• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shoulder MRI

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A Study on the Diagnostic Usefulness of Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Diagnosis of Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear (어깨 회전근개 파열 진단을 위한 초음파 검사와 자기공명영상 검사의 진단적 유용성 연구)

  • Chae-Won, Kang;Hyo-Young, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.961-968
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    • 2022
  • Rotator cuff tears are a leading cause of shoulder pain in adults. Due to the increase in social activities, the number of patients complaining of shoulder pain is increasing, and interest in shoulder diseases is also increasing. With the development of ultrasound equipment, the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis are high, and it is used to diagnose rotator cuff tears in musculoskeletal disease. Ultrasound is recognized as a complementary method to MRI examination in rotator cuff tears. Therefore, this study aimed to find out the diagnostic usefulness of ultrasound and MRI examinations in the diagnosis of shoulder rotator cuff tears.A retrospective analysis was performed on 262 patients who were diagnosed with final rotator cuff damage by arthroscopy after completing ultrasound and MRI examinations. Sensitivity, feature, positive predictive value, image predictive value, and touch were disassembled for the test results. In addition, the degree of clavicular tear was scored and recorded in 5 stages. Ultrasound examination was similar to MRI examination results for both full-thickness and partial tears, and there was no statistically significant difference. Partial tear test results showed higher positive predictive value and accuracy than MRI test. In conclusion, ultrasound can be fully utilized as a screening test for rotator cuff disease, and it is thought that it will be selected and used clinically according to the patient's constitution and situation.

Clinical Characteristics and Treatment Effects of Shoulder Pain Patients Admitted to a Korean Medicine Hospital Based on MRI Findings (한방병원에 입원한 견통 환자들의 MRI소견에 따른 임상적 특징, 한방치료 효과에 대한 비교고찰)

  • Lim, Su Jin;Jun, Jae Yun;Lee, Chong Whan;Kim, Hae Sol;Kim, Ho Sun;Bae, Young Hyun;Ahn, Ji Hoon
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : The aim of this study is to observe clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of inpatients admitted to a Korean medicine hospital for shoulder pain based on magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) findings. Methods : 28 patients with MRI data were included. Data on MRI findings, duration of pain, and treatment effects were collected. To measure treatment outcomes, verbal numerical rating scale(VNRS), range of motion(ROM), and a clinical condition grading system were used. Results : 1. The patient population was 75.0 % female and 39.3 %(n=11) belonged to the 51~60-year-old age group. In the under 40 population, 1 or less MRI findings were found. 2. As for the type of disorder, 82.1 % of the patients were diagnosed with 'Supraspinatus lesion', 39.3 % with 'subacromial-subdeltoid(SA-SA) bursitis', and 28.6 % with 'Adhesive capsulitis' 3. Numerous correlations could be made between duration of pain and MRI findings. 'rotator cuff full thickness tear' was more prevalent in acute shoulder pain patients, and 'Adhesive capsulitis' in chronic patients. 4. VNRS and ROM at the time of discharge had significantly improved as compared to VNRS and ROM at the time of admission. 5. As for correlation between MRI findings and clinical condition grade, patients diagnosed with 'rotator cuff partial tear' reported to be in 'good' condition or better whereas those with 'rotator cuff full thickness tear' reported to be in 'fair' condition or worse. Conclusions : Patients admitted to a Korean Medicine hospital for shoulder pain had varying degrees of severity as shown on MRI. Almost all lesions responded well to Korean medicine treatment.

Shoulder Problems in the Overheard Athlete

  • Hawkins Richard J.
    • The Academic Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2002
  • [ ${\cdot}$ ] Instability in the overhead athlete complicated ${\cdot}$ Consider other pathologies: Internal Impingement SLAP ${\cdot}$ Diagnose by Hx, Px, MRI, EUA, and arthroscopy

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Interobserver agreement for detecting Hill-Sachs lesions on magnetic resonance imaging

  • Alkaduhimi, Hassanin;Saarig, Aimane;Amajjar, Ihsan;van der Linde, Just A.;van Wier, Marieke F.;Willigenburg, Nienke W.;van den Bekerom, Michel P.J.
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.98-105
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    • 2021
  • Background: Our aim is to determine the interobserver reliability for surgeons to detect Hill-Sachs lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the certainty of judgement, and the effects of surgeon characteristics on agreement. Methods: Twenty-nine patients with Hill-Sachs lesions or other lesions with a similar appearance on MRIs were presented to 20 surgeons without any patient characteristics. The surgeons answered questions on the presence of Hill-Sachs lesions and the certainty of diagnosis. Interobserver agreement was assessed using the Fleiss' kappa (κ) and percentage of agreement. Agreement between surgeons was compared using a technique similar to the pairwise t-test for means, based on large-sample linear approximation of Fleiss' kappa, with Bonferroni correction. Results: The agreement between surgeons in detecting Hill-Sachs lesions on MRI was fair (69% agreement; κ, 0.304; p<0.001). In 84% of the cases, surgeons were certain or highly certain about the presence of a Hill-Sachs lesion. Conclusions: Although surgeons reported high levels of certainty for their ability to detect Hill-Sachs lesions, there was only a fair amount of agreement between surgeons in detecting Hill-Sachs lesions on MRI. This indicates that clear criteria for defining Hill-Sachs lesions are lacking, which hampers accurate diagnosis and can compromise treatment.

