• Title/Summary/Keyword: Slope height

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Selection of Desirable Species and Estimation of Composition Ratio in a Natural Deciduous Forest (천연활엽수림(天然闊葉樹林)의 경영대상(經營對象) 수종(樹種) 선정(選定) 및 구성비율(構成比率) 추정(推定))

  • Yang, Hee Moon;Kang, Sung Kee;Kim, Ji Hong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.465-475
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    • 2001
  • Based on the community structural attributes, such as species composition, diameter and height distribution, topographic position, and species diversity in the natural deciduous forest of Mt. Gari area, this study suggested desirable species and composition ratio to achieve ecological management of forests so as to maintain forest stability and enhance economical values. The results are as follows : 1. Twenty-five tree species were growing in the study forest. Of these Quercus mongolica, Pinus densiflora, Juglans mandshurica, Quercus serrata, Cornus controversa, Acer mono, Fraxinus rhynchophylla, and Tilia mandshurica were selected for desirable species through the evaluation of dominant and dominant potential. Kalopanax pictus, considered to be highly valuable species, was also included. 2. Taking account of different species composition pattern by topographic positions, we select as desirable species of J. mandshurica, C. controversa, Q. mongolica, A. mono, T. mandshurica, and F. rhynchophylla in the valley area, Q. mongolica, Q. serrata, A. mono, T. mandshurica, F. rhynchophylla, and K. pictus in the mid-slope area, and Q. mongolica, P. densiflora, Q. serrata, and Fraxinus rhynchophylla in the ridge area. 3. Based on the estimation of species diversity index for the overstory components, the reasonable forest stability levels of the indices were estimated at 1.96, 1.68, 1.94, and 1.27 for whole forest, valley, midslope, and ridge, respectively. 4. The recommended species composition ratios in the study forest were suggested Q. mongolica to be 30%, A. mono, F. rhynchophylla, Q. serrata, and T. mandshurica to be 10%~15%, J. mandshurica, P. densiflora, and C. controversa to be 5%~10%, and K. pictus to be 5%.

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Effect of pelvic adjustment on chronic low back pain and spino-pelvic parameters in middle-aged women (골반교정이 중년 여성의 만성요통과 척추골반지표에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Yun-Gyo;Kim, Jaehee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of pelvic adjustment on low back pain and spino-pelvic parameters in middle-aged women. Thirty-eight middle-aged women with chronic low back pain were randomly assigned to the pelvic adjustment (n = 20) oruntreated control (n = 18) group. Pelvic adjustment interventionswereperformed four times a week for 8 weeksin the former group. At baseline and after 8 weeks, the back pain and back function were evaluated using the visual analogue scale (VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI), and back flexibility. Additionally, the spino-pelvic radiographic parameters and serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were assessed. After 8 weeks, the VAS, ODI, and back flexibility significantly improved in the pelvic adjustment group compared with the control group. It was found that the changes from baseline in the lumbar lordotic angle, sacral slope, pelvic crest unleveling, and femoral head height inequality were significantly greater in the pelvic adjustment group than in the control group. There were no significant changes in the pelvic incidence or serum CRP levels in either group. In conclusion, pelvic adjustment has beneficial effects on chronic low back pain and back function, suggesting that the effects of pelvic adjustment on back pain may at least in part result from changes in the spino-pelvic alignment.

Burial Age and Flooding-origin Characteristics of Coastal Deposits at Gwangseungri, Gochanggun, Korea (고창군 광승리 연안 퇴적층의 퇴적 시기와 범람 기원 특성)

