• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Competency

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A Study on the Assessment Model of Intellectual Capital of the Public Library (공공도서관 지적자본 평가모형에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Woo-Kwon;Park, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.371-397
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    • 2012
  • This research works out a design for the assessment model of intellectual capital of the public library based the intellectual capital and assessment index. The public library is created by the intellectual & social capital through knowledge & information service. This study presented core competencies and index and was examined on applicability the assessment model in the public libraries. The result of this research was looked forward to help to index of quantitative and qualitative assessment in values and competencies for libraries' environment.

Looking at Organizational Socialization from the Developmental Network Perspective

  • Chang, Jihyun;Kim, Taesung
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2018
  • Paying close attention to those new to an organization, whether fresh or experienced, whose primary interest is in (re)socialization, the current study intends to (1) further the concept of mentoring from a bilateral relationship to a community and culture fostered by developmental networks, (2) propose an integrated conceptual framework for organizational socialization, and (3) suggest implications for practice and future research. This study reviews, analyzes, and integrates research assets and subsequently re-conceptualizes the aggregate information as valid propositions and a conceptual framework. The findings include (1) 11 propositions regarding the relationships among network characteristics (embeddedness, diversity), developmental functions (career support, psychosocial support, and role modeling), and socialization outcomes (learning and attitudinal outcomes); and (2) an integrated conceptual framework that depicts a comprehensive mechanism through which developmental networks conduce to organizational socialization of newcomers. Implications are that developmental networking must be an individual's fundamental competency and an essential part of organizational onboarding processes, and imperative for both members' career development and innovative organizational culture. By integrating research assets on the developmental phenomenon into conceptualizations, this study furthers the concept of mentoring to organizational culture and stimulates a substantive discourse for theory-building towards organizational socialization from the developmental network perspective.

The Influence of Group Characteristics on Effectiveness of Online Game : Focuses on MMOG (집단특성이 온라인 게임의 유효성에 미치는 영향 : MMOG를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Woong-Kyu;Kwon, Jeong-Il
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.81-107
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    • 2011
  • Group features such as group cohesion and consistency on appropriation(COA), which have been constructed through social interactions, should be noted for characterizing online game, especially, clan based massively multi-players online game (MMOG). This study attempted to identify the relationship between group characteristics and users' effectiveness of MMOG considering group experience. For this purpose, a research model was suggested: group cohesion and COA are variables for explaining group features, perceived use control is a variable for individual competency of playing MMOG, and perceived winning and perceived enjoyment are dependent variables. Moreover, group experience was included as a moderating variables for two relationships, group cohesion-preceived winning and COA-perceived winning. For the validation of this research model, 100 users for Sudden Attack which is one of very well known MMOG games were surveyed by questionnaires. Before survey, they were grouped into 10 teams and were played over ten times by team for perceiving group consciousness. In result, most hypotheses were statistically supported except the relationship between group cohesion and perceived winning.

The Effectiveness of a Cultural Competence Training Program for Public Health Nurses using Intervention Mapping

  • Kim, Yune Kyong;Lee, Hyeonkyeong
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.410-422
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study evaluated the effects of a cultural competence training program for public health nurses (PHNs) using intervention mapping. Methods: An embedded mixed method design was used. Forty-one PHNs (experimental: 21, control: 20) and forty marriage migrant women (MMW) (20, in each group) who were provided nursing care by PHN participated in the study. The experimental group was provided with a four-week cultural competence program consisting of an eight hour offline and online course, e-mail newsletters and social networking services (BAND). Transcultural Self-efficacy (TSE) of the PHNs, client-nurse trust, and satisfaction with nursing care of MMW were measured. Ten PHNs in the experimental group were interviewed after the experimental study. Results: The experimental group showed a significantly greater improvement in TSE, client-nurse trust, and satisfaction with nursing care than did the control group. Six themes emerged from qualitative data: (a) Recognizing cultural differences, (b) Being interested in the multicultural policy, (c) Trying to communicate in MMW's own language, (d) Providing medical information using internet and smart phone, (e) Embracing culturally diverse people into society, and (f) Requiring ongoing cultural competence training. Conclusion: Cultural competence training enabled PHNs to provide culturally competent care and contribute to MMW's health outcomes.

