• 제목/요약/키워드: ShellCode

검색결과 153건 처리시간 0.026초

신뢰성(信賴性) 이론(理論)에 기초(基礎)한 철근(鐵筋)콘크리트 원통-쉘 차폐(遮蔽) 구조물(構造物)의 설계하중(設計荷重) 조합(組合) 규준(規準) (Reliability Based Load Combination Criteria for Design of Reinforced Concrete Cylindric-ShellContainment Structures)

  • 한봉구
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 1993
  • 본 연구에서는 구조물의 사용성 한계상태와 유한요소 해석 결과를 기초한 랜덤 진동 이론에 의한 확률적 신뢰성 해석 방법에 대해 연구하였다. 한계상태 모형은 보다 실제적인 방사능 누출 한계 균열에 대한 사용성 한계상태로 정의하여 연구하였다. 차폐구조물은 SAP V-2를 이용하여 3차원 유한요소 해석을 하였으며, 본 연구에 적합하게 수정 개발한 HRAS 신뢰성 프로그램으로 신뢰성 해석을 수행하였다. 본 연구에서는 하중조합 설계규준 보정 기법을 이용하여 국내의 철근콘크리트 차폐 구조물에 적합한 하중계수를 제안하였으며, 현행 ASME 규준과 비교하였다. 제안한 하중계수는 시방서 목적과 잘 일치하며, 한계상태 확률이 일관성 있음을 입증하였다.

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Newmark 기반 변형해석에 의한 필댐의 내진저항성 연구 (A Study on the Seismic Resistance of Fill-dams by Newmark-type Deformation Analysis)

  • 박동순
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2014
  • Newmark-type deformation analysis has rarely been done in Korea due to the popularity of simple pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis and detailed time-history FE/FD dynamic analysis. However, the Korean seismic dam design code updated in 2011 prescribes Newmark-type deformation analysis as a major dynamic analysis method for the seismic evaluation of fill dams. In addition, a design PGA for dynamic analysis is significantly increased in the code. This paper aims to study the seismic evaluation of four existing large fill dams through advanced FEM/Newmark-type deformation analyses for the artificial earthquake time histories with the design PGA of 0.22g. Dynamic soil properties obtained from in-situ geo-physical surveys are applied as input parameters. For the FEM/Newmark analyses, sensitivity analyses are performed to study the effects of input PGA and $G_{max}$ of shell zone on the Newmark deformation. As a result, in terms of deformation, four fill dams are proved to be reasonably safe under the PGA of 0.22g with yield coefficients of 0.136 to 0.187, which are highly resistant for extreme events. Sensitivity analysis as a function of PGA shows that $PGA_{30cm}$ (a limiting PGA to cause the 30 cm of Newmark permanent displacement on the critical slip surface) is a good indicator for seismic safety check. CFRD shows a higher seismic resistance than ECRD. Another sensitivity analysis shows that $G_{max}$ per depth does not significantly affect the site response characteristics, however lower $G_{max}$ profile causes larger Newmark deformation. Through this study, it is proved that the amplification of ground motion within the sliding mass and the location of critical slip surface are the dominant factors governing permanent displacements.

Time dependent finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite beams considering partial interaction

  • Dias, Maiga M.;Tamayo, Jorge L.P.;Morsch, Inacio B.;Awruch, Armando M.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.687-707
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    • 2015
  • A finite element computer code for short-term analysis of steel-concrete composite structures is extended to study long-term effects under service loads, in the present work. Long-term effects are important in engineering design because they influence stress and strain distribution of the structural system and therefore contribute to the increment of deflections in these structures. For creep analysis, a rheological model based on a Kelvin chain, with elements placed in series, was employed. The parameters of the Kelvin chain were obtained using Dirichlet series. Creep and shrinkage models, proposed by the CEB FIP 90, were used. The shear-lag phenomenon that takes place at the concrete slab is usually neglected or not properly taken into account in the formulation of beam-column finite elements. Therefore, in this work, a three-dimensional numerical model based on the assemblage of shell finite elements for representing the steel beam and the concrete slab is used. Stud shear connectors are represented for special beam-column elements to simulate the partial interaction at the slab-beam interface. The two-dimensional representation of the concrete slab permits to capture the non-uniform shear stress distribution in the horizontal plane of the slab due to shear-lag phenomenon. The model is validated with experimental results of two full-scale continuous composite beams previously studied by other authors. Results are given in terms of displacements, bending moments and cracking patterns in order to shown the influence of long-term effects in the structural response and also the potentiality of the present numerical code.