견관절의 결절종 제거수술후 발생한 SLAP병변 -증례보고 1예-

  • Kim, Won-Yu;Ji, Jong-Hun;Kim, Jin-Yeong;Yang, Yeong-Jun;O, Se-Cheol;Kim, Ji-Chang
    • The Academic Congress of Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 2005
  • 29 year-old male was suffered from deep shoulder pain and muscle weakness 2 years ago. Recently 2 month ago lancinating shoulder pain and night pain was progressed. physical examination and MRI and EMG finding showed suprascapular nerve compression syndrome due to ganglion cyst in the shoulder joint. Arthroscopic ganglion cyst excision was performed and his symptoms was improved. 2 years later shoulder pain was developed in abduction and external rotation position and mild discomfort was continued. In second operation, SLAP lesion was found and arthroscopic SLAP repair was performed. Our case presented SLAP lesion occurred arthroscopic ganglion excision in the shoulder joint 2 years later.

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Recent Issues in Musculoskeletal Anatomy Research and Correlation with MRI (근골격 해부학의 최신 지견 및 자기공명영상 소견)

  • Hyerim Park; Joon-Yong Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.2-20
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    • 2020
  • MRI is a valuable imaging technique for the evaluation of intraarticular diseases. Accurate interpretation of joint MRI necessitates sound knowledge of anatomy. In the field of joint anatomy, in addition to the discovery of new structures, previously reported joint components of unexplained function are also detected. In this review, joint anatomy researched actively over the last decade is discussed. Joint components including the rotator cable and the superior capsule of the shoulder, posterolateral corner and the anterolateral ligament complex of the knee, and the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis of the ankle joint are introduced and correlated with their MRI features.

Shoulder instability with congenital absence of bilateral long head of biceps tendon - A Case Report - (양측성 상완이두장건 결손과 견관절 불안정성 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Rah, Jung-Ho;Chung, Hoi-Jeong;Kim, Doo-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.188-191
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    • 2010
  • Absence of long head of biceps tendon is a very rare anomaly. We encountered a 19 year-old male patient who had right shoulder subluxation. On magnetic resonance imaging, shallow intertubercular groove on right humerus was observed, and absence of long head of biceps tendon was discovered. Arthroscopically, labral rupture and absence of long head of biceps tendon were also evident. Left shoulder had a similar symptom as right 5 months after the initial development of the symptom on the right shoulder. Both MRI and arthroscopy revealed absence of long head of biceps tendon and labral ruptre. Arthroscopic labral repair was performed for both shoulders, and, postoperatively, they were fixated with abduction brace. In this case, it is considered that the absence of long head of biceps tendon triggered the instability of shoulder found in our patient.

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Can indirect magnetic resonance arthrography be a good alternative to magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing glenoid labrum lesions?: a prospective study

  • Mardani-Kivi, Mohsen;Alizadeh, Ahmad;Asadi, Kamran;Izadi, Amin;Leili, Ehsan Kazemnejad;arzpeyma, Sima Fallah
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.182-187
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    • 2022
  • Background: This study was designed to evaluate and compare the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and indirect magnetic resonance arthrography (I-MRA) imaging with those of arthroscopy and each other. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted in 2020. All patients who tested positive for labrum lesions during that year were included in the study. The patients underwent conservative treatment for 6 weeks. In the event of no response to conservative treatment, MRI and I-MRA imaging were conducted, and the patients underwent arthroscopy to determine their ultimate diagnosis and treatment plan. Imaging results were assessed at a 1-week interval by an experienced musculoskeletal radiologist. Image interpretation results and arthroscopy were recorded in the data collection form. Results: Overall, 35 patients comprised the study. Based on the kappa coefficient, the results indicate that the results of both imaging methods are in agreement with the arthroscopic findings, but the I-MRA consensus rate is higher than that of MRI (0.612±0.157 and 0.749±0.101 vs. 0.449±0.160 and 0.603±0.113). The sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, positive predictive value, and accuracy of MRI in detecting labrum tears were 77.77%, 75.00%, 91.30%, 50.00%, and 77.14%, respectively, and those of I-MRA were 88.88%, 75.00%, 92.30%, 66.66%, and 85.71%. Conclusions: Here, I-MRA showed higher diagnostic value than MRI for labral tears. Therefore, it is recommended that I-MRA be used instead of MRI if there is an indication for potential labrum lesions.

Is the Frozen Shoulder Classification a Reliable Assessment?

  • Gwark, Ji-Yong;Gahlot, Nitesh;Kam, Mincheol;Park, Hyung Bin
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.82-86
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    • 2018
  • Background: Although a common shoulder disease, there are no accepted classification criteria for frozen shoulder (FS). This study therefore aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the conventionally used FS classification system. Methods: Primary FS patients (n=168) who visited our clinic from January 2010 to July 2015 were included in the study. After confirming restrictions of the glenohumeral joint motion and absence of history of systemic disease, trauma, shoulder surgery, shoulder muscle weakness, or specific x-ray abnormalities, the Zuckerman and Rokito's classification was employed for diagnosing primary FS. Following clinical diagnosis, each patient underwent a shoulder magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and blood tests (lipid profile, glucose, hemoglobin A1c, and thyroid function). Based on the results of the blood tests and MRIs, the patients were reclassified, using the criteria proposed by Zuckerman and Rokito. Results: New diagnoses were ascertained including blood test results (16 patients with diabetes, 43 with thyroid abnormalities, and 149 with dyslipidemia), and MRI revealed intra-articular lesions in 81 patients (48.2%). After re-categorization based on the above findings, only 5 patients (3.0%) were classified having primary FS. The remaining 163 patients (97.0%) had either undiagnosed systemic or intrinsic abnormalities (89 patients), whereas 74 patients had both. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that most patients clinically diagnosed with primary FS had undiagnosed systemic abnormalities and/or intra-articular pathologies. Therefore, a modification of the Zuckerman and Rokito's classification system for FS may be required to include the frequent combinations, rather than having a separate representation of systemic abnormalities and intrinsic causes.