• 제목/요약/키워드: Self-service Technologies

검색결과 112건 처리시간 0.023초

Customer Acceptance of Self-service Technologies in Retail: A Case of Convenience Stores in China

  • Fang Lyu;Hyun-A Lim;Jaewon Choi
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.428-447
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    • 2019
  • This paper investigates how firms increase customer acceptance of self-service technologies in retail, and the impact of self-efficacy on customer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty. We conducted our empirical research by administering 308 questionnaires to customers of self-service convenience stores in China. We employed a structural equation model to analyze the relationship between service quality, revisit intention, and word of mouth. The results indicate that perceived service quality significantly influences customer satisfaction, with the service quality of self-service retail and experience value being important factors in consumer acceptance of self-service retail stores. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between customer experience value, satisfaction, and loyalty, and found that self-service retail stores exert a significant impact on perceived self-efficacy. Informed by the research on customer acceptance of self-service technologies in retail, promoting further development of self-service retail technologies can effectively aid companies in generating profit while offering more convenience to customers.

기술불안감과 지각된 생산성이 셀프서비스테크놀로지에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향 - 상호작용욕구의 조절효과를 중심으로 - (Impacts of technology anxiety and perceived productivity on attitude toward self-service technology - The moderating role of need for interaction -)

  • 정소원;박지선
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.480-491
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to explore how consumer traits(technology anxiety and need for interaction) explain attitude toward self-service technologies in fashion retail stores. We examined if technology anxiety influences perceived productivity and attitude toward self-service technologies, and if so, how the need for interaction with employees moderates the impact of technology anxiety on perceived productivity and attitude. For the purpose of the study, a web-based survey with Korean consumers was conducted. The final sample size was 214. Structural Equation Modeling Analysis and PROCESS in SPSS were employed to test the proposed hypotheses. The findings indicated that technology anxiety negatively affected perceived productivity and attitude toward self-service technologies in which perceived productivity affected attitude positively. Need for interaction with employees was found to moderate the relationship between technology anxiety and perceived productivity. It also moderated the relationship between technology anxiety and attitude. This study contributes to the self-service technology literature by identifying two antecedents of consumer attitude toward self-service technologies: technology anxiety and the need for interaction. The findings further provide valuable insights to retailers and marketers as to how technology anxiety, perceived productivity, and the need for interaction work in enhancing consumer attitude toward self-service technologies in the context of fashion retail.

콜센터에서 정보기술과 고객지식을 이용한 고객서비스 프로세스 향상 : 컴퓨터 자기효능감의 조절역할 (Enhancing the Customer Service Process through Information Technologies and Customer Knowledge in Call Centers : The Moderating Role of Computer Self-Efficacy)

  • 최수정
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.185-203
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    • 2017
  • Call center service is enabled by the use of a firm's various information technologies (IT) and accumulated knowledge. IT and knowledge resources have been considered a fundamental infrastructure for developing a firm's business capabilities. Recognizing this, this study examines whether a firm's IT and customer knowledge resources enhance its customer service process capability and thereby contribute to creating superior customer service, at the level of customer service representatives (CSRs). That is, constructs in this study were measured on a basis of CSRs' perception. Moreover, this study verifies the moderating role of CSRs' computer self-efficacy on the relationships between IT and customer knowledge resources and customer service process capability. To test the proposed hypotheses, this study conducted partial least squares (PLS) analysis with a total of 234 data which were collected on CSRs working at four call centers. The key findings are as follows: first, IT infrastructure integration and customer knowledge integration are positively associated with customer service process capability. Second, customer service process capability is a key determinant of customer service performance. Finally, CSRs' computer self-efficacy has a moderating effect on the relationship between IT infrastructure integration and customer service process capability. The details of the findings and implications are presented.

How Does Digital Shadow Work Affect User Emotion and Behavior in Self-service Technologies Use?