Design and analysis of a free-piston stirling engine for space nuclear power reactor

  • Dai, Zhiwen;Wang, Chenglong;Zhang, Dalin;Tian, Wenxi;Qiu, Suizheng;Su, G.H.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제53권2호
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    • pp.637-646
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    • 2021
  • The free-piston Stirling engine (FPSE) has been widely used in aerospace owing to its advantages of high efficiency, high reliability, and self-starting ability. In this paper, a 20-kW FPSE is proposed by analyzing the requirements of space nuclear power reactor. A code was developed based on an improved simple analysis method to evaluate the performance of the proposed FPSE. The code is benchmarked with experimental data, and the maximum relative error of the output power is 17.1%. Numerical results show that the output power is 21 kW, which satisfies the design requirements. The results show that: a) reducing the pressure shell's thickness can improve the output power significantly; b) the system efficiency increases with the wire porosity, while the growth of system efficiency decreases when the porosity is higher than 80%, and system efficiency exhibits a linear relationship with the temperatures of the cold and hot sides; c) the system efficiency increases with the compression ratio; the compression ratio increases by 16.7% while the system efficiency increases by 42%. This study can provide valuable theoretical support for the design and analysis of FPSEs for space nuclear power reactors.

중수로 원전 가상의 mSGTR과 SBO 다중 사건에 대한 MARS-KS 코드 분석 (Analysis on Hypothetical Multiple Events of mSGTR and SBO at CANDU-6 Plants Using MARS-KS Code)

  • 유선오;이경원;백경록;김만웅
    • 한국압력기기공학회 논문집
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to develop an improved evaluation technology for assessing CANDU-6 safety. For this purpose, the multiple steam generator tube rupture (mSGTR) followed by an unmitigated station blackout (SBO) in a CANDU-6 plant was selected as a hypothetical event scenario and the analysis model to evaluate the plant responses was envisioned into the MARS-KS input model. The model includes logic models for controlling the pressure and inventory of the primary heat transport system (PHTS) decreasing due to the u-tubes' rupture, as well as the main features of PHTS with a simplified model for the horizontal fuel channels, the secondary heat transport system including the shell side of steam generators, feedwater and main steam line, and moderator system. A steady state condition was successfully achieved to confirm the stable convergence of the key parameters. Until the turbine trip, the fuel channels were adequately cooled by forced circulation of coolant and supply of main feedwater. However, due to the continuous reduction of PHTS pressure and inventory, the reactor and turbine were shut down and the thermal-hydraulic behaviors between intact and broken loops got asymmetric. Furthermore, as the conditions of low-flow coolant and high void fraction in the broken loop persisted, leading to degradation of decay heat removal, it was evaluated that the peak cladding temperature (PCT) exceeded the limit criteria for ensuring nuclear fuel integrity. This study is expected to provide the technical bases to the accident management strategy for transient conditions with multiple events.

반응면 기법을 이용한 초음속 전투기 날개의 공력-구조 다학제간 설계 (Aero-Structure MDO Design of Supersonic Fighter Wing Using Response Surface Methodology)

  • 김유신;김지한;전용희;방제성;이동호;김용협;박찬우
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2001년도 춘계학술대회논문집E
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    • pp.588-594
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    • 2001
  • 본 연구를 통해 초음속 전투기 날개의 공력-구조를 동시에 고려한 다학제간 설계를 수행하였다. 공력해석을 위해 사용된 3 차원 Euler Code는 수렴 속도를 개선하기 위해 Multigrid를 적용하였으며, 3차의 transfinite interpolation을 사용하여 O-H type의 공력해석 격자계를 생성하였다. 구조 분야는 절점당 54개의 자유도를 가지는 9 절점 쉘 혼합 유한요소(9-node shell mixed finite element)를 사용하여 해석을 수행하였다. 설계변수는 공력쪽으로 날개의 평면형상에 관련된 변수 3개, 구조쪽은 날개 윗면과 아래면의 표피두께에 관련된 4개의 설계변수 사용하였으며, D-optimality 조건을 만족시키는 실험점들에 대해 공력해석과 구조해석이 연동된 정적 공탄성 해석을 수행한 후, 반응면 기법을 이용하여 목적함수와 제약조건에 대한 반응면을 구성하였다. 단일점 설계를 수행한 후 이를 바탕으로 3개의 설계점을 동시에 고려한 다점 설계를 수행하였으며, 공력만을 고려한 설계 결과와 공력-구조를 동시에 고려한 다학제간 설계결과의 비교를 통해 다학제간 설계의 타당성과 우수성을 입증하였다.