Development of a Sexual Health Care Scale-Practice (SHCS-P) for Oncology Nursing Care (암 환자를 돌보는 간호사의 성건강 간호수행 측정도구개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Kim, Sue;Kang, Hee-Sun
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.360-369
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Sexual Health Care Scale-Practice (SHCS-P) for oncology nurses to use in nursing care. Methods: Apreliminary version of the SHCS-P of 32 items was developed based on the literature and opinion of experts. A panel of eight experts reviewed the preliminary questionnaire for content validity and consolidated the instrument, which was, then, tested with data from 342 oncology nurses in Korea. Results: Exploratory factor analysis showed that the SHCS-P explained 70.49% of the total variance. The instrument revealed four factors that were named: (1) Practice for sexual function (8 items), (2) Practice for psychological factors (6 items), (3) Practice for social problems and records (4 items), and (4) Practice for reproductive care (3 items). Internal consistency was good, asassessed by the KR 20 value of 0.91. The coefficients for the sub-factors were between 0.81 and 0.93. Conclusion: This scale shows validity and reliability in evaluating the practice of oncology nurses in providing sexual health care and can be used to evaluate the level of practice well as test effects of educational interventions to improve sexual health care competency.

Communication ability according to self-awareness and other-awareness in some dental hygiene students (일부 치위생(학)과 학생의 자기인식과 타인인식에 따른 의사소통능력)

  • Lim, Sun-A
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.733-740
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among the factors of communication ability according to self-awareness and other-awareness in some dental hygiene students. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 260 dental hygiene students in Gwangju and Jeonnam from June 14 to 28, 2016. After explanation of the purpose of the study, an informed consent was written by the students. The effect size was calculated by $G^*power$ 3.1 program. The study instruments comprised the general characteristics of the subjects, self-awareness, other-awareness, and communication ability. Data were analyzed by independent test, one way ANOVA, $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test, stewise multiple regression test, and Pearson's correlation test using SPSS 18.0. Results: Communication ability had a significant positive correlation with self-awareness(r=0.427, p<0.001) and other-awareness (r=0.460, p<0.001). The higher level of self-awareness and other-awareness was proportional to communication ability. The influencing factors of communication ability included private self-awareness(${\beta}=0.227$), public self-awareness(${\beta}=0.170$), social anxiety(${\beta}=0.182$), and external other-awareness(${\beta}=0.282$). Conclusions: To improve the communication ability in the dental hygiene students, it is important to improve self-awareness and other-awareness. The implementation of communication skill in the curriculum will enhance the dental hygiene students competency.

A Study on Referents and Inputs in Pay Comparisons (임금비교에 있어서 비교대상 및 비교기준에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Kwang-Hoon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.19
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    • pp.223-241
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    • 2006
  • This study has two purposes. One is to systematize a number of referents and to examine the types of comparisons. The other is to examine categories of comparative standards such as inputs in equity theory. In pay comparison process, referents and inputs are very important elements. The first factor analysis is related to referents, which include 18 variables in 6 categories were subjected to factor analysis. 3 factors emerge with an eigenvalue of 1.0 or greater. Factor I, economic need, includes referents in personal worth and system referent. Factor II, market comparison, includes internal and external referents except one variable(external-peer). Between internal and external referents is not distinguished. This result is corresponded with Hills'(1980) and Hong's(1995) findings. FactorIII is named 'historical/social comparisons'. 14 inputs are subjected to the second factor analysis. 3 factors emerge with an eigenvalue of 1.0 or greater. The 5 variables loading on factor I, equity standard, are responsibility, competency, effort, outcome, and skill. FactorII, equality standard, includes age, gender, and education. FactorIII, seniority standard, includes career and company tenure. All the factors are positively associated with each other. Especially, personal worth is associated with equity standard(r=0.50466). Internal and external referents are associated with any comparative standard.

