• Title/Summary/Keyword: Service Flow

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Trend Analysis of Korea Papers in the Fields of 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Machine Learning' and 'Deep Learning' ('인공지능', '기계학습', '딥 러닝' 분야의 국내 논문 동향 분석)

  • Park, Hong-Jin
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2020
  • Artificial intelligence, which is one of the representative images of the 4th industrial revolution, has been highly recognized since 2016. This paper analyzed domestic paper trends for 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Machine Learning', and 'Deep Learning' among the domestic papers provided by the Korea Academic Education and Information Service. There are approximately 10,000 searched papers, and word count analysis, topic modeling and semantic network is used to analyze paper's trends. As a result of analyzing the extracted papers, compared to 2015, in 2016, it increased 600% in the field of artificial intelligence, 176% in machine learning, and 316% in the field of deep learning. In machine learning, a support vector machine model has been studied, and in deep learning, convolutional neural networks using TensorFlow are widely used in deep learning. This paper can provide help in setting future research directions in the fields of 'artificial intelligence', 'machine learning', and 'deep learning'.

Dual GPS Scheduler for Delay-Constraint Applications in E-PON (이더넷수동형 광 네트워크에서 지연 제약을 고려한 Dual-GPS 스케줄러)

  • An, Eung-Suk;Zhang, Lin;Youn, Chan-Hyun;Yeo, Hwan-Geun;Yang, Sun-Hee;Kim, Young-Sun
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.4B
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    • pp.270-281
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    • 2003
  • E-PON supports efficiently the increased Internet data traffic and efficient bandwidth assignment function by which the shared upstream bandwidth in the broadband access networks. In this paper, when different types of incoming sources are mapped into QoS-aware source and Best-Effort(BE) source, we propose the Dual-GPS schedulaer in E-PON that has the characteristics to provide delay and delay-constraint application, and maximizes the bandwidth to best-effort service. When transmit upstream data in E-PON, The proposed scheme supports the control capabilities of delay and delay-variation for required QoS flow through the novel bandwidth assignment scheme. Simulation results show our scheme outperforms the conventional bandwidth allocation scheme in controlling the delay and delay-variation of E-PON system.

An Example of Changed Design through the Face Mapping and Slope Analysis (절토사면 현황도 작성 및 분석에 따른 설계변경 사례연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Joo;Chae, Byung-Gon;Lee, Kyoung-Mi
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2014
  • The geology of the study area which is located in Samkoe-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon city comprises black slate, limestone, and pebble-bearing phyllitic rock as meta-sedimentary rocks; and biotite granite and quartz porphyry intrusions. Face mapping revealed sliding in three or four sites of contained coaly slate, where the dip of the foliation and other discontinuities is parallel to the surface slope. The cause of the slope sliding is this parallelism as well as the swelling of the coaly slate when wet. In contrast, the slop on the opposite side of the road is relatively stable because the dip of the foliation and other discontinuities are oblique or normal to the surface slope. To ensure slope stability, a cut-and-cover tunnel was designed and constructed for the new road.

Changes in Describing and Commenting on Elementary Mathematics Instruction by Prospective Teachers (예비 교사의 초등 수학 수업에 대한 기술과 비평의 변화)

  • Pang, JeongSuk
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.399-424
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    • 2014
  • Although teacher preparation programs are important for prospective teachers to build a foundation of teaching expertise, there has been lack of research in this area. This paper analyzed in what ways prospective teachers' ability in describing and commenting on elementary mathematics instruction has been changed while they were taking in the course of teaching elementary school mathematics. The results of this study showed that in late description the teachers tended to notice the core flow of a lesson and the use of instructional strategies appropriate to the mathematical content to be taught. They also tended to comment on instructional strategies and mathematical discourse from the teacher's perspective and evaluated them without alternative approaches. A noticeable change occurred in late comments wherein prospective teachers considered both the teacher and students, supported their comments by theories they had learned through the course, and interpreted the classroom events they had noticed. Building on these results, this paper closes with implications of teacher education programs to enhance prospective teachers' ability to analyze elementary mathematics lessons.

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Exploring Determinants Affecting Mobile Application Use and Recommendation (스마트폰 앱 사용 및 추천의도 영향 요인에 관한 연구 - Utilitarian vs. Hedonic 유형간 차이비교)

  • Lee, Hee Seo;Kwak, Na yeon;Lee, Choong C
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.481-494
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    • 2015
  • Recently mobile application providers and telecommunication companies went through a difficult time in a highly competitive mobile and its application market where we've seen a huge trend for diverse mobile applications occurring on smart phone. If there were a time when those of companies need to analyze factors affecting users' intention to download or recommend others applications more than ever, it is now. Based on UTAUT model, this research is to provide them with strategic implications by analyzing those factors according to application types with utilization and hedonic values. As a result, firstly trust and personalization have positive impact on Performance Expectancy and users' intention to use have been significantly affected by Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy. Secondly the result of path analysis has a different outcome according to application types with utilization and hedonic values. Therefore it is expected that the research gives practical and strategic implication for application developer, mobile companies and others helping application development, new service launch and marketing implementation.

