• Title/Summary/Keyword: Slip Load

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Analytical, experimental and numerical study of timber-concrete composite beams for bridges

  • Molina, Julio C.;Calil, Carlito Junior;de Oliveira, Diego R.;Gomes, Nadia B.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the strength and stiffness (EI) of wood-concrete composite beams for bridges with T-shaped cross section were evaluated. Two types of connectors were used: connectors bonded with epoxy adhesive and connectors attached to the wood just by pre-drilling (without adhesive). The connectors consisted of common steel bars with a diameter of 12.5 mm. Initially, the strength and stiffness (EI) of the beams were analyzed by bending tests with the load applied at the third point of the beam. Subsequently, the composite beams were evaluated by numerical simulation using ANSYS software with focus on the connection system. To make the composite beams, Eucalyptus citriodora wood and medium strength concrete were used. The slip modulus K and the ultimate strength values of each type of connector were obtained by direct shear tests performed on composite specimens. The results showed that the connector glued with epoxy adhesive resulted in better strength and stiffness (EI) for the composite beams when compared to the connector fixed by pre-drilling. The differences observed were up to 10%. The strength and stiffness (EI) values obtained analytically by $M{\ddot{o}}hler^{\prime}$ model were lower than the values obtained experimentally from the bending tests, and the differences were up to 25%. The numerical simulations allowed, with reasonable approximation, the evaluation of stress distributions in the composite beams tested experimentally.

Design Study of a Simulation Duct for Gas Turbine Engine Operations (가스터빈엔진을 모의하기 위한 시뮬레이션덕트 설계 연구)

  • Im, Ju Hyun;Kim, Sun Je;Kim, Myung Ho;Kim, You Il;Kim, Yeong Ryeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2019
  • A design study of gas turbine engine simulation duct was conducted to investigate the operating characteristics and control gain tunning of the Altitude Engine Test Facility(AETF). The simulation duct design involved testing variable spike nozzle and ISO standard choking nozzle to verify the measurements such as mass flow rate and thrust. The simulation duct air flow area was designed to satisfy Ma 0.4 at the aerodynamic interface plane(AIP) at engine design condition. The test conditions for verifying the AETF controls and measurement devices were deduced from 1D analysis and CFD calculation results. The spike-cone driving part was designed to withstand the applied aero-load, and satisfy the axial traversing speed of 10 mm/s at whole operation envelops.

Impact response of a novel flat steel-concrete-corrugated steel panel

  • Lu, Jingyi;Wang, Yonghui;Zhai, Ximei;Zhou, Hongyuan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2022
  • A novel flat steel plate-concrete-corrugated steel plate (FS-C-CS) sandwich panel was proposed for resisting impact load. The failure mode, impact force and displacement response of the FS-C-CS panel under impact loading were studied via drop-weight impact tests. The combined global flexure and local indentation deformation mode of the FS-C-CS panel was observed, and three stages of impact process were identified. Moreover, the effects of corrugated plate height and steel plate thickness on the impact responses of the FS-C-CS panels were quantitatively analysed, and the impact resistant performance of the FS-C-CS panel was found to be generally improved on increasing corrugated plate height and thickness in terms of smaller deformation as well as larger impact force and post-peak mean force. The Finite Element (FE) model of the FS-C-CS panel under impact loading was established to predict its dynamic response and further reveal its failure mode and impact energy dissipation mechanism. The numerical results indicated that the concrete core and corrugated steel plate dissipated the majority of impact energy. In addition, employing end plates and high strength bolts as shear connectors could prevent the slip between steel plates and concrete core and assure the full composite action of the FS-C-CS panel.

Uplift Capacity Estimation of Bond-type Rock Anchors Based on Full Scale Field Tests (실규모 현장시험을 통한 부착형 암반앵커의 인발저항력 평가)

  • Kim, Dae-Hong;Oh, Gi-Dae
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the results of full-scale uplift load tests performed on 24 passive anchors grouted to various lengths at Okchun and Changnyong site. Rock anchors were installed over a wide range of rock types and qualities with a fixed anchored depth of 1~6 m. The majority of installations used D51 mm high grade steel rebar to induce rock failure prior to rod failure. However, a few installations included the use of D32 mm rebar at relatively deeper anchored depth so as to induce rod failure. In many tests, rock failure was reached and the ultimate loads were recorded along with observations of the shape and extent of the failure surface. In addition to field tests, laboratory pullout tests were conducted to determine bond strength and bond stress-shear slip relation at the tendon/grout interface when a corrosion protection sheath is installed in the cement-based grout. The test results show that the ultimate tendon-grout bond strength is measured from 18~25% of unconfined compressive strength of grout. One of the important results from these tests is that the measured strains along the corrosion protection sheath were so small that practically the reduction of bond strength by the presence of sheath would be negligible.

A Crack Width Estimation Considering Bond Characteristics of Corroded Reinforced Concrete members based on Tension Stiffening Effect (부식된 철근콘크리트 부재의 부착특성을 고려한 인장증강효과 기반 균열폭 산정)

  • Jee-Sang Kim;Kyung Suk Yoo
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.552-559
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents the test results of 8 direct tensile specimens to investigate the effect of corrosion rate on the tension stiffening effects in axially loaded reinforced concrete tensile members. Four corrosion rates are selected as a main experimental parameter. As a result, crack widths become larger as the corrosion rate increases, and in specimens with a corrosion rate of 5 % or higher, during the crack stabilization phase, the behavior of the corroded specimen is not parallel with the behavior of bare bars and eventually the tension stiffening effects disappear when the yield load is reached. This observations are inconsistent with the current design regulations, and based on the current results, a new coefficient related corrosion is proposed for tension stiffening effects and crack widths formula.