  • Huimin Shi;Joon Koh
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2023
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic, social distance regulation calls for non-contact services, making self-service technologies gain much more attention. However, customers found they are pushed into more digital shadow work by employing Self-service technologies (SSTs). This research aims to examine how digital shadow work influences user emotions and behaviors during SSTs use. Based on the grounded theory method (GTM), this draft drives 128 codes and 7 categories to develop the theory of digital shadow work. Operations, consisting of pre-use, during use, and after use, along with the cognitions, including the perception of use-value and time efficiency, act as the trigger of digital shadow work. Achievement emotions, embodying happiness and satisfaction from technology use, result from the perception of high use-value and high time efficiency, while loss emotions, encompassing anger and disappointment from the user experience, generate from the perception of low use-value and low time efficiency, and finally, user responses from the digital shadow work - quitting, continuous and alternative behaviors are found as key factors. The interventing roles of a sense of control, system features, and compensation are also addressed. Examining users' psychological mechanisms academically contributes to developing the theory of digital shadow work whereas it advances the development of SSTs on a practical side.

The Effect of Airport Self-Service Characteristics on Passengers' Technology Acceptance and Behavioral Intention

  • KIM, Jong-Hyeon;PARK, Jin-Woo
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This paper analyzes the effects of the SST characteristics at airports on behavioral intention through technology acceptance and customer satisfaction, and presents a strategic plan for introducing SSTs to airports providing differentiated services. Research design, data, and methodology - We examine the role of airport self-service characteristics and access the influence of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on both customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions towards SSTs. To do this, a survey is conducted with passengers having used self-service technologies(SSTs) at Incheon International Airport. A total of 400 questionnaires are then analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results - According to the results, of the self-service characteristics, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention were affected by optimism through perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived enjoyment and by innovativeness and insecurity through perceived ease of use. Conclusions - According to the results of the study, the purpose of using TBSS in the airport is to save time and convenience. Therefore, it is necessary to closely analyze the differences in technology acceptance by age and generation, increase user self-efficacy, increasing satisfaction through effective management of cognitive and emotional waiting time will have a positive impact on behavioral intentions.

셀프서비스 키오스크에 대한 소비자의 저항 및 지속사용의도의 결정 요인 (Consumers' Resistance and Continued Use Intention of Self-service Kiosk)

  • 김효정;이진명
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제58권3호
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    • pp.401-416
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    • 2020
  • Service providers have introduced interactive devices such as self-service kiosks to provide convenient and efficient services to consumers. Self-service kiosks are one of the most diverse technological forms of self-service technologies that provide control and freedom to consumers as well as reduce the frustration of line-ups. This study explores the predictors of consumer resistance and continued use intention with regard to self-service kiosks. It adopts three constructs on the following variables: perceived innovation characteristics, consumer characteristics, and gamification. An online self-administered survey was conducted, and 343 users of self-service kiosk services, aged between 20 and 59, were included in the analysis. The study used the SPSS 23.0 program to perform a descriptive analysis along with, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. First, convenience, controllability, and gamification negatively influenced consumer resistance to self-service kiosks. Second, human alienation and sociability positively influenced consumer resistance to self-service kiosks. Third, convenience and gamification positively influenced the continued use intention with regard to self-service kiosks. Last, the risk of functionality, human alienation, and sociability negatively influenced continued use intention with regard to self-service kiosks. The results contribute to the literature because few studies have examined what drives the resistance of users and continued use intention with regard to self-service kiosks. It also provides service providers and practitioners with insights and strategies on how to overcome consumer resistance.

ETRI AI 실행전략 3: 네트워크 및 미디어·콘텐츠 미래기술 선도 (ETRI AI Strategy #3: Leading Future Technologies of Network, Media, and Content)

  • 김성민;연승준
    • 전자통신동향분석
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    • 제35권7호
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we introduce ETRI AI Strategy #3, "Leading Future Technologies of Network, Media, and Content." Its first goal is "to innovate AI service technology to overcome the current limitations of AI technologies." Artificial intelligence (AI) services, such as self-driving cars and robots, are combinations of computing, network, AI algorithms, and other technologies. To develop AI services, we need to develop different types of network, media coding, and content creation technologies. Moreover, AI technologies are adopted in ICT technologies. Self-planning and self-managing networks and automatic content creation technologies using AI are being developed. This paper introduces the two directions of ETRI's ICT technology development plan for AI: ICT for AI and ICT by AI. The area of ICT for AI has only recently begun to develop. ETRI, the ICT leader, hopes to have opportunities for leadership in the second wave of AI services.

