• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sensing data

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REM optimal sensoring devices sleeper pillow for the healthy development of the alarm function weather (건강한 기상을 위한 최적의 렘 수면기 알람기능 베개의 센싱 장치 개발)

  • Kim, Hee-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2016
  • People try to maintain optimal sleep activity to a changing attitude 20-30 times while sleeping 7-8 hours a day. In order to provide optimal sleep, we need to develop sensing device for apply effective various sleep data acquired through display device that can provide program and information which process and analyze information printed out from sensor and sensing system. In this paper, we analyze sleep pattern to detect the toss and turn while a person's sleeping and we develop a wellness pillow that can be active on sleep health management based on the analyzed data for sleep patterns.


  • Hwang, Jin-Kyong;Choi, Jong-Kuk;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.196-199
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    • 2008
  • Lineament is defined generally as a linear feature or pattern on interpretation of a satellite image and indicates the geological structures such as faults and fractures. For this reason, a lineament extraction and analysis using remote sensing images have been widely used for mapping large areas. The Gyeong-gang Fault is a NNE trending structure located in Gangwon-do and Kyeonggi-do district. However, a few geological researches on that fault have been carried out and its trace or continuity is ambiguous. In this study, we investigate the geologic features at Gyeong-gang Fault Zone using LANDSAT ETM+ satellite image and SRTM digital elevation model. In order to extract the characteristics of geologic features effectively, we transform the LANDSAT ETM+ image using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and create a shade relief from SRTM data with various illumination angles. The results show that it is possible to identify the dimensions and orientations of the geologic features at Gyeong-gang Fault Zone using remote sensing data. An aerial photograph interpretation and a field work will be future tasks for more accurate analysis in this area.

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  • Chang, Tzu-Yin;Liao, Lu-Wei;Liou, Yuei-An
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.68-71
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    • 2008
  • Our goal is to obtain a better scientific understanding how to define the nature and role of remotely sensed land surface parameters and energy fluxes in the heat island phenomena, and local and regional weather and climate. By using the MODIS visible and thermal imagery data and analyzing the surface energy flux images associated with the change of the landcover and landuse in study area, we will estimate and present how significant is the magnitude of the heat island heat effect and its relation with the surface parameters and the energy fluxes in Taiwan. To achieve our objective, we used the energy budget components such as net radiation, soil heat flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux in the study area of interest derived form remotely sensed data to understand the island heat effect. The result shows that the water is the most important component to decrease the temperature, and the more the consumed net radiation to latent heat, the lower urban surface temperature.

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Ground-based Remote Sensing Technology for Precision Farming - Calibration of Image-based Data to Reflectance -

  • Shin B.S.;Zhang Q.;Han S.;Noh H.K.
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • Assessing health condition of crop in the field is one of core operation in precision fanning. A sensing system was proposed to remotely detect the crop health condition in terms of SP AD readings directly related to chlorophyll contents of crop using a multispectral camera equipped on ground-based platform. Since the image taken by a camera was sensitive to changes in ambient light intensity, it was needed to convert gray scale image data into reflectance, an index to indicate the reflection characteristics of target crop. A reference reflectance panel consisting of four pieces of sub-panels with different reflectance was developed for a dynamic calibration, by which a calibration equation was updated for every crop image captured by the camera. The system performance was evaluated in a field by investigating the relationship between com canopy reflectance and SP AD values. The validation tests revealed that the com canopy reflectance induced from Green band in the multispectral camera had the most significant correlation with SPAD values $(r^2=0.75)$ and NIR band could be used to filter out unwanted non-crop features such as soil background and empty space in a crop canopy. This research confirmed that it was technically feasible to develop a ground-based remote sensing system for assessing crop health condition.

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Evaluation of the Population Distribution Using GIS-Based Geostatistical Analysis in Mosul City

  • Ali, Sabah Hussein;Mustafa, Faten Azeez
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this work was to apply geographical information system (GIS) for geostatistical analyzing by selecting a semi-variogram model to quantify the spatial correlation of the population distribution with residential neighborhoods in the both sides of Mosul city. Two hundred and sixty-eight sample sites in 240 ㎢ are adopted. After determining the population distribution with respect to neighborhoods, data were inserted to ArcGIS10.3 software. Afterward, the datasets was subjected to the semi-variogram model using ordinary kriging interpolation. The results obtained from interpolation method showed that among the various models, Spherical model gives best fit of the data by cross-validation. The kriging prediction map obtained by this study, shows a particular spatial dependence of the population distribution with the neighborhoods. The results obtained from interpolation method also indicates an unbalanced population distribution, as there is no balance between the size of the population neighborhoods and their share of the size of the population, where the results showed that the right side is more densely populated because of the small area of residential homes which occupied by more than one family, as well as the right side is concentrated in economic and social activities.

Crops Classification Using Imagery of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) (무인비행기 (UAV) 영상을 이용한 농작물 분류)

  • Park, Jin Ki;Park, Jong Hwa
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2015
  • The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have several advantages over conventional RS techniques. They can acquire high-resolution images quickly and repeatedly. And with a comparatively lower flight altitude i.e. 80~400 m, they can obtain good quality images even in cloudy weather. Therefore, they are ideal for acquiring spatial data in cases of small agricultural field with mixed crop, abundant in South Korea. This paper discuss the use of low cost UAV based remote sensing for classifying crops. The study area, Gochang is produced by several crops such as red pepper, radish, Chinese cabbage, rubus coreanus, welsh onion, bean in South Korea. This study acquired images using fixed wing UAV on September 23, 2014. An object-based technique is used for classification of crops. The results showed that scale 250, shape 0.1, color 0.9, compactness 0.5 and smoothness 0.5 were the optimum parameter values in image segmentation. As a result, the kappa coefficient was 0.82 and the overall accuracy of classification was 85.0 %. The result of the present study validate our attempts for crop classification using high resolution UAV image as well as established the possibility of using such remote sensing techniques widely to resolve the difficulty of remote sensing data acquisition in agricultural sector.