An Evaluation of Accessibility in Public Convenient Facilities based on the Disabled User Experience - Focus on the community center - (장애인 사용자 경험에 기반한 공공편의시설 접근성 평가 - 주민센터를 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Ji-Won;Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the difference between the standard 'design guideline' in barrier free laws for the disabled and the disabled's real experience in public convenient facilities. It is mainly focused on accessibility by the disabled people who use an electric motion wheel chair, a wheel chair and crutches as well as a visual impaired person in the public resident centers. For this purpose, four resident centers in Busan have been selected as the objects of investigation. We observed and video recorded the disabled people with various handicaps to access and use facilities in four resident centers, and interviewed them afterwards. We found out problems from the perspective of the disabled and figured out the difference between barrier free laws and the disabled's real experience. The research result is as follows. First, it is important to make the arrangement of public convenient facilities according to the flow of the user's movements. Second, it is necessary to provide better conditions for the disabled to access the public toilet easily and conveniently. Third, it is essential for public convenient facilities to be more strictly controlled by regulations. Fourth, we need to make better standards that could reflect real experiences of various disabled users. Fifth, we need to keep providing the best follow-up service for the disabled in terms of using public convenient facilities safely. This study can contribute for designers to understand specific users through their experiences and suggest improvement ideas for better public convenient Facilities.

The encryption research of the sensor gateway for traffic surveillance and control system (교통감시.제어시스템을 위한 센서게이트웨이 암호화 연구)

  • Lim, Il-Kwon;Kim, Young-Hyuk;Park, So-Ah;Gui, Li Qi;Lee, Jae-Kwang;Park, Woo-Jun;Cheon, Byeong-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.477-480
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    • 2010
  • This paper develops a sensor gateway for using Internet for traffic flow control and remote monitoring, it suggest the required protocol with authentication and encryption. The traffic Surveillance and Control System is an important service to the ITS(Intelligent Transportation System). The traffic surveillance and control system's TCP / IP and the Internet network using is may cause damage means accessing from unauthorized users, Subsequent authentication and encryption of data is essential.

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A Study on Improving the Fairness by Dropping Scheme of TCP over ATM (ATM상의 TCP 패킷 폐기정책에 따른 공정성 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Yuk, Dong-Cheol;Park, Seung-Seob
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.11S
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    • pp.3723-3731
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    • 2000
  • Recently, the growth of applications and services over high-speed Internet increase, ATM networks as wide area back-bone has been a major solution. The conventional TCP suite is still the standard protocol used to support upper application on current Internet and uses a window based protocol for flow control in the transport layer. When TCP data uses the UBR service in ATM layer, the control method is also buffer management. If a cell is discarded in ATM layer. one whole packet of TCP will be lost. Which is responsible for most TCP performance degradation and do not offer sufficiently QoS. To solve this problem, Several dropping strategies, such as Tail Drop, EPD, PPO, SPD, FBA, have been proposed to improve the TCP performance over ATM. In this paper, to improve the TCP fairness of end to end, we propose a packet dropping scheme algorithm using two fixed threshold. Under similar condition, we compared our proposed scheme with other dropping strategies. Although the number of VC is increased, simulation results showed that the proposed scheme can allocate more fairly each VC than other schemes.

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Micromorphological Features of Pan Horizon in the Soils Derived from Different Parent Materials

  • Zhang, Yongseon;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Moon, Yong-Hee;Jung, Kangho;Cho, Hye-Rae;Han, Kyeong-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.242-248
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    • 2014
  • We have five soil series of pan soils in South Korea out of 391 series: Gangreung, Bugog, Yeongog, Jangweon, and Pogog. Productivity decreases in pan soils as pan horizons impede percolation and capillary rise of water and interrupt root extension. This study was performed to investigate pedogenic processes of pan soils mainly located in footslope and river terrace by analyzing physicochemical properties and soil micro-morphology. Korean pan soils belong to Alfisols, Ultisols, or Inceptisols and have udic or aquic soil moisture regime, mesic temperature regime, and mixed mineral substances. Texture of pan horizons selected for the present study was mainly silty clay loam with clay contents ranging from 26.3 to 45.3%. Bulk density of the pan horizons ranged from 1.4 to $2.1Mg\;m^{-3}$ and their soil structure were subangular or angular structure. In terms of micro-morphological structure, Bt horizon of Gangreung series was formed as platy and striated b-fabric structure possibly affected by uplift of coastal terrace following clay sedimentation by flood. Jangweon series showed micro-morphology of massive structure and crystallic b-fabric as macropores between coarse debris established by debris fall in slope were filled with silt-sized particles. The Bt horizons having massive structure and striated b-fabric in Yeongog, Pogog, and Bugog series implies that those horizons experienced horizontal mass flow after clay accumulation.

Optimal Network Design Using Sensitivity Analysis for Variable Demand Network Equilibrium (가변수요 통행배정의 민감도 분석을 통한 최적가로망 설계)

  • 권용석;박병정;이성모
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2001
  • The conventional studies on equilibrium network design problem(ENDP) with fixed travel demand models assume that the future OD travel demand might not be changed even if the structure and the capacity of the network are improved. But this fixed demand assumption may loose its validity in the long-range network design because OD travel demand actually shifts with the network service level. Thus, it is desirable to involve the variable travel demand which is determined endogenously in the model in the optimal network design. In this paper a hi-level model formulation and solution procedure for ENDP with variable travel demand are presented. Firstly It is considered how to measure the net user benefits to be derived from the improved in link capacities, and the equilibrium network design problem considered here is to maximize the increase of net user benefit which results from a set of lift capacity enhancements within the budget constraints, while the OD travel demands and link travel times are obtained by solving the lower level network equilibrium problem with variable demand. And secondly sensitivity analysis is carried out to find the links to which the network equilibrium flow pattern is the most sensitive. Finally numerical example with simple network is carried out to test the validity of the model.

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