  • Kim, Jong Yeon;Yang, Dong Yoon;Shin, Won Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.222-235
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    • 2015
  • Samples were collected from both places including the coastal area within the height of 5 m above the mean sea level (msl) (DH) and the top of the coastal terrace of 10-15 m msl (KS) high in Gwangseungri, Gochanggun, Korea. To find the origin of the deposit in the coastal area, granulometric analysis and geochemical analysis were performed. The result showed that the DH samples were originated from the reddish soils overlaying weathered bedrock which presented gradual change of chemical composition from the bottom toward the top. Clay minerals were found from the DH samples. These results concluded that the DH samples were found as in-situ weathered materials. The KS samples were originated from the soil layer covering gravel layer at the foot slope of the hill along the coast. The KS samples contained different chemical compositions from the DH. It is inferred that some of this layer was disturbed or experienced the influx of foreign material. The particle size of the KS samples was different from those found on the beach. The particle size of lower parts of KS site was finer than that on the beach, but the particle size of middle part of the site was coarser than that on the beach. The sorting of the KS site was poorer than that on the beach. Thus, it is inferred that some parts of the layer were formed by short-lived high energy event rather than sustained and continuous action of tidal currents and/or waves. Analysis using an optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) method showed that the burial age of samples from KS site were found 0.65-0.71 ka. Though the characteristics of the sediment layer and forming event in this area should be further studied, it can be inferred that this sedimentary layer formed by coastal flooding with storm.

The study on the breast types and characteristics of Chinese female adults. (Ver. 2) - Focused on the female college students in Shanghai - (중국 성인여성용 유방유형 및 특성에 관한 연구(제 II보) - 상해지역 20대 전반 여성을 중심으로 -)

  • Cha, Su-Joung;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2010
  • This study is done in Shanghai area by sample survey of female college students in their lower 20s. Through direct contact survey, this study collected and analyzed information on figure to understand feature of breasts and measurements of body to provide base information to improve product of brassiere for adult female in China. Data was analyzed by using SPSSWIN 13.0 Program and SAS 9.0. 1. From a result of factor analysis on 40 items of measures to derive the components of the shape of the breast, 6 factors were derived such as the factors to show the obesity of the bust, to show the ratio of the upper and lower area of the lower bust, droop and volume, to show the internal shape and broadness of the bust, to show the location and vertical size of the bust, to show the protrusion of the bust and the eternal shape of the bust. 2. From a result of classification on the shape of the breast of the Chinese women in their early 20s, 4 types were selected. Type 1 is the protrusion type that a woman has a broad drooped breast due to the development in the upper and lower parts of the chest as well as the highest height, a high degree of obesity in the bust part, big volume and much protrusion. Type 2 is the hemisphere type that the degree of obesity in the breast is second to Type 1 and a breast is located at a region higher than Type 1 as the degree of obesity in the breast is secondly highest, the lower part of the bust is bigger than the Type 1 and the degree of being broad and drooped is second to Type 1. Type 3 is the cone type with a breast of being drooped and broad a little bit and a certain degree of a volume. Type 4 is the flat type with the smallest value in the item that shows the obesity of the bust area and with the smallest value in the R$\ddot{o}$hrer index to have the small and slender body type for the bust area, which is somewhat flat due to a low slope at the internal side of the bust.

Environmental and Ecological Characteristics Distribution of Natural Growth Region in Rhododendron Brachycarpum (만병초 자생지의 환경생태학적 특성)

