• Title/Summary/Keyword: Side Walls

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Investigation of the behavior of a tunnel subjected to strike-slip fault rupture with experimental approach

  • Zhen Cui;Tianqiang Wang;Qian Sheng;Guangxin Zhou
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.477-486
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    • 2023
  • In the studies on fault dislocation of tunnel, existing literatures are mainly focused on the problems caused by normal and reverse faults, but few on strike-slip faults. The paper aims to research the deformation and failure mechanism of a tunnel under strike-slip faulting based on a model test and test-calibrated numerical simulation. A potential faulting hazard condition is considered for a real water tunnel in central Yunnan, China. Based on the faulting hazard to tunnel, laboratory model tests were conducted with a test apparatus that specially designed for strike-slip faults. Then, to verify the results obtained from the model test, a finite element model was built. By comparison, the numerical results agree with tested ones well. The results indicated that most of the shear deformation and damage would appear within fault fracture zone. The tunnel exhibited a horizontal S-shaped deformation profile under strike-slip faulting. The side walls of the tunnel mainly experience tension and compression strain state, while the roof and floor of the tunnel would be in a shear state. Circular cracks on tunnel near fault fracture zone were more significant owing to shear effects of strike-slip faulting, while the longitudinal cracks occurred at the hanging wall.

Three-dimensional numerical parametric study of shape effects on multiple tunnel interactions

  • Chen, Li'ang;Pei, Weiwei;Yang, Yihong;Guo, Wanli
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 2022
  • Nowadays, more and more subway tunnels were planed and constructed underneath the ground of urban cities to relieve the congested traffic. Potential damage may occur in existing tunnel if the new tunnel is constructed too close. So far, previous studies mainly focused on the tunnel-tunnel interactions with circular shape. The difference between circular and horseshoe shaped tunnel in terms of deformation mechanism is not fully investigated. In this study, three-dimensional numerical parametric studies were carried out to explore the effect of different tunnel shapes on the complicated tunnel-tunnel interaction problem. Parameters considered include volume loss, tunnel stiffness and relative density. It is found that the value of volume loss play the most important role in the multi-tunnel interactions. For a typical condition in this study, the maximum invert settlement and gradient along longitudinal direction of horseshoe shaped tunnel was 50% and 96% larger than those in circular case, respectively. This is because of the larger vertical soil displacement underneath existing tunnel. Due to the discontinuous hoop axial stress in horseshoe shaped tunnel, significant shear stress was mobilized around the axillary angles. This resulted in substantial bending moment at the bottom plate and side walls of horseshoe shaped tunnel. Consequently, vertical elongation and horizontal compression in circular existing tunnel were 45% and 33% smaller than those in horseshoe case (at monitored section X/D = 0), which in latter case was mainly attributed to the bending induced deflection. The radial deformation stiffness of circular tunnel is more sensitive to the Young's modulus compared with horseshoe shaped tunnel. This is because of that circular tunnel resisted the radial deformation mainly by its hoop axial stress while horseshoe shaped tunnel do so mainly by its flexural rigidity. In addition, the reduction of soil stiffness beneath the circular tunnel was larger than that in horseshoe shaped tunnel at each level of relative density, indicating that large portion of tunneling effect were undertaken by the ground itself in circular tunnel case.

Propagation Characteristics of Ground Vibration Caused by Blast Hole Explosion of High Explosives in Limestone (고위력 폭약의 석회암 내 장약공 폭발에 의한 지반진동 전파특성에 관한 연구)

  • Gyeong-Gyu Kim;Chan-Hwi Shin;Han-Lim Kim;Ju-Suk Yang;Sang-Ho Bae;Kyung-Jae Yun;Sang-Ho Cho
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the utilization of underground space for research facilities and resource development has been on the rise, expanding development from shallow to deep underground. The establishment of deep underground spaces necessitates a thorough examination of rock stability under conditions of elevated stress and temperature. In instances of greater depth, the stability is influenced not only by the geological structure and discontinuity of rock but also by the propagation of ground vibrations resulting from earthquakes and rock blasting during excavation, causing stress changes in the underground cavity and impacting rock stability. In terms of blasting engineering, empirical regression models and numerical analysis methods are used to predict ground vibration through statistical regression analysis based on measured data. In this study, single-hole blasting was conducted, and the pressure of the blast hole and observation hole and ground vibration were measured. Based on the experimental results, the blast pressure blasting vibration at a distance, and the response characteristics of the tunnel floor, side walls, and ceiling were analyzed.

