• 제목/요약/키워드: SiC 휘스커 보강 Al6061 복합재료

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.013초

SiC 휘스커 보강 Al 6061 복합재료의 피로균열진전 특성에 관한 기초 연구 (The Basic Study on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of SiC Whisker Reinforced Aluminium 6061 Composite Material)

  • 권재도;안정주;김상태
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제18권9호
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    • pp.2374-2385
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    • 1994
  • SiCw/Al composite material is especially attractive because of their superior specific strength, specific stiffness, corrosion fatigue resistance, creep resistance, and wear resistance compared with the corresponding wrought Al alloy. In this study, Fatigue crack growth behavior and fatigue crack path morphology(FCPM) of SiC whisker reinforced Al 6061 alloy with 25% SiC volume fraction and Al 6061 allay were performed. Result of the fatigue crack growth test sgiwed that fatigue crack growth rate of SiCw/Al 6061 composite was slower than that of Al 6061 matrix therefore it was confirmed that Sic whisker have a excellent fatigue resistance. And Al 6061 matrix had only FCPM perpendicular to loading direction. On the other hand SiCw/Al 6061 composite had three types in fatigue crack path morphology. First type is that both sides FCPM of artificial notch are perpendicular to loading direction. Second type is that a FCPM in artifical notch has slant angle to loading direction and the other side FCPM is perpendicular to loading direction. Third type is that both sides FCPM of notch have slant angle to loading direction. It was considered that this kinds of phenomena were due to non-uniform distribution of SiC whisker and confirmed by SEM observation for fracture mechanism study.

SiC 휘스커 보강 Al6061 복합재료의 통계학적 피로균열진전 수명예측 (Statistical Life Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth for SiC Whisker Reinforced Aluminium Composite)

  • 권재도;안정주;김상태
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.475-485
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    • 1995
  • In this study, statistical analysis of fatigue data which had obtained from respective 24 fatigue crack, was examined for SiC whisker reinforced aluminium 6061 composite alloy (SiC$_{w}$/A16061) and aluminium 6061 alloy. SiC volume fraction in composite alloy is 25%. The analysis results stress intensity factor range and 0.1 mm fatigue crack initiation life for SiC$_{w}$/A16061 composite & A16061 matrix are the log-normal distribution. And regression analysis by linear model, exponential model and multiplicative model were performed to find out the relationship between fatigue crack growth rate(da/dN) and stress intensity for find out the relationship between fatigue crack growth rate(da/dN) and stress intensity factor range(.DELTA.K) in the SiC$_{w}$/A16061 composite and examine the applicability of Paris' equation to SiC$_{w}$A16061 composite. Also computer simulation was performed for fatigue life prediction of SiC$_{w}$/A16061 composite using the statistical results of this study.udy.