  • Lee, Byung-Chul;Shim, Ie-Sung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1319-1328
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    • 2011
  • Rhododendron brachycarpum is a evergreen broad-leaved shrub and belongs to the Ericaceae family and the Rhododendron genus. It is well known for its beautiful leaves and flowers. There are 11 species of the Rhododendron genus in Korea. It includes 3 species - Rhododendron brachycarpum, Rhododendron aureum Georgi and Rhododendron brachycarpum var. roseum Koidz. They grow naturally over 1,000 meters above sea level of the Baekdu Mountain Range in Korea. These habitats, according to investigations of 9 Rhododendron brachycarpum natural habitats, are mostly located on the slope of mountains facing north at an altitude of 1,200 m to 1,526 m above sea level with angle of inclination from 30 degrees to 45 degrees. Based on the result of vegetation analysis of dominance species in the quadrates, there are Quercus aliena, Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb, Abies holophylla in species of upper trees, and so on. Dominant species of woody plants in tree layer are Quercus aliena, Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb, Abies holophylla, Betula platyphylla and Veeatrum patulum Loes. fil, Erythronium japonicum, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Paeonia japonica var. glabra Makino are founded in herbaceous plants. And we can see another result of the investigation that the flowering rates of the plants with the buds are highly ranked mountains such as Mt. Hambaek 68%, Mt. Gyebang 40%, Mt. Yagksu 9%, Mt. Gaein 7% and Mt. Seolag 0%. The results show that there are 24 over 15-year-old Rhododendron brachycarpums in Mt. Odae and are 56 under 15-year-old trees in Mt. Hambaek and are no trees in Mt. Gyebang and are 9 over 30-year-dead trees only in Mt. Taebaeg. Out of found trees, the highest tree is 7 m in height and 0.6 m in diameter. Also this result shows what are the vulnerability factors of the natural habitats. They are as follows: indiscriminate trails in mountains, damages by mountain climbers, uncareful plant collecting, the fierce competitions with other plants such as Acer pseudosieboldianum var. ishidoyanum Uyeki, Quercus aliena, Celastrus orbiculatus and damages by disease and insect, unusual temperature in natural habitats, etc. Rhododendron brachycarpums have high ornamental value and excellent pharmaceutical effect. But the areas of its habitats decrease dramatically. So we need measures to protect and their natural habitats. It is necessary that we conductfurther investigations to designate conservation area for Rhododendron brachycarpums.

Comparison of Accuracy and Characteristics of Digital Elevation Model by MMS and UAV (MMS와 UAV에 의한 수치표고모델의 정확도 및 특성 비교)

  • Park, Joon-Kyu;Um, Dae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2019
  • The DEM(Digital Elevation Model) is a three-dimensional spatial information that stores the height of the terrain as a numerical value. This means the elevation of the terrain not including the vegetation and the artifacts. The DEM is used in various fields, such as 3D visualization of the terrain, slope, and incense analysis, and calculation of the quantity of construction work. Recently, many studies related to the construction of 3D geospatial information have been conducted, but research related to DEM generation is insufficient. Therefore, in this study, a DEM was constructed using a MMS (Mobile Mapping System), UAV image, and UAV LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging), and the accuracy evaluation of each result was performed. As a result, the accuracy of the DEM generated by MMS and UAV LiDAR was within ± 4.1cm, and the accuracy of the DEM using the UAV image was ± 8.5cm. The characteristics of MMS, UAV image, and UAV LiDAR are presented through a comparison of data processing and results. The DEM construction using MMS and UAV can be applied to various fields, such as an analysis and visualization of the terrain, collection of basic data for construction work, and service using spatial information. Moreover, the efficiency of the related work can be improved greatly.

Allometric Equations and Biomass Expansion Factors by Stand Density in Cryptomeria japonica Plantations (삼나무 조림지의 임분밀도에 따른 상대생장식과 현존량 확장계수)

  • Gwon, Jung-Hwa;Seo, Huiyeong;Lee, Kwang-Soo;You, Byung-Oh;Park, Yong-Bae;Jeong, Jaeyeob;Kim, Choonsig
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to evaluate stand density-specific and generalized allometric equations, and biomass expansion factors (BEFs) for two stand densities (high density of 47-year-old: $667tree{\cdot}ha^{-1}$; low density of 49-year-old: $267tree{\cdot}ha^{-1}$) of Cryptomeria japonica plantations in Namhae-gun, located in the southern Korea. Biomass in each tree component, i.e. foliage, branch, and stem, was quantified by destructive tree harvesting. Allometric regression equations of each tree component were significant (P<0.05) with diameter at breast height (DBH) accounting for 80-96% of the variation except for branch biomass in high density or foliage and cone biomass in low density. Generalized allometric equations can be used to estimate the biomass of C. japonica plantations because the slopes of allometric equations were not significantly different by the stand density. The biomass expansion factors (BEFs) were significantly lower in the high stand density (1.33) than in the low stand density (1.50). The results indicate that BEFs were affected by different stand density, while allometric equations were little related to the stand density.