A Study on the Cobalt Electrodeposition of High Aspect Ratio Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) with Single Additive (단일 첨가제를 이용한 고종횡비 TSV의 코발트 전해증착에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Jeong;Lee, Jin-Hyeon;Park, Gi-Mun;Yu, Bong-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.140-140
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    • 2018
  • The 3D interconnect technologies have been appeared, as the density of Integrated Circuit (IC) devices increases. Through Silicon Via (TSV) process is an important technology in the 3D interconnect technologies. And the process is used to form a vertically electrical connection through silicon dies. This TSV process has some advantages that short length of interconnection, high interconnection density, low electrical resistance, and low power consumption. Because of these advantages, TSVs could improve the device performance higher. The fabrication process of TSV has several steps such as TSV etching, insulator deposition, seed layer deposition, metallization, planarization, and assembly. Among them, TSV metallization (i.e. TSV filling) was core process in the fabrication process of TSV because TSV metallization determines the performance and reliability of the TSV interconnect. TSVs were commonly filled with metals by using the simple electrochemical deposition method. However, since the aspect ratio of TSVs was become a higher, it was easy to occur voids and copper filling of TSVs became more difficult. Using some additives like an accelerator, suppressor and leveler for the void-free filling of TSVs, deposition rate of bottom could be fast whereas deposition of side walls could be inhibited. The suppressor was adsorbed surface of via easily because of its higher molecular weight than the accelerator. However, for high aspect ratio TSV fillers, the growth of the top of via can be accelerated because the suppressor is replaced by an accelerator. The substitution of the accelerator and the suppressor caused the side wall growth and defect generation. The suppressor was used as Single additive electrodeposition of TSV to overcome the constraints. At the electrochemical deposition of high aspect ratio of TSVs, the suppressor as single additive could effectively suppress the growth of the top surface and the void-free bottom-up filling became possible. Generally, copper was used to fill TSVs since its low resistivity could reduce the RC delay of the interconnection. However, because of the large Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTE) mismatch between silicon and copper, stress was induced to the silicon around the TSVs at the annealing process. The Keep Out Zone (KOZ), the stressed area in the silicon, could affect carrier mobility and could cause degradation of the device performance. Cobalt can be used as an alternative material because the CTE of cobalt was lower than that of copper. Therefore, using cobalt could reduce KOZ and improve device performance. In this study, high-aspect ratio TSVs were filled with cobalt using the electrochemical deposition. And the filling performance was enhanced by using the suppressor as single additive. Electrochemical analysis explains the effect of suppressor in the cobalt filling bath and the effect of filling behavior at condition such as current type was investigated.

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Development of seam tracking sensing system for welding environment with wall (벽이 있는 용접 환경을 위한 용접선 검출 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Young-Kyun;Byun, Kyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 2010
  • Both ends of welding line are often closed by wall in the welding of ship blocks. In this research, seam tracking sensing system for butt welding in the condition with wall was developed. Seam tracking sensing system measures position of carriage from wall and detects root-pass of welding line. The system consists of the laser displacement sensors and ultrasonic sensors. The laser displacement sensor reciprocal1y rotates by the motor and measures a distance from laser sensor to the welding material. The ultrasonic sensor measures a distance between welding system and walls. The distance measured by the ultrasonic sensor is used to get X(driving) position and to determine initial and end point of the weld line. Y(weaving) and Z(height) of the weld line are obtained by the distance measured by the laser displacement sensor and the orientation of the sensor. The sensing system includes the controller that is independent from the welding carriage. The seam tracking sensing system is attached to both side of welding carriage so that interference between welding torch and sensing system can be avoided during the welding. And both side sensing system minimize dead zone. Finally, developed sensing system was adhered to welding carriage and verified usefulness by experiments.

Improvement of Light Extraction Efficiency of GaN-Based Vertical LED with Microlens Structure

