• 제목/요약/키워드: Simulated Flight Test

검색결과 52건 처리시간 0.022초

Airborne In-situ Measurement of CO2 and CH4 in Korea: Case Study of Vertical Distribution Measured at Anmyeon-do in Winter (항공기를 이용한 온실가스 CO2와 CH4의 연속관측: 안면도 겨울철 연직분포사례 분석)

  • Li, Shanlan;Goo, Tae-Young;Moon, Hyejin;Labzovskii, Lev;Kenea, Samuel Takele;Oh, Young-Suk;Lee, Haeyoung;Byun, Young-Hwa
    • Atmosphere
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.511-523
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    • 2019
  • A new Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) airborne measurement platform has been established for regular observations for scientific purpose over South Korea since late 2017. CRDS G-2401m analyzer mounted on the King Air 350HW was used to continuous measurement of CO2, CH4 and CO mole fraction. The total uncertainty of measurements was estimated to be 0.07 ppm for CO2, 0.5 ppb for CH4, and 4.2 ppb for CO by combination of instrument precision, repeatability test simulated in-flight condition and water vapor correction uncertainty. The airborne vertical profile measurements were performed at a regional Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Anmyeon-do (AMY) station that belongs to the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) and provides concurrent observations to the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) overpasses. The vertical profile of CO2 shows clear altitude gradient, while the CH4 shows non-homogenous pattern in the free troposphere over Anmyeon-do. Vertically averaged CO2 at the altitude between 1.5 and 8.0km are lower than AMY surface background value about 7 ppm but higher than that observed in free troposphere of western pacific region about 4 ppm, respectively. CH4 shows lower level than those from ground GAW stations, comparable with flask airborne data that was taken in the western pacific region. Furthermore, this study shows that the combination of CH4 distribution in free troposphere and trajectory analysis, taking account of convective mixing, is a useful tool in investigating CH4 transport processes from tropical region to Korean region in winter season.

Development of a Crew Resource Management Training Program for Reduction of Human Errors in APR-1400 Nuclear Power Plant (국내 원자력발전소 인적오류 저감을 위한 Crew Resource Management 교육훈련체계 개발)

  • Kim, Sa-Kil;Byun, Seong-Nam;Lee, Dhong-Hoon;Jeong, Choong-Heui
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2009
  • The nuclear power industry in the world has recognized the importance of integrating non-technical and team skills training with the technical training given to its control room operators to reduce human errors since the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents. The Nuclear power plant (NPP) industry in Korea has been also making efforts to reduce the human errors which largely have contributed to 120 nuclear reactor trips from the year 2001 to 2006. The Crew Resource Management (CRM) training was one of the efforts to reduce the human errors in the nuclear power industry. The CRM was developed as a response to new insights into the causes of aircraft accidents which followed from the introduction of flight recorders and cockpit voice recorders into modern jet aircraft. The CRM first became widely used in the commercial airline industry, but military aviation, shipboard crews, medical and surgical teams, offshore oil crews, and other high-consequence, high-risk, time-critical industry teams soon followed. This study aims to develop a CRM training program that helps to improve plant performance by reducing the number of reactor trips caused by the operators' errors in Korean NPP. The program is; firstly, based on the work we conducted to develop a human factors training from the applications to the Nuclear Power Plant; secondly, based on a number of guidelines from the current practicable literature; thirdly, focused on team skills, such as leadership, situational awareness, teamwork, and communication, which have been widely known to be critical for improving the operational performance and reducing human errors in Korean NPPs; lastly, similar to the event-based training approach that many researchers have applied in other domains: aircraft, medical operations, railroads, and offshore oilrigs. We conducted an experiment to test effectiveness of the CRM training program in a condition of simulated control room also. We found that the program made the operators' attitudes and behaviors be improved positively from the experimental results. The more implications of the finding were discussed further in detail.