Clustering Analysis of Walking Characteristics of Elderly People for Use in Pedestrian Facilities Design (보행시설 설계시 활용을 위한 고령자 보행특성 군집화 연구)

  • ROH, Chang-Gyun;PARK, Bum jin;MOON, Byungsup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.409-420
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    • 2016
  • Korea is expected to enter 'Super Aged Society' in 2026. However, as walking is the very basic human right of mobility, securing safe and convenient moving of elderly people comprising the majority of transportation vulnerable is thought to be the most basic welfare, which can be easily neglected. From this perspectives, this study provides the walking characteristics of elderly people to be used in design of pedestrian facilities. The analysis of the measurements using Motion Analysis Systems shows that all walking factors of elderly people is 75% level of the younger group. Elderly group shows slower movement, reduced shoulder movement and increased ankle movement compared to the others. Also, foots are risen less and ground repulsive force is increased. Cluster analysis shows that the group of the elderly shows high variability inside the group, and 2 or 3 clusters can be formed with factors of Walking, Balance and Muscles. These walking characteristics can be used in designing pedestrian road, slope and step height of roadway facilities.

Resonant Characteristics in Rectangular Harbor with Narrow Entrance (2.Effects of Entrance Energy Loss) (개구부가 좁은 직사각형 항만의 공진 특성 (2.항입구 에너지 손실의 영향))

  • 정원무;박우선;서경덕;채장원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.216-230
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    • 1999
  • A Galerkin finite element model for the analysis of harbor oscillation has been developed based on the extended mild-slope equation. Infinite elements are used to accomodate the radiation condition at infinity and joint elements to treat the matching conditions at the harbor entrance which include the energy loss due to flow separation. The numerical tests for rectangular harbors with fully or partially open entrances show that the energy loss at the harbor entrance considerably reduces the the amplification ratios at the innermost parts of the harbors and that the amplification ratios decrease considerably with increasing incident wave heights and jet lengths at the harbor entrance. Application of the model to the Gamcheon harbor show that when the incident wave amplitude is small the amplification ratios rather increase when the entrance energy loss is included than when ignored because of the shift of the resonance periods. Even though the entrance energy loss was insignificant for the measured long-period incident waves, it would be of great importance if the incident waves were large as in the attack of tsunamis. The resonance period of the Helmholtz mode at the Gamcheon Harbor was calculated to be 31 minutes, which agrees well with the measured one between 27 and 33.3 minutes. The measured resonance periods between 9.4 and 12.1 minutes and 5.2 and 6.2 minutes were also calculated by the numerical model as 10.4 minutes and 6.6 or 5.6 minutes, indicating good performance of the model. On the other hand, it was shown that a variety of oscillation modes exists in the Gamcheon Harbor and lateral resonances of considerable amplification ratios also exist at the periods of 3.6 and 1.6 minutes as in the Young-II Bay.

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A Study on the Optimum Environmental Conditions for the Creation and Restoration of Artificial Tidal Flat (인공간석지 창출과 복원을 위한 최적환경조건 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jeoung-Gyu;Okada Mitsumasa
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.102-112
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of design criteria and environmental conditions of the site of created tidal flats on the structure and function of man-made ecosystem. Seven constructed tidal flats and three natural tidal flats were studied taking the difference in the location (wave height and tidal current), inflow of river water, slope of tidal flat and age after the construction completed into consideration. Parameters studied were physico-chemical and biological characteristics of soils and rate of respiration. The natural tidal flats had higher contents of silt, nitrogen and organic matter compared with the constructed ones. The natural ones had reductive zone below 2cm, whereas the constructed ones had aerobic zone from the surface to below 20cm. The bacterial population in the soil of the constructed tidal flats was one to two orders of magnitude lower than that in the natural ones. Both biomass of macrobenthos and microbial respiration rate, however, were not different significantly between the natural and the constructed tidal flats. There was an exceptional constructed tidal flat with similar physico-chemical and biological characteristics to the natural ones. It is most probable that sufficient conditions to have similar tidal flats to natural ones are the location in enclosed bay or calm coastal area. Thus, to make man-made tidal flats with the same characteristics as those in natural ones, man-made tidal flats should be designed and/or located to enhance the accumulation of silt on tidal flat. It is important to select a place having low water motion for construction of tidal flat.

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