  • Kwon, Eunhee;Kang, Eun Kyu;Min, Jung Wook;Lee, Yong Tak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.221-221
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    • 2013
  • Vertical LED (VLED) has been recognized as a way to obtain the high-power LED due to their advantages [1]. However, approximately 4% of the light generated from the active region is extracted, if the light extraction from side walls and back side is neglected because of Fresnel reflection (FR) and total internal reflection (TIR) [2,3]. In this study, the optical simulation of the VLED with the various microstructures was performed. Among them, the microlens having the diameter of 3 ${\mu}m$ and the height of 1.5 ${\mu}m$ shown the best result was chosen, and then, optimized microlens was formed on a GaN template using conventional semiconductor process. Various microstructures were proposed to improve the light extraction efficiency (LEE) of the VLED for the simulation. The LEE was simulated using LightTools based on a Monte Carlo ray tracing. The microstructures with hemisphere, cone, truncated and cylinder pattern having diameter of 3 ${\mu}m$ were employed on the top layer of the VLED respectively. The improvement of the LEE by using the microstructure is 87% for the hemisphere, 77% for the cone, 53% for the truncated, 21% for the cylinder, compared with the LEE of the flat surface at the reflectance of 85%. The LEE was increased by 88% at the height of 1.5 ${\mu}m$, compared with the LEE of the flat surface. We found that the microlens on the top layer is the most suitable for increasing the LEE. In order to apply the proposed microlens on n-GaN surface, we fabricated microlens on a GaN template. A photoresist array having hexagonal-closed packed microlens was fabricated on the GaN template. Then, optimization of etching the GaN template was performed using a dry etching process with ICP-RIE. The dry etching carried out using a gas mixture of Cl2 and Ar, each having a flow rate of 16 sccm and 10 sccm, respectively with RF power of 50 W, ICP power of 900 W and chamber pressure of 2 mTorr was the optimum etching condition as shown in Fig. 2(a).

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A Study on Earth Pressure Properties of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Used as Back-fill Material (뒷채움재로 이용한 고로 수쇄슬래그의 토압특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Baek, Won-Jin;Lee, Kang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2006
  • Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) is produced in the manufacture process of pig-iron and shows a similar particle formation to that of natural sea sand and also shows light weight, high shear strength, well permeability, and especially has a latent hydraulic property by which GBFS is solidified with time. Therefore, when GBFS is used as a backfill material of quay or retaining walls, the increase of shear strength induced by the hardening is presumed to reduce the earth pressure and consequently the construction cost of harbor structures decreases. In this study, using the model sand box (50 cm$\times$50 cm$\times$100 cm), the model wall tests were carried out on GBFS and Toyoura standard sand, in which the resultant earth pressure, a wall friction and the earth pressure distribution at the movable wall surface were measured. In the tests, the relative density was set as Dr=25, 55 and 70% and the wall was rotated at the bottom to the active earth pressure side and followed by the passive side. The maximum horizontal displacement at the top of the wall was set as ${\pm}2mm$. By these model test results, it is clarified that the resultant earth pressure obtained by using GBFS is smaller than that of Toyoura sand, especially in the active-earth pressure.

Landscape Gardening Culture in Late Joseon Dynasty Depicted in 'Ahoi-do' Paintings (아회도(雅會圖)에 나타난 조선후기 원림문화)

  • Lim, Eui-Je;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.46-57
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    • 2014
  • This study contemplated the gardening culture from the pictures, which the scholars of late Joseon Dynasty, the aspects of garden landscapes and garden use behaviors are drawn as follows. 1. The yard by the detached house for men and guest in front of the premises(Sarang Madang) and backyard were the major places for Ahoi(social gatherings of the scholars). The mansions had interests in the management of the outer garden beyond the house wall with building structures like the pavilions on the high walls and side gates. This management and the selection of location anticipating in advance of the management are noteworthy. 2. Only house gardens had plant pots with flowers and the small flower bed(Hwa-O) at Sarang Madang occasionally had plant pots without flowers and oddly shaped stone pots and equipped pine branch eaves and traditional awnings made of plant material like a trellis. 3. The oddly shaped stones were significant landscape elements in the gardens of houses and villas. Some of them were depicted as the Taihu stone and this draws attention to the question of whether the Taihu stone was actually used in the garden of late Joseon Dynasty. 4. The gardens in villas accommodated the borrowed scenery with various materials like wooden fences, bamboo or reed fences, mud walls. They also had the artificial gardens with some odd shaped stones, old pines, bamboos, Japanese apricots, willows, paulownia trees, lotuses and plantains in the secured Madangs. 5. Gyeong Hwa Sa Jog(The scholars of the ruling class adapted to the 18th century's new historical aspect) of late Joseon Dynasty built the villas at the beautiful scenery closed to the their houses. 6. The Gardens around pavilions were located high closed to the mountain streams with nature like beautiful forests, oddly formed rocks, precipitous cliffs and viewing stones. The back side of the pavilion was enclosed by bamboo forests and the front had pines, ginkgoes and willows as shade trees. 7. The beautiful scenery which was preferred as the place for Ahoi was basically with fantastic peaks and precipitous cliffs which forms the distant view harmonized with a waterfall. Broad and flat rocks at the summit of a mountain which commands a bird's-eye view or on a mountain streamside with pine forest, willows and plum trees were chosen as the optimal places for Ahoi. 8. Pine trees were presumed to be more preferable than other species in the garden, especially an single planted old pine tree accented symbolism. 9. Portable tea braziers for boiling tea were adopted in all four types of the gardens. 10. The gardens mixed with auspicious landscape elements were the places of the arts for an unworldliness Ahoi through GeumGiSeoHwa(enjoying strings, go, writing and painting) and boiling tea.