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An Integrative Review of Interventions to Improve Parenting Competencies of Unmarried Mothers Living in Residential Facilities in Korea (국내 시설 거주 미혼모의 양육역량 향상을 위한 중재의 통합적 고찰)

  • Lee, Gumhee;Jeong, Yeseul;Bang, Kyung-Sook;Kim, Sungjae;Kim, Misook;Shin, Da-ae
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.28-39
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: To understand the core elements and the effects of interventions on the improvement of parenting capabilities of unmarried mothers living in residential facilities, this study reviewed the literatures related to this concept. Methods: Five electronic databases (KISS, KMbase, KoreaMed, NDSL, and RISS) were searched, and eight studies were ultimately selected for the integrative review. Results: The interventions were categorized into two types: psychological intervention and sociocultural intervention. The core elements of the psychological interventions included cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and relational contents. Sociocultural aspects included raising personal skills for finding social support resources. Various studies showed the effects of intervention on efficacy, attachment, or parenting behavior. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, health promotion programs to improve maternal parenting competency for unmarried mothers living in residential facilities need to be developed and applied.

Relationships of Self-Efficacy to Creative Disposition and Ability in University Students Major in Health Care (간호.보건계 대학생의 자기효능감과 창의적 성향 및 능력간의 관계)

  • Gang, So-Yeong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : This study was aimed at examining the relationships of university students' self-efficacy to creative disposition and creative thinking ability. Method : A descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 320 students enrolled 4-year-undergraduate academic programs major in nursing as well as elderly care management in one University located in Pusan, Korea. This study used: (a) 24 items of Self-Efficacy Scale originally developed by Kim & Cha(1996), and (b) 39 items of creative thinking ability and 16 items of creative attitudes in a Self-Report Form of Integrative Creativity Scale developed by Bak & Kang(2006). The data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple regression methods. Result : University students' self-efficacy has significantly positive impact on creative thinking ability(p<.001) with 26.4% of the variance and creative disposition(p<.001) with 48.9%. Creative thinking ability as well as the disposition related to creativity that university students possessed were significantly influenced by efficacy on self-control and efficacy on taking difficult tasks. Conclusion : This result supports Social Cognitive Theory and Investment Theory of Creativity in terms that self-efficacy is the factor affecting fostering creative ability and demonstration of creativity potential to the real. This also implies that healthcare educational programs reinforcing students' self-efficacy would contribute to breed them to healthcare professionals with creative competency.

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A Study on the Daily Life Experience of Medical Students using the Experience Sampling Method

  • Yoo, Hyo Hyun;Jun, Soo-Koung;Kim, Seong Yong;Park, Kwi Hwa
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the daily life experiences of medical students and to explore gender differences in these experiences using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) as the method. The instrument, the Experience Sampling Form (ESF), consisted of questions on the external and internal experiences of the respondents. Data were collected from 2,035 ESFs by 91 students (male=52, female=39) at three medical schools for one week. The data was analyzed using the statistical tests of the t-test and ${\chi}^2$ test. Activity places were significantly different by gender (${\chi}^2=16.576$, p=.001). Males spent more time in learning places such as schools, libraries, etc., whereas females spent their time in personal places, including their homes, dormitories, etc. Males undertook more learning activities than did females, and females undertook more social/leisure activities and basic life activities than did male students (${\chi}^2=18.753$, p=.001). They were in a learning place and performing learning activities. There were significant perceptual differences between males and females about their flow levels, competency levels, and difficulty levels, based on the activity type. These results can help us to understand the daily lives of medical students and can be useful in developing counseling programs and educational activities for students.