direction of domestic electric power industry. After reorganization of the electric power industry in 2001, market incentives controls the power generation, transmission and distribution rather than stability of power grid, and moreover it produce bad results like inefficient facility management and too much competition. In addition, we can easily predict the massive loss of social and economic when the wide-area outage occurs by north direction load flow which is a pending problems of domestic power system and in a changed industry likes hi-tech manufacture and information technology industries. This paper introduces the development of infra systems for prevent wide-area blackout in situations of the power system operations.

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Development Process of Nuclear Power Industry in a Developing Country : Korean Experience and Implications (개발도상국에 있어서 원자력산업의 기술발전과정 분석 : 한국의 경험과 시사점)

  • 홍사균
    • Proceedings of the Technology Innovation Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.176-202
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    • 1999
  • Korea has exerted her efforts to assimilate nuclear power technology, and reportedly localized 95 percent of nuclear power technology by 1995. This paper investigates the evolution of nuclear power program in Korea to exploit the development process of the nuclear power industry and key factors for the technological localization of nuclear power plant. In developing countries, an imitative catching-up process can be shown as a course for developing the absorptive capacity of foreign technology, which depends on prior knowledge base and the intensity of effort. The process of technological learning consists of five stages including preparation, implementation of foreign technology, acquisition of peripheral technology, acquisition of core technology, and improvement f foreign technology. Moreover, this paper discusses six essential factors that have influenced the successful achievement of technological localization of nuclear power plants in Korea. They include the role and strategies of the government, the leading role of utility firm, the development and cooperation of the related organizations, the development of human resources and their efforts, market conditions and the assistance of foreign donors, and social conditions. Finally, this paper discusses about implications offered by the Korean experience for other developing countries.

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A Study on the Generation Expansion Planning System Under the Cost Based Pool (CBP 시장 체제하에서의 전력수급계획 수립 체계에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Seok-Man;Kim, Bal-Ho H.
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.5
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    • pp.918-922
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    • 2009
  • The power expansion planning is large and capital intensive capacity planning. In the past, the expansion planning was established with the proper supply reliability in order to minimize social cost. However, the planning cannot use cost minimizing objective function in the power markets with many market participants. This paper proposed the power expansion planning process in the power markets. This system is composed of Regulator and GENCO's model. Regulator model used multi-criteria decision making rule. GENCO model is very complex problem. Thus, this system transacted the part by several scenario assuming GENCO model.