A Study on the Construction method of Stamped earthen wall (판축토성(版築土城) 축조기법(築造技法)의 이해(理解) - 풍납토성(風納土城) 축조기술(築造技術)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Shin, Hee-kweon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.102-115
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    • 2014
  • The stamped earth method is a typical ancient engineering technique which consists of in-filling wooden frame with layers of stamped earth or sand. This method has been universally used to construct earthen walls and buildings, etc. The purpose of this article is to understand the construction method and principles of the stamped earthen wall through analysis of various construction techniques of Pungnaptoseong Fortress(Earthen Fortification in Pungnap-dong). First of all, the ground was leveled and the foundations for the construction of the earthen wall were laid. The underground foundation of the earthen walls was usually constructed by digging into the ground and then in-filling this space with layers of mud clay. Occasionally wooden posts or paving stones which may have been used to reinforce the soft ground were driven in. The method of adding layers of stamped earth at an oblique angle to either side of a central wall is the most characteristic feature of Pungnaptoseong Fortress. Even though the traces of fixing posts, boards, and the hardening of earth - all signatures of the stamped earth technique - have not been identified, evidence of a wooden frame has been found. It has also been observed that this section was constructed by including layers of mud clay and organic remains such as leaves and twigs in order to strengthen the adhesiveness of the structures. The outer part of the central wall was constructed by the anti-slope stamped earth technique to protect central wall. In addition a final layer of paved stones was added to the upper part of the wall. These stone layers and the stone wall were constructed in order to prevent the loss of the earthen wall and to discharge and drain water. Meanwhile, the technique of cementing with fire was used to control damp and remove water in stamped earth. It can not be said at present that the stamped earth method has been confirmed as the typical construction method of Korean ancient earthen walls. If we make a comparative study of the evidence of the stamped earth technique at Pungnaptoseong Fortress with other archeological sites, progress will be made in the investigation of the construction method and principles of stamped earthen wall.

A Study of the Construction and Change of Chugyeongwon in Donggweol (동궐(東闕) 추경원(秋景苑)의 조영과 변천에 관한 고찰)

  • Oh, Jun-young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.44-63
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    • 2019
  • This study empirically investigated the construction and aspects of change in Chugyeongwon, which is located in Donggweol (東闕). In detail, this study investigated the location of the construction and range of Chugyeongwon, the background and intention of the construction, and the affiliated system and aspects of spatial changes of it. The research results can be summarized as follows: First, Chugyeongwon has been assumed to be the space near Haminjeong (涵仁亭) or between Simindang (時敏堂) and Jinsudang (進修堂) in Changgyeonggung Palace. However, according to related historical materials, it is said that Chugyeongwon was located west of Dochongbu (都摠府) in Hyeopsangmun (協祥門) and near Sungmundang (崇文堂). Through Donggweoldohyeong (東闕圖形), evidence of the construction of Chugyeongwon can be found, which verifies such claims. According to The Plan of Changgyeonggung Palace (昌慶宮配置圖), in the form of modern measured drawing, Chugyeongwon today is the green space created in the south of Munjeongjeon (文政殿) and Sungmundang in Changgyeonggung Palace. Second, According to Donggweoldo (東闕圖), Chugyeongwon was a green space where trees grew on the ground within the walls. No artificial facilities were constructed inside. In addition, Chugyeongwon was located at a site with an altitude higher than the surroundings. Especially, the composition forms and location characteristics of Chugyeongwon are similar to those of the Palace Outer Garden located in Hanyang. Thus, based on this evidence about the form and other aspects of the operation of the Palace Outer Garden, it can be inferred that Chugyeongwon was constructed for the preservation and cultivation of the geographical features inside Donggweol. Third, in the late Joseon period, Chugyeongwon was assigned to Changdeokgung Palace or Changgyeonggung Palace in the same manner as was Donggung (東宮). Thus, it is very likely that Chugyeongwon served as a garden for the Royal Family in the Donggung area. The west boundary of Chugyeongwon, which originally consisted of walls and a side gate, was changed into the form in which the walls and colonnades were combined. Chugyeongwon has been modified due to various acts of development since the Japanese colonial era, and in the end, it has disappeared so that no trace can be found.