Compressive Stress Distribution of High Tension Bolted Joints (고장력 볼트 이음부의 내부 압축응력 분포)

  • Kim, Sung Hoon;Lee, Seung Yong;Choi, Jun Hyeok;Chang, Dong Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.9 no.2 s.31
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1997
  • The high-tension bolted joints are clamped by the axial force which approaches the yielding strength. The introduced axial force is transmitted to the connection members pass through washer. The transferred load in connections is balanced to the compressive stress of plates, axial force in bolts and the external loads. In this mechanism, the compressive stress and slip load we dominated by the effective stiffness of bolted joints and plates. In general the effective stiffness is specified to product to the effective area and elasticity modulus in connections. In this reason, the conic projection formular which is assumed that the axial force in bolts is distributed to the cone shape and that region is related to the elastic deformation mechanism in connections, was proposed. But it conclude what kind of formula is justified. Therefore in this paper, the fatigue tests are performed to the high tension bolted joints and inspected to the phase on the friction face. And using the FEM and numerical method, it is analyzed and approximated to the compressive stress distribution and its region. Moreover, it is estimated to the effective area and to the relation the friction area to the effective compressive distribution region.

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Evaluation of Bond Strength for FRP Hybrid Bar According to Coating Methods using Silica Sands (규사 코팅 방법에 따른 FRP Hybrid Bar의 부착강도 평가)

  • Jung, Kyu-San;Park, Ki-Tae;You, Young-Jun;Seo, Dong-Woo;Kim, Byeong-Cheol;Park, Joon-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we examined the bond performance of FRP Hybrid Bars. FRP Hybrid Bars are developed by wrapping glass fibers on the outside of deformed steel rebars to solve the corrosion problem. The surface of the FRP Hybrid Bars was coated with resin and silica sand to enhance its adhesion bonding performance with concrete. Various parameters, such as the resin type, viscosity, and size of the silica sand, were selected in order to find the optimal surface condition of the FRP Hybrid Bars. For the bonding test, FRP Hybrid Bars were embedded in a concrete block with a size of 200 mm3 and the maximum load and slip were measured at the interface between the FRP Hybrid Bar and concrete through the pull-out test. From the experimental results, the maximum load and bond strength were calculated as a function of each experimental variable and the resin type, viscosity and size of the silica sand giving rise to the optimal bond performance were evaluated. The maximum bond strength of the specimen using epoxy resin and No. 5 silica sand was about 35% higher than that of the deformed rebar.

Experimental Study on the Behavior of Building Hardware with Joint Details (접합 방법에 따른 하지철물 구조물의 거동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Hong, Seonguk;Kim, Seunghun;Baek, Kiyoul
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.190-198
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, non-welded building hardware has been installed by bolt assembly is used. The non-welded building hardware method can reduce accidents caused by welding, and can be constructed by bolt assembly, which can reduce labor costs and shorten the construction period. However, there is a need for a method to compensate for the occurrence of buckling at the time of construction. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the behavior of joints between steel pipe and fastener and to evaluate the behavior of joints of non-welded and welded hardware frame. As a result, it was found that the foundation steel structure without welded joints was deformed to a rotation angle of member much larger than the allowable interlayer displacement angle 0.01 to 0.02 required according to the seismic load rating in the seismic load resistance system.

An Experimental Study on Reinforcement Method for Reuse of Onshore Wind Turbine Spread Footing Foundations (육상풍력터빈 확대기초의 재사용을 위한 보강방법에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Song, Sung Hoon;Jeong, Youn Ju;Park, Min Su;Kim, Jeong Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • In order to reuse existing onshore turbine foundations, it is important to redesign and reinforce the existing foundations according to the upgraded tower diameter and turbine load. In the present study, a slab extension reinforcement method and structure details of an anchorage part were examined in consideration of the reuse of spread footings, which are the most widely used foundation type in onshore wind turbine foundations. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the load resistance performance of a reinforced spread footing according to structure details of an anchorage part. The results showed that (1) the strength of an anchorage part could be increased by more than 30 % by adding reinforcement bars in the anchorage part, (2) pile-sleeves attached to an anchor ring contributed to an increase in rotational stiffness by preventing shear slip behavior between the anchor ring and the concrete, and (3) slab connectors contributed to an increase in the strength and deformation capacity by preventing the separation of new and old concrete slabs.

Experiment of Flexural Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Beams with External Tendons according to Tendon Area and Tendon Force (강선량 및 긴장력에 따른 외부 강선을 가진 PSC 보의 휨거동 실험)

  • Yoo, Sung-Won;Yang, In-Hwan;Suh, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.513-521
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the externally prestressed unbonded concrete structures are increasingly being built. The mechanical behavior of prestressed concrete beams with external unbonded tendon is different from that of normal bonded PSC beams in that the slip of tendons at deviators and the change of tendon eccentricity occurs as external loads are applied in external unbonded PSC beams. The purpose of the present paper is therefore to evaluate the flexural behavior by performing static flexural test according to tendon area and tendon force. From experimental results, before flexural cracking, there was no difference between external members and bonded members. However, after cracking, yielding load of reinforcement, ultimate load, and the tendon stress of external members was lower than that of bonded members. For the relationship of load-tendon stress, the increasing of tendon strain was inversely proportional to the initial tendon force. However, even if the initial tendon force was large, the tendon strain with small effective stress was smaller than that with large effective stress. The concrete compressive strain was proportional to the effective stress of external tendon. From the comparison between test results and codes, the ACI-318 could not consider the effect of tendon force or effective stress, and especially the results of ACI-318 were very small, so it was very conservative. And the AASHTO 1994 could be influenced on the tendon area, initial force and effective stress, but as it was made on the basis of internal unbonded tendon, its results were much larger than the test results. For this reason, the new correct predict equation of external tendon stress will be needed.