Class Knowledge-oriented Automatic Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection

  • Jixian, Zhang;Yu, Zeng;Guijun, Yang
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.47-49
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    • 2003
  • Automatic land use and land cover change (LUCC) detection via remotely sensed imagery has a wide application in the area of LUCC research, nature resource and environment monitoring and protection. Under the condition that one time (T1) data is existed land use and land cover maps, and another time (T2) data is remotely sensed imagery, how to detect change automatically is still an unresolved issue. This paper developed a land use and land cover class knowledge guided method for automatic change detection under this situation. Firstly, the land use and land cover map in T1 and remote sensing images in T2 were registered and superimposed precisely. Secondly, the remotely sensed knowledge database of all land use and land cover classes was constructed based on the unchanged parcels in T1 map. Thirdly, guided by T1 land use and land cover map, feature statistics for each parcel or pixel in RS images were extracted. Finally, land use and land cover changes were found and the change class was recognized through the automatic matching between the knowledge database of remote sensing information of land use & land cover classes and the extracted statistics in that parcel or pixel. Experimental results and some actual applications show the efficiency of this method.

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Remote Sensing Data Processing of the Ulsan Area for Classification of Non-metallic Minerals and Rocks (울산 지역 비금속광물 및 암석 분류를 위한 원격탐사 자료처리)

  • 박종남;박인석
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.131-147
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    • 1991
  • Feature enhancement combined with some pattern recognition techiques were applied to the Remote Sensing Data for geological mapping with particular emphasis on non-me-tallic ore deposits and their related geologies. The area chosen is north of Ulsan, the size of which is about 400km$^2$. The geology of the area consists mainly of volcanics, volcanic sediments and clastic sediments of Miocene age, underlain by the Kyungsang sediments of Cretaceous age. The mineralization occurs in tuffs or along the bedding plane of tuffaceous sediments, the main products of which are Kaolinite and Bentonite. The outcrops or mine dumps in the study area were most effectively extracted on the histrogram normalized image of TM Band 1 and 2, due to their high reflectivity. These may be confused with some artificial features, like slate roof complex of the poultry farm or cement ground, which should be classified by field checking. Detailed examination of enhancment image combined with pattern recognition techniques made enable to classify different rocks and thereby extract volcanic products which are mainly related to non-metallic ore deposits in the study area.

Spectral Characteristics of Hydrothermal Alteration in Zuru, NW Nigeria

  • Aisabokhae, Joseph;Tampul, Hamman
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.535-544
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    • 2019
  • This study demonstrated the ability of a Landsat-8 OLI multispectral data to identify and delineate hydrothermal alteration zones around auriferous prospects within the crystalline basement, North-western Nigeria. Remote sensing techniques have been widely used in lithological, structural discrimination and alteration rock delineation, and in general geological studies. Several artisanal mining activities for gold deposit occur in the surrounding areas within the basement complex and the search for new possible mineralized zones have heightened in recent times. Systematic Landsat-8 OLI data processing methods such as colour composite, band ratio and minimum noise fraction were used in this study. Colour composite of band 4, 3 and 2 was displayed in Red-Green-Blue colour image to distinguish lithologies. Band ratio ${\frac{4}{2}}$ image displayed in red was used to highlight ferric-ion bearing minerals(hematite, goethite, jarosite) associated with hydrothermal alteration, band ratio ${\frac{5}{6}}$ image displayed in green was used to highlight ferrous-ion bearing minerals such as olivine, amphibole and pyroxenes, while ratio ${\frac{6}{7}}$ image displayed in blue was used to highlight clay minerals, micas, talc-carbonates, etc. Band rationing helped to reduce the topographic illumination effect within images. The result of this study showed the distribution of the lithological units and the hydrothermal alteration zone which can be further prospected for mineral reserves.

A wireless sensor with data-fusion algorithm for structural tilt measurement

  • Dan Li;Guangwei Zhang;Ziyang Su;Jian Zhang
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.301-309
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    • 2023
  • Tilt is a key indicator of structural safety. Real-time monitoring of tilt responses helps to evaluate structural condition, enable cost-effective maintenance, and enhance lifetime resilience. This paper presents a prototype wireless sensing system for structural tilt measurement. Long range (LoRa) technology is adopted by the sensing system to offer long-range wireless communication with low power consumption. The sensor integrates a gyroscope and an accelerometer as the sensing module. Although tilt can be estimated from the gyroscope or the accelerometer measurements, these estimates suffer from either drift issue or high noise. To address this challenging issue and obtain more reliable tilt results, two sensor fusion algorithms, the complementary filter and the Kalman filter, are investigated to fully exploit the advantages of both gyroscope and accelerometer measurements. Numerical simulation is carried out to validate and compare the sensor fusion algorithms. Laboratory experiment is conducted on a simply supported beam under moving vehicle load to further investigate the performance of the proposed wireless tilt sensing system.