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열 변형과 목적형상을 고려한 선체구조의 형상 최적설계 (Shape Design Optimization of Ship Structures Considering Thermal Deformation and Target Shape)

  • 박성호;최재연;김민근;조선호
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.430-437
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we develop a shape design optimization method for thermo-elastoplasticity problems that is applicable to the welding or thermal deformation problems of ship structures. Shell elements and a programming language APDL in a commercial finite element analysis code, ANSYS, are employed in the shape optimization. The point of developed method is to determine the design parameters such that the deformed shape after welding fits very well to a desired design. The geometric parameters of surfaces are selected as the design parameters. The modified method of feasible direction (MMFD) and finite difference sensitivity are used for the optimization algorithm. Two numerical examples demonstrate that the developed shape design method is applicable to existing hull structures and effective for the structural design of ships.


  • Lee, Hee-Won
    • 천문학회지
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2011
  • A small number of active galactic nuclei are known to exhibit prominent double peak emission profiles that are well-fitted by a relativistic accretion disk model. We develop a Monte Carlo code to compute the linear polarization of a double peaked broad emission line arising from Thomson scattering. A Keplerian accretion disk is adopted for the double peak emission line region and the geometry is assumed to be Schwarzschild. Far from the accretion disk where flat Minkowski geometry is appropriate, we place an azimuthally symmetric scattering region in the shape of a spherical shell sliced with ${\Delta}{\mu}=0.1$. Adopting a Monte Carlo method we generate line photons in the accretion disk in arbitrary directions in the local rest frame and follow the geodesic paths of the photons until they hit the scattering region. The profile of the polarized flux is mainly determined by the relative location of the scattering region with respect to the emission source. When the scattering region is in the polar direction, the degree of linear polarization also shows a double peak structure. Under favorable conditions we show that up to 0.6% linear polarization may be obtained. We conclude that spectropolarimetry can be a powerful probe to reveal much information regarding the accretion disk geometry of these active galactic nuclei.

유체력을 고려한 3차원 수중압력선체의 진동특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Vibration of Characteristics of 3-Dimension Submerged Vehicle in Consideration of Fluid-Structure Interaction)

  • 손충렬;황인하;이강수
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2000
  • Unlike structures in the air, the vibration analysis of a submerged or floating structure such as offshore structures or ships is possible only when the fluid-structure interaction is understood, as the whole or part of the structure is in contact with water. Specially, the importance of the added mass is not necessary to say like the submerged vehicle, all of the hull body, is positioned in the water. This paper introduce two method to find natural frequency in consideration of fluid-structure modal coupled vibration analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze of the vibration characteristic of submerged vehicle to obtain the anti-vibration design data, which could be used in the preliminary design stage data. Underwater pressure hull of submerged vehicle is used as the model of this study. The F.E.M model is meshed by shell and beam element. Also, considering of the inner hull weight, mass element is distributed in the direction of hull length. Numerical calculations are accomplished using the commercial B.E.M code. The characteristics of natural frequency(eigenvalues), mode shape(eigenvectors) and frequency-displacement response are analyzed. The results of this study will be used as the useful design data in preliminary anti-vibration design stage.

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Global seismic performance of a new precast CFST column to RC beam braced frame: Shake table test and numerical study

  • Xu, S.Y.;Li, Z.L.;Liu, H.J.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.805-827
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    • 2016
  • A new type of precast CFST column to RC beam braced frame is proposed in this paper. A series of shake table tests were conducted to excite a one-third scale six-story model for investigating the global seismic performance of this type of structure against earthquake actions. Particular emphasis was given to its dynamic property, global seismic responses and failure path. Correspondingly, a numerical model built on the basis of fiber-beam-element model, multi-layer shell model and element-deactivation method was developed to simulate the seismic performance of the prototype structure. Numerical results were compared with the measured values from shake table tests to verify the validity and reliability of the numerical model. The results demonstrated that the proposed novel precast CFST column to RC beam braced frame performs excellently under strong earthquake excitations; the "strong CFST column-weak RC beam" and "strong connection-weak member" anti-seismic design principles can be easily achieved; the maximum deflections of precast CFSTC-RCB braced frame satisfied the deflection limitations proposed in national code; the numerical model can properly simulate the dynamic property and responses of the precast CFSTC-RCB braced frame that are highly concerned in engineering practice.