Consumer Adoption of Self-Service Technologies: Integrating the Behavioral Perspective with the Technology Acceptance Model

  • ASHOUR, Mohammed L.;AL-QIREM, Raed M.
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.1361-1369
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    • 2021
  • Recent technological advancements have had a substantial impact on consumer buying behavior. This research aims to determine the factors affecting consumer behavior related to the adoption of self-service technologies (SSTs). The intended findings of this study are expected to contribute to understanding consumer behavior towards the adoption of SSTs taking into account the logic of two main theories in this regard: the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the assumptions of the Behavioral Perspective Model (BPM). This research follows a triangulation approach. Consequently, a number of semi structured interviews were conducted with experts and executive directors from selected SSTs providers in Jordan. In addition, the convenience sampling technique was employed focusing on current (or) previous users of SSTs in the public and private sectors in Jordan using a self-administrative questionnaire (66% response rate). The results confirmed the influence (direct and indirect) of previous experience and personal initiatives and characteristics on consumer intention to use SSTs. In addition, the results indicated the important role of the mediator variables namely: perceived ease of use (EOU), perceived risk (PR), and perceived usefulness (PU) on consumer attitude towards SSTs which in turn will positively affect consumer intention to use SSTs.

셀프서비스기술 환경에서 기술난이도와 안전성 지각이 고객가치인식과 지속사용의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Technology Difficulty and Safety Perception on Customer Value Perception and Intention to Use Self-Service Technologies)

  • 복소양;유천연;고준
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.47-67
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    • 2022
  • 컴퓨터와 인터넷 정보 기술은 현대 서비스 산업과 사람들의 생활 방식을 변화시켰다. 특히 COVID-19의 전 세계적 확산으로 셀프서비스 기술 등 연락 서비스 유형에 대한 관심이 점차 높아지고 있다. 인건비 상승과 소비자 자기인식 제고로 업무 일부를 자체 서비스 기술을 통해 고객에게 이전하는 기업이 늘고 경영환경 속에서 본 연구는 다음의 질문에 답하고자 한다. (1) 셀프서비스기술 환경에서 기술난이도와 안전성 지각이 고객 가치 인식에 어떻게 영향을 미치는가? (2) 고객 가치 인식은 셀프서비스기술의 지속사용의도에 영향을 끼치는가? 본 연구는 327개 표본으로 실증분석을 실시하여 셀프서비스 특성인 기술난이도와 안전성 지각이 고객가치 인식과 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향을 검증하였다. 고객이 가치를 인식하고 셀프서비스 기술 사용에서 중요한 역할을 하는 것은 고객의 가치 체험이다. 셀프서비스기술 환경에서 고객이 가치를 인식하여 지속사용의도에 영향을 미친다는 선행연구는 그동안 거의 없었던 바, 본 연구는 고객의 체험가치가 높을수록 셀프서비스 기술을 선호하고 지속적인 이용의도가 높아짐을 실증하였다.

Factors Influencing Post-Adoption Resistance to Self-Order Kiosks at Fast-Food Restaurants: A Focus on the New-Silver Generation

  • Hwaran Lee;Eunkyung Kang;Kyung Young Lee;Minwoo Lee;Sung-Byung Yang
    • Journal of Smart Tourism
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 2023
  • Due to the phenomenon of aging, a new consumer segment known as the "new-silver generation" is emerging. Unlike the previous silver generation, this generation possesses significant economic power and consuming willingness, attracting attention from consumer goods companies. However, both the new-silver generation and the elderly face challenges in adopting contactless or self-service technologies such as self-order kiosks, resulting in negative reactions. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the attitude and response of the newsilver generation towards kiosks, as well as the factors influencing their resistance to such technology. By applying theoretical perspectives from the innovation resistance model, technostress theory, and the value-based model, this study identifies influencing factors for innovation resistance among the new-silver generation when using contactless technologies implemented in fast-food restaurants. The findings indicate that a lower awareness of new technologies and services corresponds to decreased adoption resistance, while a higher perceived value leads to more positive behaviors and attitudes among the new-silver generation utilizing kiosks at fast-food restaurants.